Dr. Gary Linassi BSc, BMedSc, MB, FRCPC
Provincial Department Head & Associate Professor Physical Medicine and RehabilitationResearch Area(s)
- Gaps in the provision of health care delivery to people with spinal cord injury who are living in the community
- Falls in people with amputations
- Undergraduate medical education
- BSc(Hons) Geology, University of Saskatchewan
- BMedSc MB Medicine, National University of Ireland, Cork
- FRCPC Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University of Saskatchewan
After spending 10 years working as a gold geologist my interests turned to medicine. I completed medical school in Ireland in beautiful Cork City at the University College Cork, a campus of the National University of Ireland. My residency brought me back to Saskatoon, where I completed the training requirements in the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation through the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Apart from working at the Nova Scotia Rehabilitation Centre for one year, I have been a Professor at the University of Saskatchewan since receiving my Fellowship.
I have held a number of administrative positions in our Department including Director of the Undergraduate and Post Graduate education programs, Assistant Dean Undergraduate Medical Education and most recently, Provincial Department Head. My clinical interests are primarily neuro-rehabilitation with a focus on Spinal Cord Injury and ALS, but I also provide care to people with amputations. My research parallels my interest in these two clinical areas. I have a passion for supporting people with disability and see my role as a physiatrist to advocate and navigate on their behalf.
Clinical Interests
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Amputation
Selected Publications
- Collins K, Linassi G, Zucker-Levin A. A focus group- and patient-driven study to understand patient and healthcare provider perspectives of services for amputees. Physiotherapy Canada. [advance online, e20190054: 13 July 2020]
- Inglis T, Banaszek D, Rivers CS, Kurban D, Evaniew N, Fallah N, Waheed Z, Christie S, Fox R, Mac-Thiong J-M, Ethans K, Ho C, Linassi AG, Ahn H, Attabib N, Bailey C, Fehlings MG, Fourney DR, Paquet J, Townson A, Tsai E, Cheng CL, Noonan VK, Dvorak MF, Kwon BK. In-Hospital Mortality for the Elderly Suffering Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. J Neurotrauma. [accepted] doi: 10.1089/neu.2019.6912
- Kingston DC, Linassi AG, Zucker-Levin AR. Changes to stance limb peak, cumulative, and regional plantar foot forces among normal walking and three mobility aids in healthy older adults. Gait Posture. 2020; 81:96-101. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.07.015
- Allin S, Shepherd J, Thorson T, Tomasone J, Munce S, Linassi G, McBride C, Jiancaro T, Jaglal S. Online health coaching for spinal cord injury: results from a mixed methods feasibility evaluation. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2020; 7(2):e16351. doi: 10.2196/16351
- Arora T, Musselman K, Lanovaz J, Linassi G, Arnold C, Milosavljevic S, Oates A. Reactive balance responses to an unexpected slip perturbation in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury. Clin Biomech. 2020;78:105099. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2020.105099
- McIntyre A, Marrocco SL, McRae SA, Sleeth L, Hitzig S, Jaglal S, Linassi G, Munce S, Wolfe A scoping review of self-management interventions following spinal cord injury. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil. 2020; 26:36-63.
- Arora T, Musselman KE, Lanovaz J, Linassi G, Arnold C, Milosavljevic S, Oates A. Walking stability during normal walking and its association with slip intensity among individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury. PM R. 2019; 11(3): 270-277.
- Hodgkinson VL, Lounsberry J, Mirian A, Genge A, Benstead T, Briemberg H, Grant I, Hader W, Johnston WS, Kalra S, Linassi G, Massie R, Melanson M, O'Connell C, Schellenberg K, Shoesmith C, Taylor S, Worley S, Zinman L, Korngut L. Provincial Differences in the Diagnosis and Care of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Can J Neurol Sci. 2018 Nov; 45(6):652-659. doi: 10.1017/cjn.2018.311.
- Ahn H, Lewis R, Santos A, Cheng CL, Noonan VK, Dvorak MF, Singh A, Linassi AG, Christie S, Goytan M, Atkins D. Forecasting financial resources for future traumatic spinal cord injury care using simulation modeling. J Neurotrauma. 2017; 34(20): 2917-2923.
- Allin S, Shepherd J, Tomasone J, Munce S, Linassi G, Hossain SN, Jaglal S. Participatory design of an online self-management tool for users with spinal cord injury: qualitative study. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2018; 5(1): e6.
- Craven CB, Kurban D, Farahani F, Rivers CS, Ho C, Linassi AG, Gagnon DH, O’Connell C, Ethans K, Bouyer LJ, Noonan VK, RHSCIR Network. Predicting rehabilitation length of stay in Canada: It’s not just about impairment. J Spinal Cord Med. 2017; 40(6): 676-686.
- Munce SEP, Allin S, Wolfe DL, Anzai K, Linassi G, Noonan VK, Jaglal SB. Using the theoretical domains framework to guide the development of a self-management program for individuals with spinal cord injury: results from a national stakeholder advisory group. J Spinal Cord Med. 2017; 40(6): 687-695.
- Rivers CS, Fallah N, Noonan VK, Whitehurst DGT, Schwartz C, Finkelstein J, Craven BC, Ethans K, O’Connell C, Truchon C, Ho C, Linassi AG, Short C, Tsai E, Drew B, Ahn H, Dvorak MF, Paquet J, Fehlings MG, Noreau L, RHSCIR Network. Health conditions: impact on function, health-related quality of life, and life satisfaction following traumatic spinal cord injury. A prospective observational registry cohort study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2018; 99(3): 443-451.
