Dr. Stanley Enebeli MPH, MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive MedicineSelected Publications
Peer-reviewed publications (published)
Bajaj S, Ramayanam S, Enebeli S, Nsoh Tabien H, Andkhoe M, Yaghoubu M, et al. Risk Factors For Sexually Transmitted diseases in Canada and Provincial Variations. Social Medicine 2017; Vol 11 (2); Available from http://www.socialmedicine.info/index.php/socialmedicine/article/view/890
Enebeli S, Okpalauwaekwe U, Mondal P K, et al. (April 19, 2022) Interest In and Uptake of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): A Cross-Sectional Study of High-Risk Patients in Western Canada. Cureus 14(4): e24279. doi:10.7759/cureus.24279
Academic Publications (forthcoming)
Niels Koehncke MD, Chandima P. Karunanayake PhD, Stanley Enebeli MD, Kendra Ulmer RN, Louise Hagel. Trends in Fatal Farm Injuries, Saskatchewan, Canada: 2005-2019
Conference presentations
Enebeli, S., Opondo, J., Leis, A., Prosanta, M. Factors that Influence the Acceptance of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in High-risk patients in Saskatoon. CH&E Research Day, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK. February 8, 2019.
Conference posters
Enebeli, S., Opondo, J., Leis, A., Prosanta, M. Factors that Influence the Acceptance of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in High-risk patients in Saskatoon. Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, SK. February 8, 2019.
Reports and briefing notes
Enebeli S., The Agricultural Health and Safety Network News Letter, summer 2021 edition. Article on COVID vaccination.
Enebeli S., The Agricultural Health and Safety Network News Letter, summer 2021 edition. Article on Hanta virus.
Enebeli S., Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture. Provided content on respiratory diseases that can result from agricultural exposures.
Enebeli S., Literature review on fatal farm injuries.
Enebeli S., Monique Hammond Atkinson., Barriers to care for HIV clients in the core. Briefing note. 2020
Enebeli S. Purchase of a vaccine fridge for the Light House shelter to store Bicillin & vaccines. Briefing note. 2020
Enebeli S. Mandatory masking on Public Transit and Saskatoon City Facilities. Briefing note.
Enebeli S. Evaluation Framework for COVID-19 targeted education and screening of high-risk population in Northern SK. 2020
Enebeli S. International environmental scan of Vaping Regulations, Population Health Branch, Ministry of Health, SK; 2020
Enebeli S. International environmental scan for COVID-19 - Cases and contact Public Health Measures, Population and Health Branch, Ministry of Health, Sk; 2020
Enebeli S. Social Impact Bonds in Canada, Population Health Branch, Ministry of Health, SK; 2020
Enebeli S. Cutaneous diphtheria - Cases and contact Public Health Measures, Population Health Branch, Ministry of Health, SK; 2020
Enebeli S. Communicating with Vaccine hesitant clients in Communicable disease control settings. 2019
Enebeli S. Translator Challenges faced by Immigrant Patients. Saskatchewan Medical Association. June 2019. Briefing note.
Enebeli S. Personal Services - Infection Prevention and Control Measures. February 2019
Enebeli S. Evaluation of Family Physicians Experiences in the Development and Design of Practice Panel Reports in Saskatchewan. December 2018
Community presentations, teaching, in-services
Enebeli S. Evaluation Framework for COVID-19 targeted education and screening of high-risk population in Northern SK. 2020
Enebeli S. Calculating Saskatchewan Pandemic Stockpile, Population Health Branch, Ministry of Health, SK; 2020
Enebeli S. Initiative to support and decrease vaccine errors made by Non-PHN Immunization providers in the Saskatoon area of the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA), SK; 2019
Enebeli S. Proposed Analytical Framework for the Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Survey. June 2019
Enebeli S. Considerations for Priority Setting of air scrubber deployment in a community experiencing wildfire smoke. March 2019
Enebeli S. Evaluation of Family Physicians Experiences in the Development and Design of Practice Panel Reports in Saskatchewan. December 2018