Dr. Cordell Neudorf BSc, MD, MHSc, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology- Address
- HSC E-wing 3230
Research Area(s)
- Baseline measurements and trends over time of health inequities in Saskatchewan with comparative data from other parts of Canada and internationally.
- Health equity audits and quality improvement interventions to improve equity in various parts of the health system such as immunization coverage, chronic disease management and prevention, and primary data collection on the social determinants of health in all parts of the health system to monitor inequities, set health service delivery improvement targets and improve the determinants of health themselves.
- "Connecting to care” projects to bring the right mix of intersectoral services to people who are frequent users of support services to improve their determinants of health and appropriateness of care.
- Public health systems and services research; population health intervention research
Selected Publications
Papers in Refereed Journals
Bandara T, Neudorf C, Muhajarine N. (2022). An equity-based assessment of immunization-related responses in urban Alberta during the 2014 measles outbreak: a comparative analysis between Calgary an Edmonton. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 113: 422-432.
Ilesamni I, Abonyi S, Pawa P, Gerdts V, Schwandt M, Neudorf C. (2022). Trends, barriers and enablers to measles immunization coverage in Saskatchewan, Canada: a mixed methods study. PLOS ONE. 17(11): 1-22.
Malkin J, Scott LA, Machado A, Teare G, Snider J, Tirmizi S, Bandara T, Rathwell M, Neudorf C. (2022). Factors Influencing Human Papillomavirus school-based immunization in Alberta: A mixed methods study protocol. PLOS ONE. 17(12): 1-15.
Blair T, Baby P, Kewistep G, Kappel J, Stryker R, Ramsden VR, Neudorf C, Levandoski C. (2022). Program Report: Nisohkamatowak-Helping Patients and Families Living with Kidney Disease in Northern Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 9(January): 1.
Alhassan J, Abonyi S, Neudorf C, Hanson L. (2021). “It feels like somebody cut my legs off”: Austerity, transportation and the ‘web of dispossession’ in Saskatchewan, Canada. Social Science and Medicine. 282(August): 1-10.
Littlejohns L, Hill C, Neudorf C. (2021). Diverse Approaches to Creating and Using Causal Loop Diagrams in Public Health Research: Recommendations From a Scoping Review. Public Health Reviews. 42(December): 1-13.
Bandara T, Musto R, Kancir J, Neudorf C. (2020). Public health physician perspectives on developing and dplooying clinical practice guidelines during the 2009 H!N! pandemic. Healthcare Management Forum. 33(4): 178-181.
Ashrafi A, Feng CX, Neudorf C, Alphonsus KB. (2020). Bullying victimization among preadolescents in a community-based sample in Canada: a latent class analysis. BMC Research Notes. 13(138): 1-6.
Keir M, Penner M, Dehghani, Neudorf C, Lim H, Bradley T, Bree T, Kakadekar A. (2020). Barriers to Care in ACHD: A study of Young Adults in Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Cardiology open. 2(6): 439-446.
Kryzanowski J, Bloomquist C, Dunn-Pierce T, Murphy L, Clarke S, Neudorf C. (2019). QUALITY Improvement as a Population Health Promotion Opportunity to Reorient the Healthcare System. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 110(1): 58-61.
Anderson M, Revie C, Stryhn H, Neudorf C, Rosehart Y, Li W, Osman M, Buckeridge D, Rosella L, Wodchis WP. On defining ‘actionable’ high-cost health care use: Results from a retrospective cohort study using the Canadian Institute for Health Information's Population Grouping Methodology.. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2019 Oct.
Fuller D, Neudorf J, Lockhart S, Plante C, Roberts H, Bandara T, Neudorf C. Individual- and area-level socioeconomic inequalities in diabetes mellitus in Saskatchewan between 2007 and 2012: a cross-sectional analysis. Canadian Medical Association Journal Open. 2019 Jan;7(1):E33-E39. Epub 2019 Jan 21. http://cmajopen.ca/content/7/1/E33.full.
