College of Medicine

Faculty & Staff

A list of all faculty & Staff within the College of Medicine.

Adewumi Adanlawo MB, BS, FCOG, FRCS, RDMS
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Amos Akinbiyi MD, FRCSC, FRCOG, LMCC
Clinical Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Rashmi  Bhargava

Rashmi Bhargava MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

George Carson MD, FRCSC
Clinical Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Allison Case MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Obstetrics & Gynecology

Eric Clark MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Ashton Craven MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Marilyn  Davidson

Marilyn Davidson MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Jennifer  Duda

Jennifer Duda MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Annette  Epp

Annette Epp MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Obstetrics & Gynecology

Jackie Ferguson BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Adrian Gamelin MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Anita Harding

Anita Harding MBChB, BSc. Hons. Pharm., FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Corrine Jabs

Corrine Jabs MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Obstetrics & Gynecology

Shelby Jenkins MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Huse Kamencic MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Erin Kot MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dorian Kristmanson MD, MSc, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of  Johan Kruger

Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Glennie Lane MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Lauren Roberts

Dr. Lauren Roberts
Resident PGY5 Emergency Medicine

Picture of M. Jocelyne Martel

M. Jocelyne Martel MD, FRCSC
Clinical Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Karen Marushak MD
Assistant Professor Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Maureen Anderson (on leave)

Dr. Maureen Anderson (on leave) BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Melanie Orvold MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Carmen Mircea MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Kristine Mytopher MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Michelle Ng

Michelle Ng BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Femi Olatunbosun M.B.-B.S., FRCSC, FACOG
Emeritus Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology

Olanrewaju Onasanya M.B.-Ch.B, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Christine Otani MD
Assistant Professor Family Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Natasha Payton

Natasha Payton MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Tara Peters MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Roger A. Pierson

Roger A. Pierson MS PhD FEAS FCAHS
Distinguished Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Angela Poole MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Almereau Prollius MBChB, MMED(O&G|SA), FCOG(SA), FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Eman Ramadan BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Darrien Rattray

Darrien Rattray BSc, MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Ann Ravichander

Ann Ravichander M.B.-B.S., FRCSC
Clinical Associate Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Lexy Regush

Lexy Regush MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Savanna Boutin

Dr. Savanna Boutin
Resident PGY5 Emergency Medicine

Debra-Jo Shepherd MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Mark Sheridan

Mark Sheridan MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Afton Sielski MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Joanne Sivertson

Joanne Sivertson MD, FRCSC
Provincial Department Head & Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Cornelius Spies M.B. Ch.B., CRSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Nerissa Tyson

Nerissa Tyson MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Vijayalakshmi Udayasankar

Vijayalakshmi Udayasankar MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Laura Weins

Laura Weins MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Lara Wesson BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Tin-Wing Yen MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Nureni Yusuf MBChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Alexander Aikoye M.B.- B.S, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Abdalla Butt MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Vascular Surgery

Picture of Dr. Aisha Ghare

Dr. Aisha Ghare MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery

Picture of Dr. Alexandra King

Dr. Alexandra King MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Cameco Chair in Indigenous Health and Wellness,College of Medicine

Assistant Professor Regina Associated Radiologists

Dr. Alex Zhai MD
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. A. Bedi

Dr. A. Bedi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. Alan Beggs MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Ali Cadili MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Alicia Chow MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Aly Ghoneim M.B.-B.Ch, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Cardiac Surgery

Dr. Aqueel Ghori MB-BS, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Amanda Hall

Dr. Amanda Hall MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor & Surgical Wellness Director, General Surgery (Pediatric)

Dr. Allison Hunter MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Abbas Khani-Hanjani

Dr. Abbas Khani-Hanjani MD, PhD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Saskatoon) & Clinical Associate Professor, Cardiac Surgery

Dr. Adeyemi Laosebikan MB-BS, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. J. Alexandra  Mortimer

Dr. J. Alexandra Mortimer MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor & Surgery Undergraduate Medical Education Program Director, Orthopedic Surgery (Pediatric)

Dr. Ahmad Moustapha MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Cardiac Surgery

Dr. Alfin Mukhi MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Amith Mulla MB-BS, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. A. PausJenssen

Dr. A. PausJenssen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, General Internal Medicine, Dept. of Medicine

Dr. Andrew Urmson BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor & Residency Program Director, Orthopedic Surgery

Picture of Dr. Aleksander M. Vitali

Dr. Aleksander M. Vitali MD, FRCSC, FCS (SA)
Division Lead (Saskatoon) & Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery (Pediatric)

Dr. Andrey Ivanivich Vizhul MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Alastair Wall

Dr. Alastair Wall B.Com, MD, FRCPC, ABIM
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Allan Woo MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Picture of Dr. Adam S. Wu

Dr. Adam S. Wu MD, MSc, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery

Dr. Akram Zwai MB-ChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery

Dr. Apoorva Balakrishnan MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Ahmed Cherry MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Amina (Sarah) Henni MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Dr. Aadam Ijaz
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Aatif Parvez MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologist

Dr. Mariam Abbas MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Dr. Mohamed Abdulhadi MB-BS, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Abdulhakim Eswedi

Dr. Abdulhakim Eswedi MD
Assistant Professor Hematology

Dr. Abeer Musa MD
Assistant Professor Oncology

Dr. Moyosore Abimboye MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine / Geriatrics

Dr. Ayman Aboguddah MB-ChB, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Cardiology

Musbah Abouhamra MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Abraham Du Toit MD
Professor Medical Imaging

Dr. Abraham Ninan MD
Clinical Associate Neonatology

Picture of Dr. Abubaker Hassan

Dr. Abubaker Hassan MD, FRCPC, MBBCh
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. Adarsh Patel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Medical Imaging

Dr. Uloma Shirley Adedun FRCPC, MBBS, MPH, MRCPsych(UK)
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. O. Adefolarin FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Adel Mohamed

Dr. Adel Mohamed MD
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. O. Adelugba MB-BS, DCP
Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry

Ejibunmi Adetola MD, FRCSC, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. A. Adewumi FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor and Area Department Lead Psychiatry

As Southwest Division Lead of the Provincial Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Adewumi provides leadership for local clinical initiatives under the Southwest umbrella.

Dr. Babatunde Adewunmi MBBS, MRCP(UK)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Adnan Zaidi

Dr. Adnan Zaidi MD
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Dr. Adriana Gourgaris MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. O. Afolabi FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. H. Aftab

Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. U. Aghamelu BSC, MB-BS, DCP
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Ahmed Alterkait MD, FRCPC, MPH, FAAP
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Ahmed Faress

Dr. Ahmed Faress MD, MSc, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Ahmed Hamroush MD, FRCPC, FRCOphth, FRCS
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Ahmed Mater MD, FRCPC, FAAP
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine, PERC (Paediatric Emergency Research Canada) site representative

Picture of Dr. Ahmed Mostafa

Dr. Ahmed Mostafa MD, MSc, PhD, F (ACHI)
Associate Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Clinical Director - Dr. Marc Baltzan Provincial Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics Laboratory at St. Paul's Hospital Provincial Clinical Co-Lead Genomics

Picture of Dr. Ahmed Shoker

Dr. Ahmed Shoker BSc, MD, FRCPC
Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. AG Ahmed

Dr. AG Ahmed MBBS, LLM, MSc, MPsychMed, MRCPsych, FRCPC
Provincial Department Head & Professor Psychiatry

AG has a background in forensic psychiatry, along with master's degrees in psychological medicine, drug use and addictions and health law. He has trained mental health professionals across North America and Africa, including clinicians at the World Health Organization's Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health.

Dr. Y. Ahmed MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. O. Ahmodu FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. AJ Donauer

Dr. AJ Donauer MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. O. Akeju FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Alexandra Akinfiresoye

Dr. Alexandra Akinfiresoye MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. O. Alabi FRCPC, MB-BS, MRCPsych (UK)
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Alan Box MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Alan Rosenberg

Dr. Alan Rosenberg MD, FRCPC, SOM, FCAHS
Distinguished Professor Pediatric Rheumatology

Director, Pediatric Rheumatology Research Laboratory

Picture of Dr. Alana Goertzen

Dr. Alana Goertzen
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Dr. Albert Jeon MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. Albert Hanson PhD, M.S.E., B.S.
Adjunct Professor Medical Imaging

Dr. Albie Malan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Alena Stirling MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Alex Rajput

Dr. Alex Rajput MD, FRCPC
Professor Neurology

Dr. Alexandra Scheweitzer MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Ali El-Gayed

Dr. Ali El-Gayed MD
Clinical Professor Radiation Oncology

Picture of Dr. Ali Rajput

Dr. Ali Rajput MSc, FRCPC, OC, SOM, MBBS
Emeritus Professor Neurology

Dr. Massud Ali MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Dr. S. Ali MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Alice Wong

Dr. Alice Wong MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Picture of Dr. Alicia Andrews

Dr. Alicia Andrews MB BCh BAO, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Pediatric and Perinatal Pathologist Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Alicia Mah

Dr. Alicia Mah
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Alisha Beler

Dr. Alisha Beler
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Dr. Allison Crichlow MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Alysa Poulin

Dr. Alysa Poulin MD, PhD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Alison Markland MD
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Amanda Gruza

Dr. Amanda Gruza D.M.D, F.R.C.D.(c)
Assistant Professor (Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology) Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Amanda Kleisinger

Dr. Amanda Kleisinger BKIN, MD, FRCPC, CSCN Diplomate (EMG)
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; UGME Regina Clinical Skills Lead & Clerkship Electives Director

Picture of Dr. Amanda Lang

Dr. Amanda Lang PhD, FCCM, D(ABMM)
Assistant Professor & Clinical Microbiologist Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Amanda Oro FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Amanda Quirk

Dr. Amanda Quirk PhD
Adjunct Professor Canadian Light Source

Dr. Amanullah Panhwar MD
Assistant Professor Oncology

Picture of Dr. Amer Sami

Dr. Amer Sami MD
Clinical Professor Medical Oncology

Dr. Amy Goodday MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Anand Krishnan

Dr. Anand Krishnan PhD
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Anderson Tyan

Dr. Anderson Tyan BSc, MD, MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Andre Grobler
Assistant Professor Family Medicine Enhanced Skills - Surgical Skills

Dr. Andrea Sadoway MD, FRCPC (PEM)
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Dr. Andreea Nistor MD
Assistant Professor Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Andrew Frost MD
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Andrew Kirk

Dr. Andrew Kirk MD, FRCPC
Professor Neurology

Dr. Andrew Ogum MD, FRCPC, MRCPI
Assistant Professor Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Andy Tolmie

Dr. Andy Tolmie
Resident PGY4 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Angela Arnold MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Angela M. Jones MD, FRCPC, (PEM)
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Angela Rasmussen

Dr. Angela Rasmussen BA, MSc, PhD
Research Scientist VIDO

Picture of Anil  Kumar

Anil Kumar BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Anita Dhir MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. Anita Lwanga MD
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine (GIM)

Picture of  Anna Taruc

Anna Taruc
Administrative Coordinator

Office of the Physician Assistant Studies

Picture of Dr. Anne Leis

Dr. Anne Leis MSc, PhD
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Annelie van Rensburg
Assistant Professor Family Medicine (Rural) - Prince Albert, Site Director

Dr. AnneMarie Denny MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Neurology

Dr. Anokhi Patel BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Anthony Ojukwu

Dr. Anthony Ojukwu MD
Resident, PGY3 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Anton Moshynskyy

Dr. Anton Moshynskyy FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Anurag Saxena

Dr. Anurag Saxena MD, M.Ed, MBA, FRCPC, FCAP, CHE, CCPE
Associate Dean Postgraduate Medical Education, Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Anwar Muftah FRCPC, M.B.-Ch.B.
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Arash Panahifar BSc, PhD
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Areej Khatib

Dr. Areej Khatib MD, MSc, FRCPC, EBP
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Arwa Gargoum MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Aryan Ashou

Dr. Aryan Ashou MD, CCFP-EM
Adjunct Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Ashley Meister MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Ashley Sasbrink-Harkema MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Ashley Selvig

Dr. Ashley Selvig BSc, MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Ashok Chhetri

Dr. Ashok Chhetri MD, MPH
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Asim Amjad

Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Picture of Dr. Rachel Asiniwasis

Dr. Rachel Asiniwasis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Dr. Muhammad Aslam MBBS, FRCPC (Ireland)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Asma Nosherwan MD
Assistant Professor Neonatology

Dr. Asmara Waheed MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Picture of Dr. Athena McConnell

Dr. Athena McConnell MD, FRCPC
Director, Quality UGME & Associate Professor Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Dr. Audrey Peng MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Austin Lamb MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Susan Auvinen MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Ayesha Ahmed MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Ayesha Bashir

Dr. Ayesha Bashir MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Ayisha Kurji

Dr. Ayisha Kurji BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Ayodele Ajayi

Dr. Ayodele Ajayi MD, MSc, FRCPC, MRCP, FRCPath
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Azaad Baziany
Clinical Associate Forensic Psychiatry (1-year subspecialty program - PGY6)

Dr. Bonnie Liu MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Urology

Dr. Bruce DuVal MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Vascular Surgery

Dr. Blair Ogle MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Benzil Silveira MB-ChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Angela Baerwald

Angela Baerwald PhD, MD, CCFP
Associate Professor Academic Family Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. A. Baillod

Dr. A. Baillod MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Area Department Lead Psychiatry

As a Saskatoon Area Department Lead of the Provincial Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Baillod provides leadership for local outpatient clinical initiatives.

