College of Medicine

Research Area(s)

  • Popular culture and mental illness
  • Mood and anxiety disorders in adolescents
  • Adolescent anorexia nervosa


Dr. Malin Clark is Clinical Associate Professor and Interim Provincial Head of the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Health Authority, where she oversees the academic and strategic clinical delivery of psychiatry for the province of Saskatchewan. As Acting Provincial Head, Dr. Clark plays an integral role in multiple working groups and committees, spanning the clinical and academic domains locally and provincially.

Clinical Interests

  • Adolescent psychiatry - including mood and anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and psychotic illnesses

Selected Publications

R. Bowen, M. Clark, and M. Baetz, 2004. Mood Swings in Patients with Anxiety Disorders Compared with Normal Controls. Journal of Affective Disorders, 78: 185-192

Recent Research Studies

  • Mood Swings in Patients with Anxiety Disorders, co-investigating with Dr. R. Bowen and Dr. M. Baetz.
  • "Stimulant Use and the Development of Bipolar Mood Disorder", co-investigating with Dr. R. Bowen and Dr. C. D'Arcy.