- Cheng CL, Plashkes T, Shen T, Fallah N, Humphreys S, O’Connell C, Linassi AG, Ho C, Short C, Ethans K, Charbonneau R, Paquet J, Noonan VK, RHSCIR Network. Does specialized inpatient rehabilitation affect whether or not people with traumatic spinal cord injury return home? J Neurotrauma. 2017, 34(20): 2867-2876. [Published online: 24 May 2017]
- Noonan VK, Chan E, Santos A, Soril L, Lewis R, Singh A, Cheng CL, O'Connell C, Truchon C, Paquet J, Christie S, Ethans K, Tsai E, Ford MH, Drew B, Linassi G, Bailey C, Fehlings MG, RHSCIR Network. Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Care in Canada: A Survey of Canadian Centres. J Neurotrauma. 2017, 34(20): 2848-2855. [Published online: 18 May 2017]
- Rohatinsky N, Goodridge D, Rogers MR, Nickel D, Linassi AG. Shifting the balance: conceptualizing empowerment in individuals with spinal cord injury. Health Soc Care Community. 2017 Mar;25(2):769-779. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12370. [Published online: 11 Jul 2016]
- Ahmed U, Humphreys S, Kurban D, Rivers C, Jeffrey M, Juutilainen S, Casha S, Christie S, Clarke T, Drew B, Ethans K, Fehlings M, Fox R, Linassi AG, Marion T, O’Connell C, Paquet J, Reid J, Scott L, Fourney D, RHSCIR Network. Traumatic spinal cord injuries among aboriginal and non-aboriginal populations in Canada: An ambispective outcomes study. Podium presentation at the 20th Annual Scientific Conference of the Canadian Spine Society. Whistler, BC. Feb 2020.
- Allin S, Shepherd J, Munce S, Thorson T, Chernesky J, Tomasone J, Linassi G, Anzai K, McBride C, Jaglal S. Online health coaching for Canadians with spinal cord injury: SCI&U pilot results. Poster presented at the 8th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference of the Canadian Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Association, Niagara Falls, ON, Oct 2019.
- Tauh S, Nickel D, Thorpe LU, Fourney D, Weiler R, Linassi G. Attitudes of acute and rehabilitative care providers to potential broadening of eligibility for medical assistance in dying to patients with acute spinal cord injury: a qualitative study. Abstract accepted and presented live online at the Virtual Academic Day of the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (in lieu of the annual scientific meeting, due to COVID-19 pandemic). First Place in the Medical Student Research Contest. May 2020.
- Bone MK, Musselman K, Lanovaz J, Linassi G, Oates A. Investigating Proactive Balance Control In Individuals with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. Poster presented at the International Society of Posture & Gait Research, Edinburgh Scotland, Jun-Jul 2019.
- Butler E, Hodgkinson V, Salman A, Lounsberry J, Benstead T, Briemberg H, Dubrowlski P, Genge A, Grant I, Kalra S, Linassi G, Massie R, Melanson M, Schellenberg K, Shoesmith C, Taylor S, Worley S, Zinman L, O’Connell C, Johnston W, Korngut L. Access to care for ALS patients in Canada: Findings from the Canadian Neuromuscular Disease Registry. Poster presented at the 29th International Symposium on ALS/MND. Glasgow Scotland, December 2018.
- Kushneriuk B, Nickel D, Linassi G, Schellenberg K. Reasons for accessing multidisciplinary amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) care: a qualitative study. Poster presented at the 67th CAPM&R Annual Scientific Meeting, Ottawa ON, May 2019.
- Linassi G, Goodridge D, Jaglal S, Munce S, Nickel D, Rohatinsky N, Wolfe D. Self-management amongst adults living with spinal cord injury: cross-sectional survey of persons with spinal cord injury and healthcare providers. Poster presented at the 66th CAPM&R Annual Scientific Meeting, Whitehorse YK, May-June 2018.
- Embree C, Nickel D, Linassi G. Rehabilitation outcomes amongst people with high body mass: a retrospective case series. Poster presented at the 65th CAPM&R Annual Scientific Meeting, Niagara Falls ON, May 2017.
- Linassi G, Kennedy R, Kleisinger A. Atypical cause for neuropathic pain in a person with a chronic traumatic spinal cord injury. Poster presented at the 64th CAPM&R Annual Scientific Meeting, London ON, May 2016. Received an honourable mention in the case reports category. J Rehabil Med. 2016.
- Linassi G, Rogers M, Nickel D. Self-management amongst persons living with spinal cord injury in the community: Preliminary results from an online survey. Poster presented at the 64th CAPM&R Annual Scientific Meeting, London ON, May 2016. J Rehabil Med. 2016.
- MacDonald C, Benstead T, Briemberg H, Genge A, Grant I, Johnston W, Kalra S, Linassi G, Massie R, Melanson M, O’Connell C, Shoesmith C, Taylor S, Worley S, Zinman L, Korngut L, on behalf of the CNDR Investigator Network. Insights in ALS in Canada: Updates from the CNDR. Poster presented at the ALS Canada Research Forum, Toronto ON, April 2016.
- Rudachyk L, Chrusch W, Linassi G. Medical student reflections highlight experiential learning about disability through Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation skills days: A qualitative analysis. Poster presented at the 64th CAPM&R Annual Scientific Meeting, London ON, May 2016. J Rehabil Med. 2016.
- Rudachyk L, Nickel D, Trinder K, Chrusch W, Linassi G. Introducing Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation skills into a medical school curriculum: A quantitative analysis of hands-on experiential learning about disability. Poster presented at the 64th CAPM&R Annual Scientific Meeting, London ON, May 2016. Second place award for Education category. J Rehabil Med. 2016.