Picture of Dr. Baljit Singh Pandher

Dr. Baljit Singh Pandher MD, BSc. (Pharmacy)
Resident, PGY1 Emergency Medicine

Picture of  Barb  Stuckless

Barb Stuckless
Graduate Administrative Assistant Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Picture of Dr. Barry Bernacki

Dr. Barry Bernacki
Clinical Associate Community Physiatrists

Dr. Barry Bushell MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Bobbi Batchelor BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology

Picture of Dr. A. Baziany

Dr. A. Baziany MD, FRCPC, MB-ChB
Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Beata Szkup MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Zenon Belak

Dr. Zenon Belak MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Division Head - Respirology - Regina

Lauren Beliveau MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Ben Carriere

Dr. Ben Carriere
Resident, PGY2 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Ben Lim MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Benjamin  Rosser

Dr. Benjamin Rosser BSc, MSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Anatomy and Cell Biology

Dr. Benjamin Thomson MD, FRCPC (PEM)
Assistant Professor and Division Head Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. V. Bennett

Dr. V. Bennett MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor, Education Director Psychiatry

Dr. Adel Ben Saleh MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine, Dept. of Medicine Area Lead - NE

Picture of Dr. Bernhard Juurlink

Dr. Bernhard Juurlink PhD
Professor Anatomy and Cell Biology

Picture of Dr. Beth Davis

Dr. Beth Davis PhD
Research Scientist, Asthma Research Lab Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Bijhan Ebrahim MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Bill Roesler

Bill Roesler BSc, PhD
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Jarol Boan

Dr. Jarol Boan MD
Clinical Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. R. Bodani MD, MSc, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Bogdan Popescu

Dr. Bogdan Popescu PhD, MD
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Bonnie Janzen

Dr. Bonnie Janzen B.A (Hon), MEd, PhD
Associate Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Jeff Booker MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Julia Boughner (on leave)

Dr. Julia Boughner (on leave) PhD, Hon.BSc.
Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. Brad Jamison MD
Clinical Associate Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Brad Selk
Assistant Professor Community Physiatrists

Picture of Dr. Brandon Chalazan

Dr. Brandon Chalazan MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Pediatric Medical Genetics

Dr. Brandon Suen
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Brendan Kushneriuk

Dr. Brendan Kushneriuk BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Residency Program director & Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Brendan Lett MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Brendan Lim

Dr. Brendan Lim MD
Resident PGY3 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Brendon Macknak

Dr. Brendon Macknak MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. S. Brennan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Brent Burbridge

Dr. Brent Burbridge MD, FRCPC
Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Picture of Dr. Brent Thoma

Dr. Brent Thoma MD, PhD, FRCPC
Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Brian Geller
Clinical Associate Family Medicine - Saskatoon, Regina & Rural; Enhanced Skills, Program Director

Picture of Dr. Brian Graham

Dr. Brian Graham PhD
Emeritus Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine (he/him)

Dr. Brian Van Le MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of Dr. Brianne Philipenko

Dr. Brianne Philipenko FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Brittany Albrecht CCFP, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Brittany Ellis

Dr. Brittany Ellis MD, FRCPC, DiMM, MSc(Public Health)
Associate Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Brittany  Waller

Dr. Brittany Waller FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Picture of Dr. Brittni  Webster

Dr. Brittni Webster BA, MD, CCFP-EM, JD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Lindsey Broberg MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Bruce Cload

Dr. Bruce Cload MD, PhD, FRCPC-EM, FRCPC-ICU
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Bruce Holmes
Clinical Associate Pediatrics, Residency Teaching Coordinator (Regina)

Picture of Dr. Bruce Reeder

Dr. Bruce Reeder M.D., D.T.M.H., M.H.Sc., F.R.C.P.C.
Emeritus Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Bryan Brunet MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Picture of Dr. Bryden Hughton

Dr. Bryden Hughton
Resident PGY3 Emergency Medicine

Dr. A.C. Budd MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Chris Pastor MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Colin Pearce MD, FRCPC, FACC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Carlo Stuglin MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Calvin Wells MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Colin Yeung

Dr. Colin Yeung BSc, BSc(Med), MD, MPH, FRCPC,
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Courtney Bull FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery (Pediatric)

Dr. Carolyn DuVal MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Dr. C. Gebhardt MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Craig Gendron MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery (Pediatric)

Dr. Chun Huang MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Urology

Dr. Christopher Rediger MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor Urology

Picture of Dr. C. Ron Geyer

Dr. C. Ron Geyer MSc, PhD
Professor Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Chris Thomson MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Saskatoon) & Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. C. Voll MB-BCh, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Calliopi Havele

Dr. Calliopi Havele
Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Calvin Lo MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Camille Hamula PhD, D(ABMM), FCCM
Associate Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Cara Spence

Dr. Cara Spence PhD
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Picture of  Caressa Caldwell

Caressa Caldwell
Laboratory Coordinator Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Picture of Dr. Cari Dawn McIlduff

Dr. Cari Dawn McIlduff BA, PhD
Assistant Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Carl Rodriguez MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. Carla Angelski MD, FRCPC, MEd
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Carlyn Gardner

Dr. Carlyn Gardner BSc, MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Carmen Gamble MD, FRCPC, (PEM)
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Dr. Caroline Hart MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Hematology, Oncology

Dr. Carolyn Flegg MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

BHC Head

Dr. Carolyn Giesinger MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Carson Schell

Dr. Carson Schell MD
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. A. Carter MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Cassandra Fleury BSc, MD, FRCPC, CSCN
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Cassandra Opikokew Wajuntah

Dr. Cassandra Opikokew Wajuntah BA, PhD, MPA
Associate Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Celina Riben MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Michael Cenkowski MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. George Chami

Dr. George Chami MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head - Gastroenterology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Changiz Taghibiglou

Dr. Changiz Taghibiglou PhD
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Changting Xiao

Dr. Changting Xiao BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Charissa Pockett

Dr. Charissa Pockett BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Cardiology

Dr. Anmol Cheema MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor GIM - Regina

Dr. Tung-Te (James) Chen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Esther Cherland MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr. Isaac Cheveldae MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Cheyenne  Lawton

Dr. Cheyenne Lawton BA, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Chong-Ha Lim
Assistant Professor Diagnostic Radiology, Residency Teaching Coordinator (Regina)

Dr. Chong Lim MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. David Chong BSC, MSC, MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Chris Eskiw

Dr. Chris Eskiw BSc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor College of Agriculture

Dr. Christopher Mpofu MD
Clinical Associate Pediatric Oncology

Dr. Chris Wall MD, FRCPC
Professor Associated Radiologists

Dr. Christina Shaw MD
Assistant Professor Geriatric Medicine

Dr. Christine Patterson BSc, MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Christopher Roberts MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Christopher White MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

Dr. Chukwuemeka Nzekwu MD, FRCPC
Adjunct Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. C. Chukwujekwu MB-BS, MRCPsych(UK)
Assistant Professor and Area Department Lead Psychiatry

As a Regina Area Department Lead of the Provincial Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Chukwujekwu provides leadership for local clinical initiatives.

Picture of Valerie Lipton

Valerie Lipton
Laboratory Instructor Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Dr. Claire Vayalumkal MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Megan Clark MD, CCFP
Site Director - Regina, Department of Family Medicine (Regina)

Picture of Dr. M. Clark

Dr. M. Clark BA, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Clerical Assistant

Picture of Dr. Clifford Bell

Dr. Clifford Bell MD, dABR
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Picture of Dr. Cody  Lewis

Dr. Cody Lewis PhD, FCACB
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Cody Lewis

Dr. Cody Lewis PhD, FCACB
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. H. Conacher

Dr. H. Conacher MD, CCFP, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Conor Barrie

Dr. Conor Barrie
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Kieran Conway

Dr. Kieran Conway CCFP
Rural Education Director – South, Department of Family Medicine (Regina & South East)

Picture of Dr. Regan Cooley

Dr. Regan Cooley MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. L. Cooper FRCPC, MB-ChB
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Mahomed Coovadia MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Cordell Neudorf

Dr. Cordell Neudorf BSc, MD, MHSc, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Cornelis de Jager MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Corrie Willfong
Bequeathal Technician

Dr. Cory Tremeer MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

Craig Beckett MSc
Clinical Lecturer Medical Physics, Oncology

Dr. Craig Soutar PhD, D(ABMM), FCCM
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Clinical Microbiologist

Dr. L. Cruickshank FRCPC, MB-ChB
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Kyle Cullingham

Dr. Kyle Cullingham MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Picture of Dr. Dalisizwe Dewa

Dr. Dalisizwe Dewa MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Donald Fentie BSc, MD, FRCSC
Clinical Professor, Urology

Picture of Dr. Daryl Fourney

Dr. Daryl Fourney MD, FRCSC, FACS
Professor & Surgery Research Director, Neurosurgery

Dr. Dieter Fritz MD, FRCPC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Dr. Dilip Gill MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor, General Surgery

Dr. David Kim MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Daniel Kozan MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Dr. David McCartney BSc, PT, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Picture of Dr. Donald  W. Cockcroft

Dr. Donald W. Cockcroft BSc, MD, FRCPC
Professor Respirolgy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Devon Houdek MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor, Endocrinology and Metabolism & Neurosurgery

Dr. Dallas Pearson MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Damjan Gaco

Dr. Damjan Gaco MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. S. Damodharan FRCPC, MB-BS
Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Dana Diudea MD, FCAP, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Daniel Au-Yeung MD, FRCPC, BMSc
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Daniel Fuller

Dr. Daniel Fuller MSc, PhD
Associate Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Daniel Mittelholtz
Professor Division of Continuing Medical Education

Dr. Daniel Wang MD
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Dr. Daphne Yau MD, MSc, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes

Picture of Dr. Darcy Marciniuk

Dr. Darcy Marciniuk MD, FRCPC
Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Carl D'Arcy

Dr. Carl D'Arcy BA, PhD, MA
Emeritus Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Darlene Hodgson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Darrell Avram MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Ophthalmology

Picture of Darren Nickel

Darren Nickel PhD
Research Associate Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Darryl  Adamko

Dr. Darryl Adamko MD, FRCPC
Professor & Division Head Pediatric Respirology

Director of Pediatric Research

Picture of Dr. David Cooper

Dr. David Cooper BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. David Horne MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologist

Picture of Dr. David Jones

Dr. David Jones MD, CCFP, FRCPC, MHSc, DSc(hc), LLD(hc), FACPM, FCFP, CCFP
Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. David Leswick

Dr. David Leswick MD, FRCPC
Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. David Linton MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. David Poon

Dr. David Poon BMSc, MD, MPH, CCFP (GPP), FRCP
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. David Reid MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

David Shewchuk
Bequeathal Technician

Picture of Dr. David Torr

Dr. David Torr MD, MRCPC, DTM&H, DIH, MPH
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Davina Tai BEd, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of  Dawn Giesbrecht

Dawn Giesbrecht
Laboratory Instructor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology; Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Picture of Dr. L. Dean Chapman

Dr. L. Dean Chapman BSc, PhD
Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical Imaging

Dr. Deb Maurer MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Deborah Anderson

Dr. Deborah Anderson BSc, PhD
Principal Investigator, Director of Research and Senior Research Scientist, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Division of Oncology

