The ultimate goals of equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, reconciliation, anti-racism and anti-oppression are shared by the EDI, Division of Social Accountability (DSA), and Indigenous Health Committee (IHC) portfolios. We will partner and work together on many initiatives; however, each unit has specific responsibilities:
  • For information on EDI in the context of the College of Medicine as a workplace and place of study, please connect with the EDI unit (current page).
  • For information on health equity, community engagement, curriculum and anti-racism/anti-oppression, please connect with the DSA.
  • It is important to acknowledge that Indigenous peoples in Canada are recognized as a distinct group by the Canadian constitution, and that great diversity exists among Indigenous peoples. While the EDI and DSA units work to be inclusive of Indigenous priorities and needs, specific resources and initiatives regarding Indigenous health and Indigenization are the responsibility of the Indigenous Health Committee.

EDI Events Calendar


EDI News


Message from the Dean

The USask College of Medicine is committed to being a leader among Canadian medical schools in equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

On this page, you will find information about CoM EDI initiatives, as well as resources to help each of us make the college the most inclusive place of work and study it can be. I encourage you to take time to learn more on this page, and return for updates and new information. Do not hesitate to reach out with your thoughts or to get involved in this important work. You will find contact details at the bottom of this page.

If we truly want to be the college of our values and principles, and we truly want to achieve our vision and mission, we must make changes to ensure there is real equity of opportunity, diversity across our full team, and respect for one another. I ask every member of our college community to join in this work and commit to advancing EDI.

Dean Preston Smith

Dean Preston Smith
College of Medicine

Structures & Systems

Diversity and Inclusion Working Group

Systemic Advocacy Report

A report to help the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine better address issues of systemic inequity was jointly released on March 30, 2023 by the college and the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC).

The SHRC conducted research and interviews to develop the report using a systemic investigation and advocacy approach. The report provides an overview of systemic advocacy, summarizes the SHRC’s investigation and findings, and identifies issues for the college to address. It will inform the college’s continued efforts to change and improve as an equitable, diverse, and inclusive medical school. The college and the SHRC will continue to work together on next steps, including how the issues identified in the report will be addressed. 

Read the full report: The Case for a Restorative Response to Perceptions of Systemic Inequity at the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine: A Systemic Investigation Summary Report

Anti-Racist Transformation in Medical Education

"The College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan is incredibly honoured to be working in collaboration with the Icahn School of Medicine (Mount Sinai, NY) on the Anti-Racist Transformation in Medical Education project. This initiative is an opportunity for our college to reimagine a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable future for healthcare in Saskatchewan. I encourage all learners, faculty, and staff within the College of Medicine to embrace this as an opportunity to learn, grow, and support our ongoing efforts for transformation."

Dean Preston Smith
College of Medicine

What is Anti-Racist Transformation in Medical Education (ART in Med Ed)? 

In 2021, the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine was selected from more 60 competitive applicants from across the U.S. and Canada to participate in the Anti-Racist Transformation in Medical Education (ART in Med Ed) initiative, led by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The University of Saskatchewan has the distinct honour of being the only Canadian school selected, participating alongside prestigious institutions such as Columbia University and University of California, Los Angeles.

ART in Med is a three-year initiative which aims to dismantle institutional racism in medical education. Our cohort — which is made up of 15 faculty, staff and students committed to anti-racist transformation at the U of S — has been meeting for a year to begin the change management initiative. We are ready to move into the next phase, where members of the College of Medicine community can begin to contribute to this transformative change.

Who does this impact?

ART in Med Ed is a college-wide initiative that will involve all areas of work and study, including but not limited to staff, students, faculty, departments (i.e. biomedical science), and affiliated schools (i.e. School of Rehabilitation Science). Participation in this process is open to any and all members of the College of Medicine that would like to champion anti-racism and anti-oppression in our college – staff of all levels and unions, faculty, UGME, PGME and grad students are encouraged to get involved.

Where is the college in the process?

We are now in Phase 3 of the initiative, where we will be building our Guiding Coalition. The Guiding Coalition will be made up of faculty, staff, residents, fellows, postdocs and students, organized into functional areas or spheres, who will be responsible for determining priorities for their sphere and leading anti-racist systems change. The spheres will oversee the change projects or actions; identify options and make decisions about where energy and resources should be focused; determine how to hold people accountable and manage resistance; as well as muster support, buy-in and resources from stakeholders and other parts of our institution.


  1. Learners - Learner experience, culture and climate from an anti-racist perspective; advising practices that actively address racism, promote equity, and improve trust between students and student affairs; address issues that underrepresented learners may face.
  2. Faculty and Staff - Experience, culture and climate from an anti-racist perspective. Including recruitment, retention, and promotion that advances diversity and equity.
  3. Curriculum - Anti-racist pedagogy, faculty development on teaching anti-racist medicine and white supremacy, and curricular initiatives in curriculum throughout UGME, PGME (clinical settings) Grad studies and SRS.
  4. Admissions – Anti-racist admissions practices, including specific streams and recruitment efforts.
  5. Research - For those interested in research from an anti-racist lens, health equity research, anti-racist medicine, anti-racist pedagogy (includes postdocs).

Each sphere will consist of 7–10 members, with two designated co-leads.

Membership terms – One-year commitment required; members are encouraged to serve more than one year.

What are the expectations for Guiding Coalition members? 

  • Use their day-to-day function/role and relevant stakeholder groups to increase awareness of the change initiative and adopt change management methodology.
  • Contribute energy and skills by collaborating (attending monthly meetings and working between meetings) on change projects or actions that will accelerate change in a specific sphere.
  • Increase personal awareness, knowledge and ability in order to address racism in systemic policies and practices that have generated an imbalance in power and privilege in the medical learning and work environment.

What is the membership criteria?

  • Value diversity comprehensively, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability and disability, age, and other factors that shape creative perspective and professional experience.
  • Demonstrate a high commitment to ending racism.
  • Be open-minded and willing to approach problems with the awareness that one’s own perspective is not always the only valid perspective.
  • Desire to transform “why we can’t” to “how we can.”
  • Affect change through actions big and small.
  • Motivation to lead from where you sit. 

EDI Survey

The purpose of the survey is to establish a baseline of where the College of Medicine is regarding:

  • the representation of marginalized members
  • the perception of the inclusivity of college culture
  • the demographic data needed for accreditation

The survey is anonymous, with strict methods in place to ensure no individuals can be identified, including setting a reporting requirement of a minimum of five respondents for each potentially identifying category (e.g., racialized people).

We understand the fear around sharing pieces of our identities and experiences and will ensure this can be done in a safe manner.  

EDI at USask During COVID-19

Members of the University of Saskatchewan were invited to relay noticeable impacts (whether positive or negative) of the Covid-19 pandemic on EDI. An online survey was used to collect information on incidents witnessed or experienced, concerns, successes, and recommendations. A sample of 234 respondents completed the open-ended survey.

Education & Resources

Balance & Belonging Speaker Series

The College will host three speakers per academic year who will present on a range of EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) related topics.

  • Uncomfortable Truths and Inclusive Excellence in STEM: Building the Toolkit for Change
    Dr. Imogen Coe, Professor, Chemistry & Biology, Ryerson University
    View Recording

People & Places

Several members and units across the college are engaged in equity work, including:

Connect with the University of Saskatchewan Equity, Diversity and Inclusion resources for more information.

Contact Us

Please contact with any questions or for more information.