Dr. James A. Dosman MD, FRCPC
Special Lecturer Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health- Address
- 104 Clinic Place, PO Box 23
- Saskatoon, SK S7N 2Z4
Current Position:
Distinguished Research Chair, University of Saskatchewan
President and CEO, Agrivita Canada Inc.
Officer of the Order of Canada (OC);
Saskatchewan Order of Merit (SOM);
Master of Arts (Political Economy) (MA);
Doctor of Medicine (MD);
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Canada) [FRCP(C)];
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC);
Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (FCAHS).
James A. Dosman, is considered the “Father of Agricultural Medicine” in Canada. Dr. Dosman received his undergraduate training at the University of Saskatchewan, graduating in Medicine in 1963. After being a general practitioner in Saskatoon for four years, he did his residency in Internal Medicine and Respiratory Medicine and three years as a post-doctoral fellow at McGill University in Montreal, becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada in 1972. In 1975, he became founding Head of the Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine, and in 1986, founding Director of the Centre for Agricultural Medicine, University of Saskatchewan. He became the Director of the Institute of Agricultural Rural and environmental Health (I.ARE.H) when it was formed in 2001, and the Director of the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture when it was established in 2006. He was the founding Chair of the Canadian Coalition for Agricultural Safety and Rural Health and founding Co-Chair of the Canadian Rural Health Research Society. He was the driving force behind the establishment of the Canadian Agriculture Safety Program, a national knowledge translation program supported by Agriculture and AgriFood Canada. Dr. Dosman is credited with establishing the Agricultural Health and Safety Network in Saskatchewan, a farm safety and rural public health municipal based grass-roots knowledge translation organization involving, by 2011, 28,000 rural families. Dr. Dosman is a past Scholar of the Medical Research Council of Canada and a Distinguished Scientist of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Regional Partners Program). He was the Principal Investigator of the Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research national training program “Public Health and the Agricultural Rural Ecosystem”, and the Principal Investigator of the Institute of Population and Public Health Centre for Research Development “Public Health: Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture”, both programs sponsored by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The five International Symposia that he has spearheaded have served to assist in defining the scope of agricultural and rural public health in Canada and worldwide. Dr. Dosman has been the organizer of the $5M private sector “Founding Chairs” fund of the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture. He served a five year term on the governing council of the Medical Research Council of Canada, is a past president of the Canadian Thoracic Society and Life Member of the Saskatchewan Lung Association. Dr. Dosman served on the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission from 2002 to 2007. He received the Award for Meritorious Service to the People of Saskatchewan from the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities in 2001. He was awarded the University of Saskatchewan Award for Distinction in Public Service and Extension in 2003, was inducted into the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in 2005, and received the Saskatchewan Order of Merit in 2005. In 2007 he received the Dean Stueland Scholar Award from the National Farm Medicine Centre, Marshfield, WI, USA. In 2006-2007 he was a member of the National Research Council of the National Academy (Washington) to review the NIOSH Agriculture, Forestry and fishing Research Program. In 2007 he was instrumental in founding and was named President and CEO of Agrivita Canada Inc, a not-for-profit company aimed at promoting research, public health and safety in agriculture. In 2009 he was bestowed an Honourary Membership in the Canadian Medical Association, and was named among the 100 most influential alumni in the 100 year history of the College of Arts & Science, University of Saskatchewan. In 2010 he was named Distinguished Research Chair, University of Saskatchewan, inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and named an Officer of the Order of Canada, and in 2011 he was inducted into the Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame. He is married to Susan McKay Dosman. They have 5 children.
Positions Held:
1975 – 1985 Head, Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
1986 – 2001 Director, Centre for Agricultural Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
2001 – 2006 Director, Institute of Agricultural Rural and Environmental Health, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
2002 – 2003 Acting Head, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
2006 – 2007 Director, Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan
2008 – CEO, Agrivita Canada Inc.
2010 – Distinguished Research Chair, University of Saskatchewan
Research Grants Since 2000: $18,661,866
Private Sector Funding Since 1990: $ 5,000,000
2011 – 2017 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Assess, Redress, Re-assess: Addressing Disparities in Respiratory Health among First Nations People. Est. $2.3M (Co-principal Investigator).
2011 – 2016 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Study. $1.3M. (Co-principal Investigator).
