Dr. Darryl Adamko MD, FRCPC
Professor & Division Head Pediatric RespirologyDirector of Pediatric Research
- Address
- Rm 2742, Royal University Hospital
- 103 Hospital Drive, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0W8
Research Area(s)
- Asthma Inflammation
- Metabolomics
- Biomarkers of Asthma
- Airway Viral infections
- Eosinophils
After completing medical school in 1989-1993, Dr. Darryl J. Adamko continued on to specialty training in Pediatrics at the University of Saskatchewan (1989-1997). He then became a Pediatric Pulmonary Specialist with a strong bench research background after training in a Pediatric Pulmonary Fellowship at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland (1997-2001). He was an Associate Professor of Pediatrics Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Alberta since 2001. He is now a Professor at the U of S, and is focused on clinical, research, and educational aspects of pediatric pulmonary diseases.
Dr. Adamko’s research focus has been within the field of asthma primarily. He has developed expertise in understanding the mechanisms of virus induced asthma attacks. In addition, he has been studying the mechanisms underlying the development of asthma from infancy. This includes in vitro and in vivo models in humans and animals. In the last nine years, he also has been the lead on team grants developing a novel way to diagnose and monitor patients with asthma using nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of urine. This work has great potential to improve the care for patients with respiratory diseases. Based on this research, he is first author on a patent and Director for a company called Respirlyte.
Dr. Adamko is married with two kids (a daughter and a son). He continues to enjoy teaching students in medical school, as well as graduate and postdoctoral students in his lab. He was an AHFMR Clinical Investigator and has had funding through the Sick Kids Foundation, CIHR, ALA, and AllerGen.
Clinical Interests
- Asthma
- Bronchiolitis
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION1989-93 University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada
- College of Medicine 1988-89 University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada
- College of Dentistry 1987-88 University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada
- Arts and Science 1986-87 University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Arts and Science POST-GRADUATE EDUCATION1997-2000
- Pediatric Pulmonary Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD1996-97
- Chief Pediatric Resident, University of Saskatchewan1993-96 Pediatric Residency, University of Saskatchewan
Selected Publications
A full list can be found at Google Scholar
- Mona M. Khamis, Darryl J Adamko, Randy W. Purves, and Anas El-Aneed. Quantitative determination of potential urine biomarkers of respiratory illnesses using new targeted metabolomic approach. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019
- Mona M. Khamis, Teagan Holt, Hanan Awad, Anas El-Aneed and Darryl J Adamko. Comparative analysis of creatinine and osmolality as urine normalization strategies in targeted metabolomics for the differential diagnosis of asthma and COPD. Metabolomics, 2018
- Mona M. Khamis, Nancy Klemm, Darryl J. Adamko, Anas El-Aneed. Comparison between multipoint calibration, single point calibration and relative quantification in targeted metabolomics using differential isotope labeling- LC-MS/MS analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2018
- Darryl J. Adamko, Mona M. Khamis, Lisa M. Steacy, Shana Regush, Rhonda Bryce, and Anne Ellis, K. Severity of Allergic Rhinitis Assessed by Urine Metabolomic Profiling: Proof of Concept. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018
- Oluwafemi Oluwole, MSc, Donna C. Rennie, PhD, Ambikaipakan Senthilselvan, PhD, Roland Dyck, MD, Anna Afanasieva, MD, Darryl J Adamko, MD, and Joshua A. Lawson, PhD. Asthma diagnosis among children along an urban-rural gradient. Journal of Asthma. February 8, 2018
- Ali Markland, Gregory Hansen, Anke Banks, Ranji Chibbar, and Darryl Adamko. A Pediatric Case of Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage Secondary to Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis. Case Reports in Critical Care. 2017
- Christopher Skappak, Ramses Ilarraza, Ying-qi Wu, Matthew G. Drake, and Darryl J. Adamko. Virus-induced asthma attack: The importance of allergic inflammation in response to viral antigen in an animal model of asthma. PLOSOne, 2017
- M.M. Khamis, D.J. Adamko, A. El-Aneed, Development of a validated LCMS/MS method for the quantification of 19 endogenous asthma/COPD potential urinary biomarkers, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017
- Darryl J. Adamko, Erik Saude, Matthew Bear, Shana Regush, and Joan Robinson. Metabolomic Analysis of Urine in Infants with Bronchiolitis, BMC Infectious Diseases. 2016
- Darryl J. Adamko, Parameswaran Nair, Irvin Mayers, Ross T. Tsuyuki, Shana Regush, and Brian H. Rowe. Metabolomic Profiling of Asthma and COPD: A Pilot Study Differentiating Diseases. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015
- Farnam Ajamian, Yingqi Wu, Cory Ebeling, Ramses Ilarraza, Solomon O. Odemuyiwa, Redwan Moqbel, Darryl J. Adamko. Infection of Human Dendritic Cells by Respiratory Syncytial Virus Induces Th2 Imbalance Through Indoleamine 2,3 Dioxygenase. Clin Exp Allergy, 2015