Picture of Dr. Deepti Ravi

Dr. Deepti Ravi MBBChBAO (RCSI), FRCPC, FCAP, Exec. MBA
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Payam Dehghani

Dr. Payam Dehghani MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Cardiology

Dr. M. Denis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Picture of Dr. Denise Werker

Dr. Denise Werker BSc, MD, CCFP, MHSc, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Dennis Ong MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Department Head Assistant, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Picture of Dr. Derek Fladeland

Dr. Derek Fladeland MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Picture of Dr. Derek Liu

Dr. Derek Liu PhD, MCCPM
Clinical Assistant Professor Medical Physics, Oncology

Dr. Derek Musgrove MD, DABP (AP, CP, FP)
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Derek Pearson MD
Assistant Professor Hematological Oncology

Dr. Derek Suderman MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Dr. Derick Chang BA, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. O. DeRita MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology / General Internal Medicine

Dr. Derrick Williams MD
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. D. DeSouza MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Joseph Dimitry MD, FRCPC, BMSc
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Diphile Iradukunda MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Dominique Kushneriuk MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Donald McIntosh MD, FRCPC

Picture of Dr. Scott Donald

Dr. Scott Donald MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Donelda Leverick

Dr. Donelda Leverick (she/her) BA, MSc, PhD
Adjunct Professor Centre for Integrative Medicine, Department of Community Health & Epidemiology

Donna Dodge
Clerical Assistant/Body Bequeathal

Dr. Donna Ledingham
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Dorie-Anna Dueck

Dr. Dorie-Anna Dueck MD
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Dr. James A. Dosman

Dr. James A. Dosman MD, FRCPC
Special Lecturer Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Dr. Douglas Belton MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. Douglas McAlpine MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Jeremy Lee
Professor Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Keith MacKenzie

Dr. Keith MacKenzie BSc, PhD
Assistant Professor & Associate Clinical Scientist Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Kristina Joyal MD, FRCPC, CSCN (EMG)
Pediatric Neurologist, Neuromuscular Specialist

Picture of Dr. Marshall Siemens

Dr. Marshall Siemens MD, FRCPC, CSCN Diplomate (EMG)
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Reid Sadoway MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine/Critical Care

Dr. Amer Khalifa MD, CCFP, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Bita Hashemi MD, FRCPC, FCCMG
Assistant Professor Pediatric Medical Genetics

Picture of Dr. Dilip Panjwani

Dr. Dilip Panjwani MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncologist

Picture of Dr. Jennifer Brown-Broderick

Dr. Jennifer Brown-Broderick MD, MSc, FRCSC, DABOG
Assistant Professor Division of Oncology & Department of Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Joel Peltonen

Dr. Joel Peltonen MD
Resident, PGY4 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Laura Hopkins

Dr. Laura Hopkins FRCSC
Professor Division of Oncology & Department of Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Maryam Al-Hayki

Dr. Maryam Al-Hayki MD, FRCPC, M-Ed, MRCOG
Assistant Professor Division of Oncology & Department of Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Matthew Nicholson

Dr. Matthew Nicholson MD
Assistant Professor Hematology

Dr. Michal Wesolowski BSc, MSc, PhD
Adjunct Professor Medical Imaging

Dr. Steven Machtaler BSc, PhD
Associate Professor Medical Imaging

Picture of Dr. Vickie Martin

Dr. Vickie Martin FRCSC
Assistant Professor Division of Oncology & Department of Gynecology

Dr. William Weiler BA, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Ben Maas

Dr. Ben Maas MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncologist

Picture of Dr. Drew Rajaraman

Dr. Drew Rajaraman MD
Resident PGY5 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Duc Le MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Dr. Patrick J. Duffy MB-BCh, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. C. Dumaine MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. S. Durrani FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Roland   Dyck

Dr. Roland Dyck MD, FRCPC
Emeritus Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Dr. Emilie LeRoux MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Cardiac

Picture of Dr. Erik PausJenssen

Dr. Erik PausJenssen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Evan Barber MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Earl Kowalczyk MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Edwin Larkai MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Picture of Dr. Elke Mau

Dr. Elke Mau MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Pediatric Surgery) & Associate Professor, Urology (Pediatric)

Dr. Elliott Pally MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Picture of Dr. E. Szabo

Dr. E. Szabo BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Janine Eckstein

Dr. Janine Eckstein MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Edward Alport
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Kristen Edwards MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr. M. Eisa MB-BS, MRCPsych(UK)
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. O. Ejezie MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Ekta Walia BSc, PhD
Adjunct Professor Philips Healthcare

Picture of Dr. Elizabeth  Rhynold

Dr. Elizabeth Rhynold BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Geriatric Medicine

Picture of Dr. Colin Ellis

Dr. Colin Ellis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine

Dr. Amanda Ellwood MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. Elmo Surtie MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Eman El-Duhaiby MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Picture of Dr. W. Walz

Dr. W. Walz Dipl.-Biol., Dr. rer. nat. (KONSTANZ)
Emeritus Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. S. Blackshaw

Dr. S. Blackshaw BSc, MD, FRCPC
Emeritus Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. R. Bowen

Dr. R. Bowen BSc, MD, FRCPC, CM (McGill)
Emeritus Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. L. Dyck

Dr. L. Dyck MSc, PhD, BA
Emeritus Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. A. Juorio

Dr. A. Juorio B.Pharm, MSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. D. Keegan

Dr. D. Keegan BA, MD, FRCPC
Emeritus Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Eoin McFadden MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology/Adult Critical Care

Picture of Dr. Erfanul Hoque

Dr. Erfanul Hoque (he/him) MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Sylvester Erhaze MBBS, DCP, MedSci, FRCPsych
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Eric Noyes BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Erick McNair PhD, MSc, CCP, FICA
Assistant Professor, Cardiac Researcher

Picture of Dr. Erick D. McNair

Dr. Erick D. McNair BSc, MSc, PhD, CCP
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Erik Vantomme MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Picture of Dr. Erika Penz

Dr. Erika Penz MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Erin  Mannard

Dr. Erin Mannard BSc, MD, CCFP
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Kiven Erique  Lukong

Kiven Erique Lukong BA/B.Sc., MA, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Eugene Choo

Dr. Eugene Choo MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor & PGME Program Director Department of Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Evan Formosa

Dr. Evan Formosa
Resident PGY4 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Reuben Ezeaka BSc, MBBS, DRCOG, DFFP, MRCPsych, FRCPC, LMCC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. N. Ezeasor MB-BS, MRCPsych (UK)
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Francisco Garcia MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Urology

Dr. O. Fadahunsi MB-BS, DCP
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Fahd Al-Dhalaan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Nicole Fahlman

Dr. Nicole Fahlman MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Faisal Alsani MD, FRCPC, FAAP
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Dr. K. Falkenberg MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Farid Rashidi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. Farid Rashidi
Assistant Professor Diagnostic Radiology

Picture of Dr. Fatima Waqar

Dr. Fatima Waqar
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. A. Felstrom

Dr. A. Felstrom MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division Head

Dr. Mark Fenske MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Fergall Magee

Dr. Fergall Magee MD, FRCPC, MHSc
Provincial Department Head Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Ernesto Figueiro

Ernesto Figueiro MD, PhD
Associate Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Priya Figurado MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Jaclyn Randall
Director, Operations & Administration, Department of Family Medicine (Saskatoon)

Picture of Dr. Jeremy FitzGerald

Dr. Jeremy FitzGerald MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Division Head - Endocrinology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Kristin Foy

Dr. Kristin Foy BSc, MD, CCFP
Site Director - South East, Department of Family Medicine (Moosomin)

Dr. Francis Bowen MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Francis Lien MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. S. Frangou

Dr. S. Frangou BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Fred Geisler MD, PhD, B.S., M.S.
Adjunct Professor Medical Imaging

Picture of Dr. D.  Frobb

Dr. D. Frobb MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Joshua Frost MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr. Frozan Qasemi
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Gavin Beck MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor & Residency Program Director, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Gudrun Caspar-Bell

Dr. Gudrun Caspar-Bell MD, Thesis, FRCPC
Associate Professor Endocrinology and Metabolism

Dr. Garson Chan MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor, Urology & Associate Appointment, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Geethan Chandran MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Picture of Dr. G. Dala

Dr. G. Dala MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Endocrinology and Metabolism

Dr. Guillaume Daoust-Lafond MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Gordie Kaban MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. G.E. Peters

Dr. G.E. Peters MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Gabriela Campos-Baniak BSc, MD, FRCSC
Clinical Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Picture of Dr. Gabrielle Levin

Dr. Gabrielle Levin BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. M. Gandhi FRCPC, MB-BS
Psychiatrist Psychiatry

Dr. Kerry Gardner MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Dr. Hassan Gargoum MB-BS, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Natalie Garrett

Dr. Natalie Garrett MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Picture of Dr. Gary Groot (he/him)

Dr. Gary Groot (he/him) MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology, Department of Surgery

Picture of Dr. Gary Hunter

Dr. Gary Hunter MD, FRCPC, CSCN (EEG)
Associate Professor Division Head, Neurology

Picture of Dr. Gary Linassi

Dr. Gary Linassi BSc, BMedSc, MB, FRCPC
Provincial Department Head & Associate Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Gary Morris MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Gavin Beck
Assistant Professor Surgery (General) PGY3, 4, 5

Dr. Gavin Cranmer-Sargison PhD
Clinical Lecturer Medical Physics, Oncology

Picture of Gayathri Manoharan

Gayathri Manoharan

Office of the Physician Assistant Studies

Dr. V. Gbinigie FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Geoffrey Karjala MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. Geoffrey Marshall MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

Picture of George S. Katselis

George S. Katselis BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Department of Medicine, Faculty Lead - Mass Spectrometry Laboratory for Omics Research

Dr. George Pylypchuk BSc, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Nephrology

Dr. Gerhard Teichler MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Ghita Wiebe

Dr. Ghita Wiebe MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Developmental Pediatrics

Dr. S. Ghoorah MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Elizabeth Gibbings MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Lee-Anne Gilecki BA, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Maria Giroux

Maria Giroux BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Gladys Kasipillai MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Glenda Kaban MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Glenda R Wright

Dr. Glenda R Wright MBBCh, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Glenn Ollenberger MD, FRCPC, Nuclear Medicine
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of Seirin Goldade

Seirin Goldade BSc, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Gordie Kaban
Clinical Associate Department of Surgery

Residency Teaching Coordinator (Regina)

Dr. Greg Kraushaar MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of Dr. Greg Nixon

Dr. Greg Nixon MD
Resident, PGY1 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Gregory Hansen

Dr. Gregory Hansen MSc, MD, FRCPC, MPH
Assistant Professor Critical Care Pediatrics

Picture of Paige Grenier

Paige Grenier BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Sean Groves

Dr. Sean Groves MD
Site Director - La Ronge, Department of Family Medicine (La Ronge)

Picture of Dr. Grzegorz Sawicki

Dr. Grzegorz Sawicki BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Tom  Guzowski

Dr. Tom Guzowski MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. Haven Roy MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Hendrik du Plessis MB-ChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Hong Pham MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. H. Ward

Dr. H. Ward MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. S. Haimanot MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Picture of Dr. Haissam Haddad

Dr. Haissam Haddad BSc, MD, FRCPC, FACC, FAAC
Provincial Department Head & Professor of Cardiology, Department of Medicine

Picture of Dr. Haji Chalchal

Dr. Haji Chalchal MD
Associate Professor Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine

Picture of Dr. Haley Block

Dr. Haley Block BSc, MD, FRCPC, CSCN diplomate (EMG)
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. A. Halpin MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. Hamid Dabirzadeh MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Medical Imaging

Dinusha Hamilton BSc, MSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Kevin Hamming MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Endocrinology

Dr. M. Haque MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Area Department Lead Psychiatry

As a Regina Area Department Lead of the Provincial Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Haque provides leadership for local clinical initiatives.

Picture of Harold Bull

Harold Bull
Associate Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. S. Harold MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Haron Obaid MD, FRCPC
Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. W.K. Harrison MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. B. Hatichki MB-B, Ch-BAO, MRC(Psych)
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Rob Haver

Dr. Rob Haver BSc (High Hon), MD, CCFP
Site Director - Moose Jaw, Department of Family Medicine (Moose Jaw)

Dr. Heather Hodgson-Viden MD
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Dr. Heather Mollison MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Heather Sirounis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Heather Stenerson
Professor Division of Continuing Medical Education

Picture of Dr. Heather Szabo-Rogers

Dr. Heather Szabo-Rogers PhD
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology

Dr. Heather Ward
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Heena  Kumar

Dr. Heena Kumar
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Hein Lamprecht

Dr. Hein Lamprecht Md, FRCEM, FCEM, PHD, D.A, CFEU
Associate Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Helen Nichol

Dr. Helen Nichol PhD
Emeritus Professor Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology

We use the synchrotron as well as cell and molecular biology techniques to examine the role of metals in stroke, MS and common neurodegenerative diseases.

