Dr. John Shaw MBBCh, FCSSA, MMed(Surg), FRCSC
Division Lead (Saskatoon) & Clinical Associate Professor, General SurgeryAbout
I am a Hepatobiliary Surgeon, currently working at the Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, Canada. I previously served as the assistant Program Director in General Surgery. My undergraduate training, General Surgery Residency and Hepatobiliary Fellowship were all completed in South Africa at the University of Cape Town prior to emigrating to Canada with my family in 2009. I was appointed as the Divison Head for General Surgery in 2017.
Academic Background:
- 2013 - FRCSC, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Canada
- 2007 - MMed (Surg), University of Cape Town South Africa
- 2006 - Surgical Gastroenterology (Hepatobiliary), College of Medicine of South Africa
- 2004 - FCS (SA), University of Cape Town, South Africa
- 1991 - MBBCh, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Selected Publications
- Iradukunda D, Moser M, Rodych N, Lim H J, Mondal P,Shaw JM. Patients aged 80 years and older accrue similar benefits from Total Parenteral Nutrition compared to younger patients. J of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics 2013, 32:233-243.
- Bernon M, Shaw JM, Krige JEJ et al. Malignant biliary obstruction. Plastic versus metal stents for palliation of symptomatic jaundice. Abstract,. SAMJ 2012; 102(8):709.
- Jacobsohn F, Krige JEJ, Levin D, Shaw JM et al. Efficacy of single agent injection therapy in achieving haemostasis in patients with acutely bleeding peptic ulcers. Abstract. SAMJ 2012;102(8):705.
- Burmeister S, Krige JEJ, Shaw JM et al. Successful use of endoscopic SEMS to palliate malignant gastric outlet obstruction. Abstract. SAMJ 2012;102(8):703.
- Ginther DN, Kriegler S, Kanthan R, Shaw JM. Unexpected intra-operative diagnosis of a large cystic phaeochromocytoma and secondary nifedipine pharmacobezoar. S Afr J Surg 2012;50(3):98-99.
- Costamagna G, Trinngali A, Spicak J, Mutignani M, Shaw J et al. Treatment of malignant gastroduodenal obstruction with a nitinol self-expanding metal stent: An international prospective multicentre registry. Digestive and Liver Disease 2011, 44:37-43.
- Price C, Krige JEJ , Shaw JM, Burmeister S, Bornman PC, Beningfield SJ . Combined palliative stenting for malignant biliary and duodenal obstruction. Abstract. HPB 2011, 13 (suppl 2):44.
- Bernon M, Shaw JM, Krige JEJ, Bornman PC. Malignant biliary obstruction: A prospective randomised trial comparing plastic and metal stents for palliation of symptomatic jaundice. Abstract. HPB 2011, 13 (suppl 2):20.
- Shaw JM, Bornman PC, Krige JEJ, Stupart DA, Panieri E.Self-expanding metal stents as an alternative to surgical bypass for malignant gastric outlet obstruction. BJS 2010, 97:872-876.
- Shaw JM, Bornman PC, Callanan MD, Beckingham IJ, Metz DC. Long-term outcome of laparoscopic Nissen and laparoscopic Toupet fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease: a prospective, randomized trial. Surg Endosc 2010, 24(4):924-932.
- Krige JE, Kotze UK, Distiller G, Shaw JM, Bornman PC. Predictive factors for rebleeding and death in alcoholic cirrhotic patients with acute variceal bleeding: a multivariate analysis. World J Surg. 2009 Oct;33(10):2127-35.
- Shaw JM, Bornman PC, Krige JEJ, Panieri E, Stupart D, van Wyk M. Self-expanding metal stents as an alternative to surgical bypass for malignant gastric outlet obstruction. Abstract. SAMJ 2009, 99(8): 601.
- Thomson D, Bornman P, Hameed F, Krige J, Kotze U, Shaw J. The role of endoscopic retrograde pancreatography in the treatment of local complications of pancreatic trauma. Abstract. SAMJ 2009, 99(8):603.
- Shaw JM, Beningfield SJ, Bornman PC, Burmeister S, Krige JEJ, Nicol AJ, Navsaria P. The role of ERCP and PTC in the management of bile leaks after penetrating liver trauma. Abstract. SAMJ 2009, 99(8):602.
