Roger A. Pierson MS PhD FEAS FCAHS
Distinguished Professor Obstetrics & GynecologyResearch Area(s)
- Ovarian follicular development in natural cycles
- Ovarian stimulation
- Ovulation and ovulation induction
- Endometrial Receptivity
- Computer vision and artificial intelligence tools in women's health
Dr. Roger Pierson MS PhD FEAS FCAHS is a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. He received his BS and MS degrees from Purdue University and PhD in Reproductive Endocrinology/Physiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Dr. Pierson's research is multi-disciplinary and revolves around ovarian follicular development in natural cycles, ovarian stimulation, ovulation and ovulation induction, uterine receptivity and hormonal contraception. Dr. Pierson gave the medical and scientific communities the first ever visualization of human ovulation using ultrasonography in 1990. Subsequent studies on ovarian function in women by Dr. Pierson and colleagues at the University of Saskatchewan were heralded as one of the Top 100 scientific discoveries of 2004 by Discover magazine.
Imaging and image enhancement tools have been developed in Dr. Pierson's laboratory to elucidate physiological changes over using the analysis of high-resolution ultrasonographic images. They have proven innovative in determining endometrial receptivity, the assessment of ovarian function, as well as the assessment of ovarian and breast masses. Other areas of research include development of computer software for tissue characterization and analysis of ultrasonographic and MR images, 3-dimensional ultrasonography, early embryo development, automated detection of embryonic anomalies and development of animal model systems for investigation of human reproductive dilemmas.
Dr. Pierson is a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, and a Past-President of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (CFAS). Dr. Pierson's research has generated more than 650 papers, technical reports, book chapters and abstracts, in addition to more than 50 copyrighted computer programs and 6 patents. Dr. Pierson also has held executive positions in several professional organizations. He served as President of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (CFAS) in 1999-2000 and Chaired the Communications Committee for the Society from 1998-2014.
Dr. Pierson was awarded the University of Saskatchewan Distinguished Researcher Award in 2000 and he has received other numerous awards that include: Award of Excellence in Reproductive Medicine for lifetime research achievements from the CFAS, APOG Medical Education Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award for outstanding contributions to the teaching of obstetrics and gynecology; Commemorative Medal for the Centennial of Saskatchewan for outstanding achievements and significant contribution to society; and, Chatelaine Women’s Health Hero Award with citation for ‘Dedication to advancing women’s health in Canada’. He was inducted into the Inaugural W. Brett Wilson Center’s Innovator’s Hall of Fame at the University of Saskatchewan in 2009.
In addition to his academic work, Dr. Pierson is the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of the Synergyne Group of Companies. He is the innovator of Matris™, an image analysis tool for assessing endometrial receptivity when undergoing assisted reproductive treatment.
Selected Publications
ORCID: 0000-0003-4435-0515
Roger A. Pierson and Raymond A. Stephanson are the Guest Editors of the Special Issue Imagining Reproduction in Science and History in the Journal of Medical Humanities ISSN 1041 3545 31(1) 1-90 (2010).
Salim Daya, Roger A. Pierson and Joanne Gunby are Co-Editors of Research Papers in Fertility and Reproductive Medicine ISBN 0-444-51546-1, International Congress Series 1271, published in 2004 by Elsevier Science Publishers.
Richard Jaffe, Jaques Abramowicz and Roger A. Pierson are Co-Editors of a 417page text and reference book entitled Imaging in Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology ISBN 0-397-51351-8 published in 1994 by J.B. Lippincott and Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Pierson, R.A. 2018. Human Folliculogenesis Revisited: The Menstrual Cycle Visualized by Ultrasonography. In The Ovary, Third Edition. Peter Leung and Eli Adashi (Editors). ISBN: 9780128132098. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp 51-70.
Pierson, R.A. 2017. Ultrasonography in IVF. In Encyclopedia of Reproduction, Second Edition. Jodi Flaws, Bernard Jegou, John McCarrey, Craig Niederberger, Carlos Simon, Michael Skinner, Thomas Spencer, Penny Swanson and Wei Yan (Editors). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN: 9780128118993. Volume 5:33-39.