2010 – 2016 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Saskatchewan Rural Health Study. $1.7M. (Principal Investigator).
2008 – 2009 Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Knowledge Translation. Rural Health in Changing Environments. $8,550. (Principal Investigator, for the Canadian Rural Health Research Society)
2007 – 2009 SHRF. Surveillance of work-related injuries and evaluation for effective prevention (SWEEP) in health care. $79,479. (Co-Investigator).
2007 – 2008 Agriculture and AgriFood Canada. A National Consultation on Health and Safety Research and its Effective Translation to the Agricultural Sector. $75,000 (Principal Investigator)
2007 – 2012 Canada Foundation for Innovation. National Agricultural Industrial Hygiene Laboratory. $5.8M. (Principal Investigator)
2005 – 2011 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Study. $1.08M. (Co-principal Investigator).
2003 – 2012 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Public Health: Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture. $1.86M (Principal Investigator).
2002 – 2011 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Exposure to Endotoxin and Lung Function, $2.1M (Principal Investigator).
2002 – 2009 Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research. Public Health and the Agricultural Rural Ecosystem. $1.55M. (Principal Investigator).
2003 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Fifth International Symposium, Future of Rural Peoples: Rural Economy, Healthy People, Environment, Rural Communities. Rural Community Capacity Building Program Networking Initiative, $5,000. (Principal Investigator).
2003 Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fifth International Symposium, Future of Rural Peoples: Rural Economy, Healthy People, Environment, Rural Communities. $50,000 USD. (Principal Investigator).
2003 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Fifth International Symposium, Future of Rural Peoples: Rural Economy, Healthy People, Environment, Rural Communities. $10,000. (Principal Investigator).
2002 – 2003 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The Canada Rural and Remote Health Study: Progress Towards Project Building and Area Identification, $81,087.00 (Principal Investigator).
2001 – 2002 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Proposed Strategy for the Development of Rural Health Research. $41,000. (Principal Investigator).
2000 – 2001 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Effect of indoor air quality and production practice on respiratory health in exposed poultry workers in Canada. $188,930. (Principal Investigator).
2001 – 2003 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Effect of indoor air quality and production practice on respiratory health in exposed poultry workers in Canada. $297,820. (Principal Investigator).
2000 – 2002 Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Bedside tests for aspiration in acute stroke. $87,000. (Co-Investigator with Dr. J. Biem as Principal Investigator).
2000 – 2002 Canadian Institutes of Health Research Opportunity Award: Consortium for Rural Health Research. $48,000.00.
International Symposia Spearheaded:
2008 Sixth International Symposium: Public Health and the Agricultural Rural Ecosystem. Saskatoon, SK, Canada, October 19-23, 2008.
2003 Fifth International Symposium The Future of Rural Peoples: Rural Economy, Healthy People, Environment, Rural Communities. Saskatoon, SK, Canada, October 19-23, 2003.
1998 Fourth International Symposium: Rural Health and Safety in a Changing World. Saskatoon, SK, Canada, October 18-22, 1998.
1992 Third International Symposium: Issues in Health, Safety and Agriculture. Saskatoon, SK, Canada, May 10-15, 1992
1985 International Symposium on Health and Safety in Agriculture Saskatoon, SK, Canada, October 8-11, 1985
1977 International Symposium on Grain Dust and Health. Saskatoon, SK, Canada, October 20-23, 1977.
Clinical Interests
- Public Health of Rural Populations
- Respiratory and Injury Epidemiology
- Agricultural and Rural Environmental Exposures
- Knowledge Translation
- Community Development
- Mentorship
Selected Publications
Edited Books, Proceedings and Reports
10. Dosman JA, Brown Y, Rennie D, Koehncke N, Biem J, Olenchock SA. Eds. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium: “The Future of Rural Peoples: Rural Economy, Healthy People, Environment, Rural Communities”. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. Vol. 11(2), May, 2005.
9. Senthilsevan A, Rennie D, Dosman J, Olenchock SA. Eds. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium: “Rural Health and Safety in a Changing World”. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. Special Issue, April, 2000.
8. Dosman JA, Cockcroft DW. Obstructive Lung Disease, Part II. Asthma, Sleep, AIDS, and Occupational Exposures. The Medical Clinics of North America. W.B. Saunders Company, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Vol 80-Number 4, 1996.
