Dr. Marcel D'Eon BA (Hon), MA, PhD
Emeritus Professor Community Health and EpidemiologyResearch Area(s)
- Measures of student workload and curricular footprint of courses
- Program evaluation: the use of grouped self-assessments for measuring the outcomes of interventions
- Effective teaching methods especially cooperative learning, experiential learning
- Integration of basic medical sciences into the medical school curriculum, especially the determination of relevant content
Marcel completed his PhD in Educational Administration from the U of S in 1997 and was immediately hired by the College of Medicine to work in Educational Support and Development. He also has a double major in Political Science and Economics from the Royal Military College of Canada. He was a classroom teacher mostly for grades 6, 7, and 8 both in Victoria, BC and Saskatoon. He is keenly interested in effective pedagogy especially cooperative and experiential learning and active learning strategies. He has also published in the areas of faculty development, educational theory, program evaluation, and interprofessional education. Marcel rides his bicycle to work most days even through the winter and trains with the track team competing in many sprinting events. Marcel lives in an empty nest with his wife and her cat.
Services: Marcel has been appointed the Editor of the Canadian Medical Education Journal effective January 2018 through to December 2022.
Selected Publications
Chapter in Book, Peer Reviewed
- Teucher Ulrich & D’Eon Marcel. ‘What Ails You?’: Reflections on Compassion. In: Peterkin A, Brett-MacLean P, editors. Keeping Reflection Fresh. 1st. Kent State University Press; 2016. p. 207-212.
Papers in Refereed Journals
- Polreis S, D'Eon M, Premkumar K, Trinder K, Bonnycastle D. Does targeted training improve residents' teaching skills? Journal of Faculty Development. 2015 Jan;29.
- Jewell L, D'Eon M, McKee N, Proctor P, Trinder K. Tutor Experiences with Facilitating Interprofessional Problem-Based Learning. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education. 2013;3(2)
- Mansfield M, Trinder K, Luther G, D'Eon M. Law and Psychiatry Seminar: An advanced intervention in interprofessional education for attitudinal improvement. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education. 2013;3(2)
- McKee N, D'Eon M, Trinder K. Problem-based learning for inter-professional education: evidence from an interprofessional PBL module on palliative care. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2013;4.
- D'Eon M, Trinder K. Evidence for the validity of grouped self-assessments in measuring the outcomes of educational programs. Evaluation & the Health Professions. 2013. Epub 2013.
- Kilistoff A, Mackenzie L, D'Eon M, Trinder K. Efficacy of a Step by Step Carving Technique for Dental Students. Journal of Dental Education. 2013;77:63-67.
- Kuper A, D’Eon M. 2010 Redefining medical knowledge: What students need to know to become competent physicians. Medical Education, 45; 35-43.
- D’Eon, M., Proctor, P., Cassidy, J., McKee, N. & Trinder, K. 2010. Evaluating an Interprofessional Problem-based Learning Module on the Care of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 1:2; 109-126.
- Proctor, P., Lake, D., Jewell, L., Reeder, B. & D’Eon, M. 2010. Influencing Student Beliefs about Poverty and Health through Community-Based Educational Experiences. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 1:2; 159-178.
- Trinder, K. M. & D'Eon, M. 2010. Program evaluation using student self-assessments. Medical Education, 44, 507-508.
- Mateen, FJ & D'Eon, MF. 2008 Neuroanatomy: A single institution study of knowledge loss. Medical Teacher, 30:5; pp. 537-539.
- D'Eon, M; Sadownick, L; Harrison, A. & Nation, J. 2008. Using self-assessments to detect workshop success: Do they work? American Journal of Evaluation, 29, pp. 92-98.
- D'Eon M, Proctor P, Reeder B. 2007. Comparing two small group formats used with physical therapy and medical students. Innovation in Education and Training International, 44; pp. 31-44.
- D'Eon M, Lear N, Turner M, Jones C. 2007 Perils of the hidden curriculum revisited. Medical Teacher, 29; 295-6.
- D'Eon M. 2006. Knowledge loss of medical students on first year basic science course at the University of Saskatchewan. BMC Medical Education 6:5 (14Jan2006).
- D'Eon M. Crawford, R. 2005. The elusive content of the medical-school curriculum: a method to the madness. Medical Teacher, 27 (8), 699-703.
- D'Eon M. 2005. A blueprint for interprofessional learning. Medical Teacher, 26(7), 604-609. D'Eon M. 2005.
- D’Eon M. , V. Overgaard, S. Rutledge Harding. 2000. Teaching as a Social Practice: Implications for Faculty Development. Advances in Health Sciences Education 5(2).
Expository, Review or Journal Articles
- D’Eon M. Systems thinking and structural competence in and for medical education. Canadian medical education journal. 2017 Feb;8(1):e1.
- D’Eon M. Argumentation, leadership, and curriculum. Canadian medical education journal. 2017 Jun;8(3):e1.
D’Eon M. No one is talking about the elephant in the room. Canadian medical education journal. 2016 Oct;7(2):e1.
- D'Eon M. The science of communication, the art of medicine. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2016 Apr;7(1)
- D'Eon M. Hayton S, Milne T. Unethical behaviour un-interrupted. Annals of Family Medicine. 2015 Apr;13. Epub 2015 Apr
- D'Eon M. Non-cognitive does not work; we need a new name. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2015 Dec;6(2)
- D'Eon M, Whence cometh the revolution. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2015
- D'Eon M. Is medical education hazardous to your health? Canadian Medical Education Journal. 5(1):1-4. Epub 2014
- D'Eon M. The challenges of educational change: cultural and psychological inertia. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2013.
- D'Eon M. Towards a program of focused and applied curriculum research. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2013.
- D'Eon M. The Hidden Curriculum. In The Future of Medical Education in Canada: Great Challenges in Medical Education. Ottawa: the Association of Faculties of Medicine Canada, 2008.