- Krige JEJ, Shaw JM, Bornman PC. Early rebleeding and death at 6 weeks in alcoholic cirrhotic patients with acute variceal bleeding treated with emergency endoscopic injection sclerotherapy. SAJS 2009, 47(3):72-79.
- Krige JEJ, Shaw JM. Cholangitis and pancreatitis due to biliary ascaris. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009 May;7(5):A30.
- Shaw JM, Panieri, van Wyk MEC, Bornman PC.Self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) as a primary modality of treatment for malignant gastric outlet obstruction. Abstract. SAMJ 2008; 98(8): 634.
- Shaw JM, Benningfield SJ, Krige JEJ. Ciliated hepatic foregut cysts: a rare cystic lesion of the liver. J Gastrointestinal Surg 2008; 12(7):1304-6.
- JM Shaw, E Panieri. Primary Stenting for Malignant Gastric Outlet Obstruction with Self-Expanding Metal Stents (SEMS) in Cape Town, South Africa. Abstract. Gastroenterol 2008; 134(4) Suppl 1: A-909.
- Hewat M, Krige JEJ, Shaw JM, Bornman PC. Outcome of hepatic resection for colorectal metastases. Abstract. SAMJ 2007; 97:620.
- Troskie CG, Krige JEJ, Shaw JM, Bornman PC. Outcome analysis of pancreaticoduodenectomies at Groote Schuur Hospital – an interim analysis. Abstract. SAMJ 2007; 97:620.
- JM Shaw, Apostolou C, Krige JEJ, van Wyk M, Bornman PC. Primary duodenal stenting for malignant obstruction with self-expanding metal stents (SEMS). Abstract. SAMJ 2007; 97:610.
- Nel M, Krige JEJ, Beningfield SJ, Shaw JM, Bornman PC. Is there a role for salvage TIPS in patients who continue to bleed from oesophageal varices despite endoscopic intervention? Abstract. SAMJ 2007; 97:607.
- Watermeyer GA, Shaw JM, Krige JEJ. Acute necrotizing esophagitis. (Education and imaging). J Gastroenterol and Hepatol 2007; 22:1162.
- Abdallah A, Apostolou C, Shaw J, Bornman PCB, Krige JEJ. Biliary tract obstruction in chronic pancreatitis. Abstract. SAMJ 2006; 96:740.
- Nel M, Apostolou C, Abdallah A, Shaw JM, Krige JEJ, Bornman PC. Staged management strategy in severe acute pancreatitis. Abstract. SAMJ 2006 ; 96:736.
- Bernon M, Apostolou C, Shaw JM, Essel H, Krige JEJ, Bornman PC. Current status of surgery for peptic ulcer disease management at Groote Schuur Hospital. Abstract. SAMJ 2006; 96:728.
- Shaw JM, Bornman PC, Callanan MD, Metz DC. Longterm (6 year) outcome of Laparoscopic Nissen and Toupet Fundoplication. Abstract. Gastroenterol 2006; 130 (suppl 2): A-878.
- Krige JE, Kotze UK, Bornman PC, Shaw JM, Klipin M. Variceal recurrence, rebleeding, and survival after endoscopic injection sclerotherapy in 287 alcoholic cirrhotic patients with bleeding esophageal varices.Ann Surg. 2006 Nov; 244(5) 764-70..
- Shaw JM, Bornman PC, Krige JEJ. Hydatid disease of the liver (Review). South African Journal of Surgery 2006;44:70-77.
- Krige JEJ, Bornman PC, Shaw JM, Apostolou C. Complications of endoscopic variceal therapy. South African Journal of Surgery 2005;43:177-194.
- Krige JEJ, Shaw JM. An approach to obstructive jaundice. CME 2005;23:406-410.
- Krige JEJ, Shaw JM, Bornman PC. The evolving role of endoscopic treatment for bleeding oesophageal varices. World J Surg 2005;29:966-973.
- Navsaria PH, Shaw JM, Zellweger R, Nicol AJ, Kahn D. Diagnostic laparoscopy and diverting sigmoid loop colostomy in the management of civilian extraperitoneal rectal gunshot injuries. BJS. 2004; 91:460-464.
- Shaw JM, Navsaria PH, Nicol AJ. Laparoscopy-assisted repair of diaphragm injuries. World J Surg. 2003; 27:671-674.