Picture of Dr. Henrike Rees

Dr. Henrike Rees MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of  Hilary Colborne

Hilary Colborne
Educational Program Specialist

Office of the Physician Assistant Studies

Dr. Hina Rehan MD
Assistant Professor Oncology

Picture of Dr. T. Hinz

Dr. T. Hinz MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Picture of Dr. Karen Holfeld

Dr. Karen Holfeld MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor, Division Head Dermatology - Regina

Picture of Hong Wang

Hong Wang BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. M. Hooper MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Hortense Nsoh Tabien

Dr. Hortense Nsoh Tabien MD, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jason Hosain

Dr. Jason Hosain CCFP
Site Director - Saskatoon, Department of Family Medicine (Saskatoon)

Picture of Dr. Hughes Goldie

Dr. Hughes Goldie
Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Kaitlyn Hughes

Dr. Kaitlyn Hughes MD, CCFP, DRCPSC(CE)
Assistant Program Director – Curriculum, Department of Family Medicine (Regina)

Dr. Hui Wang MD, PhD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Ivar Mendez

Dr. Ivar Mendez MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS, DSc (hon), FCAHS
Professor Emeritus, Department of Surgery and Director of the Virtual Care and Remote Presence Robotics Programs

Picture of Dr. Ian Sunderland

Dr. Ian Sunderland MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Dr. Ian Jorgensen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Ian Lund MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Ian Schoonbaert MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Critical Care Affiliate

Dr. Ian Waddell MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Picture of Dr. Ibraheem Othman

Dr. Ibraheem Othman MD, MSc, PhD, MEd
Associate Professor of Hematology and Hematological Oncology College of Medicine. Adjunct Professor, College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Regina Division Head

Picture of Dr. Ibrahim Khan

Dr. Ibrahim Khan MPH, Dr. in Public Health
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Mohammad Ijaz MB-BS
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Ilia Poliakov

Dr. Ilia Poliakov BHSC, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Radu Ilie-Haynes MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Ingi El Sayed

Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Isaac Sobol

Dr. Isaac Sobol BA, MD, CCFP, MHSc
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Iva Bursac MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Ivan Norval MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

Saint Paul's Medical Imaging Head

Dr. Jawad Akhtar MD, FRCPC, FACC
Clinical Associate Professor Cardiology

Dr. Jennifer Baird MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Jacobus de Villiers FRCPC, MB, ChB
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Jason Orvold

Dr. Jason Orvold MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Cardiology

Dr. Jean Marc Ouattara MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery

Picture of Dr. J. Baptiste

Dr. J. Baptiste MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine, Dept of Medicine Director of Post Graduate Medical Education

Picture of Dr. Jenny Basran

Dr. Jenny Basran MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Geriatric Medicine

Picture of Dr. Joseph Buwembo

Dr. Joseph Buwembo MB-ChB, FCS(SA), MMeD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Regina) & Clinical Associate Professor, Neurosurgery

Dr. Jacobus De Jager MB-ChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Jeffrey Gaboury MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Jeff Gu MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Joel Herback MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Vascular Surgery

Dr. James Holden MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Jeffrey McKerrell MD, FRCSC
Clinical Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Picture of Dr. Jill Newstead-Angel

Dr. Jill Newstead-Angel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jonathan Norton

Dr. Jonathan Norton PhD, BSc(Hons), MRes, FACNS
Associate Professor, Neurosurgery

Dr. Jennifer Oucharek MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Julia Radic

Dr. Julia Radic MD, MPH, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery (Pediatric)

Dr. Jagadish Rao MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Jessica Robb MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Picture of Dr. John Shaw

Dr. John Shaw MBBCh, FCSSA, MMed(Surg), FRCSC
Division Lead (Saskatoon) & Clinical Associate Professor, General Surgery

Dr. John Staples MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Dr. Joan Wheat-Hozack MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Picture of Dr. J.S. Tam

Dr. J.S. Tam MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jonathan  Dean

Dr. Jonathan Dean BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Jacelyn Larson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Jack Janvier

Dr. Jack Janvier MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Jacob Alhassan

Dr. Jacob Alhassan BSc (Hon), MSc (Durh), MSc (Oxon), PhD
Assistant Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Jacqueline Kraushaar

Dr. Jacqueline Kraushaar MD, FRCPC, CSCN Diplomate (EMG)
Regina Area Department Lead & Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Year 1 Regina Site Coordinator & Year 2 Chair, College of Medicine

Dr. Jagadish Rao
Assistant Professor ICU/Trauma Teaching Coordinator (Regina)

Dr. James Ddamba MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Picture of Dr. James Irvine

Dr. James Irvine MD, MSc, FCFP, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Adjunct Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Professor Emeritus Family Medicine

Picture of Dr. James Stempien

Dr. James Stempien BSc, MD, FCFP, CCFP-EM, CCPE, MA (Leadership)
Provincial Department Head Emergency Medicine

Dr. James Zheng MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Picture of Dr. Jamie Vander Ende

Dr. Jamie Vander Ende
Resident, PGY2 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Jamil Addas MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. Janelle Piche MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Janet Ferguson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Janet Tootoosis
Clinical Associate Family Medicine (Rural) - North Battleford, Site Director

Picture of Dr. Janna Brusky

Dr. Janna Brusky FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Jasmine Hasselback

Dr. Jasmine Hasselback BSC, MD, MPH, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Jason Baserman MD, FRCPC(PEM)
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Dr. Jason Denis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Jason Kinnin

Dr. Jason Kinnin BSc, MD, CCFP – EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Jayden Cowan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Jeff Bird MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

Picture of Jeff Dong

Jeff Dong BSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Jeff Elder

Dr. Jeff Elder
Resident PGY5 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Jeffrey George Betcher MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Jeffrey Marciniuk

Dr. Jeffrey Marciniuk MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jennifer Bailey

Dr. Jennifer Bailey MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Picture of Dr. Jennifer Billinsky

Dr. Jennifer Billinsky BSc, PhD, F-ABFT
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Jennifer Chlan
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Jenny Krahn

Dr. Jenny Krahn
Resident, PGY2 Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jing (Jennifer) Shi

Dr. Jing (Jennifer) Shi MD, FRCPC, CSCN Diplomate (EMG)
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Jenny-Lee Thomassin

Jenny-Lee Thomassin BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Jeremie Houde

Dr. Jeremie Houde BSc, MD, FRCPC, CSCN Diplomate (EMG)
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Jessica Bruce MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Department of Anesthesiology

Dr. Jessica Cowan MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jessica Minion

Dr. Jessica Minion MD, MSc, FRCPC, D(ABMM)
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Jessica Sheldon

Jessica Sheldon MSc, PhD, HBSc
Assistant Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Jill Wooff
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jim Barton

Dr. Jim Barton BSc, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. James Werbicki

Dr. James Werbicki BSc, MD, CCFP-EM, FCFP
Clinical Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jim Xiang

Dr. Jim Xiang MD, PhD
Clinical Professor Oncology


Picture of Jo-Anne Dillon

Jo-Anne Dillon PhD, FCAHS FRSC
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Joann Kawchuk MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Joanna Smith MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Joanne Kappel MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Nephrology

Dr. Joanne Patricia Hillis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Joanne Peat
Professor Division of Continuing Medical Education

Dr. Jocelyn Moore BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Jodi Semenoff
Professor Division of Continuing Medical Education

Picture of Dr. Jodie Reis

Dr. Jodie Reis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Adult Rheumatology

Dr. Joelle McBain MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. John C. Tsang MD, CM, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Cardiac Surgery

Dr. John Froh MD, CCFP-EM
Clinical Associate Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. John Gjevre

Dr. John Gjevre MD, FRCPC
Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. John Pesenti MD, CCFP
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. John R. Gordon

Dr. John R. Gordon PhD, FCAHS
Special Advisor - Clinical Research, Office of VP Research, Distinguished Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. John Verrall

Dr. John Verrall BSc, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Lecturer Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. Johnathan Hanson MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jon Gamble

Dr. Jon Gamble MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Jon Witt
Assistant Professor Division of Continuing Medical Education

Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jonathan Chow

Dr. Jonathan Chow MD
Resident, PGY2 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Jonathan Grynspan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. Jonathon Tuchscherer MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Jordan Olfert

Dr. Jordan Olfert BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Jordan Russell MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Medical Imaging

Dr. Jordan Van Orman MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Jordon Steeg BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine, and Pain Management

Dr. Joseph Angel
Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Joseph Boyle

Dr. Joseph Boyle
Resident PGY3 Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Joseph Fomusi Ndisang

Dr. Joseph Fomusi Ndisang PharmD, PhD
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Joseph Schnurr

Dr. Joseph Schnurr MD, LAc
Assistant Professor Centre for Integrative Medicine

Dr. Josh Gitlin MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Medical Imaging

Dr. Joshua D. Buse PhD, BSc Hon
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Joyce Wilson

Joyce Wilson
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Juan-Nicolás  Peña-Sánchez

Dr. Juan-Nicolás Peña-Sánchez MD, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Julia Hassler MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Julie  Kosteniuk

Dr. Julie Kosteniuk BA, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Picture of Dr. Julie Kryzanowski

Dr. Julie Kryzanowski MD, MSc, FRCPC
Division Head Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Julie Seymour MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Julie Stakiw MD
Oncology & Clinical Professor Hematological Oncology

Dr. Julius Pekar PhD, MCCPM
Clinical Assistant Medical Physics, Oncology

Dr. Jurgen G. Maslany MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Justin Botterill

Dr. Justin Botterill PhD
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. Justin Simms MD
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Justina Koshinsky MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Kristi Billard MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Kayode Oduwole M.B.- B.S, FRCSC
Assistant Professor

Dr. Kendell Pon MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Kayvan Abaiian MD
Assistant Professor, Vascular Surgery

Dr. Kaitlin Adey BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Khalid Alharbi MB-BS, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery (Pediatric)

Dr. K. Boroto MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina Associated Radiologists

Dr. Kaveer Chatoorgoon MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery (Pediatric)

Picture of Dr. K. Gowda

Dr. K. Gowda MD
Clinical Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Kylie Kvinlaug MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Saskatoon) & Associate Professor, Vascular Surgery

Dr. Kris Ledding MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Dr. Kathleen Lumb MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Kotoo Meguro

Dr. Kotoo Meguro MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor, Neurosurgery

Picture of Dr. Krista Metz

Dr. Krista Metz PHd
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery

Dr. Kris Milbrandt MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery (Pediatric)

Dr. Kristen Pugh MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Kahled Rodwan MB-BCh, FRCSC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Katherine Rooks MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery (Pediatric)

Dr. Khalid Sheikh MB-BS, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Kevin Stevenson MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Kailash Prasad

Dr. Kailash Prasad B.Sc. (Distinction), MBBS(Hons), M.D. Ph.D., D.Sc., FRCPC, FACC
Emeritus Professor Physiology

Dr. Kaleigh Hlady MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Social Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Kalyani Premkumar

Dr. Kalyani Premkumar MBBS, MD, MSc(MedEd), PhD, MBA
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Kamal Haider

Dr. Kamal Haider MD
Clinical Professor Medical Oncology

Dr. Kamini Premkumar MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Arohumam Kan BSc, MD, MPH, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Kardy Fedorowich

Dr. Kardy Fedorowich BSc, MD, CCFP, CCFP -EM (Pending)
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Karen Laframboise

Dr. Karen Laframboise MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Karen Leis MD, FRCPC, BSC MED
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Dr. Karen Streilein MD
Assistant Professor Developmental Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. K. Karunakaran

Dr. K. Karunakaran MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Dr. Siva Karunakaran MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. R. Karuthedath

Dr. R. Karuthedath FRCPC, MB-BS
Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry

Yusuf Kasim MD, M.B.-B.S., FWACS
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Kate Johnson

Dr. Kate Johnson MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Dr. Kate Neufeld BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Katherine Knox

Dr. Katherine Knox MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Saskatoon