7. Dosman JA, Cockcroft DW. Obstructive Lung Disease, Part I. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The Medical Clinics of North America. W.B. Saunders Company, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Vol 80-Number 3, 1996.
6. McDuffie HH, Dosman JA, Semchuk KM, Olenchock SA, Senthilselvan A. Eds. Agricultural Health and Safety: Workplace, Environment, Sustainability. Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton. 1995.
5. Dosman JA, McDuffie HH. Vers la Viabilité des Resources Humaines en Agriculture : Un Plan D’Action National Pour la Santé et la Sécurité en Milieu Agricole au Canada. University of Saskatchewan. 1994.
4. Dosman JA, McDuffie HH. Toward Human Sustainability in Agriculture: Policy Strategies for Agricultural Safety and Rural Health in Canada. University of Saskatchewan. 1994.
3. Dosman JA, Cockcroft DW. Obstructive Lung Disease. The Medical Clinics of North America. W.B. Saunders Company, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Vol 74-Number 3, 1990.
2. Dosman JA, Cockcroft DW, Eds. Principles of Health and Safety in Agriculture. CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton. 1989.
1. Dosman JA, Cotton DJ. Eds. Occupational Pulmonary Disease. Focus on Grain Dust and Health. Academic Press, Inc, New York, NY, 1980.
Published Refereed Papers Under Review
Pahwa, P., Karunanayake, C., Hagel, L., Janzen, B., Rennie, D., Lawson, J., Pickett, W., Dosman, J. Self- Selection Bias in Epidemiological Study of Respiratory Health of Rural Population Journal of Agromedicine 2011; under review
Karunanayake, C., Dosman, J., Spinelli, J., McLaughlin, J., McDuffie, H., Pahwa, P., and Cross-Canada Group. Hodgkin Lymphoma and Pesticides Exposure in Men: Results of a Canadian Case-Control Study. Journal of Agromedicine. 2011; Under review.
Pahwa, P., Karunanayake, C., Dosman, J., McDuffie, H., Dosman, J. Pulmonary Dysfunction and Cancer Risk. Chronic Diseases in Canada. 2011; Under review.
Pahwa P, McLaughlin JR, Karunanayake CP, Dosman JA, Spinelli JJ, McDuffie HH, and Cross-Canada Group. Multiple Myeloma and the Pesticide Hypothesis. J Agromed.2011; Under review.
Publications Since 2002: 74
201. Pahwa P, Karunanayake CP, Hagel L, Gjevre J, Rennie D, Lawson J, Dosman JA. 2011. Prevalence of high Epworth sleepiness score in a rural population. Can Resp J. (Accepted June 24, 2011).
200. Pahwa P, Karunanayake CP, Dosman JA, Spinelli JJ, McLaughlin JR, McDuffie HH and Cross-Canada Group. 2011. Soft-Tissue Sarcoma and Pesticides Exposure in Men: Results of a Canadian Case-Control Study. Accepted for publication in J Occup Environ Med, June 2011.
199. Pickett W, Day A, Hagel L, Sun X, Day L, Marlenga B, Brison RJ, Pahwa P, Crowe T, Voaklander DC, Dosman J. 2011. Socio-economic status and injury in a cohort of Saskatchewan farmers. Journal of Rural Health. 27:245-254.
198. Hohenadel K, Harris SA, McLaughlin JM, Spinelli JJ, Pahwa P, Dosman JA, Demers PA, Blair A. 2011. Exposure to multiple pesticides and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in men from six Canadian provinces. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 8(6), 2320-2330.
197. Ghosh S, McLaughlin JR, Spinelli JJ, Dosman JA, McDuffie HH, Pahwa P. 2011. Multiple myeloma and occupational exposures: a population-based case-control study. J Occup Environ Med. 53(6):641-646.
196. Syed, M., Hagel, L., Lim, H., Koehncke, N., Dosman, J. 2011. Trends in Farm Fatalities, Saskatchewan, Canada: 1990-2004. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 102(1):51-54.
195. Karunanayake C, Rennie D, Pahwa P, Chen Y, Dosman J. 2010. Predictors of longitudinal respiratory symptoms in a rural population: The Humboldt study. Can Resp J. 18(3):149-153.
194. Rennie, D., Lawson, J., Senthilselvan, A., Willson, P., Dosman, J. Domestic endotoxin and asthma in childhood: Epidemiological studies. Frontiers in Bioscience. Accepted Oct.2010.
