College of Medicine

Department of Medicine faculty

Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health - Saskatoon

Picture of Dr. James A. Dosman

Dr. James A. Dosman MD, FRCPC
Special Lecturer Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Picture of Dr. Roland   Dyck

Dr. Roland Dyck MD, FRCPC
Emeritus Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Picture of Dr. George Katselis

Dr. George Katselis BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Picture of Dr. Shelley Kirychuk

Dr. Shelley Kirychuk BSc, MBA, MSc, PhD
Professor Director, Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Picture of Dr. Niels Koehncke

Dr. Niels Koehncke MD, MSc, FRCPC
Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health - Occupational Medicine

Picture of Dr. Julie  Kosteniuk

Dr. Julie Kosteniuk BA, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Picture of Dr. Angelica Lang

Dr. Angelica Lang MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health

Picture of Dr. Joshua Lawson

Dr. Joshua Lawson BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health - Director of Research (on sabbatical)

Picture of Dr. Debra G. Morgan

Dr. Debra G. Morgan PhD
Professor Canadian Centre for Rural and Agricultural Health - Chair, Rural Health Delivery

Cardiology - Saskatoon

Dr. Jawad Akhtar MD, FRCPC, FACC
Clinical Associate Professor Cardiology

Dr. R. Basran MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Cardiology

Dr. Michael Cenkowski MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Kelly Coverett MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Jacobus de Villiers FRCPC, MB, ChB
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Dalisizwe Dewa

Dr. Dalisizwe Dewa MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Janine Eckstein

Dr. Janine Eckstein MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Andrew Frost MD
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Haissam Haddad

Dr. Haissam Haddad BSc, MD, FRCPC, FACC, FAAC
Provincial Department Head & Professor of Cardiology, Department of Medicine

Dr. Dominique Kushneriuk MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. S. Nosib

Dr. S. Nosib MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Jason Orvold

Dr. Jason Orvold MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Cardiology

Dr. Sarah Parent MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Erik PausJenssen

Dr. Erik PausJenssen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Colin Pearce MD, FRCPC, FACC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Chris Pekrul MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Steve Pylypchuk MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Jay Shavadia

Dr. Jay Shavadia MBChB, MRCP (UK)
Associate Professor Cardiology

Dr. Carlo Stuglin MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Stephan Wardell MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Calvin Wells MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Alex Zhai MD
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Cardiology - Regina

Dr. Ayman Aboguddah MB-ChB, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Cardiology

Dr. Jeff Booker MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Min-Shien Chen MBChB, FCP (SA), MMed (Wits)
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Payam Dehghani

Dr. Payam Dehghani MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Scott Donald

Dr. Scott Donald MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Hassan Gargoum MB-BS, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Andrea Lavoie

Dr. Andrea Lavoie BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Division Head Cardiology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Brendon Macknak

Dr. Brendon Macknak MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Omar Sultan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Wladyslaw Wojcik MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Colin Yeung

Dr. Colin Yeung BSc, BSc(Med), MD, MPH, FRCPC,
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Yang Zhan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dr. Wenwan Zhou MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Picture of Dr. Rodney Zimmermann

Dr. Rodney Zimmermann MD, FRCPC, FACC, FESC, FCCS
Clinical Professor Cardiology - Regina

Cardiology - Moose Jaw

Picture of Dr. Wadea Tarhuni

Dr. Wadea Tarhuni MB-BCh, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Cardiology

Dr. Jeffrey Wilkinson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Cardiology

Dermatology - Saskatoon

Picture of Dr. Kyle Cullingham

Dr. Kyle Cullingham MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Dr. Kerry Gardner MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Dr. Tosin Odeshi MD
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Picture of Dr. Irina Oroz

Dr. Irina Oroz MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Picture of Dr. Kirsten Walker

Dr. Kirsten Walker MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Dermatology

Dermatology - Regina

Dr. Mariam Abbas MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Picture of Dr. Rachel Asiniwasis

Dr. Rachel Asiniwasis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Picture of Dr. Karen Holfeld

Dr. Karen Holfeld MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor, Division Head Dermatology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Brittany  Waller

