Access your curriculum

Undergraduate curriculum, schedules and objectives are available through One45, an application accessible through the MEdIC channel in PAWS. In One45 you can:

  • View your academic schedules
  • View your rotation schedules
  • View objectives, handouts, and links for program, phase, course, session, and rotation
  • Send personal assessment forms to preceptors
  • Complete assigned course and instructor assessment forms
  • Review and signoff personal assessment results
  • Review procedure log and enter encounters

View curriculum and objectives

The entire database of undergraduate curriculum, schedules, and objectives is available here.

Accreditation Standards Supported:

    • 6.1 and 8.2: Enable all stakeholders to access learning objectives, course schedules, assessments and learning materials
    • 8.1: Track curricular content horizontally and vertically throughout the program
    • 8.3: Monitor the curriculum, including the content taught in each discipline, so that the program's educational objectives will be achieved […] and identify gaps and redundancies in the curriculum
    • 8.8: Monitor time students spend in educational and clinical activities

Program Learning Objectives

The graduating physician will integrate medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional attitudes to support delivery of healthcare across the lifespan and continuum of care. This includes considering determinants of health and modifiers of illness, together with unique individual characteristics and
circumstances to guide diagnosis and facilitate patient-and-family centered evidence- informed care.
  • Describe human development, structure, and function including the inherent variability in health and disease.
  • Address the determinants of health to support individuals, families, and communities.
  • Develop an approach to acute and chronic diseases.
  • Apply evidence-informed principles of surveillance and screening.
  • Apply population health promotion and public health principles.
  • Describe the spectrum of pathology and pathophysiology of acute and chronic diseases.
  • Describe the range of presentations of acute and chronic diseases.
  • Obtain an appropriate and accurate patient-centredhistory.
  • Proficiently perform an appropriate physical examination.
  • Respond appropriately to the patient with a potentially urgent/emergent presentation.
  • Develop a prioritized differential diagnosis through clinical reasoning and integration of clinical information.
  • Select appropriate diagnostic investigations and interpret results.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in basic procedural skills relevant to clinical care.
  • Develop and implement an appropriate patient-centered and evidence-informed management plan.
  • Discuss how to address patient safety issues

The graduating physician will work with patients, their support networks, and their healthcare teams to facilitate the gathering, recording, and sharing of essential information for effective healthcare.

  • Utilize effective communication skills to develop/maintain professional, therapeutic, and culturally sensitive relationships with patients and their families.
  • Facilitate shared decision making with patients and their families.
  • Document and share written and verbal information that is accurate, comprehensive, and timely to optimize both clinical decision making and patient safety, while ensuring confidentiality, and privacy

The graduating physician will engage in collaborative care, demonstrate interprofessional competencies, utilize community resources, and apply principles of patient-and family-centred care.
  • Work constructively with other health care team members utilizing effective collaborative skills

Physicians engage with others to contribute to a high-quality health care system and take responsibility for the delivery of competent patient care through their activities as clinicians, administrators, scholars, and teachers. The graduating physician will have foundational knowledge in the areas of self-directed and self-managed professional practice.

  • Engage in stewardship of healthcare resources using best practices.
  • Employ technologic resources effectively in patient care
  • Manage career planning recognizing personal and societal considerations.
  • Contribute to the improvement of healthcare delivery
  • Employ effective leadership skills.

Graduating physicians are able to advocate individually or collectively. Advocacy can influence patient care, public health, and health policy. To advocate effectively for equitable health outcomes physicians need to a) understand the determinants of health, principles of health system organizations, economics, and ethical and legal issues b) develop advocacy, competencies and skills

  • Develop effective advocacy skills for application toward improving the health of individuals and communities.

The graduating physician commits to the process of lifelong reflective learning. The graduating physician accepts the responsibility to identify, evaluate, share, translate, apply, teach, and enhance medical knowledge for the benefit of patients, students, colleagues, and society as a whole. This can be accomplished through the critical appraisal of information and evaluating equitable and ethical application of knowledge to research and practice.

  • Demonstrate self-directed learning skills utilizing appropriate resources and critical research appraisal
  • Integrate best available evidence into practice.
  • Apply principles of research and health information literacy to learning and practice
  • Facilitate the learning of others.

