Dr. Vernon Hoeppner MD, FRCPC
Emeritus Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep MedicineAbout
Contributions to Respiratory Medicine: Implemented high volume, low pressure endotracheal tubes for Respiratory Intensive Care patients; added the effect of sleep on breathing and obstructive sleep apnea to the curriculum for second year medical students; implemented ambulatory supplementary oxygen therapy for home management of COPD; pioneered nighttime ventilation for patients with respiratory failure secondary to kyphoscoliosis; identified and treated Saskatchewan’s first patient with obstructive sleep apnea; developed in collaboration with neurology the initial diagnostic capacity for identification of sleep apnea; pioneered directly observed therapy for Saskatchewan patients with TB and TB infection, the first jurisdiction in North America to provide this service; pioneered mobile TB clinics for Saskatchewan in collaboration with Health Canada, Saskatchewan Region.
- Fellowship Immunology of Tuberculosis and Related Diseases British Medical Research Council
- FRCPC Respiratory Diseases
- FRCPC Internal Medicine
- General Medicine training University of Toronto
- Respiratory Specialty training University of Toronto
- Doctor of Medicine University of Manitoba
Faculty Appointments
- Assistant/Associate/Professor Respiratory Medicine 1977-88.
- Chair Respiratory Systems teaching for 2nd year students
- JURSI Program Coordinator Department of Medicine
- Medical Director Intensive Care Unit
- Chair Respiratory Training Program
- Head Department of Medicine
- Acting Head Division Respiratory, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Professional Association/Administrative/Community Contributions
- President Saskatchewan Thoracic Society
- Board of Directors Canadian Thoracic Society
- Chair Technical Working Group for Home Respiratory Therapy, SAIL, Saskatchewan Health
- Medical Director Saskatchewan Tuberculosis Program, Saskatchewan Health
- World Health Organization Sub-committee on the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
- Chair Canadian Tuberculosis Committee, Health Canada
- Associate Editor Canadian TB Standards, 5th and 6th Editions.
- Board of Directors Lung Association of Saskatchewan
- Chair Governance Committee Lung Association of Saskatchewan
Clinical Interests
- Tuberculosis
Selected Publications
- V.H. Hoeppner, D.M. Cooper, N. Zamel, A.C. Bryan and L. Levison, 1974. Relationship Between the Elastic Recoil in Closing Volume in Smokers and Non-Smokers. American Review of Respiratory Disease 109:81-86
- V.H. Hoeppner. 1982. Orthocyanosis: A Sign of Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation. Thorax 37:952-953.
- V.H. Hoeppner. D.W. Cockcroft, J.A. Dosman, D.J. Cotton. 1984. Night-time Ventilation Improves Respiratory Failure in Kyphoscoliosis. American Review of Respiratory Disease 129:240-243.
- V.H. Hoeppner, P.S. Jackett, J.S. Beck, T. Kardjito, J.M. Grange, J. Ivanyi. 1987 Appraisal of the Monoclonal Antibody-based Competition Test for the Serology of Tuberculosis in Indonesia. Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy. 1:69-77.
- W. Wobeser, T. To, V.H. Hoeppner, 1989. The Outcome of Chemoprophylaxis on Tuberculosis Prevention in the Canadian Plains Indian. Clin Invest Med 12:149-153.
- C. Mcparland, D.J.Cotton, K.S. Gowda, V.H. Hoeppner, W.T. Martin, P.F. Weckworth, 1992. Miliary Mycobacterium bovis induced by intravesical Bacille Calmette-Guerin immunotherapy. Am Rev Resp Dis. 146:1330-33. 16.
- G. Soparkar, I. Mayers, L. Edouard, V.H. Hoeppner, 1993. Toxic effects from nitrogen dioxide in ice-skating arenas. Can Med Assoc J.148:1181-82.
- Marciniuk DD, McNab BD, Hoeppner VH. Detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with a normal chest radiograph. Chest 1999; 115:445-52.
- McNab BD, Marciniuk DD, Alvi RA,Tan L, Hoeppner VH, 2000. Twice Weekly Isoniazid and Rifampin Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Canadian Plains Aborigines. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 162: 989-993.
- V.H. Hoeppner, D.D. Marciniuk, 2000. Tuberculosis in Aboriginal Canadians. Can Respir J. 7:141-146.
- Hoeppner VH, Marciniuk DD, Hershfield ES. 2000. Treatment of Tuberculosis and Latent Tuberculosis Infection, in Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, 5th Ed., ed R. Long, CLA/LCDC, Ottawa
- Reid JM, Marciniuk DD, Peloquin CA, Hoeppner VH, 2002. Pharmacokinetics of antituberculosis medication delivered via percutaneous gastrojejunostomy tube. Chest 121: 281-288.
- Ward HA, Marciniuk DD, Pahwa P, Hoeppner VH. Extent of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients diagnosed by active versus passive case finding. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2004; 8: 593-597.
- Reid JK, Ward H, Marciniuk D, Hudson S, Smith P, Hoeppner VH. The Effect of Neonatal BCG Vaccination on PPD testing on Canadian Aboriginal Children. Chest 2007; 131: 1806-10.
- Hoeppner VH, Ward, HA, Elwood K. 2007. Treatment of Tuberculosis Disease and Infection, in Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, 6th Ed, ed R. Long and E. Ellis, CLA/PHAC Ottawa
- Pepperell C, Hoeppner VH, Lipatov M, Wobeser W, Schoolnik GK, Feldman MW. Bacterial genetic signatures of human social phenomena among M.tuberculosis from an Aboriginal Canadian population. Mol Biol Evol; 2010; 27: 427-40.
- Tian Y, Osgood N, Al-Azem, A, Hoeppner V. Evaluating the effectiveness of contact tracing on tuberculosis outcomes in Saskatchewan using agent-based modeling. Health Education and Behaviour 2013; 40 (IS): 98S-110S.