Dr. Brittany Waller FRCPC
Assistant Professor Dermatology

Endocrinology and Metabolism - Saskatoon

Picture of Dr. Reza Behdani

Dr. Reza Behdani MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Endocrinology and Metabolism

Picture of Dr. Gudrun Caspar-Bell

Dr. Gudrun Caspar-Bell MD, Thesis, FRCPC
Associate Professor Endocrinology and Metabolism

Picture of Dr. G. Dala

Dr. G. Dala MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Endocrinology and Metabolism

Picture of Dr. Nassrein Hussein

Dr. Nassrein Hussein MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Endocrinology and Metabolism

Endocrinology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Jeremy FitzGerald

Dr. Jeremy FitzGerald MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Division Head - Endocrinology - Regina

Dr. Kevin Hamming MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Endocrinology

Gastroenterology and Hepatology - Saskatoon

Picture of Dr. Jennifer Bailey

Dr. Jennifer Bailey MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Picture of Dr. A. Bedi

Dr. A. Bedi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Picture of Dr. S. Fowler

Dr. S. Fowler MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Picture of Dr. Tom  Guzowski

Dr. Tom Guzowski MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. S. Haimanot MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Picture of Dr. Prateek Kundapur

Dr. Prateek Kundapur MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Dr. Edwin Larkai MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Picture of Dr. Mina Niazi

Dr. Mina Niazi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Dr. P. Porostocky MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Picture of Dr. Thomas Sylwestrowicz

Dr. Thomas Sylwestrowicz MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Picture of Dr. L. Worobetz

Dr. L. Worobetz MD, FRCPC
Professor Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroenterology - Regina

Dr. Massud Ali MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Picture of Dr. George Chami

Dr. George Chami MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head - Gastroenterology - Regina

Dr. James D. McHattie MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Gastroenterology

Dr. Michael O'Byrne MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Dr. Christian Rueda-Clausen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Picture of Dr. Landon Tam

Dr. Landon Tam MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

Dr. Erik Vantomme MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Gastroenterology

General Internal Medicine - Saskatoon

Dr. Fahd Al-Dhalaan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. S. Ali MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Troy Appleton

Dr. Troy Appleton MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Troy Appleton MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. J. Baptiste

Dr. J. Baptiste MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine, Dept of Medicine Director of Post Graduate Medical Education

Picture of Dr. R. Basi

Dr. R. Basi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. S. Bose MD, MB-BS, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. A.C. Budd MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Sharon Card

Dr. Sharon Card MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jonathan  Dean

Dr. Jonathan Dean BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Nathan Degenhart MD, FRCPC
- General Internal Medicine

Dr. Jason Denis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Dr. Joseph Dimitry MD, FRCPC, BMSc
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Mark Fenske MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. D.  Frobb

Dr. D. Frobb MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. C. Gebhardt MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. S. Ghoorah MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. K. Gowda

Dr. K. Gowda MD
Clinical Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. R. Hafezi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. N. Joanis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Jeremy Katulka MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Alexandra King

Dr. Alexandra King MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Cameco Chair in Indigenous Health and Wellness,College of Medicine

Picture of Dr. R. Kundapur

Dr. R. Kundapur MD, MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Cheyenne  Lawton

Dr. Cheyenne Lawton BA, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Benjamin Leis

Dr. Benjamin Leis MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Arthur Ling

Dr. Arthur Ling MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. L. Mamchur MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jill Newstead-Angel

Dr. Jill Newstead-Angel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Amanda Oro FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. A. PausJenssen

Dr. A. PausJenssen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, General Internal Medicine, Dept. of Medicine

Dr. Fatima Pirani MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Michael  Prystajecky

Dr. Michael Prystajecky MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Zohreh Sabbagh MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Ian Schoonbaert MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Critical Care Affiliate

Dr. G.N. Serrano MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Rabia Shahid

Dr. Rabia Shahid MD, MSc, MB-BS, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. P. Sivapalan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Matthew Skeldon

Dr. Matthew Skeldon MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor GIM

Dr. Brandon Suen
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. E. Szabo

Dr. E. Szabo BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Victoria Tian

Dr. Victoria Tian MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Tian is a specialist in general internal medicine and addiction medicine.

