Dr. Tania Diener MBChB, MMed (Com Health), MPA, DTM, MFTM RCPS (Glasg)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive MedicineClinical Interests
- Immunization
- Travel Health
2023 - Integration of Health into Urban Planning and Urban Design Policies. A K Mahani, T Diener, B Heerspink, K Husack, C Brown, N Muhajarine. SHRF Align grant.
2021 - Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on routine school-based immunizations and investigating strategied to catch-up on missed immunization opportunities in Canada – Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) grant - Dr Cordell Neudorf, Dr Tania Diener, Dr Kristin Klein, Dr Thilina Bandara
2017 - Younger Age and Indigenous Heritage are Associated with High Risk of Poor HIV Cascade Outcomes in Southern Saskatchewan. Canadian Association of HIV Research (CAHR), Wong A, Feng c, Osgood N, Graham H, Hennink M, Diener T
2016 - High Mortality Rates in HIV Positive Individuals from Southern Saskatchewan - A Comparative Analysis Between Two Canadian Prairie Clinics. Canadian Association of HIV Research (CAHR). Mann J, Hagen B, Nasewich S, Reed J, Benz Tramer C, Hennink M, Diener T, Gill J, Wong A.
2016 - A Combined biostatistical and behavioural approach to understanding outcomes in patients living with HIV in Saskatchewan - Principle Investigator: Dr Alex Wong. Team Members: Drs. Tania Diener and Maurice Hennink, Debbie Rodger and Julie Reed, RQHR; Drs. Nathaniel Osgood, Cindy Feng and Holly Graham, University of Saskatchewan; and Drs. Jeffrey Joy and Richard Harrigan, University of British Columbia. Funding Grant: Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s (CIHR) Strategy for Patient Oriented Research, the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation
2016 - A Combined Bio-Statistical and Behavioural Approach to Understanding Outcomes in Patients Living with HIV in Saskatchewan. Principle Investigator: Dr. Alexander Wong Co-Investigators: Jeffrey Joy, Maurice Hennink, Cindy Feng, Richard Harrigan, Nathaniel Osgood, Julie Reed, Dominik Werber, Debbie Rodger, Tania Diener, Holly Graham. Targeted Collaborative Innovation Development Grant (SPOR)
Selected Publications
2020 - Polly Tsybina, Maurice Hennink, Tania Diener, et al. Repeated false reactive ADVIA centaur and bio-rad Geenius HIV tests in a patient self-administering anabolic steroids. BMC Infectious Diseases (2020) 20:9
2019 - Trecker MA, Danielson C, Koutsoulis G, Lloyd K, Benz Tramer C, Diener T and Hennink M. Investigation of an outbreak of group A Streptococcis in a Regina retirement residence and personal care home, 2018. Canadian Journal of Infection Control, Winter 2019, Vol 34, Issue 4, 175-178
2016 - Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Surgeons. Saskatchewan. Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) for Clinical Office Practice. June 2016
2014 - S Desai, T Diener, BJ-K Tan, NJ Lowry, C Talukdar, WM Chrusch and S Wiebe. An unusual case of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology. 2014 Jul-Aug; 25(4): 227–228
2011 - Improving Childhood Immunization Rates and Practices. Innovations in Knowledge Translation: the SPHERU KT Casebook.
2010 - James Bentley, Tania Diener, Laurie Ellt. Cervical Cancer: A Worldwide Health Priority. The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis, February 2010, Volume 27, Number 2. Also in French in Le Clinicien