Dr. Denise Werker BSc, MD, CCFP, MHSc, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive MedicineSelected Publications
Chapters in books
Mawudeku A, Lemay R, Werker D, Andraghetti R, St. John R. The Global Public Health Intelligence Network; In: M'ikanatha NM, Lynfield R, Van Beneden CA, de Valk H, editors. Infectious disease surveillance, 1st ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing; 2007
Merianos A, Condon R, Oshitani H, Werker D, Andraghetti R. Epidemiology and Transmission of SARS; In: Peiris M, Anderson LJ, Osterhaus ADME, Stohr K, Yuen K, editors. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing; 2005
Werker DH, Bentsi-Enchill A, Spika J. Infectious Diseases; In: Dulbecco R, editor.Encyclopedia of Human Biology vol. 4. 2nd ed. San Diego (CA): Academic Press Inc; 1997
Papers in refereed journals
Curry PS, Kostiuk D, Werker DH, Baikie M, Ntiamoh W, Atherton F, et al. Translocated dogs from Nunavut and the spread of rabies. Can Comm Dis Rep 2016; 42:121-4
Goodwin R, Werker DH, Hockin J, Ellis E, Roche A. A survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of dog and cat owners with respect to vaccinating their pets against rabies, Ottawa-Carleton, Ontario, July 2000. Can Commun Dis Rep. 2002 Jan 1;28(1):1-6
Stirling R, Aramini J, Ellis A, Lim G, Meyers R, Fleury M, Werker D. Waterborne cryptosporidiosis outbreak, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Spring 2001. Can Commun Dis Rep. 2001 Nov 15;27(22):185-192
White ME, McDonnell SM, Werker DH, Cardenas VM, Thacker SB. Partnerships in international applied epidemiology training and service, 1975-2001. Am J Epidemiol. 2001 Dec 1;154(11):993-9
Stratton J, Stefaniw L, Grimsrud K, Werker DH, Ellis A, Ashton E, Chui L, Blewett E, Ahmed R, Clark C, Rodgers F, Trottier L, Jensen B. Outbreak of Salmonella paratyphi B var Java due to contaminated alfalfa sprouts in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan. Can Commun Dis Rep. 2001 Aug 15;27(16):133-7; discussion 137-138
Population and Public Health Branch, Health Canada. Outbreak of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever,Uganda, August 2000-January 2001. Can Commun Dis Rep 2001; 27-06:49-53
Manuel DG, Neamatullah S, Shahin R, Reymond D, Keystone J, Carlson J, Le Ber C, Herwaldt BL, Werker DH. An outbreak of cyclosporiasis in 1996 associated with consumption of fresh berries – Ontario. Can J Infect Dis 2000;11(2):86-92
Drebot MH, Artsob H, Werker D. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in Canada, 1989-1999. Can Commun Dis Rep. 2000 Apr 15;26(8):65-69
Eng SB, Werker DH, King AS, Marion SA, Bell A, Issac-Renton JL, Irwin GS, Bowie WR. Computer-generated dot maps as an epidemiologic tool: investigating an outbreak of toxoplasmosis. Emerg Infect Dis. 1999 Nov-Dec;5(6):815-819.
