The OVDR's dedicated, professional, and passionate team strives to implement the comprehensive, integrated research plan for the College of Medicine. If you have any questions, or if you would like to offer any feedback, please contact our wonderful team.
Meet Our Team
Dr. Marek Radomski, Vice-Dean of Research
Dr. Radomski MD, PhD, DSc, MPAL, FCAHS was appointed as Vice-Dean Research in 2016 to lead the Office of Vice Dean Research (OVDR) and is currently serving the second term of office. Dr. Radomski is a highly-cited pharmacologist (>29,350 citations by Google Scholar to date) who worked both in academia and the pharmaceutical industry in Poland, UK, Spain, Canada, USA, and Ireland. He mentored many MSc, PhD, and postdoctoral students. He is interested in platelet regulation, cancer, nitric oxide, and MMP biology and pharmacology, as well as in nanomedicine, nanopharmacology, nanotoxicology, and more recently, in SARS-CoV-2 research. In 2020 Dr. Radomski was inducted to the fellowship of Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.
Megan Truscott, Director of Research
The Director of Research oversees the administration of the Office of the Vice-Dean Research and Clinical Trial Support Unit and is a key member of the Vice-Dean Research leadership team. Megan provides guidance and direction to the fantastic lineup of OVDR and CTSU staff, and sets team and individual priorities. This position works with departments, senior leaders, and other key stakeholders across the College of Medicine and larger University community in order to assist the Vice-Dean Research and the entire portfolio to achieve its strategic goals.
Sydnie Gengler
Shelley-May Neufeld
Ally Wiegers
Chantal Jantzen
Colton Holmes
Nayoung Kim
Kari Boudreau
Dr. Kiven Erique Lukong
Research Themes
Strategic Plans developed at both the College and University levels serve as steering mechanisms to guide the focus of the Office of the Vice-Dean Research to signature research themes. By offering support for researchers, and strategically investing in key research areas that show promise of growth, we seek to position the College among the most distinguished in Canada.
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