Dr. Juan-Nicolás Peña-Sánchez MD, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor Community Health and Epidemiology- Address
- HSC E-wing 3232
Research Area(s)
- Innovative health care models
- Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)
- Health services research
- Wellness and motivation of physicians
Dr. Peña-Sánchez is a faculty member in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology. He is a physician with a European Master of Public Health and a Ph.D. from the University of Saskatchewan. His collaborative and interdisciplinary research program aims to study and promote innovative health care approaches that address the needs of populations and overcome the challenges of health care systems. His research program has four pillars: 1) access to health care for patients living with chronic medical conditions, 2) integrated models of care, 3) wellbeing and motivation of health care professionals, and 4) scholarship on the behavioural and social aspects of medicine.
Dr. Peña-Sánchez is one of the members of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Research Collaborative Network. In partnership with Indigenous patient and family advocates, he has been working on raising awareness about IBD among Indigenous peoples and advocating for better access to IBD care and their well-being (see the IBD among Indigenous Peoples Research Team). As an investigator of the Canadian Gastrointestinal Epidemiology Consortium (CanGIEC), Dr. Peña-Sánchez is the Saskatchewan lead of collaborative IBD national studies using administrative health data.
Dr. Peña-Sánchez is currently the Director of the Community-Based Learning Experiences (CLE, former CWCLE) Module and Chair of the Medicine and Society Courses in the Undergraduate Medical Education program at the University of Saskatchewan. In addition, he is the Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Co-Champion of the Training Researchers in the Next Generation in GI and Liver (TRIANGLE) national program.
Selected Publications
Peña-Sánchez JN, Osei JA, Rohatinsky N, Lu X, Risling T, Boyd I, Wicks K, Wicks M, Quintin CL, Dickson A, Fowler SA. Inequities in Rural and Urban Health Care Utilization Among Individuals Diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Retrospective Population-Based Cohort Study from Saskatchewan, Canada. Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology. 2022; gwac015, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcag/gwac015
Hill JE, Peña-Sánchez JN, Fernando C, Freitas AC, Fowler S. Composition and stability of the vaginal microbiota of pregnant women with inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 2021, izab314. https://doi.org/10.1093/ibd/izab314
Kuenzig ME, Bitton A, Carroll MW, Kaplan GG, Otley AR, Singh H, Nguyen GC, Griffiths AM, Stukel TA, Targownik LE, Jones JL, Murthy SK, McCurdy JD, Bernstein CN, Lix LM, Peña-Sánchez JN, Mack DR, Jacobson K, El-Matary W, Dummer TJB, Fung SG, Spruin S, Nugent Z, Tanyingoh D, Cui Y, Filliter C, Coward S, Siddiq S, Benchimol EI. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Increases the Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Children: A Population-Based Matched Cohort Study. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis. 2021; 15(12):2031-2040, https://doi.org/10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab113
Peña-Sánchez JN, Osei JA, Marques Santos JD, Jennings D, Andkhoie M, Brass C, Bukassa Kazadi G, Johnson-Jennings M, Lu X, Porter L, Porter R, Quintin CL, Sanderson R, Teucher U, Fowler S. Increasing prevalence and stable incidence rates of inflammatory bowel disease among First Nations: Population-based evidence from a Western Canadian province. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 2021; 28(4): 514-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ibd/izab096
Rohatinsky N, Boyd I, Dickson A, Fowler S, Peña-Sánchez JN, Quintin C, Risling T, Russell B, Wicks K, Wicks M. Perspectives of Healthcare Use and Access to Care for Individuals Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Rural Canada. Rural and Remote Health. 2021; 21(2): 6358. https://doi.org/10.22605/RRH6358
Osei JA, Peña-Sánchez JN, Fowler SA, Muhajarine N, Kaplan GG, Lix LM. Increasing prevalence and direct health care cost of Inflammatory Bowel Disease among adults: A Population-Based study from a Western Canadian Province. Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology. 2021; 4(6):296-305. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jcag/gwab003
Gao Y, Teucher U, Wolfson E, Baerg K, Graham N, Pfeifer S, Trinder K, Wells M, Peña-Sánchez JN. Evolution of a community-centred experiential learning module: A mixed methods approach to promote social accountability and community partnership in undergraduate medical education. MedEdPublish. 2020; 9(1):217. https://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2020.000217.2