Eng SB, Werker DH, King AS, Marion SA, Bell A, Isaac-Renton JL, Irwin GS, Bowie WR. Computer-generated dot maps as an epidemiological tool: investigating an outbreak of toxoplasmosis. Emerging Infectious Diseases 1999;5(6) (available at http://www.cdc.gov/nciod/EID/vol5no6/eng.htm)
Slinger R, Werker D, Robinson, Bourdeau R. Adverse health events associated with the 1998 Ice Storm: report of hospital surveillance of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit Region. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1999 Sep 1;25(17):145-50
Van Beneden CA, Keene W, Strang RA, Werker DH, King AS, Mahon B, Hedberg K, Bell A, Kelly MT, Balan VK, MacKenzie WR, Fleming D. A prolonged multinational outbreak of Salmonella Newport infections due to contaminated alfalfa sprouts. JAMA 1999 Jan 13;281(2):158-162
Montessori V, Scharf S, Holland S, Werker DH, Roberts FJ, Bryce E. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis outbreak at a tertiary referral eye care clinic. Am J Infection Control 1998 Aug;26(4):399-405
Burnett AJ, Shortt SG, Isaac-Renton JL, King AS, Werker D, Bowie WR. Multiple cases of acquired toxoplasmosis retinitis presenting in an outbreak. Ophthamology 1998 Jun;105(6):1032-1037
Craig C, Styliadis S, Woodward D, Werker D. African pygmy hedgehog--associated Salmonella tilene in Canada. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1997 Sep 1;23(17):129-31; discussion 131-132
Bowie WR, King AS, Werker DH, Isaac-Renton JL, Bell A, Eng SB, Marion SA. Outbreak of toxoplasmosis associated with municipal drinking water: the Broad Street pump revisited? Lancet. 1997 Jul 19;350(9072):173-177
Herwaldt BL, Ackers ML, and the Cyclospora Working Group. Foodborne cyclosporiasis: multinational outbreak caused by imported raspberries. New Eng J Med. 1997 336:1548-1556
Werker DH, King AS, Kelly MT, Matheson T, Bell AA. Cholera in British Columbia. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1996 May 15;22(10):75-7; discussion 77-78
Bell A, Gill R, Isaac-Renton J, King A, Matinez L, Roscoe D, Werker D, et al. Outbreak of toxoplasmosis associated with municipal drinking water - British Columbia. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1995 Sep 30;21(18):161-3; discussion 163-164
Singh AE, Werker DH, Boychuk L, Miedsinski LJ. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome: report of four Alberta cases. Can J Inf Dis. 1995;6:184-190
Werker DH, Singh AE, Artsob H, Hockin J. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in Canada - update. Can Commun Dis Rep. 1995 May 15;21(9):77-9; discussion 79-80
Werker DH, Blount S, White F. Tuberculosis control in the Caribbean. West Indian Med J 1994 Jun;43(2):48-51
Dekaban GA, Oger JJF, Foti D, King EE, Waters DJ, Picard FJ, Arp J, Werker D, Rice GPA. HTLV-I infection associated with disease in aboriginal Indians from British Columbia: a serological and PCR analysis. Clinical and Diagnostic Virology 1994;2:67-78
Oger JJF, Werker DH, Foti DJ, Dekaban GA. HTLV-I Associated Myelopathy: an endemic disease of Canadian Aboriginals of the Northwest Pacific Coast? Can J Neurol Sci 1993 Nov;20(4):302-306
Gilchrist DM, Friedman JM, Werker D. Life-threatening status asthamticus at 12.5 weeks' gestation. Chest 1991 Jul;100(1):285-286
Major invited contributions and technical reports
Mackenzie JS, Drury P, Ellis A, Grein T, Leitmeyer KC, Mardel S, Merianos A, Olowokure B, Roth C, Slattery R, Thomson G, Werker D, Ryan M. The WHO response to SARS and preparations for the future. In: Knobler S, Mahmoud A, Lemon S, Mack A, Sivitz L, Oberholtzer K, eds. Learning from SARS: preparing for the next disease outbreak: workshop summary. The National Academies Press, Washington 2004: 42-50
World Health Organization.WHO guidelines for the global surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Updated recommendations, October 2004. Geneva : World Health Organization; 2004.
World Health Organization. WHO guidelines for global surveillance of influenza A/H5, 6 February 2004. Available at http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/guidelines/globalsurveillance/en/
World Health Organization. Global surveillance for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Weekly Epidemiological Record 2003: 78(14):100-109
Werker D. Rôle et intérêt de TEPHINET réseau de formation en santé publique internationale. In Douxièmes Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier, 4 - 8 décembre 1999, Lyon : La formation en santé publique : une perspective internationale. Actes du colloque. Edition Fondation Mérieux, 2000.