Williams-Roberts H, Neudorf C, Abonyi S, Cushon J, Muhajarine N. Facilitators and Barriers of Sociodemographic data collection in Canadian Health Care Settings: a multisite case study evaluation. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2018 Dec;17(186):1-10. Epub 2018 Dec 27. https://equityhealthj.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12939-018-0903-0.
Kryzanowski J, Bloomquist C, Dunn-Pierce T, Murphy L, Clarke S, Neudorf C. Quality Improvement as a Population Health Promotion Opportunity to Reorient the Healthcare System. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 109:1-4. Epub 2018 Oct 1. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-018-0132-8.
Williams-Roberts H, Beckwell E, Murphy L, Lafontaine T, Neudorf C. Acceptability of asking about indigenous identity in an urban Canadian hospital: A patient perspective. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care. 2018 Sep;15(5):207-214. http://diversityhealthcare.imedpub.com/acceptability-of-asking-about-indigenous-identity-in-health-care-settings.pdf.
Anderson M, Revie C, Quail J, Wodchis W, de Oliveira C, Osman M, Baetz M, McClure J, Stryhn H, Buckeridge D, Neudorf C. The effect of socio-demographic factors on mental health and addiction high-cost use: a retrospective, population-based study in Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2018 Jun 28:1-11. Epub 2018 Jun 18. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-018-0101-2.
Orisatoki R, Quail J, Osman M, Teare G, Schwandt M, Neudorf C. Concurrent Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders among frequent Emergency Department Users in Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Journal of Addiction. 2017 Jun;8(1):11-17. https://journals.lww.com/cja/toc/2017/06000.
Mobin A, Feng CX, Neudorf C. Cybervictomization among preadolescents in a community-based sample in Canada: Prevalence and predictors. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2017;108(5-6):e475 - e481. Epub 2018 Jan 22. http://journal.cpha.ca/index.php/cjph/article/view/5878.
Guyon A', Hancock T, Kirk M, MacDonald M, Neudorf C, Sutcliffe P, Talbot J, Watson-Creed G. The Weakening of Public Health:A threat to population health and health care system sustainability. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2017 Apr;108(1):e1-e6. Epub 2017 Apr. http://journal.cpha.ca/index.php/cjph/article/view/6143/3561.
Medu O, Turner H, Cushon J, Melis D, Rea L, Abdellatif T, Neudorf C, Schwandt M. Restaurant Inspection Frequency: The RestoFreq Study. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2016 Dec;107(6):e533-e537. http://journal.cpha.ca/index.php/cjph/article/view/5399.
Cushon J, Waldner C, Scott C, Neudorf C. Planning Adolescent Mental Health Promotion Programming in Saskatoon. Journal of School Health. 2016 Aug;86(8):578-584. https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.12410 .
Feng CX, Waldner C, Cushon J, Davy K, Neudorf C. Suicidal ideation in a community-based sample of elementary school children: A multilevel and spatial analysis. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2016 Jan;107(1):100-105. http://dx.doi.org/10.17269/cjph.107.5294.
Fuller D, Neudorf J, Bermedo-Carrasco S, Neudorf C. Classifying the population by socioeconomic factors associated with support for policies to reduce social inequalities in health. Journal of Public Health. 2016 Jan;38(4):635-643.
Neudorf C, Fuller D, Cushon J, Glew R, Turner H, Ugolini C. An Analytic Approach for describing and prioritizing health inequalities at the local level in Canada: a descriptive study. Canadian Medical Association Journal Open. 2015;3(4):E366-E372. Epub 2015. cmajopen.ca/content/3/4/E366.full .
Cohen D, Huynh T, Sebold A, Harvey J, Neudorf C, Brown A. The Population Health Approach: A Qualitative Study of Conceptual and Operational Definitions for Leaders in Canadian Healthcare. Sage Open Medicine. 2014 Feb 11;2:1-11. Epub 2014 Feb 11.
