About Us
The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) provides a safe, welcoming place for students to explore ideas and work toward solutions in an open-minded, proactive environment. Our office offers confidential support and advice at “arm’s length” from the academic/administrative offices of the College of Medicine (CoM). We provide students with an independent and informal forum in which to clarify concerns, identify goals and explore options for managing or resolving concerns.
It is our goal to enhance the ability of all students to effectively deal with challenges and we are committed to helping students thrive during their time in the college. We encourage students to seek assistance as soon as possible as outcomes are often much better with early consideration.
Emergency Contacts
You may also dial or text 211 from anywhere in Saskatchewan and they will connect you to the services you require. If you prefer to chat with 211 Saskatchewan staff please visit: https://sk.211.ca/
Local Emergency Contacts (all 24 hours)
- Counselling Connect Saskatchewan: https://www.counsellingconnectsask.ca/
- Crisis Suicide Helpline Regina (24/7) | 306-525-5333
- HealthLine 8-1-1 (24/7)
- Hope for Wellness Help Line (24/7) | 1-855-242-3310 | https://www.hopeforwellness.ca/
- Kids Help Phone (24/7) | 1-800-668-6868
- Mobile Crisis Services (24/7) | 306-757-0127 | https://mobilecrisis.ca
- North East Outreach & Support Services (24/7) 1-800-611-6349 | https://www.neoss.ca/
- Prince Albert Mobile Crisis Unit | 306-764-1011 | https://www.pacrisis.ca
- Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service (24/7) 306-933-6200
- SMA Physician Health Program 306-657-4553 (Saskatoon) 306-359-2750 (Regina)
- Student Wellness Centre - virtual or in-person appointments, including same day when needed 1-306-966-5768
- Suicide Crisis Helpline (24/7) call or text 9-8-8 if you or someone you know is thinking about suicide. Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For information regarding the University of Saskatchewan safety programs and resources, including how to download USAFE, the university's safety app, please visit the webpage below.
Contact Us
If you have questions or concerns about academic support, counseling, wellness, stress management, mistreatment, financial concerns, student health services, accessibility and accommodations, or any other reason, please contact the Office of Student Affairs staff listed below. You can also email: med.studentaffairs@usask.ca.
Staff are available to meet students for individual confidential appointments, or can assist you by email or telephone.
Please contact the OSA at your home site and they will be happy to provide you with assistance and support.
OSA AdministratorTel: 306-966-7331
Edith Conacher |
Bev Digout Student Affairs Coordinator (Saskatoon) Tel: 306-966-8224 |
General email: med.studentaffairs@usask.ca
Dr. Kyle Macdonald Student Services Advisor |
Dr. Lyndsay Sprigg |
Dr. Harmonie Aito |
Sue Schmidt Student Affairs Coordinator Tel: 306-766-0620 |
Rilla Wagner OSA and OCAM Associate Tel: 306-766-0553 |
General email: med.studentaffairs@usask.ca
Dr. Romy Moodliar Site Director (Prince Albert) Cell: 306-960-8609 Office: 306-953-1688
For SLIC students, please contact the OSA staff at your home site and they will be happy to provide you with assistance and support.
Tel: 306-966-7331
Book an Appointment
Looking for some advice, academic or otherwise? Book an appointment with one of our team members.
Our team works to establish a safe, welcoming place for students to explore ideas and work toward solutions in an open-minded, proactive environment.
Book your appointment now
- Book with Edith Conacher
- Book with Bev Digout
- Book with Sue Schmidt
Mistreatment, Discrimination and Harassment
If you feel you have been mistreated, both formal and informal support/help can be provided by the OSA, depending on what you are comfortable with. The College of Medicine takes all mistreatment concerns very seriously and will respond promptly with appropriate action to any concerns brought forward.
For more information about mistreatment, please visit the Mistreatment, Discrimination & Harassment page.
We encourage you to reach out to your local OSA staff for support and guidance on how you wish to move forward.