193. Lawson, J., Dosman, J., Rennie, D., Beach, J., Newman, S., Senthilselvan, A. Relationship of endotoxin and tobacco smoke exposure to wheeze and diurnal peak expiratory flow variability in children and adolescents. Resipirology. 2011; 16, 332-9.
192. Chen, Y., Rennie, D., Cormier, Y., Dosman, J. (2010). Association between obesity and atopy in adults. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology. 153, 372-377.
191. Kirychuk, SP., Reynolds, S., Koehncke, N., Lawson, J., Willson, P., Senthilselvan, A., Marciniuk,D., Classen, H., Crowe, T., Just, N., Schneberger, D., Dosman, J. Endotoxin and Dust at Respirable and Nonrespirable Particle Sizes are not Consistent Between Cage and Floor-housed Poultry Operations. Am. Occup.Hyg. 2010, 54:824-832.
190. Senthilselvan A, Chenard L, Grover V, Kirychuk SP, Hagel L, Ulmer K., Hurst TS, Dosman J. 2010. Excess longitudinal decline in lung function in grain farmers. Journal of Agromedicine; 15(2).
189. Pickett W, Hagel LM, Day AG, Day L, Sun X, Brison RJ, Marlenga BL, King M, Crowe T, Pahwa P, Koehncke N, Dosman J. Determinants of agricultural injury: a novel application of population health theory. Injury Prevention 2010, 16:376-382.
188. Marlenga B, Pahwa P, Hagel L, Dosman J, Pickett W for the Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Team. Impact of long farm working hours on child safety practices in agricultural settings. Journal of Rural Health 2010, 26 (4):366-372.
187. Narasimhan GR, Pen Y, Crowe TG, Hagel L, Dosman J, Pickett W for the Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Team. Operational safety practices as determinants of machinery-related injury on Saskatchewan farms. Accident Analysis and Prevention 42 (2010):1226-1231
186. Voaklander DC, Dosman JA, Hagel L, Warsh J, Pickett W for the Saskatchewan farm Injury Cohort Study. 2010. Farm work exposure of older male farmers in Saskatchewan. American Journal of Industrial Medicine . 2010; 53:706-715.
185. CHEN Y, RENNIE D, DOSMAN J. 2010. Synergy of BMI and family history on diabetes: The Humboldt Study. Public Health Nutrition.13(4):461-5.
184. KARUNANAYAKE C, SINGH G, MCDUFFIE H, DOSMAN J, SPINELLI J, PAHWA P. 2009. Occupational Exposures and Hodgkin lymphoma: Canadian case-control study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 51 (12):1447-1454.
183. RENNIE DC, NAKAGAWA K, BHARADWAJ L, CHEN Y, LAWSON JA, SENTHILSELVAN A, DOSMAN JA. 2009. Relationship of Toll 4 Receptor and CD 14 Promoter Polymorphisms to Asthma, Wheeze, Allergy and Croup. American Journal Resp.Care Med 2009;179:A2748.
182. RENNIE DC, PAHWA P, BURCH L, SCHWARTZ DA, SENTHILSELVAN A, BHARADWAJ L, CHEN Y, DOSMAN JA. 2009. Gender-related associations between TLR4 299 polymorphisms and wheezing in a community population. European Resp.Journal 2009;34:53.
Relationship between indoor environment and asthma and wheeze severity among rural children and adolescents. Journal of Agromedicine 2009, 14:277-85.
180. PAHWA P, KARUNANAYAKE C, RENNIE D, CHEN Y, SCHWARTZ DA, DOSMAN JA. 2009. Association of the ASP299GLY TLR4 polymorphism with lung function in relation to body mass index. 21(9):46.
179. PAHWA P, KARUNANAYAKE C, SPINELLI J, DOSMAN J, McDUFFIE H, and the Cross Canada Study of Pesticides and Health. 2009. Ethnicity and Incidence of Hodgkin lymphoma In Canadian Population. BMC Cancer. 9:141
178. MCDUFFIE HH, PAHWA P, KARUNANAYAKE C, SPINELLI J, DOSMAN J. 2009. Clustering of cancer among families of cases with Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL), Multiple Myeloma (MM), Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL), Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) and control subjects. BMC Cancer, 9:70.
