Dr. Paul Olszynski MD, MEd, CCFP (EM), FCFP
Associate Professor Emergency MedicineAbout
MD - University of Saskatchewan (2005)
CCFP – University of Saskatchewan (2007)
CCFP EM – University of Saskatchewan (2008)
Honorary Academic Fellow - London Specialist School of Emergency Medicine (2013)
MEd – University of Saskatchewan (2014)
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of both Simulation and Clinical Ultrasonography at the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. Paul is passionate about Simulation and the widespread adoption of POCUS to improve patient care.
Fellowships, Residency and Internships
London Specialist School for Emergency Medicine, Barts Health NHS Trust London, UK. - Honourary Academic Fellow, Department of Accident and Emergency, Spring, 2013
Emergency Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK - Emergency Medicine Resident, 2007-2008
Department of Family Medicine, University of Saskatchewan - Family Medicine Resident, 2005-2007
Training for Health Renewal Program Internship, Massinga, Mozambique - Student internship, Summer 2002
Academic Work Experience
College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan - Director, Ultrasound-Guided Medical Education, 2014 - present
College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan - Pre-Clerkship and Simulation Coordinator for Emergency Medicine, 2008 – 2011
College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan - Student Wellness Initiative toward Community Health (SWITCH), Physician preceptor, 2009 – 2010
Additional Certifications and Memberships
Emergency Department Echosonography Course
EDE 1 Course- Bedside Instructor since 2010
EDE 2 Course- Bedside Instructor since 2012
(Accredited by both the Royal College & the College of Family Physicians of Canada)
Echo Guided Life Support Course
Bedside Instructor, 2014
Infomed Research and Training Ltd., London, UK.
Level I U/S Lecturer and Bedside Instructor, spring 2013
(Endorsed by the British Medical Ultrasound Society & Royal College of Physicians, UK)
Advanced Trauma Life Support
Member/Provider since 2008
Course Instructor since 2013
- Preclinical Teacher of the Year (Student Medical Society of Saskatchewan), 2017
- Keynote Speaker (chosen by the Student Medical Society of Saskatchewan) - Fall Formal Banquet, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan (2011, 2016)
- University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union Teaching Excellence Award (2010)
- Plenary Speaker – Undergraduate Ultrasound Education “U/S guided Med Ed”: Fall Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound Festival, St. Andrews, NB (2016)
- Plenary Speaker – Sound use of Simulation, June 2, 2014 (Diagnostic Imaging Track): A review on the role of simulation in medical education with a focus on ultrasound training (evidence, costs, implementation) Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Annual Conference (CAEP 14)
- Concurrent Session Speaker - Preparing for Sound Use: Bringing ED U/S in your department. An interactive session on the importance of quality assurance in ED U/S including guidelines on training, documentation and CME. Saskatchewan Emergency Medicine Annual Conference (2013)
Additional Memberships and Roles
- The EDE Course - Course Director
- The Echo Guided Life Support Course – Course Director
- The EDE2 Course – Course Instructor
- Advanced Trauma Life Support course - Instructor
- CAEP Emergency Ultrasound Committee – Education Lead
- CEUS – Extended Applications Committee – Co-Chair
- Canadian Society of POCUS-EM Fellowships – Founding Member
- CAEP Emergency Ultrasound Committee – Education Lead
- CPOCUS – Extended Applications Committee – Co-Chair
- Canadian Society of POCUS-EM Fellowships – Founding Member
Selected Publications
- Olszynksi P, Kim DJ, Chenkin J, Rang L. The Core Emergency Ultrasound Curriculum Project. CJEM (in-press)
- Milne J, Atkinson P, Lewis D, Fraser J, Diegelmann L, Stander M, Olszynski P, Stander M, Lamprecht H. (April 08, 2016) Sonography in Hypotension and Cardiac Arrest (SHoC): Rates of Abnormal Findings in Undifferentiated Hypotension and During Cardiac Arrest as a Basis for Consensus on a Hierarchical Point of Care Ultrasound Protocol. Cureus 8(4): e564. doi:10.7759/cureus.564
- Olszynski P, Harris T, D'Eon M, Renihan P, Premkumar K. Ultrasound During Critical Care Simulation: A Randomized, cross-over study. CJEM 2015 Aug 26:1-8.
Book Chapters
- Olszynski, P et al. Student’s Corner in “Essentials of Point of Care Ultrasound” (Ed. Socransky and Wiss) 2nd Edition (available on iBooks). 2016.
- Point of Care Ultrasound – in Emergency and Critical Care (Ed. Atkinson et al) In Press. Contributing Author- Ultrasound Simulation, Small Bowel Obstruction
Abstracts/Poster Presentations
- Katulka J, Parry A, Olszynski P. Point of Care Ultrasound in Congestive Heart Failure. Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound Festival, St. Andrew’s NB (2016) Oral Abstract Presentation.
- Rusnak C, Courtney R, Olszynski P. Improving EDUS documentation in the Emergency Department. Western Emergency Department Operations Conference 2016 (Winnipeg). Poster
- Maheshwari O, Malin G Trinder K, Olszynski P. U/S in Undergraduate Medical Education: Evaluating the Impact of U/S Training in the First Year of Medical Training. Canadian Conference on Medical Education 2016 (Montreal).
- Anderson J, Stempien J, & Olszynski P Developing Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) Stations for Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) Training at the University of Saskatchewan. Canadian Conference on Medical Education 2016 (Montreal).
- Olszynski P. Ultrasound During Critical Care Simulation: A randomized, crossover study evaluating and comparing the impact of two ultrasound simulation interventions. Social Media and Critical Care 2015 (Chicago)
- Olszynski, P. The edus2 workout. Innovation in EM Education. Lightening Oral Abstract. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Annual Conference (2014)
- Kulyk P, Olszynski P. Emergency Department Ultrasound Simulator. Academic Emergency Medicine. Vol 19. 4. S1, Presented at SAEM during the "Innovation in EM Education" moderated session (Chicago, May 2012)
Social Media
- Olszynski, P. Burns. Featured in Emergency Medicine at MedSkl - a website dedicated to high quality, peer reviewed free open access medical education content.
- Author and Curator of the SaskSonic website - a virtual hub for all things related to Point of Care Ultrasound at the University of Saskatchewan.
- Author and Contributor to CanadiEM - an online community of practice for healthcare practitioners and providing them with high quality, freely available educational resources.