Medicine Faculty Development

Welcome to Faculty Development

Faculty Development assists faculty members in the achievement of their academic roles with an aim to enhance the experience of our learners and support the missions of our faculties.

Upcoming Events




Clinician Educator Diploma Program (CEd)

Admissions open January 2, 2025!

Enhance your medical education skills with the CEd Program, accredited by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada. Ideal for clinicians in leadership roles, this flexible program supports your professional growth while fitting around your clinical practice.

More information | Apply now!


Submit an abstract for RISE 2025!

RISE 2025 will be held virtually on June 13, 2025 featuring Keynote speaker Dr. Sarah Forgie, Dean of Medicine.

Abstracts close: March 31, 2025

More information | Event poster

Faculty Development now has a playlist on the USask CoM YouTube! Check out our first video on 'Making it Count: Effective Feedback' by Sean Polreis and Dr. Cathy MacLean

About Us

Faculty Development (FD) is a community of practice of staff, faculty including physicians and other providers, educators and learners around the province who are interested in supporting and facilitating medical education, using best practices and evidence for work in all domains- clinical, administrative, teaching and learning, research and leadership.   We are creating a Faculty Development Network to reach across all areas of the province and are working to have leads in all disciplines.  We also have a Faculty Development Advisory committee to help strategically guide our work and an End Users group of medical students and residents to give us feedback on how we are doing from their perspective.

We are here to support you in those areas of your work that include teaching (all levels of learners), research (to help get you started), leadership (including assuming educational leadership roles), wellness for you and your learners and more.  We want to support you as we collectively strive to provide excellent learning experiences across all our teaching sites.  We want to support you individually in your faculty role and hope the resources provided on this site and through our various programs will be helpful.  We recognize faculty development is often most relevant at the site/clinic/program/or department level.  Feel free to contact us for more information or to arrange a FD session.

Our annual report is released in the fall following the end of our reporting year which runs from September-June.  For a more comprehensive view of the Department, beyond what's listed on our website, please review our Annual Report.

Our strategic plan is aligned with the College of Medicine strategic plan and in particular the priority area on Quality Education and Scholarship.  We work collaboratively with the Distributed Medical Education, Faculty Engagement, Research, Social Accountability as well as others and are keen to establish relationships and connections within the Health Professions.

Faculty Development Strategic Plan 2019-2023

Faculty Development uses this matrix to ensure we are covering all the bases in our programming - are we connecting with all of our audiences at various levels and across several key themes?

We also look at the College of Medicine's Quality Education Plan and ensure that we are contributing in any area identified as a priority for Faculty Development or where FD can help to facilitate success.  



Faculty Development assists faculty members in the achievement of their academic roles with an aim to enhance the experience of our learners and support the missions of our faculties.  Below are just a few of the many supports we offer.

MedEd Conference Listings What is out there and worth attending?  Visit our MedEd Conference Listings page to find out.
Events See what's coming up in FD!
Online Canvas Programming FD offers longitudinal programming on Canvas that can be accessed by faculty asynchronously throughout the year. These programs are offered for free to all faculty, staff, residents and students.
Faculty Development Library Check out hard copies of resources we have available in Faculty Development easily.  You can scan our library online to see if we have books or medical education articles you might be interested in borrowing.  These are available to be borrowed by contacting
Memberships Whether through the College of Medicine or specific memberships through Faculty Development, we belong to several national and international medical education organizations that allow us access to many resources.  As such faculty can apply for and participate in these different offerings, grants, courses and resources. These may include:   IAMSE, AMEESTFMCAMEAAMC, and CGEA.
Teaching Resources We've compiled many resources to support you in your teaching.
Peer Observation and Mentorship Peer Observation and Mentorship Program for Teaching in Medicine (PROMPT-MED) - The PROMPT-MED program provides opportunities for faculty to grow their skill set in teaching through peer observation.
Research Resources Faculty development offers supports, courses and resources to help you develop research skills for medical education research and clinical research.
Med Ed Research and Scholarship /SoTL opportunities Medical Education Research and Scholarship/ SoTL opportunities 
Supports for New Faculty Welcome aboard!  This section is geared specifically to assist those new to teaching.  The New Faculty Orientation PDF is great for learning the basics about teaching and is recommended for all new faculty.


