Dr. David Jones MD, CCFP, FRCPC, MHSc, DSc(hc), LLD(hc), FACPM, FCFP, CCFP
Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive MedicineTeaching
- 2006-present, Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba; periodic teaching and advice in Departments of Infectious Disease and Public Health
- 2004-present, Clinical Professor in Faculty of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan; teaching and mentoring of Community Medicine Residents, graduate students, advising on research and otherwise supporting the mandates of the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology and the School of Public Health
- 2001-2003 Associate Clinical Professor, University of Saskatchewan; involved in teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate level, as well as seminars for Family Medicine Residents, and with students in the environmental health program at the Indian Federated College
- 1996-2001, Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Saskatchewan; involved in teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate level
- 1999, University of Saskatchewan; responsible for the development of a Masters level graduate course in program planning and evaluation
- 1990-1995, Lecturer, University of Toronto
- 1984, Sault College, Sault St. Marie, Ontario; developed and taught a course in Occupational Epidemiology for Occupational Health Nurses
- 1982-1983, Baie Verte, NF; Active program for teaching and mentoring of elective students and rotating Family Practice Residents
- 1980-1982, University of Toronto; conducted seminars for medical students while a Community Medicine Resident
Community and Other Professional Activities
- 2021-2023, Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery Board.
- 2018-present, Honorary Patron, Environmental Health Foundation of Canada
- 2016-present, CHAIM Advisory Board (Canadian Health Adaptations, Innovations and Mobilization Centre), Carleton University
- 2014-2020, Heart and Stroke Foundation National Board
- 2004-14, as CPHO I was involved in activities that related to the position, including chairing a large number of boards and committees, internationally and in Canada, including as a member of the FPT Council of Deputy Ministers of Health, managing the Public Health Agency and advising other governments, organizations and the general public on Health issues.
- 2000-10, Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Institute Advisory Board, Population, Public Health and Global Health
- 2003-2004, Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the 21st Century, founding co-chair
- 1995-2004, Canadian Public Health Association Board, President 1999-2001
- 1995-2004, Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health for Canada
- 2003, Canadian Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health (Naylor)
- 1995-02, Chair or member of a broad range of Provincial Committees in Saskatchewan
- 2000, Canadian Roundtable on Climate Change and Health- chair
- 2000-02, American Public Health Association, Vice President
- 1995-2000, FPT Advisory Committee on Population Health
- 1999-2002, International Regent, Board of Regents, American College of Preventive Medicine
- 1992-98, National Steering Committee on Enhancing Prevention in the Practice of Health Professionals, Chair 1993-98
- 1995 Ontario Provincial Advisory Committee on School Based Drug Education
- 1995, Ontario Community Health Framework, External Advisory Committee
- 1992-95, Medical Advisor, Barrie Community Health Centre
- 1987-95, Ontario Medical Association Special Committee on HIV/AIDS, Chair 1993-95
- 1990-95, Ontario Heart Health Action Program, Expert Advisory Committee
- 1990s, Canadian Population Health Initiative, Governing Council
- 1990s, National Steering Committee on the Canadian Climate Change and Health Vulnerability Assessment, Health Canada
- 1990s, Canadian Cancer Society Expert Panel on Environmental Carcinogen
- 1990s, Federal/Provincial/Territorial (FPT) Working Group on Public Health 1990-95, Board of Directors, Barrie After-Hours Clinic
- 1988-91, Executive Board, Association of Local Official Health Agencies of Ontario
- 1988-91, Executive, Society of Medical Officers of Health, Ontario, Chair 1988-89
- 1990, Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation Task Force on Smoking
- 1986-90, Executive, Ontario Medical Assoc. Section of Public Health Physicians, Chair 87-88
- 1984-86, Program Review Committee United Way of Sault Ste. Marie
- 1985-86, Medical Advisor & Board Member, Algoma Lung Association
- 1985, Canadian Games for Physically Disabled, Medical Committee
- 1980-82, Class Representative, Community Health and Epidemiology, Univ. of Toronto
- 1977-85, Planning Committee and Facilitator to 27th General Council Youth Forum, UCC
- 1981-85, National Working Group, Youth, Young Adult and Recreational Ministries, UCC
- 1971-77, Division of Mission in Canada, (Policies and Programs for UCC work in Canada)
- 1970 and 1972, General Council, United Church of Canada (UCC) (National Governing Body)
- 1971-72, Student Council President, Victoria Park Secondary School
Research Related Activities
- Involvement in Research has included a mix of primary research design, implementation, reviews, advice and commentary, supporting others research as well as my own.