177. SENTHILSELVAN A, WILLSON P, CHENARD L, PREDICALA B, BURCH H, RENNIE DC, SCHWARTZ DA, DOSMAN JA. 2009. Gender-related tumor necrosis factor-alpha responses in naïve volunteers with Toll-like Receptor 4 polymorphisms exposed in a swine confinement facility. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 12:781-790.
176. SENTHILSELVAN A, DOSMAN JA, CHENARD L, BURCH LH, PREDICALA B, SOROWSKI R, SCHENEBERGER D, HURST T, KIRYCHUK S, GERDTS V, CORMIER Y, RENNIE R, SCHUARTZ DA. 2009. Toll-like receptor 4 variants reduce airway response in humans at high endotoxin levels in a swine facility. J All Clin Immunol, 123:1034-1040.e2
175. FARTHING P, RENNIE D, PAHWA P, JANZEN B, DOSMAN J. 2009. The association between farming activities and respiratory health in school age children. J Agromed, 14:256-262.
174. ASSELIN J, MacLEOD M, DOSMAN JA. 2009. National consultation leads to AgriSafe research to practice plan for Canada. J Agromed. 14:179-184.
173. CHEN Y, RENNIE D, CORMIER Y, DOSMAN J. 2009. Atopy, obesity and asthma in adults: The Humboldt Study. J Agromed. 14:222-227.
172. LAWSON J, DOSMAN JA, RENNIE DC, BEACH J, NEWMAN S, SENTHILSELVAN A. 2009. Relationship between indoor environment and asthma and wheeze severity among rural children and adolescents. J Agromed. 14:277-285.
171. DOSMAN JA, CHENARD L, RENNIE DC, SENTHILSELVAN A. 2009. Reciprocal association between atopy and respiratory symptoms in fully employed female, but not male, workers in swine operations. J Agromed. 14:270-276.
170. CHEN Y, RENNIE D, CORMIER Y, DOSMAN J. 2009. Waist circumference associated with pulmonary function in children. Pediatr Pulmonol. 44:216-221.
169. DAY L, VOAKLANDER D, SIM M, WOLFE R, LANGLEY J, DOSMAN J, HAGEL L, OZANNE-SMITH J. 2008. Risk factors for work-related injury among male farmers. Occup Environ Med, ePub: http://oem.bmj.com/cgi/content/abstract/oem.2008.040808v1.
168. CHEN Y, RENNIE D, DOSMAN J. 2009. Changing prevalence of obesity in a rural community between 1977 and 2003: A multiple cross-sectional study. Public Health. 123:15-19.
167. LABRASH L, PAHWA P, PICKETT W, HAGEL L, SNODGRASS P, DOSMAN J for the Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort Study Team. 2008.Relationship between sleep loss and economic worry among farmers: a survey of 94 active Saskatchewan noncorporate farms. J Agromedicine. 13(3):149-54. http://www.informaworld.com/http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2007.10.002
166. HAGEL L, PICKETT W, PAHWA P, DAY L, BRISON RJ, MARLENGA BL, CROWE T, SNODGRASS P, ULMER K, DOSMAN JA. 2008. Prevention of agricultural injuries: an evaluation of an education-based intervention. Inj Prev. 14:290-295.
165. PAHWA P, McDUFFIE HH, DOSMAN JA. 2008. Effects of grain dust on lungs prior to and following dust remediation. J Occup Environ Med. 50:1394-1400.
164. KARUNANAYAKE CP, McDUFFIE HH, DOSMAN JA, SPINELLI JJ, PAHWA P. 2008. Occupational exposures and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: Canadian case-control study. Environmental Health, 7:44.
163. PICKETT W, DAY L, HAGEL LM, BRISON RJ, MARLENGA BL, PAHWA P, KOEHNCKE N, CROWE T, SNODGRASS PR, DOSMAN JA. 2008. The Saskatchewan Farm Injury Cohort: Rationale and Methodology. Public Health Reports. 123(5):567-575.
162. WILLSON PJ, KHOZANI TT, JUURLINK BHJ, SENTHILSELVAN A, RENNIE DC, GERDTS V, GAWAZIUK J, SCHNEBERGER D, BURCH LH, DOSMAN JA. 2008. In vitro production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha by human monocytes stimulated with lipopolysaccharide is positively correlated with increased blood monocytes after exposure to a swine barn. J Toxicol and Env Health, Part A. 71:1349-1354.