Pierson, R.A. 2017. Ultrasonography in IVF. In Handbook of In Vitro Fertilization, Fourth Edition. David Gardner and Carlos Simón (Editors). CRC Press, London UK. ISBN 9781498729390. pp 81-103.
Chizen, D.R. and R.A. Pierson. 2010. Clinical Applications of Ultrasonography in Infertility Assessment and Therapy. In Global Library of Women’s Medicine. J.C. Sciarra (Editor-in-Chief). http://www.glowm.com/. ISSN: 1756-2228 2008 DOI:10.3843/GLOWM.10326 [pp 1-85].
Pierson, R.A. 2008. Ultrasonography in Infertility. In P.W. Callen (Editor), Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Fifth Edition. ISBN 1-416032649. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. pp 986-1019.
Kazemi†, M. Hadi†, A., Pierson, R.A., Lujan, M.E., Zello, G.A., Chilibeck*, P.D. 2021. Effects of Dietary Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load on Cardio-metabolic and Reproductive Profiles in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Advances in Nutrition12(1):161-178.
Baerwald, A.R. and R.A. Pierson. 2020. Ovarian Follicular Waves during the Menstrual Cycle: Physiologic Insights into Novel Approaches for Ovarian Stimulation. Fertility and Sterility 114(6):443-457.
Wagner, D., R.E. Stephanson and R.A. Pierson. 2019. Portrait of an Organ: An Analysis of Medical Images and Treatments of the Uterus. International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture 6(2):59-70.
Yapura, M. J., E.M. Zweilferhofer, R.A. Pierson and G.P. Adams. 2018. Aromatase Inhibitors: A New Approach for Controlling Ovarian Function in Mammals. Theriogenology 112:18-25.
Hughes, E. and R.A. Pierson. 2013. Art and Reproductive Science: Celebrating a Glorious Marriage. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada 35(1):17-18.
Baerwald, A.R., G.P. Adams and R.A. Pierson. 2012. Ovarian Antral Folliculogenesis during the Human Menstrual Cycle: A Review. Human Reproduction Updates 18(1):73-91.
Pierson, R.A. and R.A. Stephanson. 2010. Imagining Reproduction in Science and History. Journal of Medical Humanities 31(1):1-9.
Kazemi, M., L.E. McBreairty, P.D. Chilibeck, R.A. Pierson, D.R. Chizen, and G.A. Zello. 2021. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Barriers Towards Dietary Pulse Consumption in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Participating in a Multi-Disciplinary Lifestyle Intervention to Improve Women's Health. Sexes 2:88-103.
Allaway, H.C.M., R.A. Pierson, J. Invik and S.A. Bloomfield. 2021. A Rodent Model of Human Dose Equivalent Progesting-only Implantable Contraception. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 19(47):1-11.
Kazemi, M., L.E. McBreairty, P.D. Chilibeck, R.A. Pierson, D.R. Chizen, and G.A. Zello. 2021. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Barriers Towards Dietary Pulse Consumption in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Participating in a Multi-Disciplinary Lifestyle Intervention to Improve Women's Health. Sexes 2:88-103.
Kazemi, M., R.A. Pierson, L.E. McBreairty, P.D. Chilibeck, G.A. Zello and D.R. Chizen. 2020. A randomized controlled trial of a lifestyle intervention with longitudinal follow up on ovarian dysmorphology in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Clinical Endocrinology 92(6):525-535.
Jarrett, B.Y., N. Vantman, R. Mergler, E.D. Brooks, R.A. Pierson, D.R. Chizen and M.E. Lujan. 2019. Dysglycemia, and Not Altered Sex Steroid Hormones, Impacts Cognitive Function in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Journal of the Endocrine Society 3(10): 1858–1868.
Jarrett, B.Y., H. Vanden Brink, E.D. Brooks, K.M. Hoeger, S.D. Spandorfer, R.A. Pierson, D.R. Chizen and M.E. Lujan. 2019. Impact of Right - Left Differences in Ovarian Morphology on the Ultrasound Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Fertility and Sterility 112(5):939-946.