- Odemuyiwa SO, Ilarraza R, Davoine F, Logan MR, Shayeganpour A, Wu Y, Majaesic C, Adamko DJ, Moqbel R, Lacy P. Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulates degranulation in human eosinophils. Immunology. 2015
- Harissios Vliagoftis, Cory Ebeling, Ramses Illaraza, Melanie Abel, Darryl Adamko, Salahaddin Mahmudi-Azer, A. Dean Befus and Redwan Moqbel. Connexin 43 Expression on Peripheral Blood Eosinophils: Role of Gap Junctions in Transendothelial Migration. BioMed Research International, 2014
- Christopher Skappak, Shana Regush, Po-Yin Chung, and Darryl J Adamko, Identifying hypoxia in a fetal piglet model using urinary NMR metabolomic profiling. PLOS One. 2013
- Ramses Ilarraza, Yingqi Wu, Christopher D. Skappak, Farnam Ajamian, David Proud, and Darryl J. Adamko. Rhinovirus Has The Unique Ability To Directly Activate Human T Cells In Vitro. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2013
- Davoine F, Sim A, Tang C, Fisher S, Ethier C, Puttagunta L, Wu Y, McGaw WT, Yu D, Cameron L, Adamko DJ, Moqbel R. Eosinophils in human oral squamous carcinoma; role of prostaglandin D2. J Inflamm (Lond). 2013
- Adamko DJ, Majaesic CM, Skappak C, Jones AB. A pilot trial on the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux-related cough in infants]. Translational Pediatrics, 2012
- Ramses Ilarraza, Yingqi Wu, and Darryl J. Adamko. Montelukast inhibits leukotriene stimulation of human dendritic cells in vitro. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2012
- Cory Ebeling, Yinqi Wu , John R. Gordon, and Darryl J. Adamko. Compound CVT-E002 significantly reduces allergen induced airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in vivo. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2011
- Ramses Ilarraza, Yingqi Wu, Francis Davoine, Cory Ebeling, and Darryl J. Adamko. Human dendritic cells promote an antiviral immune response when stimulated by CVT-E002. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2011
- Erik J. Saude, Christopher Skappak, Kim Cook, Shana Regush, Brian H. Rowe, Redwan Moqbel, Brian D. Sykes, and Darryl J. Adamko. Metabolomic Profiling Pediatric Asthma: the Diagnostic Utility of Urine NMR. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011
- Slupsky CM, Rankin K, Fu H, Chang D, Rowe BH, Charles P, McGeer A, Low DE, Long R, Kunimoto D, Sawyer M, Fedorak RN, Adamko DJ, Saude E, Shah SL, Marrie TJ. Pneumococcal Pneumonia: Potential for Diagnosis through a Urinary Metabolic Profile.
- Erik J. Saude, Idongesit P. Obiefuna, Ray L. Somorjai, Farnam Ajamian, Christopher Skappak, Taisir Ahmad, Brion K. Dolenko, Brian D. Sykes, Redwan Moqbel, and Darryl J. Adamko. Metabolomic Biomarkers in an Animal Model of Asthma: Urine Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009
- Darryl J. Adamko, Yingqi Wu, Farnam Ajamian, Ramses Ilarraza, Redwan Moqbel, and Gerald J. Gleich. The Effect of Cationic Charge on Release of Eosinophil Mediators. J. Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008
- Francis Davoine, Min Cao, Yingqi Wu, Farnam Ajamian, Ramses Ilarraza, Andy Kokaji, Redwan Moqbel, and Darryl J. Adamko. Virus-induced eosinophil mediator release requires antigen presenting and CD4+ T-cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008
- Erik J. Saude, Darryl Adamko, Brian H. Rowe, Tom Marrie, and Brian D. Sykes. Variation of Metabolites in Normal Human Urine. Metabolomics, 2007
- Marcelo Marcet-Palacios, Francis Davoine, Darryl J. Adamko, Redwan Moqbel, A. Dean Befus. Human lymphocytes express the transcriptional regulator, Wilms tumor 1; the role of WT1 in mediating nitric oxide-dependent repression of lymphocyte proliferation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2007
- Slupsky CM, Rankin KN, Wagner J, Fu H, Chang D, Weljie AM, Saude EJ, Lix B, Adamko DJ, Shah S, Greiner R, Sykes BD, Marrie TJ. Investigations of the Effects of Gender, Diurnal Variation, and Age in Human Urinary Metabolomic Profiles. Anal Chem. 2007
- Francis Davoine, Claudine Ferland, Jamila Chakir, Joo Eun Lee, Darryl J. Adamko, Redwan Moqbel, Michel Laviolette. Interleukin-12 Inhibits Eosinophil Degranulation and Migration but Does Not Promote Eosinophil Apoptosis. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 2006
- S.Mahadevan, S.L.Shah, C.M.Slupsky, T.J.Marrie, D.J.Adamko. Feature Selection and Classification of Metabolomic Data Using Support Vector Machines. Computer Applications in Biotechnology (CAB), 2006.
- Peter Borszcz, Dean Befus, Redwan Moqbel, Darryl J Adamko, Don D Sin, S.F.P. Man, Paige Lacy. Effects of clarithromycin on inflammatory cell mediator release and survival. Chemotherapy. 2005
- Harrisios Vliagoftis, Paige Lacy, Betty Luy, Darryl Adamko, Morley Hollenberg, Dean Befus, Redwan Moqbel. Mast cells Tryptase Activates Peripheral Blood Eosinophils to Release Granule-Associated Enzymes. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2004
- Darryl J. Adamko, Ying Wu, Gerald Gleich, Paige Lacy and Redwan Moqbel. The Induction of Eosinophil Peroxidase Release: Improved Methods of Measurement and Stimulation. J Immunological Methods, 2004
- Darryl J. Adamko, A.D. Fryer, B.S. Bochner and D.B. Jacoby. CD8+ T-Lymphocytes in Viral Hyperreactivity and M2 Muscarinic Receptor Dysfunction. AJRCCM, 200
- Darryl J. Adamko, B.L. Yost, A.D. Fryer, and D.B. Jacoby. Ovalbumin sensitization changes the inflammatory response to subsequent viral infection. Eosinophils mediate airway responsiveness, M2 muscarinic receptor dysfunction, and antiviral effects. J Exp Med, 1999