161. DAY L, DOSMAN J, HAGEL L, DOSTALER S, SNODGRASS P, THIESSEN J, BRISON RJ, BIEM HJ, MARLENGA BL, KOEHNCKE N, CROWE T, PAHWA P, PICKETT W. 2008. Application of novel communication technologies to the study of farm families: a randomized controlled trial. Preventive Medicine. 46: 364-9.
160. SENTHILSELVAN A, RENNIE D, CHENARD L, BURCH LH, BABIUK L, SCHWARTZ DA, DOSMAN JA. 2008. Association of polymorphisms of toll-like receptor 4 with a reduced prevalence of hay fever and atopy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 100:463-468.
159. KIRYCHUK S, CHENARD L, SENTHILSELVAN A, DELMAIRE N, HALLIDAY S, LAWSON J, HURST T, DOSMAN JA. 2007. Healthy worker effect in swine farmers. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Manitoba Swine, Winnipeg, MB. Jan 31-Feb 2.
158. CHEN Y, RENNIE D, CORMIER Y, McDUFFIE H, PAHWA P, DOSMAN J. 2007. Reduced risk of atopic sensitization among farmers B The Humboldt Study. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 144:338-342.
157. MACLEOD ML, DOSMAN JA, KULIG JC, MEDVES JM. 2007. The development of the Canadian Rural Health Research Society: Creating capacity through connection. Rural Remote Health. Jan-Mar. 7(1):622.
156. SENTHILSELVAN A, CHENARD L, ULMER K, GIBSON-BURLINGUTTE N, LEUSCHEN C, DOSMAN JA. 2007. Excess respiratory symptoms in full-time male and female workers in large-scale swine operations. Chest. 131(4):1197-204.
155. CHEN Y, RENNIE D, CORMIER YF, DOSMAN J. 2007. Waist circumference is associated with pulmonary function in normal-weight, overweight, and obese subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 85:35-9.
154. MACLEOD MM, DOSMAN JA, KULIG JC, MEDVES JM. 2007. Rural and remote health research networking in Canada: Creating capacity through connections. Rural and Remote Health. 7:622.
153. CHENARD L, SENTHILSELVAN A, GROVER VK, KIRYCHUK SP, LAWSON J, HURST TS, DOSMAN J. 2006. Lung function and farm size predict healthy worker effect in swine farmers. Chest. 245-54.
152. DOSMAN, J, LAWSON J, KIRYCHUK SP, CORMIER Y, BIEM J, KOEHNCKE N. 2006. Three new cases of apparent occupational asthma. Eur Resp J. Letter to the Editor. 28:1281-2.
151. KIRYCHUK SP, DOSMAN JA, REYNOLDS SJ, WILLSON P, SENTHILSELVAN A, FEDDES JJR, CLASSEN HL, GUENTER W. 2006. Total dust and endotoxin in poultry operations: Comparison between cage and floor housing and respiratory effects on workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Vol 48(7), 741-48.
150. DOSMAN JA, FUKUSHIMA Y, SENTHILSELVAN A, KIRYCHUK SP, LAWSON JA, PAHWA P, CORMIER Y, HURST T, BARBER EM, RHODES CS. 2006. Respiratory response to endotoxin and dust predicts evidence of inflammatory response in volunteers in a swine barn. Am J Ind Med 49:761-766.
149. PAHWA P, McDUFFIE HH, DOSMAN JA. 2005. Longitudinal changes in prevalence of respiratory symptoms among Canadian grain elevator workers. Chest. Vol. 129(6), 1605-1613.
148. CHEN Y, RENNIE D, CORMIER Y, DOSMAN J. 2005. Sex specificity of asthma associated with objectively measured body mass index and waist circumference: The Humboldt Study. Chest. 128(4), 3048-54.
147. SENTHILSELVAN A, LAWSON JA, RENNIE DC, DOSMAN JA. 2005. Regular use of corticosteroids and low use of short-acting B2-agonists can reduce asthma hospitalization. Chest. 127(4), 1242-41.
146. DAY L, LANGLEY J, VOAKLANDER D, SIM M, WOLFE R, DOSMAN J, HAGEL L, OZANNE-SMITH J. 2005. Minimizing bias in a case-control study of farm injury. JASH. 11(2): 175-184.
