Dr. David Leswick MD, FRCPC
Professor University Medical Imaging ConsultantsResearch Area(s)
- Main research interest is radiation dose and methods of reducing radiation exposure to radiosensitive organs from diagnostic imaging
- 1992-96: BScH in Life Sciences, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
- 1996-2000: MD. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- 2000-2005: Radiology Residency, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- 2007: Musculoskeletal Imaging Fellowship, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- High school in Toronto.
- Life Sciences degree at Queen's and Medical school in Winnipeg.
- Happily married with 2 dependent golden retrievers and 2 children.
2010: Supervised project "Reduced Dose with Maintained Image Quality Utilizing 100 kVp Carotid CT Angiography" (presented by P. Jo) received Third Place Award at the 2nd Canadian National Medical Student Research Symposium 2010, June 1 - 3
2010: Supervised project "Reduced Dose with Maintained Image Quality Utilizing 100 kVp Carotid CT Angiography" (presented by P. Jo) received the Best Scientific Poster Award at the Canadian Association of Radiologists Meeting, April 22 - 25
2009: Dr. L. Chatterson awarded the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CSCI/CIHR) 2009 Resident Research Award for the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan for supervised project "Lead Shielding Versus Custom-made RADPAD® Bismuth-Antimony Shield for Fetal Dose Reduction at Different Gestational Ages for CTPA"
2009: Supervised project "Lead Shielding Versus Custom-made RADPAD® Bismuth-Antimony Shield for Fetal Dose Reduction at Different Gestational Ages for CTPA" (presented by L. Chatterson) received the Best Scientific Poster Award at the Canadian Association of Radiologists Meeting, April 23 - 26
2007: 6 month (July-December 2007) Fellowship in Musculoskeletal MRI completed under the supervision of Dr. J.M. Davidson centered at the Pan Am Clinic with the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
2007: Supervised project "Radiation Dose from Diagnostic Computed Tomography in Saskatchewan" (presented by N. Syed) received the Best Scientific Poster Award at the Canadian Association of Radiologists Meeting, June 28 -July 1
2007: Collaborated on project "Improving inter-observer variability in the identification and quantification of ultrasonographic features of polycystic ovaries" (presented by M Lujan) awarded Best Clinical Paper Award at The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Fertility & Andrology Society, September 26 - 29, Halifax, Nova Scotia
2005: Received the Best Scientific Poster Award at the Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting (Sept 29-Oct 2, 2005) for my research optimizing CT scout technique.
2005: Awarded the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CSCI/CIHR) Resident Research Award for the University of Saskatchewan for my helical HRCT radiation dose research.
Farcical/Humour in Medicine Publications
DA Leswick. Inner Visions: March of the Penguins. Radiographics. 2007 Nov-Dec; 27(6): 1772.
Leswick DA. Inner Visions: Ureteric Figure Skater. Radiographics. 2006 Jan-Feb; 26 (1):172
Leswick DA, Patel RH. Inner Visions: The Phantom of the Pelvis. Radiographics. 2005 Oct; 25(SI): S118
Conference Proceedings/Abstracts
Jalil W, Leswick DA. Beavis C. Imaging Evaluation of Hill-Sachs lesions: A web based survey of subspecialty radiologists and orthopedic surgeons. [Abstract/Poster presentation] 12th Combined Meeting of the Orthopedic Associations, September 12-17, 2010. Glasgow, UK
Jo P, Leswick D, Fladeland D, Otani R, Lim H. Reduced Dose with Maintained Image Quality Utilizing 100 kVp Carotid CT Angiography. [Abstract/Oral presentation] 2nd Canadian National Medical Student Research Symposium 2010, June 1-3, 2010. Winnipeg, MB o Received Third Place Prize
Jalil W, Leswick DA. Beavis C. Imaging Evaluation of Hill-Sachs lesions: A web based survey of subspecialty radiologists and orthopedic surgeons. [Abstract/Poster presentation]. Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, April 22-25, 2010. Montreal, QC
Jo P, Leswick D, Fladeland D, Otani R, Lim H. Reduced Dose with Maintained Image Quality Utilizing 100 kVp Carotid CT Angiography. [Abstract/Poster presentation] Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, April 22-25, 2010. Montreal, QC o Received Best Scientific Poster Award
Beavis C, Jalil W, Leswick DA. Imaging Evaluation of Hill-Sachs lesions: A web based survey of subspecialty radiologists and orthopedic surgeons. [Poster presentation] 2010 Canadian Orthopedic Association Annual Meeting, June 17-20. Edmonton, AB
Goo S, Leswick DA, Stoneham GS. Patent Ductus Arteriosis Presenting as a Filling Defect on CT PE. [Abstract/poster presentation] Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, April 23-26, 2009 Montreal, QC
Chatterson L, Leswick DA, Fladeland DA, Hunt MM, Webster S. Lead Shielding Versus Custom-made RADPAD® Bismuth-Antimony Shield for Fetal Dose Reduction at Different Gestational Ages for CTPA. [Abstract/poster presentation] Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, April 23-26, 2009. Montreal, QC o Received Best Poster Scientific Poster Award.