Osei JA, Peña-Sánchez JN, Fowler SA, Muhajarine N, Kaplan GG, Lix LM. Population-based evidence from a western Canadian province of the decreasing incidence rates and trends of inflammatory bowel disease among adults. Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology. 2020; 4(4):186-193. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcag/gwaa028
Marques Santos JD, Peña-Sánchez JN, Fowler SA. Patients’ Perspectives on Medication for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Mixed-Method Systematic Review. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2020; 33(9):1139-1147. https://doi.org/10.1097/MEG.0000000000001861
Targownik LE, Bernstein CN, Singh H, Lix L, Tennakoon A, Leung S, Aviña-Zubieta A, Coward S, Jones J, Kaplan GG, Murthy SK, Nguyen GC, Peña-Sánchez JN. Combined Biologic and Immunomodulatory Therapy is Superior to Monotherapy for Decreasing the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Related Complication. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis. 2020; 14(10):1354-63, jjaa050. https://doi.org/10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjaa050
Peña-Sánchez JN, Domagała A, Dubas-Jakóbczyk K, Polak M. A multidimensional questionnaire to measure career satisfaction of physicians: validation of the Polish version of the 4CornerSAT. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(3):1033. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17031033
Dubas-Jakóbczyk K, Domagała A, Kiedik D, Peña-Sánchez JN. Exploring Satisfaction and Migration Intentions of Physicians in Three University Hospitals in Poland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(1):43. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17010043
Targownik LE, Benchimol EI, Witt J, Bernstein CN, Singh H, Lix LM, Tennakoon A, Aviña A, Coward S, Jones J, Kuenzig E, Murthy SK, Nguyen GC, Peña-Sánchez JN, Kaplan G. The Effect of Anti-TNF Therapy on the Subsequent Direct Healthcare Costs of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 2019; 25(10):1718-28. https://doi.org/10.1093/ibd/izz063
Coward S, Clement F, Benchimol EI, Bernstein CN, Avina-Zubieta JA, Bitton A, Carroll MW, Hazlewood G, Jacobson K, Jelinski S, Deardon R, Jones JL, Kuenzig ME, Leddin D, McBrien KA, Murthy SK, Nguyen GC, Otley AR, Panaccione R, Rezaie A, Rosenfeld G, Peña-Sánchez JN, Singh H, Targownik LE, Kaplan GG. Past and Future Burden of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Based on Modeling of Population-based Data. Gastroenterology. 2019 (April); 156(5):1345-53.e4. https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2019.01.002
- Domagała A, Peña-Sánchez JN, Dubas-Jakóbczyk K. Satisfaction of physicians working in Polish hospitals - a cross sectional study. International Journal of Enviromental Research and Public Health. 2018; 15(12): 2640. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15122640
- Domagała A, Bała M, Storman D, Peña-Sánchez JN, Kaczmarczyk M, Świerz M, Storman M. Factors Associated with Satisfaction of Hospital Physicians: A Systematic Review on European Data. International Journal of Enviromental Research and Public Health. 2018; 15(11): 2546. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15112546
- Benchimol EI, Kuenzig ME, Bernstein CN, Nguyen GC, Guttmann A, Jones JL, Potter BK, Targownik LE, Catley CA, Nugent Z, Tanyingoh D, Mojaverian N, Underwood FE, Siddiq S, Otley AR, Bitton A, Carroll MW, deBruyn J, Dummer TJB, El-Matary W, Griffiths AM, Jacobson K, Leddin D, Lix LM, Mack DR, Murthy SK, Peña-Sánchez JN, Singh H, Kaplan GG. Rural and urban disparities in the care of Canadian patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A population-based study. Clinical Epidemiology. 2018; 10: 1613-26. https://doi.org/10.2147/CLEP.S178056
- Domagała A, Bała M, Peña-Sánchez JN, Storman D, Kaczmarczyk M, Świerz M, Storman M. Satisfaction of European physicians - state of the evidence across European Union countries based on systematic review. European Journal of Public Health. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/cky117 (access full text)
- Haskey N, Peña-Sánchez JN, Jones J, Fowler S. Development of a screening tool to detect nutrition risk in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2018; 27(4) http://dx.doi.org/10.6133/apjcn.112017.01 (published online in advance)
- Vanderby S, Badea A, Peña-Sánchez JN, Kalra N, Babyn P. A day in the life of MRI: the variety and appropriateness of exams being performed in Canada. Canadian Association of Radiologist Journal. 2018; 69(2):151-61 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carj.2017.05.002
