College of Medicine

Research Area(s)

  • Disruptive behaviours (ADHD, ODD and conduct)
  • Stimulant medications
  • Behavioural observations of ADHD in the classroom setting


Recent Research Studies

Declan's research has focused on pharmacology with stimulants in ADHD. He has been involved in pharmacokinetic studies with different stimulants. This interest has now extended to animal models of ADHD. Current studies also involve continuous performance tests in adults with ADHD and controls and looking at the differential response to medication. Studies are also taking place, looking at the prevalence of ADHD in the correctional settings. There is also an extensive educational component around ADHD. He has been involved in the development Canadian practice guidelines for ADHD.

Clinical Interests

  • Declan Quinn has been involved in research and clinical practice in attention deficit hyperactivity disorders for the last 20 years. This involves working with children, adolescents and adults

Selected Publications

View Dr Quinn's publications in PubMed or in Google Scholar