Dr. Laurentiu Givelichian MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Pediatric Critical Care- Address
- Rm 3707, Royal University Hospital
- 103 Hospital Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8
Research Area(s)
- Total body hypothermia as a method of treatment of Neonatal encepholopathy
- Predictors of neurological outcomes in neinates with hypoxia ischemic encepholopathy
- Traumatic brain injury
Clinical Interests
- Critical Care Medicine
- Neonatology
- Morbidity & Mortality Chair
Selected Publications
- L. Givelichian, K. Sankaran, A. Obayan. A Novel Urine Assay, A New Method of measuring Oxidative Stress in Neonates. May, 2003, Seattle.
- L. Givelichian, K. Sankaran, A. Obayan. Measuring Oxidative Stress in Neonates by Using a Novel Urine Assay. June, 2002. Utrecht, Holland.
- L. Givelichian, H. Gordon, K. Sankaran. Relative Morbidity and Mortality in Aboriginal Newborns Compared to Non-aboriginals in a Canadian Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. (NICU). October, 2001, Sydney, Australia.