Promotion is meant to signify the university’s acknowledgement of advancing contributions to teaching, research (scholarly activity) and academic administration. It should not be viewed as an acknowledgement of long-term service, although such service is deeply appreciated by the college and our learners.

Promotion for One Faculty

One Faculty refers to MD, PhD and academic program appointments.

Standards for Promotion 

Preparation of a Curriculum Vitae

  • Faculty should update their CV annually. Although you may not be going forward for promotion, it is recommended that you send an updated CV to your Department Head.
  • The CV should be formatted following the USask guidelines and can be generated in either a Word document or from the USask UnivRS system.

Preparation of a Teaching Dossier

Preparation of a Case File for Promotion

Tenure/Renewal of Probation (USFA only)

More information is available on the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Relations website.

Probationary period 
The year that the initial probationary period of your faculty appointment must be renewed can be found in your Offer of Employment letter from the university or by contacting Faculty Engagement.

The Faculty Engagement office is always ready to assist you in this process.

Timelines for the Promotion Process

Date Promotion Process for Faculty
by June 15 Candidate advises Department Head of decision to seek or not seek promotion
by Aug. 1 Candidate provides case file information in support of promotion to Department Head
by Oct. 21 Departmental Promotions Committee shall consider case and make recommendation to the College Review Committee
by Dec. 7 College Review Committee shall consider case and make recommendation to the University Review Committee
by Feb. 15 The University Review Committee considers all cases and submits its recommendations to the President for transmission to the Board of Governors
by March 31 The President advises all candidates of the decision of the Board

Peer Evaluation of Teaching Forms