Dean's Summer Research Projects
Successful applicants have been notified on January 6, 2025. The next round of Deans Summer Research Projects will open in September.
Application Process:
- An annual call for proposals is sent out to all faculty in the fall. Faculty will fill in the 1-page proposal form below and develop a potential summer project and submit it to the OVDR.
- Proposals will be adjudicated, and the OVDR will award projects for the 2025 Summer Research Project program based on the quality of proposals and funding available.
- The OVDR will post awarded 2025 project proposals on the dean's projects google drive for students to review in early January. Available projects have been released to 1st and 2nd year undergraduate medical students and can be found on the Dean’s Project Google Drive.
- Interested students may contact faculty with awarded proposals to express their interest in working with them.
- Faculty and students who have agreed to work together return a student-supervisor agreement to our office, and we will remove the matched proposal from google drive.
Please contact our office with any inquiries.
Biomedical Summer Research Projects
The Biomedical Summer Research Projects initiative facilitates the research training of undergraduate students enrolled in the following programs: Biomedical Foundations, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Cellular, Physiological, and Pharmacological Sciences, Interdisciplinary Biomedical Science, and Biomedical Neuroscience.
Applications open January 7th, 2025. The deadline to submit an application is February 5th, 2025.
Biomedical Summer Research Projects are a maximum of 16 weeks in length and run over the summer months (May-August) exclusively. Students and supervisors with similar research interests are encouraged to contact each other and begin the application process. In an effort to help students and supervisors connect, supervisors are encouraged to submit research project proposals to biomed.projects@usask.ca. The proposal, which can come from any area of biomedical research, will be posted on Google Drive for students to view. The OVDR will update the list on a regular basis with projects that have been submitted and/or filled. In order to do this, we ask that supervisors let us know when they are no longer seeking students for the project proposed. Please note that supervisors are also free to contact students they would like to work with.
Note: For detailed information including project selection criteria, require approvals, timelines, and more please refer to the appropriate guidelines below.
If you have any questions or are interested in adjudicating for this initiative, please contact biomed.projects@usask.ca.
MD Year-Round Volunteer Research Opportunity
The Office of the Vice Dean Research (OVDR) is issuing an official call for project proposals from College of Medicine faculty who are seeking MD Research Volunteers for research projects. This call is in response to feedback from U of S medical students stating their desire to increase the ability to participate in active research projects throughout the year. The OVDR aims to foster connections for MD research projects as a way to encourage more students to become passionate about research. Active research experience is invaluable because of the increasingly vital role research plays in today's health care, therefore student engagement in this field is critical.
A list of available projects can be found on Google Drive.
Project proposal forms can be sent in by faculty to deans.projects@usask.ca
As volunteer participation in research activities during the academic year may impact your academic progress, you are required to receive confirmation that you are a student in good academic standing in the Undergraduate MD Program.
Supplemental Publication Funding
We pleased to announce applications for the 2025-26 fiscal year are now being accepted!
The OVDR would like to reinforce the CoM's commitment to trainee research by amending the terms of reference for our Supplemental Publication Funding initiative to open it to students (undergraduate and graduate), post-doctoral fellows, and resident applicants.
This initiative encourages the dissemination of research activities conducted by CoM trainees either independently or collaboratively with CoM faculty. Eligible students may apply once per fiscal year (May 1-April 30), and funding will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please note that only invoices dated within the current fiscal year (May 1, 2025 to April 30, 2026) are eligible for funding.
2025 Interdisciplinary Summer Research Program
This annual undergraduate research program provides summer students with valuable research experience and encourages them to continue on to graduate studies. Student co-supervision must include a faculty member from at least two of the following colleges: Medicine, Pharmacy and Nutrition, Nursing, and Kinesiology, for the duration of the award period.
Students and supervisors with similar research interests are encouraged to contact each other to begin the application process.
The 2025 Interdisciplinary Summer Research Program is open for submission January 8, 2025. The deadline to submit an application is February 26th, 2025.
All undergraduate students enrolled in these colleges are eligible to apply. Students must have a minimum average of 80% in their previous two terms to be competitive. Co-supervisors must be eligible to hold research funds for the duration of the award period.
Supervisors interested in finding students can submit a brief research project abstract to interdisciplinary.research@usask.ca. Project abstracts and supervisor contact details will be posted on Google Drive for students to view until a match is made. Supervisors are encouraged to notify us when their posting is no longer needed. Supervisors may also reach out directly to students. Similarly, students with project ideas or specific research interests are encouraged to approach faculty members. Once supervisors and students are matched, they can complete and submit an application together.
For details regarding the program, please see attached guidelines, application form, and evaluation rubric.
Please contact us with any questions or comments.