- Peña-Sánchez JN, Lix LM, Teare GF, Li W, Fowler SA, Jones JL. Impact of an integrated model of care on outcomes of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases: Evidence from a population-based study. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis. 2017;11(12): 1471-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjx106 (access full text)
- Benchimol EI, Kaplan GG, Otley AR, Nguyen GC, Underwood FE, Guttmann A, Jones JL, Potter BK, Catley CA, Nugent Z, Cui Y, Tanyingoh D, Mojaverian N, Bitton A, Carroll MW, deBruyn J, Dummer TJB, El-Matary W, Griffiths AM, Jacobson K, Kuenzig ME, Leddin D, Lix LM, Mack DR, Murthy S, Peña-Sánchez JN, Singh H, Targownik L, Vutcovici M, Bernstein CN. Rural and urban residence during early life is associated with risk of inflammatory bowel disease: A population-based inception and birth cohort study. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2017; 112:1412-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ajg.2017.208
- Bermedo‐Carrasco S, Waldner C, Peña‐Sánchez JN, Szafron M. Spatial variations in cervical cancer prevention in Colombia: Geographical differences and associated socio-demographic factors. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology. 2016; 16:78-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sste.2016.07.002
- Vanderby S, Badea A, Peña-Sánchez JN, Kalra N, Babyn P. Variations in MRI provision and processes among Canadian Academic Centres. Canadian Association of Radiologist Journal. 2016; 68:56-65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carj.2016.07.007
- Lepnurm R, Nesdole R, Dobson RT, Peña-Sánchez JN. The effects of distress and the dimensions of coping strategies on physicians’ satisfaction with competence. SAGE Open Med. 2016; 4:2050312116643907. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2050312116643907
- Vanderby S, Peña-Sánchez JN, Kalra N, Babyn P. Finding the Truth in Medical Imaging: Painting the Picture of Appropriateness for Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Canada. Canadian Association of Radiologist Journal. 2015; 66:323-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carj.2015.05.002
- Bermedo‐Carrasco S, Peña‐Sánchez JN, Lepnurm R, Szafron M, Waldner C. Inequities in cervical cancer screening among Colombian women: a multilevel analysis of a nationwide survey. Cancer Epidemiology. 2015; 39:229-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.canep.2015.01.011
- Bermedo‐Carrasco S, Feng CX, Peña‐Sánchez JN, Lepnurm R. Predictors of having heard about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among Colombian women: factors for cervical cancer prevention. Gaceta Sanitaria.2015;29:112-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2014.09.005
- Lepnurm R, Nesdole R, Dobson RT, Peña-Sánchez JN. Modeling factors explaining physicians’ satisfaction with competence. SAGE Open Med. 2015; 3: 2050312115613352 http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2050312115613352
- Peña-Sánchez JN, Lepnurm R, Morales-Asencio JM, Delgado A, Domagała A, Górkiewicz M. Factors identified with higher levels of career satisfaction of physicians in Andalusia, Spain. Health Psychology Research. 2014;2(2):58-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/hpr.2014.1527
- Jones J, Peña-Sánchez JN. Who Should Receive Biologic Therapy for IBD? The Rationale for the Application of a Personalized Approach. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2014; 43(3):425-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gtc.2014.05.004
- Peña-Sánchez JN, Lepnurm R, Dobson R, Keegan D, Bermedo-Carrasco S. Payment method as a predictor of the daily distress experienced by physicians. Journal of Hospital Administration. 2014; 3(5):1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.5430/jha.v3n5p1
- Peña-Sánchez JN, Lepnurm R, Dobson R, Keegan D. Impact of payment methods on professional equity of physicians. Journal of Hospital Administration. 2014; 3(2):50-60. http://dx.doi.org/10.5430/jha.v3n2p50
- Peña-Sánchez JN, Lepnurm R, Bermedo-Carrasco S. Latent gender inequalities in the well-being of physicians according to payment method for practicing medicine. Journal of Hospital Administration. 2013; 2(4): 7-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.5430/jha.v2n4p7
- Peña-Sánchez JN, Delgado A, Lucena-Muñoz JJ, Morales-Asencio JM. [Adapting and Validating in Spanish the 4CornerSAT Questionnaire to Measure Career Satisfaction of Specialized care Physicians. Andalusia, Spain]. Rev Esp Salud Pública 2013; 87(2):181-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.4321/S1135-57272013000200007
- Peña-Sánchez JN, Domagala A, Górkiewicz M, Targowska M, Oleszczyk M. Adapting a tool in Poland for the measurement of the physicians’ career satisfaction. Problemy Medycyny Rodzinnej [Family Medicine Topics] 2011; 12(1):58-65. (access full text)
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