Picture of Dr. Tiffanie Tse

Dr. Tiffanie Tse (she/her) BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. M. Ubhi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Chukwunonso Ufondu

Dr. Chukwunonso Ufondu MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. S. Valiani

Dr. S. Valiani MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine & SHA Adult Critical Care Medicine

Picture of Dr. Alastair Wall

Dr. Alastair Wall B.Com, MD, FRCPC, ABIM
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. H. Ward

Dr. H. Ward MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. A. Yang

Dr. A. Yang MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. M. Zawadowski MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

General Internal Medicine - Saskatoon - Intensive Care

Dr. Troy Appleton MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. C. Gebhardt MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. N. Joanis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Jeremy Katulka MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Ian Schoonbaert MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Critical Care Affiliate

Picture of Dr. S. Valiani

Dr. S. Valiani MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine & SHA Adult Critical Care Medicine

Picture of Dr. Alastair Wall

Dr. Alastair Wall B.Com, MD, FRCPC, ABIM
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

General Internal Medicine - Regina

Dr. Moyosore Abimboye MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine / Geriatrics

Dr. Babatunde Adewunmi MBBS, MRCP(UK)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jarol Boan

Dr. Jarol Boan MD
Clinical Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Anmol Cheema MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor GIM - Regina

Dr. Robin Colwell MD
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Lucas Diebel

Dr. Lucas Diebel BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine/Geriatrics

Dr. Patrick J. Duffy MB-BCh, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Kelly Eggink MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Critical Care Affiliate

Dr. Elizabeth Gibbings MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Scott Goerzen MD
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Kelsey Golubovic

Dr. Kelsey Golubovic
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine/Geriatrics

Dr. Aadam Ijaz
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Linas Kumeliauskas

Dr. Linas Kumeliauskas MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor GIM Head - General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Gabrielle Levin

Dr. Gabrielle Levin BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Anita Lwanga MD
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine (GIM)

Dr. Steven Lwanga MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Ghulam Moinuddin MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Anwar Muftah FRCPC, M.B.-Ch.B.
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Olumide Ogundare

Dr. Olumide Ogundare MBBS, MRCP(UK)
Assistant Professor - Regina, GIM/Nephrology

Dr. Thomas Perron MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Marc Reeson

Dr. Marc Reeson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor and Assoc. Program Director GIM Regina - General Internal Medicine

Dr. Habib Rehman MBBS, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Lindsay Richels

Dr. Lindsay Richels MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. R.  Serwadda

Dr. R. Serwadda MB-ChB, FCP(SA)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine - Regina

Picture of Dr. Zunaira Shahab

Dr. Zunaira Shahab BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Justin Simms MD
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Lyndsay Sprigg BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Critical Care Affiliate

Picture of Dr. Eric Sy

Dr. Eric Sy MD, MPH, FRCPC
Associate Professor Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Kun Tian MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Calvin Tsui

Dr. Calvin Tsui MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Krystyna Wang

Dr. Krystyna Wang BSc, MD, FRCPC, MDCM
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

General Internal Medicine - Moose Jaw

Dr. Muhammad Aslam MBBS, FRCPC (Ireland)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Falah Majid

Dr. Falah Majid MB-ChB, MRCP (UK) FRCP(Edin-UK)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Majid Niaz

Dr. Majid Niaz MBBS, FRCPC, FCP(SA)
Assistant Professor and SW Area Lead - General Internal Medicine

Dr. Fauzi Ramadan MBBS, MRCP(UK)
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine, Dept. of Medicine Area Lead - SW

Dr. Omar Rodwan MBBCh, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

General Internal Medicine - North Battleford

Dr. Sejlo Koshoedo FRCPC, M.B.-B.S.
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

General Internal Medicine - Prince Albert

Dr. Adel Ben Saleh MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine, Dept. of Medicine Area Lead - NE

Dr. Radu Ilie-Haynes MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Joma Kondi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology

Dr. Kiefer Lypka MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

General Internal Medicine - Swift Current

Picture of Dr. Alexandra Akinfiresoye

Dr. Alexandra Akinfiresoye MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Olabode Aleshinloye

Dr. Olabode Aleshinloye PhD, FRCPC, M.B.-B.S., LLM, MRCPI
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Dr. Michelle Lund MD
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