MD Summer Research Experience
Please email deans.projects@usask.ca for more information!
Letters of Excellence
Letters of Excellence acknowledge those students that demonstrated outstanding performance and commitment to their research projects. Students must be nominated by their supervisors to be considered for this honour. Students must be in the College of Medicine and have participated in a project funded by the College of Medicine to be eligible.
At the end of the term of the research project, supervisors will be sent a call for nominations. They will then be required to write a short letter of recommendation which should address some of the following key areas:
- Commitment to learning
- Keen interest in the topic
- Work ethic
- Quality of work
- Student contribution to the research
Once the nomination is received by the OVDR, it will be reviewed and if deemed successful, a Letter of Excellence will be written by the Vice Dean Research commending the student's demonstration of strengths and work ethic.
Note: Only a select few letters will be written.
The 2024 Letters of Excellence nominations will be accepted between
September 4 and September 20.
This Research Showcase is intended to exhibit the outstanding work undertaken by our students, and to recognize their significant contributions to the research endeavors at the College of Medicine. The 2024 live poster presentations took place on October 16, 2024.
College of Medicine Research Award
The Office of the Vice-Dean Research (OVDR) in the College of Medicine is excited to announce the 2024 College of Medicine Research Awards (CoMRAD). The CoMRAD provides seed funding (up to $30,000) for novel pilot and/or feasibility studies that will facilitate future applications to provincial, national, and global funding opportunities. Funding takes place January - December 2025.
The 2024 CoMRAD awardees were notified on October 23, 2024.
CoMRAD-SCPOR Data and Data Support Opportunity
There is an opportunity for patient-oriented research CoMRAD proposals to receive support from data and data services through the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR) in partnership with the Health Research Data Platform – Saskatchewan (HRDP-SK). If a project requires data and data services support, the Principal Investigator must follow the process outlined below prior to submitting their full application to ensure support is available.
Applicants conducting patient-oriented research who are interested in access to data in the Health Research Data Platform-Saskatchewan (HRDP-SK) to address their research question should complete the Stage 1 – Feasibility & Resource Check Form. If assistance is needed, a consultation may be scheduled by contacting HRDP-SK@usask.ca. The team will be provided with a Confirmation of Feasibility and Resources Letter if their request is approved. This document must be uploaded to Supplementary materials and included your application submission to SHRF.
For more information about the HRDP-SK please visit the HRDP-SK website or contact HRDP-SK@usask.ca.
Please contact com.rad@usask.ca with any questions.
Please note: CoMRAD projects are for one year only, and the faculty's academic appointment must continue through the end of the full granting period in order to be eligible. Applicants are responsible for the submission of all necessary documents. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the CoMRAD competition. In 2022, we are resuming the Office of the Vice Dean Research's regular College of Medicine Research Award (CoMRAD) program call, in which we are no longer supporting one final year of post-COVID initiatives, guidelines, and requirements which were contained in previous CoMRAD packages specific for post-COVID measures.
College of Medicine Bridge Funding
Aimed at supporting College of Medicine (CoM) faculty in achievements of research excellence and encouraging application for Tri-Agency funding, this competitive initiative is available to all faculty with a primary academic appointment in the CoM that will continue through the full granting period.
Bridge Funding can be obtained for CIHR Project Grants; up to $50,000 CAD over 2 years.
To Apply: Within 3 weeks of final notification of the Tri-Agency results, applicants must submit a copy of the Tri-Agency notice of award (notice of decision document) and the reviewer's comments, plus a budget justification, as a single PDF document via email.
Note: Paper applications will not be accepted. CoMBRIDGE notifications of decision will be sent via email.
Please contact our office with any questions or comments.
The OVDR recognizes that faculty members may need to take a leave (parental, personal, medical, etc.) during their career. Unfortunately, in the context of today’s competitive academic environment, taking a leave has the potential to negatively impact research productivity, and in turn impact a researcher’s career.
Researchers should not have to worry about exchanging their career trajectories to attend to personal, real-life responsibilities. It is intended that this grant will provide support to minimize the impact of an extended leave period on research activities.
Applicants may request up to $10,000 for a duration of up to one year.
Please contact our office with any inquiries.
The College of Medicine Supplemental Publication Funding program now only supports publications that are copublished with graduate and undergraduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and residents. (See Publication Funding details under undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate sections below).
Please see OVPR Internal Funding Programs for information about available Publications Funding for faculty.
Conference Funding
The OVDR is proud to offer a conference funding opportunity open to all faculty members with a primary academic appointment in the College of Medicine. This initiative is intended to support faculty, clusters, groups, and departments who are interested in organizing conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops, or webinars in order to aid in the advancement of knowledge and scientific discovery.