Dr. Katherine Smythe MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Kathleen Felton

Dr. Kathleen Felton MD, MSc, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Picture of Dr. Kathleen Moolman

Dr. Kathleen Moolman MD
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. George Katselis

Dr. George Katselis BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Dr. Jeremy Katulka MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Kaushik Desai

Dr. Kaushik Desai MD, MSc, PhD, MBBS
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. Kavita Kanga MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of Dr. Kayla Flood

Dr. Kayla Flood BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatrics, Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Kedra Peterson

Dr. Kedra Peterson
Resident PGY4 Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Keefe Davis

Dr. Keefe Davis MD
Assistant Professor Pediatrics, Nephrology

Dr. Keith Bonham PhD
Clinical Professor Reseach, Oncology


Dr. Kelly Coverett MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Kelly Eggink MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Critical Care Affiliate

Picture of Dr. Kelly Schweitzer

Dr. Kelly Schweitzer BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Picture of Dr. Kelsey Brose

Dr. Kelsey Brose MD
Assistant Professor Hematological Oncology

Saskatoon Co- Division Head

Picture of Dr. Kelsey Golubovic

Dr. Kelsey Golubovic
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine/Geriatrics

Picture of Dr. Keltie Anderson

Dr. Keltie Anderson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Kerri Kobryn

Kerri Kobryn BSc, PhD
Associate Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Kerri Schellenberg

Dr. Kerri Schellenberg MD, FRCPC, CSCN (EMG), MMedEd
Medical Director ALS Clinic; Medical Director EMG Lab; Associate Professor Neurology

Picture of Jillian Kerry

Jillian Kerry BSc, BComm, MPAcc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Kerry Lavender PhD
Associate Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Kevin (Mu-Sen) Chuang

Dr. Kevin (Mu-Sen) Chuang BSc, MSc, PhD
Lecturer Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology

Dr. Kevin Laskowski MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Kevin Ledding MD, CCFP (EM), FCFP
Assistant Professor, Academic Family Medicine - Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Kevin M. Colleaux

Dr. Kevin M. Colleaux BSc, MD
Clinical Associate Ophthalmology

Picture of Dr. Khami Chokani

Dr. Khami Chokani
Assistant Professor Division of Population Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Ambreen Khan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Kiefer Lypka MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Kiersten Stuart MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Kimberly Hagel

Dr. Kimberly Hagel MD
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Assistant Professor

Dr. Kimberly Taylor MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Shelley Kirychuk

Dr. Shelley Kirychuk BSc, MBA, MSc, PhD
Professor Director, Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Picture of Dr. Niels Koehncke

Dr. Niels Koehncke MD, MSc, FRCPC
Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health - Occupational Medicine

Picture of Dr. K. Kok

Dr. K. Kok MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Joma Kondi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology

Dr. Konrad Chmiel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Konya Sriram MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Krishnavellie Reddi
Assistant Professor Psychiatry, Residency Teaching Coordinator (Regina)

Picture of Dr. Krissie Urmson

Dr. Krissie Urmson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Krista Wempe MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Kristian Hundseth BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Department of Anethesiology

Dr. Kristin Marchant PhD, MCCPM
Clinical Assistant Professor Medical Physics, Oncology

Picture of Dr. Kristin O'Neill

Dr. Kristin O'Neill
Resident PGY5 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Kristina Watt FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Krystyna Wang

Dr. Krystyna Wang BSc, MD, FRCPC, MDCM
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Vinod Kumar MD, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. J. Kumaran MD
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Linas Kumeliauskas

Dr. Linas Kumeliauskas MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor GIM Head - General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Matt Kushneriuk

Dr. Matt Kushneriuk BSc, MD, CCFP, PME
Undergraduate Director, Department of Family Medicine (Saskatoon)

Picture of Kyle Anderson

Kyle Anderson BSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Kyle Gorman
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology, Residency Teaching Coordinator (Regina)

Dr. Kyle Gorman MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Kyle Guild

Dr. Kyle Guild MD, BSc (Hons), Bcomm
Resident, PGY1 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Kyle Moulton MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Medical Imaging

Saskatoon Co-Area Lead

Dr. Kyle Raab MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Kylie Kvinlaug
Assistant Professor Surgical Foundations PGY 1, 2

Dr. Lyndsey Thiessen MD, C.R.C.S. (C)
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Lauren Zarnett

Dr. Lauren Zarnett MD, MSc, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery

Dr. Lauren Allen MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery (Pediatric)

Picture of Dr. Layla Gould

Dr. Layla Gould PhD
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery

Picture of Dr. Luke Hnenny

Dr. Luke Hnenny MD, FRCSC, FAANS
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery

Dr. Lee Kolla MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. L. Mamchur MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Lalenthra Naidoo MB-BCh, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology (Pediatric)

Picture of Dr. Lissa Peeling

Dr. Lissa Peeling BSc, MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor, Neurosurgery

Dr. Lenny (Poogendren) Pillay MB-ChB
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Picture of Dr. L. Worobetz

Dr. L. Worobetz MD, FRCPC
Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. Krista Lagimodiere MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Geriatric Medicine

Picture of Dr. Lalita Bharadwaj

Dr. Lalita Bharadwaj BSc, MSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Academic Background: Physiology (BSc.), Pathology (MSc.), Toxicology (PhD)

Dr. Lance Iverson MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Landon Baillie

Dr. Landon Baillie BSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Landon Tam

Dr. Landon Tam MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Picture of Dr. Lane Bekar

Dr. Lane Bekar BSc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Angelica Lang

Dr. Angelica Lang MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Dr. Lannae Strueby MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neonatology

Picture of Dr. Olanrewaju Medu

Dr. Olanrewaju Medu MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Latha Naik

Dr. Latha Naik MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Adult Rheumatology

Clinical Assistant Professor

Dr. B. Lau MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry

Laura Drever MSc, MCCPM
Clinical Lecturer Medical Physics, Oncology

Picture of Dr. Andrea Lavoie

Dr. Andrea Lavoie BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Division Head Cardiology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Kathy Lawrence

Dr. Kathy Lawrence BSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Provincial Department Head, Department of Family Medicine

Picture of Dr. Lawrence Woo

Dr. Lawrence Woo BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Oncology & Department of Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Joshua Lawson

Dr. Joshua Lawson BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health - Director of Research (on sabbatical)

Dr. Leanne Irvine MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Kelsy Leavins

Dr. Kelsy Leavins BEd, BSc, MD, CCFP
Site Director - Swift Current, Department of Family Medicine (Swift Current)

Picture of Dr. Stephen Lee

Dr. Stephen Lee MD, MSc, FRCPC, ABPM-CI
Associate Professor Infectious Diseases / Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mark Lees

Dr. Mark Lees BASc, FCFP
Unit Director - Saskatoon, Department of Family Medicine

Picture of Dr. Benjamin Leis

Dr. Benjamin Leis MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Leslie Chatterson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. Leslie Macaskill MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Leszek Swica MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Christine Lett MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Lilian Thorpe

Dr. Lilian Thorpe BSc Double Honours, MSc, MD, PhD
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Linda Chelico

Dr. Linda Chelico
Department Head Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Lindsay Ong-Tone MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Division Lead of Ophthalmology in Regina

Picture of Dr. Lindsay Richels

Dr. Lindsay Richels MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Arthur Ling

Dr. Arthur Ling MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Lisa Glass

Dr. Lisa Glass PhD, MCCPM
Clinical Assistant Professor Medical Physics, Oncology

Picture of Dr. Lixin Liu

Dr. Lixin Liu PhD, BMSc (MD), MMSc
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Liz Gibbings
Assistant Professor Internal Medicine, Residency Teaching Coordinator (Regina)

Picture of Dr. Logan Haynes

Dr. Logan Haynes
Resident PGY3 Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Stacey Lok

Dr. Stacey Lok MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Lookman Abdul MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Lori Hanson

Dr. Lori Hanson B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. H. Lowry MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Lucas Diebel

Dr. Lucas Diebel BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine/Geriatrics

Lucie Panko
Professor Division of Continuing Medical Education

Picture of Dr. Luke Terrett

Dr. Luke Terrett MD, FRCPC, (EM and ICU)
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Michelle Lund MD
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Steven Lwanga MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Lydia Mapala MB-ChB, MCCQE1, LMCC, FC Pediatrics (SA)

Dr. Lyndsay Sprigg BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Critical Care Affiliate

Lynn Dwernychuk
Clinical Lecturer Clinical Research, Oncology

Dr. Mariusz Bral MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Mathew Clarke

Dr. Mathew Clarke MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Mark Abou-Ghaida MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Moustfha Alshrif MB-BCh, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Mohamed Arwini MB-BCh, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Urology

Dr. Matthew Butler MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Mark Ernst MD, FRCSC
Division Co-Lead (Saskatoon) & Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Michael Harington MB-ChB, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Michael Kelly

Dr. Michael Kelly MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS
Provincial Department Head and Fred H. Wigmore Professor of Surgery; Knight Family Enhancement Chair in Neurological Surgery

Picture of Dr. Muhammad Khan

Dr. Muhammad Khan MEd (HPE), MB-BS, FCPS (ortho)
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Megan Lyons MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Dr. Matthew Mastel MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Melissa McGee MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Maurice Ogaick MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Mark Ogrady MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Dr. Mariam Rana MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Mohamed Shawush MB-ChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Michael Spiess MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Mario Taillon MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Marly Tcherni MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. M. Zawadowski MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. M.R Conlon

Dr. M.R Conlon MD, FRCSC
Clinical Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Melissa Wood MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Michael  Prystajecky

Dr. Michael Prystajecky MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mac Russell

Dr. Mac Russell
Resident PGY5 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Magdi Ali MD
Assistant Professor Oncology

Dr. Mahli Brindamour MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Dr. Y. Mahmood FRCPC, MB-BS
Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry

Picture of  Maja Redekopp

Maja Redekopp
Finance & Administration Manager Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Picture of Dr. Majak  Beny

Dr. Majak Beny MD, MBBS, CCFP(EM), FCFP
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Falah Majid

Dr. Falah Majid MB-ChB, MRCP (UK) FRCP(Edin-UK)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Malcolm King

Dr. Malcolm King PhD, FCAHS
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Malcolm Lucy

Dr. Malcolm Lucy MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Greg Malin BSc, MD, PhD, MEd
Assistant Professor Department of Family Medicine

Picture of Dr. Malone Chaya

Dr. Malone Chaya MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Mandiangu Nsungu

Dr. Mandiangu Nsungu MD, MPH, Dip. Obstet.
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Mansoor Haq MD
Assistant Professor Pediatric Oncology

Picture of Dr. Marcel D'Eon

Dr. Marcel D'Eon BA (Hon), MA, PhD
Emeritus Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Margaret Truchan

Dr. Margaret Truchan MD, FRCPC, EEFMG, LMCC
Clinical Associate Professor Adult Rheumatology

Dr. Marguerite McDonald MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Maria Weyland MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Mark Chapelski MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mark Fenton

Dr. Mark Fenton MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mark Inman

Dr. Mark Inman BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor & Pediatric Residency Program Director Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes

Dr. Mark Taylor MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mark Wahba

Dr. Mark Wahba MD, CCFP-EM, FCFP
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Martin Gerard MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Martin Stockwell MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Maruti Chandra Uppalapati PhD
Assistant Professor Pathology

Dr. Mary-Jane Hendel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologist

Dr. Mary Pato
Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Maryam Mehtar

Dr. Maryam Mehtar MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Social Pediatrics/Pediatric School-Based Health

Dr. A. Masood MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Mateen Raazi

Dr. Mateen Raazi MD, FRCPC
Provincial Department Head & Associate Professor, Anesthesiology

Dr. Matt Regan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Matthew Bradshaw MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Critical Care

Dr. Matthew Chan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Matthew Johnson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Matthew Patterson

Dr. Matthew Patterson FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. Matthew Wright MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Picture of Dr. Maurice Hennink

Dr. Maurice Hennink MBChB, MMed (Com Helath)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Kaitlyn Mayerle MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Cairistin McDougall MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Robert S. McDougall MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Darcie McGonigle

Dr. Darcie McGonigle
Rural Education Director – North, Department of Family Medicine (Île-à-la-Crosse)

Dr. James D. McHattie MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Gastroenterology

Dr. Meredith McKague MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education

Dr. Veronica McKinney BSc, MD, CCFP, LMCC
Director, Northern Medical Services

Dr. Megan McLachlan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Department of Anesthesiology

