College of Medicine

Community Health and Epidemiology Faculty

Core Faculty

Picture of Dr. Sylvia Abonyi

Dr. Sylvia Abonyi BSc (Hon), M.A., PhD
Department Head Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Jacob Alhassan

Dr. Jacob Alhassan BSc (Hon), MSc (Durh), MSc (Oxon), PhD
Assistant Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Maureen Anderson (on leave)

Dr. Maureen Anderson (on leave) BSc, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Lalita Bharadwaj

Dr. Lalita Bharadwaj BSc, MSc, PhD
Emeritus Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Academic Background: Physiology (BSc.), Pathology (MSc.), Toxicology (PhD)

Picture of Dr. Tracey Carr (she/her)

Dr. Tracey Carr (she/her) BA, MSc, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor Community Health & Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Marcel D'Eon

Dr. Marcel D'Eon BA (Hon), MA, PhD
Emeritus Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Daniel Fuller

Dr. Daniel Fuller MSc, PhD
Associate Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Gary Groot (he/him)

Dr. Gary Groot (he/him) MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology, Department of Surgery

Picture of Dr. Lori Hanson

Dr. Lori Hanson B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Erfanul Hoque

Dr. Erfanul Hoque (he/him) MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Bonnie Janzen

Dr. Bonnie Janzen B.A (Hon), MEd, PhD
Associate Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Malcolm King

Dr. Malcolm King PhD, FCAHS
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Anne Leis

Dr. Anne Leis MSc, PhD
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Cari Dawn McIlduff

Dr. Cari Dawn McIlduff BA, PhD
Assistant Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Nazeem Muhajarine

Dr. Nazeem Muhajarine B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Cordell Neudorf

Dr. Cordell Neudorf BSc, MD, MHSc, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Cassandra Opikokew Wajuntah

Dr. Cassandra Opikokew Wajuntah BA, PhD, MPA
Associate Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Dr. Punam Pahwa PhD
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Juan-Nicolás  Peña-Sánchez

Dr. Juan-Nicolás Peña-Sánchez MD, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Kalyani Premkumar

Dr. Kalyani Premkumar MBBS, MD, MSc(MedEd), PhD, MBA
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Bruce Reeder

Dr. Bruce Reeder M.D., D.T.M.H., M.H.Sc., F.R.C.P.C.
Emeritus Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Picture of Dr. Lilian Thorpe

Dr. Lilian Thorpe BSc Double Honours, MSc, MD, PhD
Professor Community Health and Epidemiology

Medical Faculty

Picture of Dr. Ashok Chhetri

Dr. Ashok Chhetri MD, MPH
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Khami Chokani

Dr. Khami Chokani
Assistant Professor Division of Population Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Tania Diener

Dr. Tania Diener MBChB, MMed (Com Health), MPA, DTM, MFTM RCPS (Glasg)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Stanley Enebeli

Dr. Stanley Enebeli MPH, MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Ahmed Faress

Dr. Ahmed Faress MD, MSc, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Jasmine Hasselback

Dr. Jasmine Hasselback BSC, MD, MPH, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Maurice Hennink

Dr. Maurice Hennink MBChB, MMed (Com Helath)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. James Irvine

Dr. James Irvine MD, MSc, FCFP, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Adjunct Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Professor Emeritus Family Medicine

Picture of Dr. David Jones

Dr. David Jones MD, CCFP, FRCPC, MHSc, DSc(hc), LLD(hc), FACPM, FCFP, CCFP
Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Simon Kapaj

Dr. Simon Kapaj MD, MPH, ABPM, CPE, FACPM, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Ibrahim Khan

Dr. Ibrahim Khan MPH, Dr. in Public Health
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mohammad Khan

Dr. Mohammad Khan MD, MBA, MHSc (Bioethics)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Rotimi Kolawole

Dr. Rotimi Kolawole MBBS, MPH, CHE, CISAM, CCSAM, FRCPC (Public Health & Preventive Medicine), DRCPSC (Addiction Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Julie Kryzanowski

Dr. Julie Kryzanowski MD, MSc, FRCPC
Division Head Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Olanrewaju Medu

Dr. Olanrewaju Medu MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Nnamdi Ndubuka

Dr. Nnamdi Ndubuka PhD, MBBS, MPH
Associate Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Hortense Nsoh Tabien

Dr. Hortense Nsoh Tabien MD, PhD, MPH
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Mandiangu Nsungu

Dr. Mandiangu Nsungu MD, MPH, Dip. Obstet.
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. David Poon

Dr. David Poon BMSc, MD, MPH, CCFP (GPP), FRCP
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Rosemarie Ramsingh

Dr. Rosemarie Ramsingh MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Saqib Shahab

Dr. Saqib Shahab FRCPC, MBBS, MPH, MRCP(UK)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Isaac Sobol

Dr. Isaac Sobol BA, MD, CCFP, MHSc
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. David Torr

Dr. David Torr MD, MRCPC, DTM&H, DIH, MPH
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Picture of Dr. Denise Werker

Dr. Denise Werker BSc, MD, CCFP, MHSc, FRCPC (Public Health and Preventive Medicine)
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive Medicine