General Internal Medicine - Yorkton

Dr. Livinus Okafor MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Saliu  Oloko

Dr. Saliu Oloko MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor General Internal Medicine, Dept. of Medicine Area Lead - SE

Geriatric Medicine - Saskatoon

Picture of Dr. Jenny Basran

Dr. Jenny Basran MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Geriatric Medicine

Dr. Krista Lagimodiere MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Geriatric Medicine

Picture of Dr. Elizabeth  Rhynold

Dr. Elizabeth Rhynold BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Geriatric Medicine

Dr. Christina Shaw MD
Assistant Professor Geriatric Medicine

Picture of Dr. Megan Surkan

Dr. Megan Surkan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Geriatric Medicine

Infectious Diseases - Saskatoon

Dr. Amina (Sarah) Henni MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Picture of Dr. Jack Janvier

Dr. Jack Janvier MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. S. Sanche

Dr. S. Sanche MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Infectious Diseases

Picture of Dr. Cara Spence

Dr. Cara Spence PhD
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Picture of Dr. S. Takaya

Dr. S. Takaya MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Division Head (Acting) Infectious Diseases

Picture of Dr. Alice Wong

Dr. Alice Wong MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Picture of Dr. B.  Wudel

Dr. B. Wudel MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases - Regina

Picture of Dr. K. Karunakaran

Dr. K. Karunakaran MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases

Picture of Dr. Stephen Lee

Dr. Stephen Lee MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor Infectious Diseases / Internal Medicine

Picture of Dr. Stuart Skinner

Dr. Stuart Skinner MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Infectious Diseases

Nephrology - Saskatoon

Dr. Ayesha Ahmed MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Jim Barton

Dr. Jim Barton BSc, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Nephrology

Dr. C. Dumaine MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. A. Halpin MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Abubaker Hassan

Dr. Abubaker Hassan MD, FRCPC, MBBCh
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. Joanne Kappel MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Rahul Mainra

Dr. Rahul Mainra BSc, MD, MMed, FRCPC
Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Matthew Patterson

Dr. Matthew Patterson FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. George Pylypchuk BSc, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Nephrology

Dr. David Reid MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Ahmed Shoker

Dr. Ahmed Shoker BSc, MD, FRCPC
Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Rod Stryker

Dr. Rod Stryker BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division Head, Nephrology

Dr. Davina Tai BEd, MSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. Yasaman Torabi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Nephrology - Regina

Dr. Lookman Abdul MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. Mohamed Abdulhadi MB-BS, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Nephrology

Dr. Amanda Ellwood MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Ingi El Sayed

Assistant Professor Nephrology

Dr. Arwa Gargoum MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Dr. Siva Karunakaran MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Nephrology

Picture of Dr. Bonnie Richardson

Dr. Bonnie Richardson MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Nephrology, Dept. of Medicine Area Lead - Regina

Dr. Dorothy Thomas MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Nephrology

Neurology - Saskatoon

Dr. Stephanie Ballendine MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Haley Block

Dr. Haley Block BSc, MD, FRCPC, CSCN diplomate (EMG)
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. A. Carter MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Regan Cooley

Dr. Regan Cooley MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. O. DeRita MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology / General Internal Medicine

Dr. Cassandra Fleury BSc, MD, FRCPC, CSCN
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Gary Hunter

Dr. Gary Hunter MD, FRCPC, CSCN (EEG)
Associate Professor Division Head, Neurology

Dr. Shayla Kennedy MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Andrew Kirk

Dr. Andrew Kirk MD, FRCPC
Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Michael Levin

Dr. Michael Levin MD, FAAN, FANA
Professor Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology & Neurology

Saskatchewan MS Clinical Research Chair

Picture of Dr. P. Masiowski

Dr. P. Masiowski MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Eric Noyes BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Ilia Poliakov

Dr. Ilia Poliakov BHSC, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Alex Rajput

Dr. Alex Rajput MD, FRCPC
Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Ali Rajput

Dr. Ali Rajput MSc, FRCPC, OC, SOM, MBBS
Emeritus Professor Neurology

Dr. Rochelle Savard MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Kerri Schellenberg