- CIHR, Institute Advisory Board, Population and Public Health
- CPHI, Canadian Population Health Initiative Governing Council
- CJPH, (Canadian Journal of Public Health) reviewer of articles on a range of public health topics
- Other Journals, periodically asked to review articles and books from other publishers
- NHRDP, Review panel for prevention and public health
- Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, Natural Resources Canada, Reviews of research proposals on climate change, pollution and health impacts
- Saskatchewan CIHR regional partnership committee
- Supervision of Masters’ Student Thesis based on comparative assessment of barriers and supports to health promotion and prevention in clinical practice of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and dieticians
- I have also served as an external member on a number of External Boards for graduate students
Research Grants Held
- 1998-2002, McLean, Butler-Jones, Reeder, Green, $575,000. National Health Research & Development Program, Health Canada Saskatchewan Heart Health Program Dissemination Phase. Process and impact of capacity-building cost-effective methods to disseminate heart health promotion interventions to a range of Saskatchewan communities. Phase 2
- 1997-99, Reeder, on behalf of McLean, Butler-Jones, Reeder, Green, $110,000. Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, Saskatchewan Heart Health Program: Dissemination Research. Process and impact of capacity-building cost-effective methods to disseminate heart health promotion interventions to a range of Saskatchewan communities. Phase 1
- 1998-99, Butler-Jones, D. Nilson, R., Saskatchewan Health, $600,000. Saskatchewan Population Health Status and Dynamics Research Project. The objective of this project was to identify individual health status, behaviours, risk conditions, utilization and other determinants of health in Saskatchewan population.
- 1997-98, Butler-Jones, D., FDA-FD-U-001415 $95,640. Saskatchewan Health Resources for Pharmaco-epidemiology in Saskatchewan. The objective of this project was to use the Saskatchewan Health administrative databases to conduct Pharmaco-epidemiologic analyses in collaboration with the FDA
- 1997-98, Joint award: McLean, Butler-Jones, Reeder, Green $75,000. Population Health Fund, Health Canada, Saskatchewan Heart Health Program Dissemination Phase. This involved development of research in heart health dissemination.
- 1994-97 (Butler-Jones) FDA-FD-U-000976 - In Final Year: $160,000. Saskatchewan Health, Adverse Effects of Marketed Drugs The objective of this project is to use the Saskatchewan Health administrative databases to conduct Pharmaco-epidemiologic analyses in collaboration with the FDA.
Publications, Journals, and Texts
- Butler-Jones, D. (2018) Forward in Arya and Pigott ed. Under-served: Health Determinants of Indigenous, Inner-City, and Migrant Populations in Canada, Canadian Scholars, Toronto.
- Butler-Jones, D. Wong, T. (2016), Can Communicable Dis Rep. 2016 Feb 18;42(Suppl 1):S118-S120. eCollection 2016 Feb 18.
- Butler-Jones, D. (2013). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2013: Infectious Disease— The Never-Ending Threat. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Koplan, Jeffrey P.; Butler-Jones, D.; Tsang T, Yu W. “Public health lessons from severe acute respiratory syndrome a decade later.” Emerging Infectious Diseases [Internet] Volume 19 No. 6, CDC, June 2013
- Butler-Jones, D. (2012). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2012: Influencing Health— The Importance of Sex and Gender. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Butler-Jones, D. (2011). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2011: Youth and Young Adults— Life in Transition. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Maeshiro, Rika MD, MPH; Johnson, Ian MD, MSc; Koo, Denise MD, MPH; Parboosingh, Jean MB ChB, MSc; Carney, Jan K. MD, MPH; Gesundheit, Neil MD, MPH; Ho, Evelyn T. MPH; Butler-Jones, David MD, LLD, MHSc; et al. Medical Education for a Healthier Population: Reflections on the Flexner Report From a Public Health Perspective, Academic Medicine Journal, Feb. 2010, Volume 85, Issue 2: 211-219
- Butler-Jones, D. (2010). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2010: Growing Older— Adding Life to Years. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Canadian Police Chief Magazine, “A Public Health Approach to Community Safety”, Winter 2009
- John S. Spika, MD, David Butler-Jones, MD, LLD, MHSc, Pandemic Influenza, H1N1: Our Canadian Response, Canadian Journal of Public Health, September/October 2009
- Butler-Jones, D. (2009). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2009: Growing Up Well— Priorities for a Healthy Future. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Butler-Jones, D., The Serials Librarian, “Streamlining how we deliver Public Health Information Online: From CHN to PHAC”, Volume 55, Number 4, 2008
- Butler-Jones, D. (2008). The Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, 2008: Addressing Health Inequalities. (Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Darcy, Kosteniuk, Smith, Nilson, Cholowsky, Bowen, and Butler-Jones, Depression in Saskatchewan: An Analysis of the Saskatchewan Population Health and Dynamics Survey, University of Saskatchewan
- MacLean, S., Feather, J., Butler-Jones, D., Action for Learning, Learning form Action: Building Health Promotion Capacity, BC University Press
- Beck, P., Butler-Jones, D., et al, Statin Use and Risk of Breast Cancer, Journal of Clinic Epidemiology, 2003
- Krewski, D., Butler-Jones, D., et al, Managing the Microbiological Risks of Drinking Water: 2003 Managing health risks from drinking water-a report to the Walkerton inquiry. Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part A. 65(21): 1635-823, 2005 (Nov 8).