Yes. This will enable us to send you any resources/references if there is any advance preparation required. Also, it will be easier to get your certificate for study credits.

Typically there is no cost to attend faculty development events. It is, however, still important to attend events when you have registered as there are costs associated with holding these events.  We will, therefore, occasionally ask for a $50 deposit which is refunded if you attend.  We appreciate your letting us know if you are not able to attend in advance in which case you will also not be charged.

Yes, you can.  We can make arrangements for you to participate remotely, with advanced notice.  We currently use WebEx and Zoom virtual platforms.

Absolutely. Faculty Development serves teachers located anywhere in the province and welcomes the opportunities to work with the various FD leads around the province.

Certainly. We believe in customizing training according to your individual/site/program/or department needs. Contact our office and we can work with you to tailor a FD session to meet your needs.

For noncertified educational events, physicians may still claim credits:

  • For the College of Family Physicians of Canada, of the 250 credits per 5 year cycle, half can be for non-certified learning either group or individual. For further information plese see the Mainpro manual.
  • Members of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada may claim Maintenance of Certification program credits by reporting event hours with MAINPORT under "unaccredited activities" in Section 1; for further information please see the RCPSC website.

We do try to ensure many of our events are approved for either MOC or Mainpro credits. Members of the CFPC can claim MOC credits (up to 50 in a 5 year cycle.)

Sometimes the FD events you want to attend may not be offered at a time or on a day that works for you. In an effort to help alleviate this problem, we try to digitally record many of our sessions so you can access them at your convenience from our website.

We are also happy to offer events again at times that might work better – with flexible scheduling. If you are interested in any of our events, please let us know which days and times will work best for you and your group, and we'll work with you to set up the workshop at a time and day that is convenient.

Contact Us


Dr. Cathy MacLean, MBA, MD, FCFP, MCISc
Professor and Director
5B57.2 HSc Bwing

sean-polreis.jpg Mr. Sean Polreis, M.Ed.
Teaching & Learning Specialist
5B57.4 HSc Bwing
person Dr. Scott Tunison, Ph.D, M.Ed, B.Mus.Ed.
Teaching & Learning Specialist
5B57.1 HSc Bwing
person Ms. Amy Winik
Administrative Coordinator
5B57.3 HSc Bwing
Ph: (306) 966-5171
premkumar.jpg Dr. Kalyani Premkumar, MBBS, MD, MSc (Med Ed), PhD, MBA
Lead, Masters in Health Professions Education
3226 HSc Ewing
rob_woods.jpg Dr. Rob Woods, MD, FRCPC, MMEd, DRCPSC
Program Director, Clinician Educator Diploma
olszynski,-paul.jpg Dr. Paul Olszynski, MD, Med, CCFP(EM), FCFP
Course Director, Simulation FUNdamentals
greg_malin.jpg Dr. Greg Malin, BSc, PhD, MD, Med
Peer Observation Program (PROMPT-MED)


Dr. Helen Chang

Faculty Development Lead, Regina
Phone: 306-766-0558 

Ravi Mangat

Adminisrative Assistant, Regina
Phone: 306-766-0558


Dr. Andries Muller

DAFM Faculty Development Director

Kimberly Moss

Administrative Assistant, DAFM FD

Family Medicine Faculty Development Site Leads

La Ronge

Dr. Jeff Irvine, Site Lead | Email

Moose Jaw

Dr. Rob Haver, Site Lead | Email

North West

Dr. Mike Barnett, Site Lead | Email

Prince Albert

Dr. Alanna Kurytnik, Site Lead | Email


Dr. Asma Gargoum, Site Lead |  Email


Dr. Emily Sullivan, Site Lead |  Email

South East

Dr. Mahmood Beheshti | Email

Swift Current

Dr. Alta Van Breda, Site Lead | Email