Dr. Meghan Garner MD, FRCPC
Clinical Assistant Professor Pediatrics Critical Care

Picture of Dr. Mehul Jariwala

Dr. Mehul Jariwala MD, DNB (Pediatrics)
Associate Professor Pediatric Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Melissa Andersen

Dr. Melissa Andersen MD, MPT, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of  Melissa Teed

Melissa Teed
Graduate Administrator

Picture of Dr. Melody Wong

Dr. Melody Wong MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Department of Ophthalmology

Dr. Meng Chee Lim MD
Assistant Professor Medical Imaging

Dr. Meng Lim MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologist

Director & Medical Imaging Head, Prince Albert

Dr. Michael Corcoran BA, PhD
Emeritus Professor Anatomy and Cell Biology

Dr. Michael Dussault MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Michael  Epstein

Michael Epstein PhD
Clinical Associate Centre for Integrative Medicine

Managing Director, Centre for Integrative Medicine

Picture of Dr. Michael J. Sloan

Dr. Michael J. Sloan BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Department of Medical Imaging

Dr. Michael Lang MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Michael Levin

Dr. Michael Levin MD, FAAN, FANA
Professor Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology & Neurology

Saskatchewan MS Clinical Research Chair

Dr. Michael Lyons MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Michael Presta MD
Assistant Professor

Dr. Michael Shepel BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Picture of Dr. Michael Wu

Dr. Michael Wu BSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences

Picture of Dr. Michel Desautels

Dr. Michel Desautels BSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Physiology

Dr. Michelle Clunie MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Michelle Tim

Michelle Tim
Program Assistant

Office of the Physician Assistant Studies

Dr. Mike Nicholls
Assistant Professor Family Medicine Enhanced Skills - Sports Medicine

Dr. Mike Rooney MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Ardyth Milne

Dr. Ardyth Milne MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology, Division Head - Rheumatology - Regina

Dr. Min-Shien Chen MBChB, FCP (SA), MMed (Wits)
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Mirjana Zarkovic MD, DSC
Clinical Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Miroslaw Cygler

Miroslaw Cygler MSc, PhD
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Mita Manna

Dr. Mita Manna MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Department of Medicine/ Medical Oncology

Dr. A. Mitchell MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Mofolashade Onaolapo MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Moftah Younis MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Picture of Dr. Mohamed Elemary

Dr. Mohamed Elemary MD, MSc, PhD, FRCP.Edin
Professor Hematological Oncology

Director of the Stem Cell Transplant Program at the Saskatoon Cancer Centre - Provincial Disease Site Group Chair for Myeloid Malignancies - Professor at the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Mohamed Emara MD
Assistant Professor Oncology

Dr. Mohammad Ahmad MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Mohammad Jamil MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mohammad Khan

Dr. Mohammad Khan MD, MBA, MHSc (Bioethics)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Mohammed Nayeemuddin MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of Dr. Mohey Alawa

Dr. Mohey Alawa MD, MSc, PhD, D(ABMM), D(ABMLI), DipRCPath, CIC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Ghulam Moinuddin MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mona Elrebigi

Dr. Mona Elrebigi MD, MSc
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Moness Masri MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Monica San Vicente MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. P. Moorti MB-BS, MRCPsych (UK), MS (Ophthamology), DCP Dip. CBT
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Morgan Hewitt MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Debra G. Morgan

Dr. Debra G. Morgan PhD
Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health - Chair, Rural Health Delivery

Dr. Moses Ademola MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Abdalla Muftah MBChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology

Picture of Dr. Muhammad Arif

Dr. Muhammad Arif MD, MBBS, FCARCSI, FCPM
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Muhammad Aslam

Dr. Muhammad Aslam MD, MRCPath, FRCPath
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Dr. Habib Khan MBBS, FRCP, FRCR, MSC
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Dr. Muhammad  Khan

Dr. Muhammad Khan MBBS, FRCP(Glas.)
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Dr. Muhammad Salim

Dr. Muhammad Salim MD
Clinical Associate Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Dr. Andries Muller

Dr. Andries Muller MBChB, BSc. Honns. Dip PEC, M.Prax. Med. CCFP
Faculty Development Director, Department of Family Medicine (Saskatoon)

Picture of Dr. Munier Nour

Dr. Munier Nour MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor Pediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes

Dr. Murray Dease MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Mussawar Iqbal

Dr. Mussawar Iqbal MD
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Dr. Mykola Sackett

Dr. Mykola Sackett
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Dr. Neda Najib Pour MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Nishaan Cheddie MB-ChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Nathan Degenhart MD, FRCPC
- General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Nathan Ginther

Dr. Nathan Ginther BSc, MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Nassrein Hussein

Dr. Nassrein Hussein MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Endocrinology and Metabolism

Dr. N. Joanis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Nick Peti

Dr. Nick Peti BSc, MD, FRCSC, FSVS
Assistant Professor, Vascular Surgery

Dr. Niroshan Sothilingam MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor, General Surgery

Nashat Wanis MB-ChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Neil Arnstead MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology & Neurosurgery

Picture of Dr. N.P. Janzen

Dr. N.P. Janzen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Niomi Singh MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Kumesha Naidoo MBBCH, FCOG, MMED
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. D. Natarajan FRCPC, MB-BS
Clinical Professor Psychiatry

Clinical Professor

Danielle Nault MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Navdeep Sahota MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. Zafar Nawaz PhD
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Nayyer Iqbal

Dr. Nayyer Iqbal MD
Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Dr. Nazeem Muhajarine

Dr. Nazeem Muhajarine B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Neethia Marks Arsiradam MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Neil Devitt MD, FRCPC
clinical Associate Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. Neil Kapoor MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of Dr. Nevine Henin

Dr. Nevine Henin MD, MSc, PhD, MB ChB
Assistant Professor Oncology

Picture of Dr. Majid Niaz

Dr. Majid Niaz MBBS, FRCPC, FCP(SA)
Assistant Professor and SW Area Lead - General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mina Niazi

Dr. Mina Niazi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Dr. Nicholas Baniak MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor & Anatomic Pathologist(Urologic) Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Nicholas Humniski MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Nicholas Ivanans MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Nicholas Taylor

Dr. Nicholas Taylor
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Dr. Nicholas Vassos MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. Nick Antonishyn MSc, PhD, D(ABMGG), FACMG, FCCMG
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Nick Bouchard
Professor Saskatoon Residency Training Coordinator

Picture of Dr. Nick Ovsenek

Dr. Nick Ovsenek PhD
Professor, Retired Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. Nicole Dressler MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Nigel Rawlings
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Nigel Rawlings
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Picture of Dr. Nigel West

Dr. Nigel West BSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Physiology

Katarina Nikel MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Ninad  Mehta

Dr. Ninad Mehta PhD, D(ABMM)
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Nita Chahan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Respirology

Picture of Dr. Nnamdi Ndubuka

Dr. Nnamdi Ndubuka PhD, MBBS, MPH
Associate Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Jarrett Nongauza MBCHB, FCOG (SA), FRCS (CA)
Assistant Professor - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Dr. Nosa Gbinigie MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. S. Nosib

Dr. S. Nosib MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. K. Nwachukwu MB-BS
Professor and Area Department Lead Psychiatry

As Northwest Area Department Lead of the Provincial Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Nwachukwu provides leadership for local clinical initiatives under the Northwest umbrella.

Dr. Oladapo Mabadeje MB-BS, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Olatayo Ayanpeju Ajayi FRCPC, MBBS, MRCPsych
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Evelyn Obosi-Odogwu FRCPC, MB-BS, MRCPsych(UK)
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Michael O'Byrne MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Dr. October McAllister MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. C. Odenigbo FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. E. Odogwu FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Olorunfunmi Odusoga

Olorunfunmi Odusoga MBCHB, DFRSH, MRCOG, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. T. Ofuafor MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. A. Ogunbiyi MB-BS, DCP
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Olumide Ogundare

Dr. Olumide Ogundare MBBS, MRCP(UK)
Assistant Professor - Regina, GIM/Nephrology

Obafemi Ogunlewe M.B.-B.S., FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Livinus Okafor MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. O. Oke MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. O. Okunola

Dr. O. Okunola FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. O. Olabisi FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Olabode Aleshinloye

Dr. Olabode Aleshinloye PhD, FRCPC, M.B.-B.S., LLM, MRCPI
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. O. Oladapo MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Oleg Dmitriev

Oleg Dmitriev MSc, PhD
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Olivia Lafrance

Dr. Olivia Lafrance MD
Resident, PGY2 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Saliu  Oloko

Dr. Saliu Oloko MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine, Dept. of Medicine Area Lead - SE

Picture of Bennett Onwuzurike

Bennett Onwuzurike MBBS, FWACS, FRCOG
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Irina Oroz

Dr. Irina Oroz MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Dr. Osama Al-Agha
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Osama Al-Agha
Assistant Professor Pathology, Teaching Coordinator (Regina)

Picture of Dr. Osama Souied

Dr. Osama Souied MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology - Assistant Professor

Allan Blair Cancer Centre 4101 Dewdney Avenue Regina, SK S4T 7t1 p: 306-766-2213

Dr. A. Oshodi FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Otto Moodley MD
Clinical Associate Professor Hematological Oncology

Folorunsho Otukoya M.B.B.S., M.R.C.O.G.
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Owen Scheirer

Dr. Owen Scheirer MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Peter Dust

Dr. Peter Dust MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Ortopedic Surgery

Dr. Paul Hayes MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Paul Kulyk MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Peter Lau MB-BS, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor, Urology

Picture of Dr. P. Masiowski

Dr. P. Masiowski MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Pam Meiers MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Paul Weckworth MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor, Urology (Pediatric) Urology (Pediatric)

Dr. Pierre Zaharia MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Palak Suryavanshi MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Dr. Paige Landy MBChB, FRCPC (PEM)
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Dr. A. Papish MD, MSc, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Sarah Parent MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Pat Blakley BSc, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Developmental Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Pat Krone

Dr. Pat Krone BSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology

Dr. N. Patel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Prakash Patel MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology

Dr. Patricia Jo MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of Dr. Patrick O'Keefe

Dr. Patrick O'Keefe BA, BSc, MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Paul Charles Chang MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Paul H. Murphy
Department Head & Clinical Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Paul LaBelle MD, CCFP
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Paul Lee

Dr. Paul Lee BSc, MSc, PhD, BE
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Paul Mick

Dr. Paul Mick MD, FRCSC, MPH
Associate Professor, Otolaryngology (Adult & Pediatric)

Picture of Dr. Paul Olszynski

Dr. Paul Olszynski MD, MEd, CCFP (EM), FCFP
Associate Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Chris Pekrul MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. A. Peluola

Dr. A. Peluola FRCPC, MB-BS
Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Fiyinfoluwa Peluola MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr. Thomas Perron MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Perry Jacobson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Peter Bretscher

Dr. Peter Bretscher
Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Peter Pioli

Peter Pioli B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Peter Szkup

Dr. Peter Szkup MD, FRCPC, FRC(SA), MMed(UCT)
Associate Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Dr. Evyn Peters MD, MSc, FRCPC
Psychiatrist Psychiatry

Dr. Phil Davis BSc, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Philip Fitzpatrick MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Philip Wright MD
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Dr. Vinesh Pillay MB-ChB, FCNeuro(SA)
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Fatima Pirani MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. P. Porostocky MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. D. Porter MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Prateek Kundapur

Dr. Prateek Kundapur MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. Preman Jacob MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologist

Picture of Dr. Aaron Prystupa

Dr. Aaron Prystupa CCFP
Site Director - North West, Department of Family Medicine (North Battleford)

Dr. Punam Pahwa PhD
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Puneet Kapur

Dr. Puneet Kapur MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. S. Purewal MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Steve Pylypchuk MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Jenna Pylypow MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Picture of Dr. D. Quinn

Dr. D. Quinn BA, FRCPC, MB-BCh-BAO
Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr. R. Basran MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Roland Auer

Dr. Roland Auer MD, FRCPC
Professor, Neurosurgery (Pathology)

Picture of Dr. R. Basi

Dr. R. Basi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Robert Cameron MD, FRCSC
Clinical Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Raymond Deobald MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. R. Hafezi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Ritesh Kumar MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery

Picture of Dr. R. Kundapur

Dr. R. Kundapur MD, MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Russell Murphy

Dr. Russell Murphy BSc, MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Saskatoon) & Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Dr. Russell Murphy is the current Head of the Division of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery in the Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.