145. McDUFFIE HH, PAHWA P, DOBSON D, DOSMAN JA, FINCHAM S, SPINELLI JJ, McLAUGHLIN JR. 2005. Insect repellants, phenoxyherbicide exposure, and non-Hodgkin=s lymphoma. JOEM. 47(8), 806-816.
144. OLFERT S, PAHWA P, DOSMAN JA. 2005. Longitudinal analysis of pulmonary dysfunction in the initial years of employment in the grain industry. JASH. 11(4):415-422.
143. CHEN Y, RENNIE DC, LOCKINGER LA, DOSMAN JA. 2005. Gender, environmental tobacco smoke and pulmonary function in rural children and adolescents - The Humboldt Study. JASH. 11(2):167-173.
142. RENNIE DC, CHEN Y, DOSMAN JA. Differential effect of damp housing on respiratory health in women. 2004. Journal of American Medical Women=s Association. April. 46-51.
Effect of age on hospitalized machine-related farm injuries among the Saskatchewan farm population. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 10(3), 155-162.
140. DOSMAN, J, LAWSON J, KIRYCHUK SP, CORMIER Y, BIEM J, KOEHNCKE N. 2004. Occupational asthma in newly employed workers in intensive swine confinement facilities. European Respiratory Journal. 24(4), 698-702.
139. SEMCHUK KM, McDUFFIE HH, SENTHILSELVAN A, DOSMAN JA, CESSNA AJ, IRVINE DG. 2004. Factors associated with detection of bromoxynil in a sample of rural residents. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A. 66:103-132.
138. PAHWA P, McDUFFIE HH, DOSMAN JA, ROBSON D, McLAUGHLIN JR, SPINELLI JJ, FINCHAM S. 2003. Exposure to animals and selected risk factors among Canadian farm residents with Hodgkin’s disease, multiple myeloma or soft tissue sarcoma. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 45(8), 857-868.
137. KIRYCHUK SP, SENTHILSELVAN A, DOSMAN JA, JUORIO V, FEDDES JJR, WILLSON P, CLASSEN H, REYNOLDS SJ, GUENTER W, HURST TS. 2003. Respiratory symptoms and lung function in poultry confinement workers in western Canada. Canadian Respiratory Journal. 10(7) 375-380.
136. INGRAM MW, CROWE TG, WASSERMAN J, HAGEL LM, DOSMAN JA. 2003. Case reports of on-site investigations of auger-related farm injuries. JASH 9(2):133-142.
135. BIEM J, KOEHNCKE N, CLASSEN D, DOSMAN J. 2003. Out of the cold: management of hypothermia and frostbite. CMAJ, 168(3).
134. SENTHILSELVAN S, LAWSON J, RENNIE DC, DOSMAN J. 2003. Stabilization of an increasing trend in physician-diagnosed asthma prevalence in Saskatchewan, 1991-1998. Chest. 124(2), 438-48.
133. PAHWA P, SENTHILSELVAN A, McDuFFIE HH, DOSMAN JA. 2003. Longitudinal decline in lung function measurements among Saskatchewan grain workers. Canadian Respiratory Journal. 10(3), 135-141.
132. RENNIE DC, DOSMAN J, SENTHILSELVAN A. 2002. Respiratory symptoms and asthma in two farming populations: A comparison of Hutterite and non-Hutterite children. Can Respir J. 9(5); September/October.
131. PAHWA P, McDUFFIE HH, DOSMAN JA, ROBSON D, McLAUGHLIN JR, SPINELLI JJ, FINCHAM S. 2002. Exposure to animals and selected risk factors among Canadian farm residents with Hodgkin=s Lymphoma, multiple myeloma or soft tissue sarcoma. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 45(8): 857-868.
130. McDUFFIE HH, PAHWA, P, McLAUGHLIN JR, SPINELLI J, FINCHAM S, DOSMAN JA, ROBSON D, DOSMAN J, HU J. 2002. Canadian male farm residents, pesticide safety handling practices, exposure to animals and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2:54-61.
129. McDUFFIE HH, PAHWA, P, McLAUGHLIN JR, SPINELLI J, FINCHAM S, DOSMAN JA, ROBSON D, SKINNIDER LF, CHOI NW. 2002. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) and specific pesticide exposures in men: Cross Canada study of pesticides and health. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 10:1155-1163.