Kazemi, M., R.A. Pierson, M.E. Lujan, P.D. Chilibeck, L.E. McBreairty, J.J. Gordon, S.B. Serrao, G.A. Zello and D.R. Chizen. 2019. Comprehensive Evaluation of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Profiles in Reproductive-age Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Large Canadian Cohort. Journal of Obstetics and Gynecology Canada 41(10):1453-1460.
Kazemi, M, L.E. McBreairty, R.A. Pierson, P.D. Chilibeck, J.J. Gordon, S.B. Serrao, G.A. Zello and D.R. Chizen. 2018. A Pulse-Based Diet and the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet in Combination with Health Counseling and Exercise Improve Health-Related Quality of Life in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 41(2):144-153.
Kazemi, M., L.E. McBreairty, D.R. Chizen, R.A. Pierson, P. Chilibeck and G.A. Zello. 2018. A Comparison of a Pulse-Based Diet and the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet in Combination with Exercise and Health Counselling on the Cardio-Metabolic Risk Profile in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients 2018, 10, 1387; doi:10.3390/nu10101387. pp 1-30.
Bashir Shah, T., A.R. Baerwald, R.A. Pierson, M.F.O. Gastal and E.L. Gastal. 2018. Follicle growth and endocrine dynamics in women with spontaneous luteinized unruptured follicles (LUF) versus ovulation. Human Reproduction 33(6):1130-1140.
McBreairty, L.E., G.A. Zello, J.J. Gordon, S.B. Serrao, R.A. Pierson, D.R. Chizen and P. Chilibeck. 2018. Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Have Comparable Hip Bone Geometry to Age-Matched Control Women. Journal of Clinical Densitometry 21(1):54-60.
McBreairty, L.E., P.D. Chilibeck, D.R. Chizen, R.A. Pierson, L. Tumback and G.A. Zello. 2017. The role of a pulse-based on infertility measures and metabolic syndrome risk: Protocol of a randomized clinical trial in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. BMC Nutrition 3(23):1-9. DOI 10.1186/s40795-017-0142-6.
Allaway, H.C.M, D.R. Chizen, G.P. Adams and R.A. Pierson. 2017. Effects of single 20mg dose of letrozole on ovarian function post dominant follicle selection: An exploratory randomized controlled trial. Journal of Ovarian Research 10(6):1-11
Clancy, K.B.H., A.R. Baerwald and R.A. Pierson. 2016. Cycle-phase Dependent Associations between CRP, Leptin and Reproductive Hormones in an Urban, Canadian Sample. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 160:389-396.
Yapura, M.J., R.J. Mapletoft, R.A. Pierson, J. Singh and G.P. Adams. 2016. Synchronization of Ovulation in Cattle with an Aromatase Inhibitor-based Protocol. Theriogenology 85:1382-1389.
Jackowski, S.A., A.D.G. Baxter-Jones, A.J. McLardy, R.A. Pierson and C.D. Rodgers. 2016. The associations of exposure to combined hormonal contraceptive use on bone mineral content and areal bone mineral density accrual from adolescence to young adulthood: A longitudinal study. Bone Reports 5:e333-e341.
J. Yapura, I. Badea, G. Zamberlam, C. Price, R. Mapletoft, R. Pierson, J. Singh, G.P. Adams. 2015. Formulation and testing of a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor intravaginal device for the control of ovarian function in cattle. Animal Reproduction Science 156:91-102.
Christ, J.P., H. VandenBrink, E.D. Brooks, R.A. Pierson, D.R. Chizen and M.E. Lujan. 2015. Ultrasonographic Features of Polycystic Ovaries Relate to the Degree of Reproductive and Metabolic Disturbance in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Fertility and Sterility 103(3):787-794.
Pierson, R.A., O.A. Olatunbosun, D.R. Chizen, H. Saunders, E. Loumaye and B. DeMoustier. 2014. Recombinant Human Luteinizing Hormone to Trigger Ovulation: A Prospective, Randomized, Phase II Dose-Finding Study. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 59(7-8):355-366.
Williamson, L.E.A., K.L. Lawson, P.J. Downe and R.A. Pierson. 2014. Informed Reproductive Decision-Making: The Impact of Providing Fertility Information on Fertility Knowledge and Intentions to Delay Childbearing. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada 36(5):400-405.