Mistreatment Report
If you wish to submit your complaint anonymously, please complete the form below with as much detail as possible so that we may investigate your concern.
Please note: This form is for University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine students only. If you are a patient, please contact the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) Patient Advocate Services at 1-866-411-7272 for support.
I may have been mistreated or observed someone else being mistreated
Student Wellness
Emotional, physical, social and financial wellness are all key parts in leading a balanced life as a student. Wellness initiatives are tailored to student need by site. Please contact OSA staff at your site for wellness programming available at each site.
Emotional WellnessYour emotional and mental well being are important. Find out what services are available. |
Physical WellnessTaking time for physical activity can help manage stress. |
Social WellnessJoining a student group or volunteering is a great way to meet new people and learn new things and skills. |
Emotional WellnessStudents in Saskatoon who are concerned about their emotional wellness may contact OSA staff to book a one-on-one appointment. OSA staff can assist them with seeking the help they need. Students may also contact the USask Student Wellness Center, which offers urgent and non-urgent physical and mental health care to USask students and their spouses and children. Mental Health Services
Physical WellnessFind out what activities are available right on the Saskatoon campus. |
Social WellnessIn the fall of 2019, the Living Well Program was launched in Saskatoon. This is a pilot program that focuses on wellness. There are a variety of monthly activities coordinated by the Office of Student Services that focus on students interacting with each other in a non-academic setting. The activities are communicated via emails and posters to the students. |
Emotional WellnessCounselling Support The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Regina campus maintains a list of Counsellors and Psychologists within the community available to medical students. Please talk to a member of the Regina Office of Student Affairs for more information. Mental Health Services Saskatchewan Health Authority-Mental Health Clinic |
Prince Albert students are welcome to participate in all College of Medicine Wellness programming at the Saskatoon and Regina campuses. We do not offer specific wellness programming at the Prince Albert site due to the small number of students located there, however we welcome you to contact your site director if you have any questions about College of Medicine wellness programs. |
SLIC students are welcome to participate in all College of Medicine Wellness programming at the Saskatoon and Regina campuses. We do not offer specific wellness programming at the SLIC sites due to the small number of students located there, however we welcome you to contact OSA staff at your home site if you have any questions about College of Medicine wellness programs. |
Financial Resources
Maintaining financial wellness while attending medical school can be very challenging, particularly when you are uncertain of where to start. Contacting the OSA staff for guidance and support is a great option as a first step.
Below are some of the options you have for receiving financial assistance. OSA staff can assist you with completing application forms if you need help.
If you wish to seek assistance from the University of Saskatchewan financial staff directly, please contact the Student Finance and Awards office at awards@usask.ca or by phone at 306-966-2863. For more information about the services they provide please see their page.
Financial Aid Resources
- Government Student Loans
- USask Scholarships and Bursaries
- Emergency Loans through Student Central
Other Financial Resources/Tools
- How to develop a budget
- The Credit Counselling Society provides free online personal budgeting webinars on topics such as budgeting and debt solutions
- The Credit Counselling Society has online financial calculators that can be used for savings, debt, loan, credit card and car payment calculations
During your pre-clerkship years, the Financial Literacy Program is offered through the Success in Medical School courses. In Year 3, it is offered during Selected Topics and in Year 4, the sessions are offered in the Preparation for Residency course. For further information, please see the course syllabi section of the curriculum page.
Year 1 Success in Medical School 111 |
Year 2 Success in Medical School 211 |
Year 3 Selected Topics in Medicine 308 |
Year 4 Preparation for Residency 409 |
Personal Finance 101 | Insurance Essentials | Budget Planning for Electives and CaRMS | Basics of Investment Strategies |
Smart Spending and Budgeting Strategies | Getting Financial Assistance | Overview of Taxes | Debt Repayment and Lifestyle Strategies |
Leave from Practice | |||
Introduction to Practice Management |
Student Health Services
The following is a list of on campus services available to students:
- Health and Dental Plans
- Physician Health Program — Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA)
- CMA Centre for Physician Health & Well-Being
- CFMS Wellness Program (registration required for most resources)
Health Services are available to students at the Saskatoon campus via the Student Wellness Centre.