Choi B, Decou ML, Rasali D, Martens P, Mancuso M, Plotnikoff R, Neudorf C, Thanos J, Svenson L, Denny K, Orpana H, Stewart P, King M, Griffith J, Erickson T, van Dorp R, White D, Ali A. Enhancing Capacity for risk factor surveillance at the regional/local level: a follow-up review of the findings of the Canadian Think Tank Forum after 4 years. Archives of Public Health. 2014;72(2):1-11. Epub 2014.
Neudorf C. Reorienting the Healthcare System: Population and Public Health Need to Step Forward. Healthcare Papers. 2013 Oct;13(3):27-33.
Neudorf C. Integrating a population health approach into healthcare service delivery and decision-making. Healthcare Management Forum. 2012 Nov;25(3):155-159.
Cushon J, Neudorf C, Kershaw T, Dunlop T, Muhajarine N. Coverage for the Entire Population: Tackling immunization rates and disparities in Saskatoon Health Region. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2012 Oct;103(7):S37-S41.
Disano J, Goulet J, Muhajarine N, Neudorf C, Harvey J. Socio-Economic Status and Rates of Hospital Admission for Chronic Disease in Urban Canada. Canadian Nurse: 106, No 1, January 2010.
Technical Reports Relevant to Academic Field
Plant C, Missiuna S, Neudorf C. (2021). Urban Income-Related Haelth Inequalities in Canada: City-Level Results in health System Use and Self-Reported Indicators. 60. Urban Public Health Network.
Neudorf C, Marko J, Kryzanowski J, Tabien H, Murphy L, Opondo J, Wright J, Grauer K, Schwandt M, Brown A, Ugolini C, Fuller D. Better Health for All: Health Status Reporting Series 7 Unintentional Injuries; Series 8 Reportable Diseases; Series 9 Maternal and Child Health. Saskatoon Health Region, Public Health Observatory; 2017. http://www.communityview.ca/communityviews.html.
Neudorf C, Fuller D, Neudorf J, Lockhart S, Williams-Robarts H, Bandara T, Plante C, Thurairasu L. Changes in Social Inequalities in Health Over Time in Saskatchewan. 2016. 35 p. saskatchewanequitystudy.com.
Robertson A, Hourie C, Anderson R, Compton S, Episkenew J-A, Lautsch K, MacFadden A, Meili R, Miller G, Mirasty R, Neudorf C. Recommendations for a Provincial Poverty Reduction Strategy. 1. 1, Saskatchewan Ministerial Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction; 2015. 28 p.
Neudorf C, Ugolini C, Murphy L, Marko J, Kryzanowski J, Turner H, Wright J. Better Health for All: Health Status Reporting Series 1 "Our Population" Series 2
"Immunization" Series 3 "How Can the Health System Contribute to Better Health for All?". 1, Saskatoon Health Region; 2014. Interactive web report. Series 4 “Sexually Transmitted Infections" Series 5 “HIV”, Series 6 “Health Behaviours" 1, Saskatoon Health Region; 2014, 2015
Modupalli KS, Cushon J, Neudorf C. 2010/2011 Student Health Survey: Evidence for Action. Saskatoon Health Region; 2013. 66 p.
Neudorf C, Muhajarine N, Marko J, Murphy L, Macqueen Smith F, Clarke A, Ugolini C, Wu J. Healthy Children, Healthy Families, Healthy Communities: A report of the Chief Medical Health Officer on the health status and development of young children in Saskatoon Health Region, 2012. Saskatoon Health Region; 2012. 158 p.
Scott C, Cushon J, Neudorf C. The Student Health Survey in 2006/07 and 2008/09: A Comprehensive Report. Saskatoon: Saskatoon Health Region; 2012. 68 p.