Dr. Ruth O'Carroll MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. Rabia Shahid

Dr. Rabia Shahid MD, MSc, MB-BS, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Ramanan Sivasundaram MB-BS, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Ryan Suri MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. R.P. Skomro

Dr. R.P. Skomro MD, FRCPC
Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Interim Director of Research

Picture of Dr. R.T. Nataraj

Dr. R.T. Nataraj MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Rabin Persad MB-BS, FRCPC, LMCC, CRCP (C)
Professor Pediatric Gastroenterology

Dr. Rabiu Adegbenga MD, DCH, DTM, DHSM, MRCPI, FAAP, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatrics

Dr. Raenelle Nesbit MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. F. Rahmani FRCPC, MB-BS
Clinical Instructor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Rahul Mainra

Dr. Rahul Mainra BSc, MD, MMed, FRCPC
Professor Nephrology

Dr. Balraj Brar MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology, Adult Critical Care

Picture of Dr. Rajendra Sharma

Dr. Rajendra Sharma SOM, PhD, DSc, FRSA
Professor Emeritus Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Rajesh Patel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. Fauzi Ramadan MBBS, MRCP(UK)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine, Dept. of Medicine Area Lead - SW

Picture of Dr. Ramji Khandelwal

Dr. Ramji Khandelwal
Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Vivian R. Ramsden

Dr. Vivian R. Ramsden RN, PhD, MCFP (Hon.)
Research Director & Distinguished Professor, Department of Family Medicine (Saskatoon)

Dr. Vivian R Ramsden, a Registered Nurse, is a Distinguished Professor & Director of the Research Division, Department of Academic Family Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. She is also an Honorary Member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

Dr. Randi Ramunno MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Rathi Sabaratnam

Dr. Rathi Sabaratnam MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Revathi Nair

Dr. Revathi Nair MD
Resident, PGY1 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Ravikrishna Nrusimhadevara
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Ray Yip MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Raymond Ko BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Picture of Dr. Rebecca MacKay

Dr. Rebecca MacKay MD
Assistant Professor Hematological Oncology

Dr. K. Reddi FRCPC, MB-ChB
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Marc Reeson

Dr. Marc Reeson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Site Director Internal Medicine Residency Program Regina - General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Regan Arendse

Dr. Regan Arendse MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Adult Rheumatology

Dr. Rehan Mahmood MD
Assistant Professor Onocology

Dr. Habib Rehman MBBS, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Ziaur Rehman MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Olivia Reis MD
Assistant Program Director – Continuous Quality Improvement, Department of Family Medicine (Regina)

Picture of Dr. M. Renuka-Prasad

Dr. M. Renuka-Prasad MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Reza Behdani

Dr. Reza Behdani MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Endocrinology and Metabolism

Dr. Ric Devon BSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Anatomy and Cell Biology

Picture of Dr. Richard J. Bigsby

Dr. Richard J. Bigsby MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Saskatoon) & Clinical Associate Professor, Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Richard Schaan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Bonnie Richardson

Dr. Bonnie Richardson MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Nephrology, Dept. of Medicine Area Lead - Regina

Kaitlin Rieben MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Syed Rizvi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Rob Carey

Dr. Rob Carey MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Rob Warrington
Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Rob Weiler MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Rob Woods

Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Robbie Drummond MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Robert D. Pekush
Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Robert Lewis BSc, MSc, PhD

Dr. Robert Otani MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Picture of Dr. Robert Perverseff

Dr. Robert Perverseff MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Robin Colwell MD
Assistant Professor

Picture of  Robin Parent

Robin Parent
Academic Advisor

If you have specific questions about your program or student advising, please email

Picture of  Robin Parent

Robin Parent
Academic Advisor

If you have specific questions about your program or student advising, please email

Picture of Dr. A. Robson-MacKay

Dr. A. Robson-MacKay BSc, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Picture of Dr. D. Roccamatisi

Dr. D. Roccamatisi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Rochelle Savard MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Rod Stryker

Dr. Rod Stryker BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Nephrology

Dr. Omar Rodwan MBBCh, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Roger Bristol MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Amanda Rohla MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Roland Auer

Dr. Roland Auer MD, PhD, FRCPC
Professor Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Roman W. Gusztak MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Ronald Angeles
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Ronelle Calver

Dr. Ronelle Calver MD, FRCPC, CSCN Diplomate (EMG)
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Rosemarie Courtney MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Rosemarie Ramsingh

Dr. Rosemarie Ramsingh MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Rotimi Kolawole

Dr. Rotimi Kolawole MBBS, MPH, CHE, CISAM, CCSAM, FRCPC (Public Health & Preventive Medicine), DRCPSC (Addiction Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Roxanne Laforge
Professor Division of Continuing Medical Education

Rudiger Von Ritschl
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Dr. Christian Rueda-Clausen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Dr. Rupeena Purewal MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Picture of Dr. Rupesh Chawla

Dr. Rupesh Chawla MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Dr. Russell Lenferna BSc, MD
Assistant Professor Department of Anesthesiology

Dr. Ruth Neufeld BSc, MD, FRCPC, MCISc
Assistant Professor Developmental Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Ryan Donnelly

Dr. Ryan Donnelly
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Dr. Ryan Eidsness MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Ryan Lett MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Ryan McDonald BSc, PhD, RMCCM
Assistant Professor & Associate Clinical Scientist Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Ryan O’Neill MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Ryan Pikaluk MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Ryan Toews

Dr. Ryan Toews MD, BScN, CCFP (EM)
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Ryan Verity

Dr. Ryan Verity MD, FRCPC, CSCN (EMG)
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Suzanne Harriman MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor & Surgical Foundation Program Director, General Surgery

Dr. Santhiran Moodley MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Prince Albert), Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Solomon Orsar MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Urology

Dr. S. Bose MD, MB-BS, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Shashi Brijlall MB-BS, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Shayne Burwell MD, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor, Plastic Surgery

Picture of Dr. Sharon Card

Dr. Sharon Card MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. S. Daspal MD, MBBS, DCH, MRCPI, MRCPCH, FRCPC (Pediatrics and NICU), FAAP
Assistant Professor Director, Neonatal Clinic, Neonatology, NICU

Picture of Dr. S. Fowler

Dr. S. Fowler MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. Shukri Ghremida MD, MB-BCh, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Dr. Saul E. Gonor MD, FRCSC
Clinical Professor, Urology

Dr. Sanjay Jacob MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor, Vascular Surgery

Dr. Sujeeth Jooravan MB-ChB
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Sivaruban Kanagaratnam MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Selliah Chandra-Kanthan MB-BS, FRCSC
Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Stephen Korkola MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor, Cardiac Surgery

Dr. Sandrew Martins MB-ChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Shari McKinny MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Urology

Dr. Suzanne Meiers MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Sarah Miller MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Sarah Mueller MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Stephen Pooler MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Picture of Dr. S. Sanche

Dr. S. Sanche MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Infectious Diseases

Dr. Shawki Souf MB-BCh, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Picture of Dr. S. Takaya

Dr. S. Takaya MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Division Head (Acting) Infectious Diseases

Dr. Scott Willms MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Sabir Saeed MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Sabira Valiani MD
Assistant Professor ICU/Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine

Picture of Dr. Sachin Trivedi

Dr. Sachin Trivedi MD, MScHQ, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Arun Sahanan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Arun Sahanan MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Psychiatry

Dr. S. Sahlu MD
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Saija Kontulainen BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Professor, College of Kinesiology

Picture of Dr. Sam Savard

Dr. Sam Savard MD
Resident, PGY1 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Samantha Holbird MD
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Megan Sander MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor - Obstetrics & Gynecology

Picture of Dr. Saqib Shahab

Dr. Saqib Shahab FRCPC, MBBS, MPH, MRCP(UK)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Sarah Chomicki MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Sarah Oberholtzer

Dr. Sarah Oberholtzer MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Sarah Tehseen

Dr. Sarah Tehseen MBBS, MSc, FRCPCP (Pediatrics & Pediatric Hematology Oncology)
Assistant professor pediatric hematology and Assistant professor (associate) transfusion medicine Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Medical Director Saskatoon Cellular Therapy Laboratory

Picture of Dr. Sarah Tehseen

Dr. Sarah Tehseen MBBS, MSc. FRCPC (pediatric & pediatric hematology oncology
Assistant professor pediatric hematology and Assistant professor (associate) transfusion medicine Pediatric Hematology Oncology

Medical Director Saskatoon Cellular Therapy Laboratory

Picture of Dr. M. Sarda

Dr. M. Sarda MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

Neha Sarna BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Schaana Van De Kamp MD, BScN, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Scot Leary

Scot Leary BSc, PhD
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Scot Stone

Scot Stone BSc, PhD
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Scott  Adams

Dr. Scott Adams MD, PhD, MEd, FRCPC
Assistant Professor, University Medical Imaging Consultants, Medical Imaging

Departmental UGME Program Director and Radiologist

Dr. Scott Goerzen MD
Assistant Professor

Picture of Scott Napper

Scott Napper BSc, PhD
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Scott Pharis

Dr. Scott Pharis MD
Assistant Professor Pediatric Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Scott Widenmaier

Dr. Scott Widenmaier PhD
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. Sean Coquet MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Sean Mulligan

Dr. Sean Mulligan BSc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Sébastien Gauvrit

Dr. Sébastien Gauvrit PhD
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Taofiq (Segun) Oyedokun

Dr. Taofiq (Segun) Oyedokun MBChB, DTM, MMed, CCFP-EM, FCFP-EM, PGDipAeroRT
Clinical Associate Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Sejlo Koshoedo FRCPC, M.B.-B.S.
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. G.N. Serrano MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. R.  Serwadda

Dr. R. Serwadda MB-ChB, FCP(SA)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine - Regina

Picture of Dr. Sey Shwetz

Dr. Sey Shwetz BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Seyara Shwetz MD, FRCPC (EM, PEM)
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Shahid Ahmed

Dr. Shahid Ahmed MD, PhD, FRCPC, FACP
Professor Medical Oncology, Interim Department Head, Professor

Picture of Dr. Shane Wunder

Dr. Shane Wunder MD, FRCPC, CSCN Diplomate (EMG)
Residency Program Director & Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Shannon Bay
Executive Assistant Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME)

Picture of  Shannon DeGagné

Shannon DeGagné BA
Finance Analyst Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Dr. Shashi Seshia MD
Clinical Professor Pediatric Neurology

Dr. Shashi Suri MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Shaun Ladham

Dr. Shaun Ladham
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jay Shavadia

Dr. Jay Shavadia MBChB, MRCP (UK)
Associate Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Melad Shawush

Dr. Melad Shawush MBBCh, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology, Division Head - Neurology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Shayan Shirazi

Dr. Shayan Shirazi
Resident, PGY2 Emergency Medicine

Dr. Shayla Kennedy MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Shazia Mahmood

Dr. Shazia Mahmood MD
Clinical Associate Professor Radiation Oncology

Picture of Dr. Nicole Shedden

Dr. Nicole Shedden BSc, MD, CCFP, DRCPSC(CE)
Assistant Program Director - Assessment, Department of Family Medicine (Saskatoon)

Dr. Shehla Rubab
Professor Ophthalmology

Sheila Smith
Assistant Professor Family Medicine/Emergency Medicine, Program Director

Picture of Dr. Sheldon Wiebe

Dr. Sheldon Wiebe MD, MSc, FRCPC, FAAP
Provincial Department Head & Professor, University Medical Imaging Consultants

Sherrise Mareschal
Staff General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Shirley (DeeDee) Maltman

Dr. Shirley (DeeDee) Maltman MD
Assistant Professor Centre for Integrative Medicine

Dr. Shreyasi Sharma M.B.-B.S.
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Sidney Hayes

Dr. Sidney Hayes
Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Ana  Mendes-Silva

Dr. Ana Mendes-Silva BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Mendes-Silva is an assistant professor in biological psychiatry.

