Home for the Holidays

Some of the CoM administration - and the SMSS president - share their favourite winter holiday traditions as the college prepares to shut down for a week

Revolutionizing fertility treatment

Ongoing research on ovarian follicle development at the CoM is changing how we use hormonal birth control, and helping patients dealing with infertility

Paws-ing ER stress

Once a week Murphy visits the Royal University Hospital emergency room as part of a pilot project looking at the benefits of having a support animal in the ER

Community practice

Dr. Sullivan may have been educated overseas, but returning to practice in Canada was always her end goal

Checking the foundation

We take a look at one of the six subcommittees helping to manage the accreditation process

PT celebrates new space

It's been 50 years coming, but the School of Physical Therapy has opened the doors to their new home in the Health Sciences Building

On track for Boston

Dean Preston Smith recently pulled his running shoes out of retirement and has the Boston Marathon in his sights

The students behind accreditation

The work being done by Nolan Rau and John Dickinson, the co-chairs of the Independent Student Analysis (ISA), is invaluable to the accreditation process

Focusing on mental health

Racheal Head is looking into the mental health care needs, and resources, of First Nation's youth

Back at it again

I tried to think about what I am most looking forward to for clerkship and I think the answer is 'people'

That familiar feeling

It only feels as if a few months have gone by since Dr. Malin’s first class about embryology, or when we were given our whitecoat and recited the Oath.

A big thanks to our residents

Resident Awareness Week is nearly over, but our thanks extend to all 52 weeks a year our residents help make a difference in their communities