- Krewski, D., Balbus, J., Butler-Jones, D., et al, Managing Health Risks from Drinking Water, Commissioned Paper 7; The Walkerton Inquiry, Feb 2002
- Preddy, G., Butler-Jones, D., et al, Population Health: Making it relevant in an Integrated Health System, Annals RCPSC, 2002; December
- Ebbesen, L.S., Bell Woodard, G., McLean, S., Butler-Jones, D., Green, K., Reeder, B.A., Steer, S.L., Feather, J., Saskatchewan Dissemination Story. (2001). Promotion and Education Journal. (1 suppl): S35-S39.
- Butler-Jones, D. Whither the Health of the Public, Health and Welfare Systems Development in the 21st Century, Proceedings of the Second Global Symposium 29-31, October 2001 WHO-Kobe Center (2001)
- McLean, S., Ebbesen, L.S., Green, K., Reeder, B.A., Butler-Jones, D., Steer, S. Capacity for Community Development: An Approach to Conceptualization and Measurement. (2001). Journal of the Community Development Society. 32(2): 251-271.
- McLean, S., Ebbesen, L.S., Green, K., Reeder, B.A., Butler-Jones, D., Steer, S. Continuing Education for Health Promotion: A Case Study of Needs Assessment Practice. (2000). Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education. 26(1):11-30.
- Butler-Jones, D., Health Promotion in Clinical Practice, chapter commentary in Settings for Health Promotion: L. Green et al editors. Sage 1999
- Butler-Jones, D. Applying a Population Health Approach, Can J Pub Health 1999;90s1: s62-s64.
- Stang MR, Wysowski D, Butler-Jones D. Incidence of lactic acidosis in metformin users. Diabetes Care 1999; 22:925-927.
- McLean, D. Butler-Jones, K. Green, B. Reeder, J. Feather, L. Ebbesen, M. Moore, and S. Steer, 1999. Capacity-Building: Appropriate Concepts, Strategies and Research Methods for Heart Health Promotion in Developing Countries. Scientific Abstracts from the International Conference on Heart Health in the Developing Countries. 47-48, New Delhi, India
- McLean, D. Butler-Jones, K. Green, B. Reeder, J. Feather, L. Ebbesen, M. Moore, S. Steer, 1999. Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Saskatchewan: Building Capacity in the Health District System. Scientific Abstracts from the International Conference on Heart Health in the Developing Countries, 23, New Delhi, India.
- McLean, D. Butler-Jones, K. Green, B. Reeder, J. Feather, L. Ebbesen, M. Moore, S. Steer, 1999. Understanding and Assessing Capacity for Community Development Work. Proceedings of the Community Development Society 31st Annual International Conference, digital publication Spokane, Washington.
- Canadian Heart Health Surveys Research Group. Obesity: a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The Canadian heart health surveys. Can Med Assoc J 1997; 157(1suppl).
- Butler-Jones, D. Enhancing Prevention in the Practice of Health Professionals, Can J Pub Health 1996; 87: s75-s78.
- Butler-Jones, D. Provincial immunization and communicable disease information system coming on-line. Concern 1996; 25(6):13.
- Martin S. Bouchard F, Butler-Jones D, et al. Health policy and public involvement, Vancouver Health Board, British Columbia. Can J Pub Health 1996; 87(1):1-I56.
- CPHA Working Group, chair, The Role of Public Health in Health Systems Restructuring, Can J Pub Health; 1996 (supplement)
- National Enhancing Prevention Steering Committee, Chair. Working Together for Health Strategies for Today and Tomorrow, 1995, Health Canada
- National Enhancing Prevention Steering Committee. Enhancing Prevention in the Practice of Health Professionals. Strategies for Today and Tomorrow, Health Canada 1993
- Morris B., Harason P., Butler-Jones D., Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B. in a Small Urban STD Clinic, Can J Pub Health 1992; 83:73-74
- Morris B, Butler-Jones D., Community advocacy and the MD: physicians should stand up and stand out (editorial). Can Med Assoc J 1991; 144:1316-7
- Hands, B., Butler-Jones, D. Hearing Loss: The Silent Epidemic., Med. Review Apr. 1988:26-31
- Butler-Jones D., The Pitfalls of Prevention, Canadian Family Physician, January 1987; 33:9-10
- Butler-Jones D., Support for Preventive Public Health Programs, Canadian Family Physician, April 1987; 33:1051-1052
- Butler-Jones, D. Pasteurella Multocida Septicemia During Pregnancy, 1986 CMAJ Dec. 15/86; 135(12):1369-1372