Dumaine CS, Leswick DA, Lim H, Fladeland DA. Improving CT dose in Saskatchewan. [Abstract/poster presentation] Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, April 23-36, 2009. Montreal, QC
Thakur N, Leswick DA. Flexor Hallicus Tear Distal to the Master Knot of Henry [Poster presentation] Alberta Society of Radiologists Meeting, 2008
LA Allen, R Wilson, J Tynan, D Chapman, H Zhong, Z Zhong, S Wiebe, DA Leswick. Diffraction Enhanced Imaging of the Injured Rat Physes. [Abstract/Poster presentation] MASR Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation, Aug 26-30, 2007. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
DA Leswick, MM Hunt, S Webster, DA Fladeland. Thyroid Shields Versus Automatic Tube Current Modulation for Dose Reduction in Neck CT. [Abstract/Poster presentation] Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, June 28th-July 1st, 2007. St. John's, Newfoundland.
N Syed, DA Leswick, DA Fladeland. Radiation Dose from Diagnostic Computed Tomography in Saskatchewan. [Abstract/Poster presentation] accepted for presentation at the Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, June 28th-July 1st, 2007. St. John's, Newfoundland.
Received Best Poster Scientific Poster Award. ·
ME Lujan, AK Peppin, DA Leswick, S Kriegler, TG Blotski, RA Pierson, DR Chizen. Improving inter-observer variability in the identification and quantification of ultrasonographic features of polycystic ovaries. [Abstract] accepted for presentation at The Annual Meeting of the Canadian Fertility & Andrology Society, Sept 26-29, 2007. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Received Best Clinical Paper Award. ·
ME Lujan, AK Peppin, TG Bloski, DA Leswick, S Kriegler, RA Pierson and DR Chizen. Improving inter-observer variability in the identification and quantification of ultrasonographic features of polycystic ovaries: role of image quality and follicle population. [Abstract/poster] The 5th Annual Meeting Androgen Excess Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 1, 2007.
Leswick DA, Burbridge B, Szkup P. Recurrent Bleeding After Successful Splenic Artery Pseudoaneurysm Embolization: A Case Report. [Abstract/Poster presentation] Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, Sept 29-Oct 2, 2005. Lake Louise, Alberta.
Leswick DA, Webster ST, Hunt MM, Wilcox BA, Fladeland DA. Minimizing Radiosensitive Organ Dose From CT Scout Scans: a work in progress. [Abstract/Poster presentation] Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, Sept 29-Oct 2, 2005. Lake Louise, Alberta. - Received Best Poster Scientific Poster Award.
Leswick DA, Webster ST, Wilcox BA, Fladeland DA. Evaluating the Potential for High Resolution Chest CT Dose Reduction By The Use Of A Helical Protocol. [Abstract, poster and oral presentation] International Congress of Radiology, June 25-29, 2004. Montreal, Quebec.