Buck P, Werker DH. Salmonellosis: no longer just a chicken and egg story. CMAJ. 1998 Jul 14;159(1):63
Werker DH, Artsob H. Of mice and mostly me n – hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. CMAJ. 1998 Apr 7;158(7):912-915
Werker DH. Cyclosporiasis: another emerging pathogen comes ashore. CMAJ. 1997 Aug 1;157(3):295-296
Werker DH, Busser J, Bell AA. Pregnancy and Travel. Journal SOGC. 1996;18:29-43
Forbes I, Werker D. Report of an outbreak investigation: Kitimat BC December 1994. BC Health and Disease Surveillance. 1995;4:96-102
British Columbia Task Force on Access to Contraception and Abortion Services. Realizing Choices: the Report of the British Columbia Task Force on Access to Contraception and Abortion Services. June 1994
Werker D, Capina R, Levett P, Horsman G, Daniuk C, Taylor T, et al. HIV Transmission Networks in the Province of Saskatchewan. 25th Annual Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, May 12 – 15, 2016. Winnipeg, Canada
Jones JD, Braden CR, Delpech VC, Radun D, Squires SG, Hajjeh RA, Lever F, Vugia DJ, International SARS Hotel Investigation Team. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus transmission in a Hong Kong hotel, 2003. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29 Februrary - 3 March 2004. Atlanta, USA
Ntanis K, Carnicer-Pont D, Andraghetti R, Merianos A, Grein T, Werker D. Developing a new global surveillance system for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in the post-outbreak period - World Health Organization. Eighth European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology (EPIET) Scientific Seminar, 16-18 October 2003. Veyrier du Lac, France
Drebot MA, Chen Z, Lindsay R, Dick D, Werker D, Artsob H. Characterization of Hantaviruses Associated with Hantavirus Pulmonary Cases in the Province of Alberta. CACMID,. October 31-November 4, 1999. Edmonton, Canada
Buck PA, Huang SY, Pichette SC, Yaffe B, Lee K, Borotsik G, Moore D, Fearon M, Naus M, Ellis AG, Herwaldt BL, Werker DH. Raspberries and Cyclospora: not a berry healthy combination! Global Meeting INCLEN XVI, March 1-5, 1999. Bangkok, Thailand
Werker DH, Hockin J. Global shoe-leather epidemiology: a partnership for health. 5th Canadian Conference on International Health. November 15-18, 1998. Ottawa, Canada
Tam TWS, Werker DH, Sigal RJ. Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination in Canadian adults with diabetes. Canadian Diabetes Association annual meeting, October 14-17, 1998. Calgary, Canada
Artsob H, Corcoran G, Werker D, Drebot M, Dick D, Lindsay R. Studies of a focal area of hantavirus activity in east central Alberta, Canada. International Northwest Conference on Diseases in Nature Communicable to Man. August 9-12, 1998. Edmonton, Canada
Tam TWS, Werker DH, Sigal RJ. Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination in Canadian adults with diabetes. American Diabetes Association scientific sessions, June 13-16, 1998. Chicago, USA
Buck P, Grimsrud K, Waters J, Cardinal R, Talbot J, Anand C, Johnson W, Khakhria R, Spika J, Sockett P, Werker D. Would you like a little Salmonella with your sandwich? 47th Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference. April 20-24, 1998. Atlanta, USA
Werker DH, Artsob H, Dick D, Spika J. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome: a Canadian perspective. Fourth International Conference on HFRS and hantaviruses. March 5-7, 1998. Atlanta, USA
Neamatullah S, Manuel D, Werker D, Deiter R, Keystone J, Shahin R, LeBer C, Hockin J, Carlson J. Investigation of a Cyclospora outbreak associated with consumption of fresh berries. Canadian Association for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 64th Conjoint Meeting on Infectious Diseases, November 1996. Hamilton, Canada