Dr. Kerri Schellenberg MD, FRCPC, CSCN (EMG), MMedEd
Medical Director ALS Clinic; Medical Director EMG Lab; Associate Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Ryan Verity

Dr. Ryan Verity MD, FRCPC, CSCN (EMG)
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. C. Voll MB-BCh, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Neurology

Dr. Sanchea Wasyliw MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Neurology - Regina

Dr. Priya Figurado MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Mohammad Ijaz MB-BS
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Vinesh Pillay MB-ChB, FCNeuro(SA)
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Ziaur Rehman MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Dr. Syed Rizvi MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology

Picture of Dr. Melad Shawush

Dr. Melad Shawush MBBCh, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Neurology, Division Head - Neurology - Regina

Dr. Felix Veloso MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Neurology

Respirology Critical Care and Sleep Medicine - Saskatoon

Picture of Dr. Donald  W. Cockcroft

Dr. Donald W. Cockcroft BSc, MD, FRCPC
Professor Respirolgy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Beth Davis

Dr. Beth Davis PhD
Research Scientist, Asthma Research Lab Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Colin Ellis

Dr. Colin Ellis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mark Fenton

Dr. Mark Fenton MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. John Gjevre

Dr. John Gjevre MD, FRCPC
Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. John R. Gordon

Dr. John R. Gordon PhD, FCAHS
Special Advisor - Clinical Research, Office of VP Research, Distinguished Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Brian Graham

Dr. Brian Graham PhD
Emeritus Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine (he/him)

Picture of Dr. Vernon Hoeppner

Dr. Vernon Hoeppner MD, FRCPC
Emeritus Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. N.P. Janzen

Dr. N.P. Janzen MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Karen Laframboise

Dr. Karen Laframboise MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Stacey Lok

Dr. Stacey Lok MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Darcy Marciniuk

Dr. Darcy Marciniuk MD, FRCPC
Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jeffrey Marciniuk

Dr. Jeffrey Marciniuk MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Veronica Marcoux

Dr. Veronica Marcoux MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. R.T. Nataraj

Dr. R.T. Nataraj MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jordan Olfert

Dr. Jordan Olfert BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Erika Penz

Dr. Erika Penz MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. G.E. Peters

Dr. G.E. Peters MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Brianne Philipenko

Dr. Brianne Philipenko FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. R.P. Skomro

Dr. R.P. Skomro MD, FRCPC
Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Interim Director of Research

Picture of Dr. J.S. Tam

Dr. J.S. Tam MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Picture of Dr. Anderson Tyan

Dr. Anderson Tyan BSc, MD, MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Dr. Kristina Watt FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Respirology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Zenon Belak

Dr. Zenon Belak MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology, Division Head - Respirology - Regina

Dr. Abdalla Muftah MBChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology

Dr. Prakash Patel MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology

Picture of Dr. Guruswamy Sridhar

Dr. Guruswamy Sridhar MB-BS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology

Picture of Dr. Kelsey  Tallon

Dr. Kelsey Tallon BSc, MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Respirology

Rheumatology - Saskatoon

Picture of Dr. Keltie Anderson

Dr. Keltie Anderson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Regan Arendse

Dr. Regan Arendse MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Adult Rheumatology

Dr. Matthew Chan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Ambreen Khan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Anton Moshynskyy

Dr. Anton Moshynskyy FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Latha Naik

Dr. Latha Naik MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Adult Rheumatology

Clinical Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Sarah Oberholtzer

Dr. Sarah Oberholtzer MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Wojciech Olszynski

Dr. Wojciech Olszynski MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Adult Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Patrice Pollock

Dr. Patrice Pollock MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Adult Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Jodie Reis

Dr. Jodie Reis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Adult Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Vanessa Rininsland

Dr. Vanessa Rininsland MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Shreyasi Sharma M.B.-B.S.
Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Margaret Truchan

Dr. Margaret Truchan MD, FRCPC, EEFMG, LMCC
Clinical Associate Professor Adult Rheumatology

Rheumatology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Nicole Fahlman

Dr. Nicole Fahlman MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Cairistin McDougall MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Robert S. McDougall MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Ardyth Milne

Dr. Ardyth Milne MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology, Division Head - Rheumatology - Regina

Dr. Zachary Wolfmueller MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Rheumatology-Moose Jaw