Clark, N.M., A.J. Podolski, E.D. Brooks, D.R. Chizen, R.A. Pierson, D.C. Lehotay and M.E. Lujan. 2014. Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Phenotypes Using Updated Criteria for Polycystic Ovarian Morphology: An Assessment of Over 100 Consecutive Women Self-Reporting Features of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Reproductive Sciences 21(8):1034-1043.
Christ, J.P, A.D. Willis, E.D. Brooks, H. Vanden Brink, B.Y. Jarrett, R.A. Pierson, D.R. Chizen and M.E. Lujan. 2013. Follicle Number, and Not Assessments of the Ovarian Stroma, Represents the Best Ultrasonographic Marker of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Fertility and Sterility 101(1):280-288.
Pfiefer, L.F.M., G.P. Adams, R.A. Pierson and J. Singh. 2014. Ultrasound Biomicroscopy: A Non-Invasive Approach for In Vivo Evaluation of Oocytes and Small Antral Follicles in Mammals. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 26(1): 48-54.
Clancy, K.B.H., A.R. Baerwald and R.A. Pierson. 2013. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in Relation to Follicle Wave Dynamics during the Spontaneous Menstrual Cycle. Public Library of Science One (PLoS 1) 8(5): e64807. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064807.
Lujan, M.E., B.Y. Jarrett, E.D. Brooks, J.K. Reines, A.K. Peppin, N. Muhn, E. Haider, R. A. Pierson and D.R. Chizen. 2013. Updated Ultrasound Criteria for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Reliable Thresholds for Elevated Follicle Population and Ovarian Volume. Human Reproduction 28(5):1361-1268.
Dong, M., M.G. Eramian, S. Ludwig and R.A. Pierson. 2013. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Bovine Corpora Lutea in Ultrasonographic Ovarian Images using Genetic Programming and Rotation Invariant Local Binary Patterns. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 51:405-416.
Chilibeck, P.D., H. Vatanparast, R.A. Pierson, A. Case, O. Olatunbosun, S.J. Whiting, H.J. Biem, P. Pahwa and T.J. Beck. 2013. Effect of Exercise Training Combined with Isoflavone Supplementation on Bone and Lipids in Post-Menopausal Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 28(4):780-793.
Ratto, M.H., Y.A. Leduc, X.P. Valderrama, K.E.van Straaten, L.T.J. Delbaere, R.A. Pierson and G.P. Adams. 2012. The Nerve of Ovulation-Inducing Factor in Semen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 109(37):15042-15047.
Pfeifer, L.F.M., L.G.B. Siqueira, G.P. Adams, R.A. Pierson and J. Singh. 2012. In Vivo Imaging of Cumulus-Oocyte-Complexes and Small Ovarian Follicles in Cattle using Ultrasound Biomicroscopy. Animal Reproduction Science 131:88-94.
Yapura, J., R.J. Mapletoft, J. Singh, R.A. Pierson, J. Naile, J.P. Geisy, H. Chang, E. Higley, M. Hecker and G.P. Adams. 2012. Effects of a Non-steroidal Aromatase Inhibitor on Ovarian Function in Cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 24:631-640.
Bowen, R., A. Bowen, M. Baetz, J. Wagner and R. A. Pierson 2011. Mood Instability in Women with Premenstrual Syndrome. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada 33(9):927-934.
Yapura, J., R.J. Mapletoft, R.A. Pierson, J. Singh, J. Naile, J.P. Geisy and G.P. Adams. 2011. A Bovine Model for Examining the Effects of Aromatase Inhibitor on Ovarian Function in Women. Fertility and Sterility 96(2):434-441.
Ratto, M.H., L.T.J. Delaere, Y.A. Leduc, R.A. Pierson and G.P. Adams. 2011. Isolation and Purification of Ovulation Inducing Factor (OIF) in Seminal Plasma of Llamas. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 9:24-38.
Lujan, M.E., A. Podolski, D.R. Chizen, D. Lehotay and R.A. Pierson. 2010. Digit Ratios by Computer-Assisted Analysis Confirm Lack of Anatomical Evidence of Prenatal Androgen Exposure in Clinical Phenotypes of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 8:15-22.