Van Beneden CA, Keene WE, Werker DH, Cieslak PR, Hedberg K, King AS, Strang RA, Bell A, Fleming D. A health food fights back: an international outbreak of Salmonella Newport infections due to alfalfa sprouts. 36th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), New Orleans: American Society for Microbiology, 1996:258
Irwin GS, King AS, Werker DH, Bell AA, Gill Rk, Isaac-Renton J, Eng SB, Johnstone T, Bowie WR, Marion SA, Roscoe D, Burnett AJ, Jagdis F, Macleod P, Peck S, Hull JA. An outbreak of toxoplasmosis associated with municipal drinking water - water quality and water supply aspects. Seventh National Conference on Drinking Water, August 1996. Charlottetown, Canada
Werker DH, King AS, Bell A, Isaac-Renton JL, Burnett A, Hoefer M, Remington J, Bowie WR. Clinical findings in a waterborne outbreak of toxoplasmosis. Abstracts of the IDSA 34th Annual Meeting [Abstract 237]. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1996;23:903
King AS, Bell A, Isaac-Renton JL, Macleod P, Jagdis F, Johnstone T, Peck S, Werker DH, Bowie WR. Screening program to detect Toxoplasma infections in pregnancy: public health response to a waterborne outbreak of toxoplasmosis. Abstracts of the IDSA 34th Annual Meeting [Abstract 238]. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1996;23:904
Montessori V, Scharf S, Holland S, Werker D, Roberts FJ, Mikelberg F, Bryce E. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis outbreak at a university eye care centre. Abstracts of the IDSA 34th Annual Meeting [Abstract 268]. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1996;23:909
King A, Irwin S, Bell A, Gill R, Isaac-Renton J, Werker D, et al. An outbreak of toxoplasmosis associated with municipal drinking water - British Columbia, Canada. American Water Works Association 1996 Annual Conference and Exposition
King AS, Werker DH, Bell A, Eng SB, Bowie WR, Isaac-Renton J, Marion SA. Outbreak of toxoplasmosis associated with municipal drinking water. 7th International Congress for Infectious Disease, June 1996. Hong Kong, China
Werker DH, King AS, Bell AA, et al. A community outbreak of toxoplasmosis associated with drinking water. Field Epidemiology Training Program Scientific Conference, April 15-19, 1996. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA
Isaac-Renton J, Hay E, Shokeir O, Fung J, Bell A, King A, Werker D, et al. An epidemic of toxoplasmosis: another waterborne infection. 96th American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, 1996. New Orleans, USA
Banerjee SN, Artsob H, Dick D, Werker D, Hjelle B, Stephen C, Middleton PJ. Hantavirus studies in British Columbia Canada. International Northwest Conference on Diseases in Nature Communicable to Men, August 6-9, 1995. Calgary, Canada
Artsob H, Dick D, Werker D, Corcoran G, Reynolds H, Moses R, Roy L, Johnson S, Walbridge J, Millar J. Hantavirus activity in Alberta, Canada. International Northwest Conference on Diseases in Nature Communicable to Men, August 6-9, 1995. Calgary, Canada
Werker D. Attitudes and Practices of Pesticide Users in St. Lucia. Caraphin News IICA 1993; December Number 8
Werker D. Lab tests for steroids. BCMJ 1990;32(11):470
Werker D. More on women and choices. BCMJ 1990;32(10):419
Werker D. Memories of the Maccabiah Games. CASM Newsletter 1989; Winter
Werker D. Chauvinism in the medicopolitical arena. Can Med Assoc J 1988;139:702
Werker D. Don't bemoan those routine days of sniffles and sneezes. [Guest Editorial]. The Medical Post. May 17, 1988
Werker D. The Gods are Everywhere; Experiences as a Trip Physician in Nepal. Doctors' Review 1988; May