Dr. Rotimi Kolawole MBBS, MPH, CHE, CISAM, CCSAM, FRCPC (Public Health & Preventive Medicine), DRCPSC (Addiction Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive MedicineCertification
- Certificant, Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine
- Diplomate, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Addiction Medicine)
- Fellow, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
- Certificant, International Society of Addiction Medicine
- Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada
- Certified Health Executive, Canadian College of Health Leaders
- American Society of Addiction Medicine
- Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine
- International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM Global Network Expert Member)
- International Society for Infectious diseases
- Saskatchewan Pain Society- Board Member
Professional Practice/Continuing Medical Education
Assessor, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Multiple Mini Interviews Medical Students Admission Process
Physician Examiner, Medical Council of Canada National Collaborating Assessment Examination
Peer Journal Reviewer
- National Research Foundation, South Africa
- International Journal of Women’s Health ( New Zealand)
- International Sportmed Journal ( South Africa)
- Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (India)
Addiction Medicine CME
- ASAM Review Course in Addiction Medicine, Dallas TX, July 26-28, 2018
- Hepatitis C in Primary Care & Drug and Alcohol Settings, Vancouver, British Columbia, Nov 1, 2017
- 2015 CSAM Annual and Scientific Conference, Banff, AB, 2016
- Saskatchewan Methadone and Suboxone Opioid Substitution Therapy Conference, 2016,
- BCCSU Online Addiction Medicine Diploma- Certificate of Completion, 2017
- BC Provincial Opioid Addiction Treatment Support Program- Certificate of Completion, 2017
Selected Publications
- Kolawole R, Quail J, Osman M, Teare G, Schwandt M, Neudorf C (2017). Concurrent Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders among Frequent Emergency Department Users in Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Journal of Addiction, 8 (1):11-17.
- Bonner WI, Weiler R, Kolawole R, Lu X, Andkhoie M, Ramsay D, Yaghoubi M, Steeves M, Szafron M, Farag M. (2017) Determinants of self-perceived health for Canadians aged 40 and older and policy implications. International Journal for Equity in Health,6;16(1):94.
- Kolawole R. (2013). The Public Health Implications of the Use and Misuse of Tobacco among the Aboriginals in Canada. Global Journal of Health Science, 5 (1): 28-34. doi:10.5539/gjhs.v5n1n1p28.