Leswick DA, Szkup P, Kriegler S. Post Traumatic Hepatic Artery Pseudoaneurysm Presenting as Delayed GI Hemorrhage - a case report. [Abstract/Poster presentation] Canadian Association Radiologists Meeting, October 1-4, 2003. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Ogborn MR, Nitschmann E, Leswick D, Bankovic-Calic N. Flaxseed Amelioration of Rat PKD is associated with renal enrichment of w3 unsaturated fatty acids. Pediatric Nephrology 12:C75, 1998
Bird JR, Tynan JR, Dzus AK, Leswick DA. Resident's corner Case of the Month: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2010; 61(3):180-3
Leswick DA, Davidson JM, Bock GW, Major PA. Things That Go Bump in the Body: Musculoskeletal Sports Medicine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cases. Part 1 of 2 and Part 2 of 2. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2009; 60(5): 238-47 & 248-62
Theoret CM, Packota GV, Leswick DA. Resident's Corner Case of the Month: Leontiasis Ossea. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2009; 60 (4): 213-6
Leswick DA, Dumaine CS, Syed NS, Fladeland DA. Computed Tomography Radiation Dose: A Primer for Administrators. Healthcare Quarterly 2009; 12 Spec No Patient: 15-22
Leswick DA, Syed NS, Dumaine CS, Lim H, Fladeland DA. Radiation Dose from Diagnostic Computed Tomography in Saskatchewan. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2009; 60 (2):71-78
Leswick DA, Hunt MM, Webster ST, Fladeland DA. Thyroid shields versus z-axis automatic tube current modulation for dose reduction at neck CT. Radiology 2008; 249(2): 572-80
Lujan ME, Chizen DR. Peppin AK, Kriegler S, Leswick DA, Bloski TG, Pierson RA. Improving inter-observer variability in the evaluation of ultrasonographic features of polycystic ovaries. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 2008; 6:30
Chavarria C, Leswick DA, Stoneham GW. Case of the Month: Pseudomyxoma Peritonei. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2008; 59 (3):153-6
Kraushaar G, Gourgaris A, Leswick DA, Harder S, King A. Answer to case of the month #124. Metallosis. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2007; 58(5): 292-5
Wilson RA, Leswick DA, Fladeland DA. Answer to case of the month #122. Orbital Capillary Hemangioma with MR Interleaving Artifact. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2007; 58(4): 239-41
Leswick DA, Robinson CA, Harder SL. Answer to case of the month #112. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy with Characteristic MRI and MR Spectroscopy Findings. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2006; 57(4): 249-53
Leswick DA, Szkup P, Stoneham GW. The Zero Wall Puncture. A Novel Angiographic Puncture Technique with Substantial Benefits. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2005; 56(2): 100-2
Leswick DA, Webster ST, Wilcox BA, Fladeland DA. Radiation Cost of Helical High Resolution Chest CT. AJR American Journal of Roentgenology 2005; 184 (3):742-5
Leswick DA, Chow V, Stoneham GW. Resident's Corner. Answer to case of the month #94: Accessory soleus muscle. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2003; 54(5):313-5
Ogborn MR, Nitschmann E, Weiler H, Leswick DA, Bankovic-Calic N. Flaxseed amerliorates interstitial nephritis in polycystic kidney disease. Kidney International 1999; 55(2): 417-23
Research Grants
Principal Investigator
2007 "Minimizing Fetal Radiation Dose during Diagnostic Extra-Abdominopelvic CT of Pregnant Patients: a Phantom Study" - $9,000. Funding Source: University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine
2009 "Revealing the Role of Adolescent Growth, Bone Accrual and Physical Activity to Adult Bone Strength at the Wrist ad Hip. Saija Kontulainen (PI), A. Baxter-Jones, D. Cooper, J. Johnson, D. Leswick, H. Vatanparast. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) $154,882 (2 year term)
Lectures Outside of U of S & Invited Conference Presentations
2010 Lecture - "Hold your photons! Improving CT Dose in Saskatchewan", SIAST x-ray technology students, February 26
2009 Lecture - "Advanced Imaging of Knee Injuries" at Sports Med Saturday - The Knee Injury Prevention to Rehab, Saskatoon, SK. October 17
2009 Lecture - "Elbow MRI", lecture given twice at The Elbow Scope and Reconstruction Course, Winnipeg, MB. May 22 & 23
2009 Lecture - "Hold your photons! Improving CT Dose in Saskatchewan", University of Manitoba/Winnipeg Health Region Radiology Grand Rounds, Winnipeg, MB. May 22
2009 Case Rounds - "Musculoskeletal Radiology Focused Cases" Presented 3 hours of case rounds to University of Manitoba Radiology Residents, Winnipeg, MB. March 19
2009 Lecture - "Hold your photons! Improving CT Dose in Saskatchewan". SIAST x-ray technology students, January 30
2008 Lecture - "Hold your photons! Improving CT Dose Levels in Saskatchewan", at the Canadian Radiation Protection Association Annual Conference, Saskatoon, SK. June 2
2008 Lecture - "Hold your photons! Improving CT Dose Levels in Saskatchewan", at the 66th Annual SAMRT (Saskatchewan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists) Conference, Saskatoon, SK. May 2
2008 Lecture - "Post-operative Shoulder Imaging", at the Arthroscopy Skills Course, Winnipeg, MB. April 12
2008 Lecture - "Hold your photons! Improving CT Dose Levels in Saskatchewan", at the Digital Imaging Symposium Conference, Saskatoon, SK. January 23