Note: This opportunity will be offered from May 1, 2025, forward as an ongoing call. We will not be backdating any virtual conference costs with invoices prior to May 1, 2025.
Please contact our office with any inquiries.
Research Start-up Package Funding
Research Start-up Package funding is provided by the Office of the Vice-Dean Research (OVDR) within the College of Medicine. All applications undergo a thorough review process involving the Vice-Dean Research and the Research Executive Committee. Please note that the program terms and funding amounts are subject to change at any time, dependent on the fiscal situation of the College and availability of funds.
Please see the 25-26 Startup Guidelines for detailed program information. Please contact to submit applications and questions.
Research Equipment Funding Program
The Research Equipment Funding Program is a competitive funding program designed to provide financial support for the acquisition, upgrading, or maintenance of research equipment essential to College of Medicine researchers.
Please see the 24-25 Research Equipment Funding Program Guidelines for detailed program information. Please contact to submit applications and ask questions.
College of Medicine Graduate Student Awards
The CoMGRAD Scholarship Program supports research with the College of Medicine through awards to students who have demonstrated academic and research excellence. The guiding principles of this program include:
- Maximizing the use of CoM funding to support as many worthy students as possible
- Encourage and reward the pursuit of competitive external funding by both students and supervisors.
Detailed information can be found by accessing Graduate Studies Funding Opportunities page.
The 2025 CoMGRAD awardees were notified on March 17, 2025.
College of Medicine Travel Award (CoMTA)
Masters and Doctoral Graduate Students and Post Doctoral Fellows in the College of Medicine are encouraged to participate in national and international scientific conferences and workshops, particularly those events which are specifically related to their area of research. The College believes that participation in such events is an important element in the training of biomedical and health researchers. The Conference Travel Fund has been established to assist individuals with costs incurred to attend Scientific Meetings.
College of Medicine Masters and Post-Doctoral Fellows may submit an application in order to receive up to $1500.00 travel assistance one time per program. Doctoral students may submit two applications to receive up to $1500.00 travel assistance twice per program. Students who transfer from the MSc to the PhD are eligible for one award while a MSc student and two while a PhD student.
Detailed information can be found by accessing Graduate Studies Funding Opportunities page.
Supplemental Publication Funding
We pleased to announce applications for the 2024-25 fiscal year are now being accepted!
The OVDR would like to reinforce the CoM's commitment to trainee research by amending the terms of reference for our Supplemental Publication Funding initiative to open it to students (undergraduate and graduate), post-doctoral fellows, and resident applicants.
This initiative encourages the dissemination of research activities conducted by CoM trainees either independently or collaboratively with CoM faculty. Eligible students may apply once per fiscal year (May 1-April 30), and funding will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please note that only invoices dated within the current fiscal year (May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025) are eligible for funding.
Pathways to Success Funding
The "Pathways to Success" funding program is specifically designed for graduate students at the College of Medicine who face financial need, providing financial support to help them excel in their academic and professional endeavors. This program aims to enhance students’ research opportunities, facilitate their participation in conferences and workshops, and aid in the development of essential skills that contribute to their future careers. By addressing financial barriers, "Pathways to Success" enables students to fully engage in their studies, conduct meaningful research, and contribute to the medical community.
Detailed information can be found by accessing Graduate Studies Funding Opportunities page.
The College of Medicine (CoM) offers a number of funding opportunities for graduate students. Graduate students may receive funding from a stipend, an award, or a combination of sources. The CoM encourages graduate students to apply for all internal and external funding for which they are eligible.
Please access the Graduate Studies Funding Opportunities page for details about funding opportunities for graduate students.
Post Graduate and Residents
Postdoctoral Fellows
Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs) are valuable members of the university; they contribute immensely to the vitality of the research environment. In general, PDFs come to the university in order to:
- gain additional research experience and expertise
- develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become independent investigators themselves
- engage in research projects that provide the challenge necessary for intellectual growth rather than provision of technical support
Currently, the only funding initiative for PDFs offered by the OVDR is the supplemental publication funding.
However, there are external agencies that provide PDF funding support.
For details, please access the PDF website.
Supplemental Publication Funding
We pleased to announce applications for the 2024-25 fiscal year are now being accepted!
The OVDR would like to reinforce the CoM's commitment to trainee research by amending the terms of reference for our Supplemental Publication Funding initiative to open it to students (undergraduate and graduate), post-doctoral fellows, and resident applicants.
This initiative encourages the dissemination of research activities conducted by CoM trainees either independently or collaboratively with CoM faculty. Eligible students may apply once per fiscal year (May 1-April 30), and funding will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please note that only invoices dated within the current fiscal year (May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025) are eligible for funding.