College of Medicine

Research Area(s)

  • As a participatory health researcher in primary health care settings, she is a passionate advocate of authentic engagement, co-creation and action research. Primary health care research also involves strategies to engage individuals, organizations and communities in identifying and addressing locally-relevant issuesthat impact health and wellness. Thus, in collaboration with several Indigenous communities in northern Saskatchewan and a number in South India, she is engaged in research that is co-created, co-designed, co-developed, co-presented and co-authored with the communities.


  • 1991 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing
  • 1998 Master of Science (MS), California College for Health Sciences, USA, Community Health Administration and Wellness Promotion
  • 2004 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Saskatchewan, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies (Medicine and Curriculum Studies, Education)

Selected Publications


2022     M Ogenchuk, J Graham, G Uswak, H Graham, R Weiler, VR Ramsden, 2022 (July). A Smile: pahpêwihkwêwin. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, Colleges of Nursing, Dentistry and Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. ISBN 978-08888-07045. English & Cree - 16 pages.

2021     M Ogenchuk, R St. Pierre, C Cheecham, M Ruelling, L Cheecham, G Uswak, H Graham, R Weiler, VR Ramsden, 2021 (June). A Smile. La Loche, SK: Village of La Loche, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, Colleges of Nursing, Dentistry and Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. ISBN 978-08888-0662-8. English & Dene - 18 pages.


2021     KF Sawchuk, VR Ramsden. Co-creation and participatory processes in medical education research. In: F Goodyear-Smith, M Akman, V Wass, Eds. on behalf of WONCA. How to do Primary Care Education Research: A Practical Guide. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Medicine, Taylor & Francis Group; 2021. pp. 17-22. Accepted on July 23, 2020. Published on July 14, 2021. eBook ISBN 9781003110460.

2020     VR Ramsden, T Verrall, N Jacobson, J Crowe-Weisgerber. Chapter 34: Co-Production: Using Qualitative and Mixed Methods. In: T Bovaird, E Loeffler, Ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Co-production of Public Services and Outcomes. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan; 2020. pp. 659-668. Accepted on January 6, 2020. Published on December 1, 2020. ISBN 978-3-030-53704-3.

2019     VR Ramsden, J Crowe, N Rabbitskin, D Rolfe, AC Macaulay. Chapter 6: Authentic Engagement, Co-Creation and Action Research. In: F Goodyear-Smith, B Mash, Eds. on behalf of WONCA. How to do Primary Care Research. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Medicine, Taylor & Francis Group; 2019. pp. 47-56.  

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (2021-2022)

2022     JDC Irvine, G Rolzing, K Doyle, N Martel, T Tsang, VR Ramsden. Exploring how pregnant women in a remote northern community select a delivery location. Can Fam Physician. 2022 Jun 14;68(6):446-51. DOI: 10.46747/cfp.6806446.

2022     DM Harper, VR Ramsden. The Canadian/United States Primary Care Research Partnership. Ann Fam Med. 2022 May;20(3):283-4.

DOI: [2 pages].

2022     P Boksa, D Hutt-MacLeod, L Clair, G Brass, S Bighead, A MacKinnon, M Etter, H Gould, E Sock, J Matoush, N Rabbitskin, C Ballantyne, A Goose, H Rudderham, V Plourde, M Gordon, L Gilbert, V Ramsden, V Noel, A Malla, SN Iyer. Demographic and clinical presentations of youth using enhanced mental health services in six Indigenous communities from the ACCESS Open Minds Network (CJP-2021-190-OR). Can J Psychiatry. 2022 Mar;67(3):179-191. doi: 10.1177/07067437211055416. Epub 2021 Nov 19.

2022     RA Petrucha, EG Hansen, LD Ironside, OJM Lafrance#, RDT Bryce (Corresponding Author), NA Jacobson, VR Ramsden. Addressing the long-term care crisis: identifying opportunities for improvement using rapid reviews. Can Geriatr J.  2022 Mar 2;25(1):79-87. [9 pages].

2022     JA Dosman, CP Karunanayake, M Fenton, VR Ramsden, J Seeseequasis, R Skomro, S Kirychuk, DC Rennie, K McMullin, BP Russell, N Koehncke, S Abonyi, M King, P Pahwa. Obesity, sex, snoring and severity of OSA in a First Nation community in Saskatchewan, Canada. Clocks Sleep. 2022 Feb 24;4:100–113. [14 pages].

2022     M Ogenchuk, J Graham, G Uswak, H Graham, R Weiler, VR Ramsden. Pediatric Oral Health: Community-based Participatory Research. BMC Pediatr. 2022 Feb 15;22(1):93. doi:10.1186/s12887-022-03153-0. [9 pages].

2022     T Blair, P Babyn, G Kewistep, J Kappel, R Stryker, V Ramsden, C Neudorf, C Levandoski. Program Report: Nîsohkamâtowak – Helping Patients and Families Living with Kidney Disease in Northern Saskatchewan (CJKHD-21-0094). CJKHD (Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease). 2022 Jan 5;9(1): p.10. doi: 10.1177/2054358121106707.     

2021     Elder D Kanewiyakiho, KF Sawchuk, VR Ramsden. Ask before you ask: Co-developing meaningful questions with Indigenous Elders. Can Fam Physician. 2021;67(12):947-8.


2021     CP Karunanayake, VR Ramsden, M Fenton, R Skomro, S Kirychuk, DC Rennie, J Seeseequasis, C Bird, K McMullin, BP Russell#, N Koehncke, T Smith-Windsor, M King, S Abonyi,

            JA Dosman, P Pahwa. Duration and Quality of Sleep in two Saskatchewan First Nation Communities. Sleep Health. 2021 Nov 11:S2352-7218(21)00206-0. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2021.10.001. Online ahead of print.

2021     C Hudon, A Danish, M Lambert, D Howse, M Cassidy, O Dumont-Samson, J Porter, D Rubenstein, V Sabourin, S Doucet, VR Ramsden, M Bisson, C Schwarz, M-C Chouinard. Reconciling validity and challenges of patient comfort and understanding: Guidelines to patient-oriented questionnaires. Health Expect. 2021 Oct 20.

DOI: 10.1111/hex.13373. Online ahead of print.

2021     Sr. A Ogunkorode, L Holtslander, L Ferguson, JE Maree, J Anonson, VR Ramsden, DT Esan, ID Owoeye. The suitability of the health belief model as an assessment framework for women with advanced stages of breast cancer. IJWHR (International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences). 2021 Oct;9(4):249–57. doi: 10.15296/ijwhr.2021.46.

2021     CP Karunanayake, VR Ramsden, C Bird, J Seeseequasis, K McMullin, M Fenton, R Skomro, S Kirychuk, DC Rennie, BP Russell, N Koehncke, T Smith-Windsor, M King, S Abonyi, JA Dosman, P Pahwa. Seasonal changes in sleep patterns in two Saskatchewan First Nation Communities. Clocks Sleep. 2021 Aug 11;3(3):415-428 [14 pages]. Available at

2021     M Ogenchuk, R St. Pierre, G Uswak, H Graham, R Weiler, VR Ramsden. Community Led: Celebrating Wellness with A Smile. Int J Circumpolar Health. 2021 Dec;80(1):1962023 [7 pages]. Available at doi:10.1080/22423982.2021.1962023. Published on-line on August 4.