Marko J, Neudorf C, Kershaw T. Rural Health Status in Saskatoon Health Region. Saskatoon: Saskatoon Health Region. Saskatoon: Saskatoon Health REgion;2009. 69 p.
Neudorf C, Marko J, Wright J, Ugolini C, Kershaw T, Whitehead S, Opondo J, Findlater R. 2008 Health Status Report. Saskatoon: Saskatoon Health Region;2008. 164 p.
Research Grant Information
Prioritizing the Public Health Workforce in Canada: Understanding Psychological Health and Intention to Leave During COVID-19. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant: Addressing the Wider Impacts of COVID. Total funding: $111,595. Co-applicant: Neudorf Cordell, Cabaj Jason, Dobbine Maureen, Neil-Sztramko Sarah. Co-knowledge User: Watson-Creed G, Boamah S, Jack S. Principal Applicant: Belita Emily. 2022/2 – 2024/1.
Health services and policy research for mental health and addictions in Saskatchewan: A population-health approach. (Epidemiology of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan). Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (The) (SHRF). Establishment Grant. Total funding: $120,000. Co-applicants: Neudorf Cordell, Anderson Maureen, Baetz Marilyn, Muhajarine Nazeem, Osgood Nathaniel, Penz Erika. 2020/10-2023/9.
Improving Immunization Coverage Rates for HPV in the Urban Canada. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. Cervical Cancer Elimination Strategy. Total funding: $1,500,000. Principal Applicant: Neudorf Cordell. 2020/6 – 2023/6.
Saskatchewan SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence Study. Canadian Immunity Task Force. Seroprevalence studies. Total funding: $801,987. Co-Investigator: Neudorf Cordell. Co-applicants: Anderson Maureen, Behl Lesley, Lang Amanda, Lee Stephen, Minion Jessica. 2021/7 – 2023/3.
COVID-19 Tracker Canada. Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). COVID-19 response. Total funding: $53,795. Co-applicant: Neudorf Cordell. Co-investigator: Little Noah. Principal applicant: Muhajarine Nazeem. 2022/1 – 2023/3.
Administrative Services Agreement (CPAC) – Solutions to Increase Youth HPV Immunization Canada. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. Elimination of Cervical Cancer Strategy. Total funding: $1,568,838. Principal applicant: Neudorf Cordell. 2020/10 – 2023/3.
CoVaRR-Net: A CIHR SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern Rapid-Response Network and year 2 renewal. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Network Grant. Total funding: $18,000,000. Co-investigators: Neudorf Cordell, Hsu Amy, Morris Andrew, Crawley Angela, Gingras Anne-Claude, Quach-Trahn Caroline, Camillo Cheryl, Piccirillo Ciriaco, Leclerc Denis, Vinh Doanald, Manual Doug, Brinkman Fiona, Bourque Gillaume, Ragoussis Iaonnis, Presseau J, Rini James, Moffat Jason, Wrana Jeff, Corcoran Jennifer, Gommerman Jennifer L, Grimshaw Jeremy, Shapiro Jesse, Fritz Jorg, Flamand Louis, Browers M, Johnson-Jennings M, Sadrangani Manish, Brockman Mark, Langille Morgan, Muhajarine Nazeem, Abraham Ninan, Yachie Nozomu, Halperin Scott, Vidal Silvia, Snutch Terry. Principal Applicant: Langlois Marc-Andre. 2021/4 – 2023/3.
Mortality in Canada’s Neighbourhoods and Rural Communities Before and After the Pandemic. University of Saskatchewan. College of Medicine Research Award. Total funding: $29,732. Principal Applicant: Neudorf Cordell. Co-investigator: Plante Charles, Bandara Thilina. 2022/1 – 2023/1.
Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on routine school-based immunizations and investigating strategies to catch-up on missed immunization opportunities in Canada. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant: Understanding/mitigating impacts of COVID-19 on children, youth & families. Total funding: $149,144. Principal Applicant: Neudorf Cordell. Co-applicants: Alberga A, Sauvageau C, Plante Charles, Rafferty E, Allen-Scott L, Dube E, Teare Gary, Rathwell M. Co-investigators: Klein Kristen, Diener Tania, Bandara Thilina. 2021/10 – 2022/10
Canadian Population Serological Survey Utilizing Antenatal Serum Samples. Canadian Immunity Task Force. Seroprevalence studies. Total funding: $4,000,000. Co-investigators: Neudorf Cordell, Kotaska Andrew, Elwood Chelsea, Fell Deshayne, Castillo Eliana, de Wet Francois, Hannah Heather, Scott Heather, Boucoiran Isabelle, Bullard Jared, Daley Jennifer, Minion Jessica, Crane Joan, Dionne Kim, Beach Lori, Murphy Kaulbeck Lynn, Hansen Mark, Krajden Mel, Saunders Sarah, Doherty Sean, Hatchette Todd, Poliquin Vanessa, Giguere Yves. Collaborators: Magee Fergall, Claude Forest Jean, Martel Jocelyne, Antonishyn Nick. Principal Applicant: Money Deborah. 2020/ - 2022/6.
Screening for Poverty And Related social determinants and intervening to improve Knowledge of and links to resources (SPARK) Study, A multi-site study looking at the impact on health and well-being of screening and intervening on poverty as a social determinant of health in primary care settings. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). SPOR PIHCI Network Program grant. Total funding: $1,000,000. Principal Applicants: Neudorf Cordell, Aubrey-Brassier Kris, Burge Frederick, Jackson Lois, Katz Alen, Muhajarine Nazeem, Pinto Andrew, Robinson Marjeiry. 2018/3 - 2022/2.
Untangling Public Health Surveillance in Canada and the Development of a Learning Public Health System in Canada. University of Saskatchewan. College of Medicine Research Award. Total funding: $29,228. Principal Applicant: Neudorf Cordell. Co-investigators: Plante Charles, Bandara Thilina. 2021/1 – 2022/1.
MUSE: Multisectoral Urban Systems for Health and Equity in Canadian cities /Multisectorielles et Urbaines : approches pour la Santé et l’Equité dans les villes canadiennes, This is a team grant application co-led by Lise Gauvin and Nazeem Muhajarine, engaging chief MHOs and researchers from four cities: Montreal, Toronto, Saskatoon, and Vancouver. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Environments and Health: Team Grant. Total funding: $2,000,000. Co-knowledge Users: Neudorf Cordell, Daly Patricia, Masse Richard. Co-investigators: Gauvin Lise, Raynault Marie-France, Muhajarine Nazeem. Barnett T, Bilodeau A, Engler-Stringer R, Fuller D, Laurin I, Morency P, Potvin L, Robitaille É, Sandhu J, Sari N, Stanton-Jean M, Winters M, Lu J, Benoit F, Deny C, Falkner V, Paquin S, Lysyshyn J, Macfarlane R, Drouin L. 2016/7 to 2021/7.
Surveilling the impact of local public health on COVID-19: A model and application for capturing high-resolution insights from the frontlines during a pandemic. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). COVID-19 Rapid Research. Total funding: $230,611. Principal Applicants: Neudorf Cordell, Plante Charles. 2020/5 – 2021/4.
Training for Healthy INterdisciplinary Knowledge in Cities (THINK-Cities) Research Training Platform LOI. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Training Grant: CIHR-NSEC-SSHRC Healthy Cities Research Training Platform. Total funding: $25,000. Principal Applicant: Neudorf Cordell. Principal Investigators: Hatzopoulou Marianne, Cloutier Marie-Soleil, Brauer Michael. 2020/1 – 2021/2.
Sharing key lessons from the local public health response to the first wave of the COVID-19 in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) (formerly Health Services Utilization and Research (HSURC)). 2020 2021 Research Connections: COVID-19 Rapid Research. Total funding: $9,950. Principal Investigator: Neudorf Cordell. Principal Applicant: Plante Charles, Bandara Thilina. 2020/8 – 2020/12.