Lujan, M.E., A.L. Kepley, D.R. Chizen, D.C. Lehotay and R.A. Pierson. 2010. Development of Morphologically Dominant Follicles is associated with Fewer Metabolic Disturbances in Amenorrheic Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Pilot Study. Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 36:759-766.
Giede, C., L.L. McFadden, P. Komonski, A. Agrawal, A. Stauffer and R.A. Pierson. 2010. The Acceptability of HPV Vaccination among Women Attending the University of Saskatchewan Student Health Services. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada. 32(7):679-686.
Goojha, C., A.M. Case, A.R. Baerwald and R.A. Pierson. 2010. Development of Asherman’s Syndrome following Conservative Surgical Management of Intractable Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Case Report. Fertility and Sterility 94(3):1098.e1-1098.e5.
Lujan, M.E., E.D. Brooks, A.L. Kepley, D.R. Chizen, R.A. Pierson and A.K. Peppin. 2010. Grid Analysis Improves Reliability in Follicle Counts Made by Ultrasonography in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 36(5):712-718.
Colwell, K., M.E. Lujan, K.L. Lawson, R.A. Pierson and D.R. Chizen. 2010. Women’s Perceptions of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) following Participation in a Clinical Research Study: Implications for Knowledge, Feelings and Daily Health Practices. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada 32(5):453-459.
Lujan, M.E., T.G. Bloski, D.R. Chizen, D.C. Lehotay and R.A. Pierson. 2010. Digit Ratios Do Not Serve as Anatomical Evidence of Prenatal Androgen Exposure in Clinical Phenotypes of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Human Reproduction 25:204-211.
Toosi, B.M., S.V. Seekallu, R.A. Pierson and N.C. Rawlings. 2009. Evaluation of the Ultrasound Image Attributes of Developing Ovarian Follicles in the Four Follicular Waves in Ewes. Theriogenology 72:902-909.
Lujan, M.E., D.R. Chizen, A.K. Peppin, A. Dhir and R.A. Pierson. 2009. Assessment of Ultrasonographic Features of Polycystic Ovaries is Associated with Modest Levels of Inter-Observer Agreement. Journal of Ovarian Research. 2:6-15.
Mircea, C.N., M.E. Lujan, R.S. Jaiswal, J. Singh, G.P. Adams and R.A. Pierson. 2009. Ovarian Imaging in the Mouse using Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM): A Validation Study. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 21(4):365-370.
Allaway, H.C., T.G. Bloski, R.A. Pierson and M.E. Lujan. 2009. Digit Ratios (2D:4D) Determined by Computer-Assisted Analysis are More Reliable than Those Using Physical Measurements, Photocopies, and Printed Scans. American Journal of Human Biology 21:365-370.
Baerwald, A.R., R.A. Walker and R.A. Pierson. 2008. Growth and Regression Rates of Ovarian Follicles during Natural Menstrual Cycles, Oral Contraception Cycles and Ovarian Stimulation Cycles. Fertility and Sterility 91(2): 440-449.
Giede, K.C., T.W. Yen, R. Chibbar and R.A. Pierson. 2008. Significance of Concurrent Endometrial Cancer in Women with a Pre-Operative Diagnosis of Atypical Endometrial Hyperplasia. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada 30:896-981.
Russnell, B.J., R.A. Pierson, J. Singh, G.P. Adams and M.G. Eramian. 2008. Level Set Segmentation of Bovine Corpora Lutea in Ovarian Ultrasound Images. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 6:33-49.
Lujan, M.E., D.R. Chizen, A.K. Peppin, D.A. Leswick, S. Kreigler, T.G. Bloski and R.A. Pierson. 2008. Improving Inter-Observer Variability in the Identification and Quantification of Ultrasonographic Features of Polycystic Ovaries. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 6:30-41.
Lo, S.T., P. Ramsay, R.A. Pierson, F. Manconi, M.G. Munro and I.S. Fraser. 2008. Endometrial Thickness Measured by Ultrasonography in Women with Uterine Outlet Obstruction due to Intrauterine or Upper Cervical Adhesions. Human Reproduction 23(2):306-309.