We are leaders in improving the health and well-being of the people of Saskatchewan and the world.
As a socially accountable organization, we improve health through innovative and interdisciplinary research and education, leadership, community engagement, and the development of culturally competent, skilled clinicians and scientists. Collaborative and mutually beneficial partnerships with Indigenous peoples and communities are central to our mission.

Values & Principles


We're committed to:
• collegiality
• fairness and equitable treatment
• inclusiveness
• integrity, honesty and ethical behaviour
• respect


We believe in:
• academic freedom
• collaboration
• commitment to community
• different ways of knowing, learning and being
• diversity, equality and human dignity
• excellence
• a healthy work and learning environment
• innovation, curiosity and creativity
• openness, transparency and accountability
• reconciliation
• sustainability

Strategic Directions

Strategic direction-research icon

Leverage expertise and opportunities while performing research across the breadth of biomedical sciences, clinical medicine, health systems, and health of populations to create an environment where research can excel.

Research plays a critical role in the success of the CoM, fostering academic growth and discovery among our faculty and students to create a foundation for new knowledge.

  • Recruit, support and retain excellent researchers and encourage and expand CoM interdisciplinary collaborations.
  • Increase Tri-Agency and other prestigious national grant submissions, awards, and funding dollars.
  • Implement a strong biomedical science program that stimulates graduate student and faculty research programs.
  • Encourage and expand collaborations - both interdisciplinary and college basic science/clinical. 

Strategic direction-education icon

The COM will enhance the quality and methods of teaching, learning and scholarship. We will focus education and training to develop clinicians who excel at meeting the needs of the province, are culturally competent, and are leaders who can drive health system transformation.

Our province is our campus.

  • Learning Environment: Create a safe, effective, and learner-focused environment to support the growth and development of our learners across the continuum.
  • Enhance Medical Education: Support the development and implementation of new and innovative programming that meets learner and provincial needs and accreditation standards, while ensuring that all programming continues to support our equity,diversity, and social accountability mandate.
  • Medical Education Scholarship - foster a culture where medical education scholarship is encouraged and valued.
  • Develop the Regina campus - support the growth and development of our Regina campus.
  • Leadership development – develop leadership capacity in the college.

Foster a province-wide college. Implement a sustainable, well-resourced framework across the continuum that will result in quality community partnerships, successful and comparable students across all sites, elevated community health, and better graduate retention in communities.

Engage with communities to provide an intra and interdisciplinary training and research environment across the continuum of medical education. Support learners in developing their skills as they move towards unsupervised practice and gain understanding of the unique aspects of in rural and remote Saskatchewan medical practice.

  • Expand the rural pathway model of early and repeated exposure for trainees to encompass the entire life cycle of rural physicians.
  • Establish and stabilize dedicated training sites in sufficient numbers and demographics to manage the number of distributed learners.
  • Establish and grow a successful longitudinal integrated clerkship program in Saskatchewan.

Strategic direction-social accountability icon

Address the priority health concerns of the communities the college is mandated to serve, incorporating authentic community engagement and mutually beneficial partnerships.
Focus on equity and community engagement by interweaving social accountability throughout the college’s operations.

  • Integrate social accountability into learning across the College of Medicine.
  • Integrate social accountability into research and scholarship across the College of Medicine.
  • The College of Medicine will engage authentically with the community to address health inequities across Saskatchewan and identify and respond to emerging community health needs.
  • Commit to social accountability within our institutional structures and internal operations.

Strategic direction-Indigenous icon Respond to the Calls to Action in Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation report, and work in a mutually beneficial and collaborative manner with the Indigenous peoples of Saskatchewan to define and address the present and emerging health needs in their communities.

Promote wellness, balance and teachings that will lead to positive and improved outcomes in communities.

  • Establish an administrative home within the College of Medicine.
  • Contribute to a welcoming space.
  • Foster transformative learning experiences to ensure curriculum and practices are delivered in a culturally safe way.
  • Research: Commit to Indigenous health and wellness as an ethical imperative with Indigenous health research supporting Indigenous communities in their movement towards health and wellness and in redressing health inequity, especially intergenerational health concerns.