SPOR Primary and Integrative Care Network grant for Saskatchewan. Canadian Institutes of health Research (CIHR). SPOR PIC Network Grants Phase two. Total funding: $500,000. Co-applicants: Neudorf Cordell, Baker Margaret. Principal Applicant: Muhajarine Nazeem. 2015/1 – 2020/1.
Individually and Environmentally Targeted Interventions to Improve Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Across Urban Contexts: Implementation Considerations. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. Total funding: $298,792. Principal Knowledge User: Neudorf Cordell, Co-investigator: Potvin Louise. Co-knowledge User: Datta G, Drouin Louis, Kestens Y, Masse Richard, Mayrand M, Raynaud M. Principal Investigator: Gauvin Lise, Muhajarine Nazeem. 2016/7 – 2019/7.
How Do Material and Social Deprivation Affect Health Care Utilization of High System Users with Multimorbidity in Saskatchewan: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (The) (SHRF). Collaborative Development Innovation Grant. Total funding: $70,000. Principal Investigators: Neudorf Cordell, Goodridge Donna. Co-investigators: Balbuena L, Lim H, Penz E, Ward Heather. Collaborator: Chipperfield D, Hiebert J, Ugolini Cristina. 2017/3 – 2019/2.
Individually and Environmentally targeted interventions to improve healthy eating and physical activity across urban contexts: Implementation considerations. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Project grant. Total funding: $500,000. Co-knowledge Users: Neudorf Cordell, Drouin Louis, Masse Richard. Co-investigators: Datta Geetanjali, Gauvin Lise, Potvin Louise, Raynaud Marie-France, Mayrand Marie-Helene, Muhajarine Nazeem, Kestens Yan. 2016/1 – 2019/1.
Behavioral Attributes and Readiness for COVID19 Vaccination Among the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Community. University of Saskatchewan. Mingling Minds Rapid Response Funding. Total funding: $10,000. Principal Applicant: Neudorf Cordell, Co-applicants: Bandara Thilina, Camillo Cheryl, Plante Charles. 2021/4 – 2022/3.
Harm Reduction and Residential Supportive Care for High-risk Pregnant Women living with HIV: A Realist Evaluation. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Catalyst Grant – Patient-Oriented Research. Total funding: $109,004. Co-applicants: Neudorf Cordell, Carr Tracey, Groot Gary, Pahwa P. 2020/3 – 2021/2.
Under Review:
NSERC CREATE in Bio-PREPARED: Training Canadian researchers in bioliteracy and preparedness for emerging diseases. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Collaborative Research and Training Experience. Total funding: $4,146,000. Co-applicants: Neudorf, Cordell, Rasmussen Angela, Kumar Anil, Banerjee Arinjay, Clark Douglas, Hill Janet, Osgood Nathaniel, van den Hurk Sylvia, Misra Vikram, Gerdts Volker. Collaborator: Thakur Aneesh, Dell Colleen, Berdhal Loleen, Fenton Mark, Dhar Neeraj, Varadarajan Raghavan, Racine Trina. Principal Applicant: Jenkins Emily. 2023/4 – 2028/9.
Multilevel estimation of the relative impacts of social determinants on income-related health inequalities in urban Canada: Toward a new Canadian Social Determinants Urban Laboratory. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Project grant. Total funding: $940,000. Principal Applicant: Neudorf Cordell, Co-applicants: Dutton Daniel, Fuller Daniel, Notten Geranda, Lix Lisa, Young Marissa, Wolfson Michael, Muhajarine Nazeem. Collaborators: Reimer Bill, Camillo Cheryl, Blasser Christine, Beland Daniel. Principal Investigators: Plante Charles, Bandara Thilina. Principal Knowledge User: de Villa Eileen. 2023/9 - 2027/4.