The Student Wellness Centre now offers counselling appointments. Call the Student Wellness Centre at 306-966-5768 or visit the centre (third and fourth floor of the Place Riel Student Centre).
The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Regina campus maintains a list of family physicians who have otherwise full practices but have agreed to accept Regina based medical students into their practice and will provide care.
Students are encouraged to contact the OSA for an updated copy of the family physician list.
Prince Albert students should refer to the orientation package they received at orientation prior to the start of their clerkship. This includes contact information for the Prince Albert Student Affairs Director, information on local family physicians who are accepting new patients, and a reminder of the SMA Physician Support Program.
Services of the Physician Support Program of the SMA are available to physicians, trainees and their dependents throughout the province of Saskatchewan. The director of the program is available to assess a client’s needs by travel to their community as needed, and local health providers contract services in support of the SMA-PHP.
If you have any questions about health services available to you, please contact the Prince Albert site director.
Services of the Physician Support Program of the SMA are available to physicians, trainees and their dependents throughout the province of Saskatchewan. The director of the program is available to assess a client’s needs by travel to their community as needed, and local health providers contract services in support of the SMA-PHP.
SLIC students should work with their home site OSA staff in order to determine the health services available to them at their sites.
Accessibility and Accommodations
The College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan is committed to supporting applicants and students with disabilities through the use of appropriate accommodations.
While a disability should not preclude a student from consideration for admission, the disability must not prevent the student from communicating with patients and colleagues, from making observations and analyzing clinical data, and from making the medical judgments expected of a physician who has completed the educational program leading to the M.D. degree at this University.
An applicant's declaration of a need for accommodation is voluntary, but extra time may be needed to process accommodation requests.
If an applicant does not indicate accommodation needs until an offer of admission is made, the College of Medicine reserves the right to defer entrance for one year pending review of the request by the Accommodations Team.
Students with disabilities are encouraged to pursue their studies as long as their continued involvement does not pose a health or safety hazard to themselves or others, and as long as they are able to meet the requirements for a medical degree.
Academic Support
We are here to support you in your academic success. Come and talk to us as soon as possible if you are experiencing any academic difficulties, or if you want to explore how you can study or prepare for exams more effectively.
For any academic-related concerns, please reach out to Joshua Lloyd at joshua.lloyd@usask.ca or Meghan Nelson (Regina site) at meghanemily.nelson@saskhealthauthority.ca or the Academic Support email at med.academicsupport@usask.ca.
As well, academic difficulties are commonly related to non-academic life concerns, please also reach out to the OSA staff should you have any questions.
USask Resources
- Student Learning Services offers a variety of tools to help you with your academic success including help with writing, math and statistics and study skills.
- Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) mentors help fellow students with academic skills, provide group study sessions and support the transition to university life.
- Access and Equity Services (Formerly Disability Services for Students) is here to help students requiring accommodations based on disabilities, religion, family status and gender identity.
Policies, Procedures and Appeals
The College of Medicine Student Information Guide and Student Clerkship Guide outlines expectations for students in regards to Professionalism, Student Academic and Non-Academic conduct and Appeals Processes. All College of Medicine policies and procedures can be found on our Policies and Procedures page.
If you have questions about any of the expectations, processes or procedures contained in these documents, please come and talk to us at the Office of Student Affairs.
The Office of Student Affairs can also assist students in exploring how to handle Breach of Professionalism issues. In the case of a formal allegation and investigation of unprofessional conduct. Student Affairs can be available to accompany the student through the hearing and/or appeal process.
Common policies and procedures accessed by students:
Last updated October 2019
Resources for Unmatched Students
The Office of Student Affairs wish everyone all the best for Residency Match Day. Please know that we are here to support you with any concerns that you may have and please contact us if you are not successful in the first iteration of the residency match. The following resources and supports are available for you after the residency match.