Strategic direction-faculty icon

Focus on support, development and engagement of all faculty to foster a mutually beneficial relationship and empower faculty as role models for future clinicians and scientists.

A diverse faculty complement, engaged across the province, will inform and enhance the college mission.

  • Support standardized models of faculty governance and administration that enhance faculty engagement in the affairs of the college and enhance academic integration within the health care system.
  • Ensure we are organized to foster commitment and satisfaction across the comprehensive complement of faculty.

Focus on aligning our strategic and operational plans with Saskatchewan health system strategies and plans, to enhance integration between the clinical environment and the college.

Support a dynamic network of academic health organizations to create and harness strong, purposeful partnerships through integrating leading-edge research, teaching and clinical care to improve the health and well-being of the people of Saskatchewan.

  • Ensure a strong, effective partnership with the SHA by integrating academic and clinical work: leading-edge research, teaching and clinical care. Through this partnership, the college will influence an innovative culture driving transformative improvements in care, experiences, costs, and meaning in work.
  • Reinforce physician leadership through the provincial head model in a coordinated and sustainable way.

Strategic direction-School of Rehabilitation Science icon

Establish and implement the School of Rehabilitation Science (SRS).

  • Identity: establish the school as an academic entity on campus and foster a positive reputation.
  • Capacity building: support the attainment of stable and sufficient financial resources for the operation and advancement of the SRS.
  • Partnership: Ensure strong, purposeful partnerships with both the internal and external communities involved with and affected by our program.
  • Program Design: Continue to evolve and advance excellent programming.

Strategic direction: enablers icon

The college needs an organizational structure, infrastructure, and effective coordination to ensure success across the priorities. The following enablers are instrumental to advancing the college: people, partnerships and relationships and organizational capacity. 

  • Financial: The resources available to support the research, education and training, and clinical activities of the college.
  • The recruitment and retention of strong leadership, faculty, students, management and support staff are integral to the success of the college.
  • Information management: the capacity of information systems and internal processes to support delivery of the most appropriate and efficient education and training, research and clinical care of services of the college.


The CoM Senior Leadership Council has the oversight of the implementation of the strategic plan.  Program level planning and implementation is led by a sponsor who is responsible for the work related to the priority.

  • The operational plans for each priority have laid out activities from 2017-2025; these will be reviewed regularly throughout the timeframe to respond to changing and emerging opportunities. 
  • Sponsors will report progress twice annually, and an annual report will be released to the college community to show our progress.
  • An annual senior leadership retreat provides a venue to conduct a deep dive into one of the strategy


The College of Medicine created a strategic planning framework that incorporated broad awareness, assessment, and consultation with our college community and various other stakeholders, to produce a renewed vision, mission, values, principles and strategic priorities for the next five years.

A variety of consultations were held, including

  • Clinical Care Forum focused on the interface of the college and the provincial health system
  • Provincial Advisory Meeting with provincial partners on potential areas of focus and expectations for the province’s only medical school
  • Student Focus Groups for medical students and residents to discuss how the college’s teaching and learning mission is performing and can be improved
  • Staff Focus Groups to reflect on a new plan’s implications for their daily work
  • Town Halls: a series of town halls for faculty, staff, and students to learn about the findings from working groups and other consultations and to share their feedback

Decisions based on consultation and feedback were made through a Visioning Meeting and a Prioritization Meeting. A draft plan was released to the college community in early 2017, followed by town hall events for further discussion and feedback.

The college’s new strategic plan was approved by a motion of its faculty council on March 29, 2017.

School of Rehabilitation Science

The School of Rehabilitation Science carries out its strategic planning process in parallel with the College of Medicine. As a unit within the college, many school priorities directly link to or intersect with the work of the college. Therefore, school faculty, staff, and students were engaged during the most recent planning processes and a five-year strategic plan was approved by faculty council in spring of 2017.

The school is working in partnership with the college and will be consulting with staff, faculty, students, and other stakeholders to begin the work for a new strategic plan in 2025.


College of Medicine

Crystal Maslin
Director of Planning and Projects
Phone: 306-966-4352

School of Rehabilitation Science

Dr. Brenna Bath
Phone: 306-966-6579