Picture of Dr. Simon Kapaj

Dr. Simon Kapaj MD, MPH, ABPM, CPE, FACPM, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Dr. Simona Hasal MD
Assistant Professor Pediatric Neurology

Dr. Simone Chaudhary MD
Assistant Professor Division of Oncology & Department of Gynecology

Dr. P. Sivapalan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Matthew Skeldon

Dr. Matthew Skeldon MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor GIM

Picture of Dr. Stuart Skinner

Dr. Stuart Skinner MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Infectious Diseases

Picture of Dr. Sheila Smith

Dr. Sheila Smith MD, CCFP (EM), FCFP
Program Director - Family Medicine, Program Director - FM EM, Department of Family Medicine (Regina)

Picture of Sarah Smith

Sarah Smith BSChE, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. O. Soyemi FRCPC, MB-BS
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Spencer Zwarych BSc, MD
Assistant Professor Pediatric Metabolics

Picture of Dr. Guruswamy Sridhar

Dr. Guruswamy Sridhar MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology

Srirupa Desai
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of  Stacey Schleicher

Stacey Schleicher
Department Head Assistant

Picture of Dr. Stanley Bardal

Dr. Stanley Bardal BA, MBA, PhD, BSP
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Stanley Enebeli

Dr. Stanley Enebeli MPH, MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Stanley Moore BSc, PhD
Associate Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Stephanie Ballendine MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Dr. Stephen C. Bharadwaj MD, PhD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Stephen Lee MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Stephen Patrick

Dr. Stephen Patrick MD
Resident, PGY4 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Stephen Sanche

Dr. Stephen Sanche
Associate Professor (Associate Member) Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Steve Angel

Dr. Steve Angel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Steven West

Dr. Steven West BSc, MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Omar Sultan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Sunil  Pradhan

Dr. Sunil Pradhan MB BCh BAO; CCFP(EM)
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Sunil Yadav MD
Clinical Associate Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Dr. Megan Surkan

Dr. Megan Surkan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Geriatric Medicine

Dr. Suzan Akin MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Susan Bobbitt

Dr. Susan Bobbitt MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Developmental Pediatrics

Dr. Susan Shaw MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Susanna Martin

Dr. Susanna Martin BSc, MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Pediatrics

Dr. Suzanne LaFerté
Emeritus Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Eric Sy

Dr. Eric Sy MD, MPH, FRCPC
Associate Professor Critical Care Medicine

Picture of Dr. Sylvia Abonyi

Dr. Sylvia Abonyi BSc (Hon), M.A., PhD
Department Head Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Sylvia  van den Hurk

Sylvia van den Hurk BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Taylor Bereti MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Tineyl Chikukwa MB-ChB, FCSSA
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Dr. Trustin Domes MD, FRCSC
Academic Director, Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program & Associate Professor, Urology

Dr. Tanner Dunlop MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Tousief Hussain BSc, MD, CCFP, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Trevor Loback MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Dr. Tahir Mahmood MB-BS, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Picture of Dr. Thomas Sylwestrowicz

Dr. Thomas Sylwestrowicz MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. Trent Thiessen MD, FRCSC
Division Co-Lead (Saskatoon) & Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery

Picture of Dr. Tahir Abbas

Dr. Tahir Abbas MD
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Dr. Takshveer Singh

Dr. Takshveer Singh
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Kelsey  Tallon

Dr. Kelsey Tallon BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology

Picture of Dr. Tamalina Banerjee

Dr. Tamalina Banerjee
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Tamalina Banerjee
Assistant Professor Pathology

Dr. Adam Tancred MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Tania Diener

Dr. Tania Diener MBChB, MMed (Com Health), MPA, DTM, MFTM RCPS (Glasg)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Tania  Sasson

Dr. Tania Sasson MD
Resident PGY4 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Tanya Holt

Dr. Tanya Holt BSc, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor Pediatric Critical Care

Pediatric Intensivist, Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) Medical Director and Division Head Pediatric Intensive Care, (SHA) Pediatric Transport Medical Director, (SHA)

Dr. Tanya Marciniuk BA, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Pediatrics

Picture of Dr. Wadea Tarhuni

Dr. Wadea Tarhuni MB-BCh, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Cardiology

Dr. Tasha Ellchuk BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor University Medical Imaging Consultants

Picture of Dr. Taskia Mir

Dr. Taskia Mir MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Radiation Oncology

Picture of Dr. Taylor Oliver

Dr. Taylor Oliver BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Teagan Holt

Dr. Teagan Holt MD
Resident, PGY1 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dr. Ted Ledding MD, CCFP
Clinical Associate Emergency Medicine

Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Terrance Ross MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Terry Klassen

Dr. Terry Klassen (he/him) MD, MSc, FRCPC
Provincial Department Head & Professor, Pediatrics

Picture of Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel BSc, MD, MPH, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Thomas Haas (on leave) BSc, PhD
Associate Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. Thomas O’Malley MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Thomas Waslen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

Dr. Dorothy Thomas MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. L. Thorpe

Dr. L. Thorpe MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Kun Tian MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Tiann O’Carroll MD
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Tiffanie Tse

Dr. Tiffanie Tse (she/her) BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Tiffany Buglass MD
Assistant Professor Medical Imaging

Dr. Tiffany Buglass MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

Picture of Dr. Tim Bradley

Dr. Tim Bradley MD, MBChB, DCH, FRACP
Clinical Associate Pediatric Cardiology

Dr. Tim Rosser MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Timothy Bolton

Dr. Timothy Bolton MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Todd Buglass

Dr. Todd Buglass MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Todd Ross MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

Tom Elliot
Assistant Professor Family Medicine/Emergency Medicine, Program Director

Dr. Tom Elliott BSc, MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Tom Langer

Dr. Tom Langer
Lecturer, Retired Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Tony Ruzzini

Dr. Tony Ruzzini BSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Department of Veterinary Microbiology

Marissa Topping MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Tosin Odeshi MD
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Picture of Dr. Tracey Carr (she/her)

Dr. Tracey Carr (she/her) BA, MSc, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor Community Health & Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Tristan Kerr

Dr. Tristan Kerr MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Troy Appleton

Dr. Troy Appleton MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Troy Appleton MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Troy Harkness

Troy Harkness
Professor Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - Medicine Dept Geriatrics

Picture of Dr. Calvin Tsui

Dr. Calvin Tsui MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Tyler Maltman

Dr. Tyler Maltman MD, CCFP
Assistant Professor Centre of Integrative Medicine

Dr. Tyler McLaren MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Dr. Tyson Mack MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Associated Radiologists

Dr. Uzair Ahmed MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor & Residency Program Director, Neurosurgery

Dr. M. Ubhi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. G. Udoh MB-BS, MRCPsych (UK), FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Picture of Dr. Chukwunonso Ufondu

Dr. Chukwunonso Ufondu MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. C. Ukandu-Nduebueze MB-Bs
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Usha Ganugapati
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Vidya Shankaran MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery

Picture of Dr. Varunkumar Bathini

Dr. Varunkumar Bathini MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor, Urology Urology

Dr. Vanessa Cranford MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Vinesh Jeena MB-ChB, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Vincent Vergara
Clinical Lecturer, Sonography

Picture of Dr. Valerie Verge

Dr. Valerie Verge BSc, PhD
Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. S. Valiani

Dr. S. Valiani MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine & SHA Adult Critical Care Medicine

Picture of Dr. Vanessa Rininsland

Dr. Vanessa Rininsland MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Annelie Van Rensburg

Dr. Annelie Van Rensburg CCFP, MBChB
Site Director - Prince Albert, Department of Family Medicine (PA)

Picture of Dr. Vasudha Erraguntla

Dr. Vasudha Erraguntla M.B.-B.S.
Assistant Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Felix Veloso MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Venkat Gopalakrishnan (Gopal)

Dr. Venkat Gopalakrishnan (Gopal) BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. P. Venkata FRCPC, MB-BS, FAPA
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Vern Behl MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Vernon Hoeppner

Dr. Vernon Hoeppner MD, FRCPC
Emeritus Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Veronica Marcoux

Dr. Veronica Marcoux MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Vicki Cattell MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Dr. Vicky Loessin MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. Victoria Tian

Dr. Victoria Tian MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Tian is a specialist in general internal medicine and addiction medicine.

Dr. Vijay Kantilal Trivedi MD, FRCPC, Nuclear Medicine
Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of Dr. Vijayananda Kundapur

Dr. Vijayananda Kundapur FRCR
Clinical Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Vikram Misra

Dr. Vikram Misra PhD
Professor Department of Veterinary Microbiology

Dr. Viktor Skihar MD, PhD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Viktor Zherebitskiy

Dr. Viktor Zherebitskiy MD, FRCPC, DABP, FCAP, FASCP
Assistant Professor Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Picture of Dr. Vinita Sundaram

Dr. Vinita Sundaram MD, MBBS
Assistant Professor Oncology

Dr. J. Wagner MD, MA, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Waill Khalil MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Waleed  Sabry

Dr. Waleed Sabry MD
Clinical Associate Professor Hematological Oncology

Saskatoon Co- Division Head

Picture of Dr. Kirsten Walker

Dr. Kirsten Walker MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Dermatology

Dr. Walter Hader MD, FRCPC
Emeritus & Clinical Professor Saskatoon Rehabilitation Centre

Picture of Dr. A. Wanson

Dr. A. Wanson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Area Department Lead Psychiatry

As a Saskatoon Area Department Lead of the Provincial Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Wanson provides leadership for local inpatient clinical initiatives.

Dr. L. Wanson MD
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Stephan Wardell MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Sanchea Wasyliw MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Wei Xiao

Wei Xiao
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Dr. Wendie Marks

Dr. Wendie Marks PhD
Assistant Professor, Canadian Research Chair in Development Origins of Health and Disease in Indigenous People Department of Pediatrics, Associate Faculty - APP

Picture of Dr. Wendie Marks

Dr. Wendie Marks PhD
Assistant Professor, Canadian Research Chair in Development Origins of Health and Disease in Indigenous People Department of Pediatrics, Associate Faculty - APP

Picture of Dr. Wendy Chrusch

Dr. Wendy Chrusch MD, FRCPC, CSCN Diplomate (EMG)
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Dr. Tyler J. Wenzel

Dr. Tyler J. Wenzel (he/they) BEd, PhD
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Jeffrey Wilkinson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. William Kulyk

Dr. William Kulyk BSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr. William Papenfus MD, CCFP-EM
Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine

Picture of Dr. Williams Usama

Dr. Williams Usama
Resident, PGY3 Family Medicine-Emergency Medicine

Dr. Winston Adams MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Regina General Hospital Medical Imaging

Picture of  Wojciech Dawicki

Wojciech Dawicki
Laboratory Coordinator Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Picture of Dr. Wojciech Dolata

Dr. Wojciech Dolata MD
Assistant Professor Medical Oncology

Picture of Dr. Wojciech Olszynski

Dr. Wojciech Olszynski MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Adult Rheumatology

Dr. Wojciech Olszynski
Clinical Associate Rheumatology

Dr. Wladyslaw Wojcik MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Cardiology

Dr. Zachary Wolfmueller MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Wren Mynhardt BA
Communications and Event Coordinator Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME)

Picture of Dr. B.  Wudel

Dr. B. Wudel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Dr. Yagan Pillay B Sc. MB BS, LMCC, FCS(SA), FRCSC, FACS, Dip. Laparoscopic Surgery
Division Lead (Prince Albert) & Associate Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Yakub Fahed Abu-Ghazaleh MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Anesthesiology

Picture of Dr. A. Yang

Dr. A. Yang MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Yannick Tremblay

Yannick Tremblay BSc, MSc, PhD
Lecturer Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Dr. Yanwei Xi PhD, FACMG
Assistant Professor & Clinical Lead, Genomics Laboratory Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Yasaman Torabi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Yi-Chun Chen (YCC)

Dr. Yi-Chun Chen (YCC) BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology & Pharmacology

Picture of Dr. Yifan Wang

Dr. Yifan Wang BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Picture of Yu Luo

Yu Luo BSc, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Picture of Yuliang Wu

Yuliang Wu BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology

Zimran Chowdhary MD, FRCSC, MBBS
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Dr. Zohreh Sabbagh MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Zach Turcotte BSc, MD, CCFP(EM)
Associate Professor Emergency Medicine

Dr. Yang Zhan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Charles Zhao

Charles Zhao BSc, MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Wenwan Zhou MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. R. Zimmer

Dr. R. Zimmer MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Psychiatry

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Picture of Dr. Rodney Zimmermann

Dr. Rodney Zimmermann MD, FRCPC, FACC, FESC, FCCS
Clinical Professor Cardiology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Zunaira Shahab

Dr. Zunaira Shahab BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Trustin Domes

Dr. Trustin Domes MD, MEd, MCPM, FRCSC
Academic Director

Office of the Physician Assistant Studies