The graduating physician commits to the health and well-being of individuals and society through ethical practice, profession-led regulation, and high standards of personal behavior. The graduating physician adheres to codes of ethics, commits to clinical excellence, and embraces appropriate attitudes and behaviors, including: honesty, altruism, integrity, commitment to duty and responsibility, compassion, empathy, and respect for others

  • Demonstrate reflective practice including maintaining competence and recognizing personal wellness and limitations
  • Demonstrate responsibility to patients and family through competent and safe professional care.
  • Utilize ethical and legal principles important in medicine, including informed consent, confidentiality, capacity, patient autonomy, boundaries, and privacy.
  • Demonstrate honesty, altruism, integrity, commitment to duty and responsibility, compassion, empathy, and respect for others
  • Demonstrate social accountability including recognizing community health concerns and
    social determinants of health.
  • Demonstrate accountability to the profession as outlined in rules, regulations, and ethical codes fostering mutual respect and collegiality.
  • Demonstrate culturally safe and respectful care of all patients including First Nations, Inuit, and Metis.
  • Demonstrate time management for effectively meeting professional responsibilities and personal needs


The MD program consists of two years of pre-clerkship and and two years of clerkship = four-year program.

The undergraduate curriculum is:

  • 2 years of pre-clerkship courses
  • 2 years of clerkship

The curriculum is:

  • Learner centered
  • CASE-based (Cooperative, Active, Self-Directed and/or Experiential learning)
  • Integrated case studies to link basic and clinical science learning
  • Reflective of CANMed roles, FMEC recommendations, MCC objectives, and accreditation standards

Indigenous Health Curriculum

The MD program has a diverse Indigenous health curriculum that is constantly adding new learning opportunities. Many opportunities exist with a focus on Indigenous health, including:

  • guest lectures from leading experts
  • case studies
  • inter-professional problem based learning module
  • community service learning projects
  • communication module

An Indigenous Health Committee exists to guide Indigenous health opportunities in the MD curriculum.

Curriculum Renewal

Student Information Guide & Syllabi

Syllabi 2024/2025

Year 1

Year 2

MEDC 111 (Success in Medical School I)
MEDC 132 (Medicine and Society I)
MEDC 133 (Clinical Skills I)
MEDC 136 (Foundations I)
MEDC 142 (Medicine and Society II)
MEDC 143 (Clinical Skills II)
MEDC 146 (Foundations II)


MEDC 211 (Success in Medical School II)
MEDC 232 (Medicine and Society III)
MEDC 233 (Clinical Skills III)

MEDC 236 (Foundations III)
MEDC 242 (Medicine and Society IV) 
MEDC 243 (Clinical Skills IV)
MEDC 246 (Foundations IV)


Year 3

Year 4

MEDC 308 (Selected Topics in Medicine)
MEDC 311 (Success in Medical School III)
MEDC 332 (Clinical Rotations I)
MEDC 334 (Saskatchewan Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship)


MEDC 407 (Elective Clinical Rotations)
MEDC 408 (Selective Clinical Rotations)


Entrustable Professional Activity

Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are responsibilities that learners should be entrusted to do without direct supervision by the time they enter residency. Instructors and learners are asked to document observations of these activities through One45.

Program Feedback Tool

Before you submit your feedback:


Why your feedback is important:

Feedback from students is part of the UGME’s continuous quality improvement work.  Your feedback is valued, and we use feedback submitted through this to tool to identify problems that need to be solved in a timely way, as well as things that are going well.   

What happens to your feedback?

Feedback submitted through this tool is shared with a small group within the Undergraduate Medical Education Program administrative team. It is then de-identified by an Administrative staff member (all your personal information removed) and sent to the relevant instructor, Module/Course Director, or Rotation Coordinator who needs to respond.  You will receive confirmation from the Administrative Staff member that your feedback has been received, and the type of actions being taken in response to your feedback. 

How to make your feedback useful:

Please remember, the ability to communicate in a professional manner is a cornerstone of being a physician. As you submit your feedback, please note that constructive comments are very useful. Specific details are especially helpful for understanding what went well and for identifying areas that need improvement.

For example, providing details of teaching methods that you found especially helpful will ensure that they are continued. If you feel that an instructor didn’t teach a specific area well, please explain what they did that did not work well.

All comments received through the feedback system are screened prior to dissemination and anything considered inappropriate (i.e., personal attacks or offensive language) is edited or removed. Thus, to ensure that your feedback is heard, please provide comments in a professional, constructive manner using examples where appropriate.

The Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) method of providing information has been chosen as a tool for you to use to structure your feedback as it is is used in patient care environments.  Using SBAR in this context gives you an opportunity to practice summarizing your observations in a concise and actionable manner.

Situation—What happened?  What is the situation?  Why are you submitting this feedback?

Background—What is the relevant background/context to this situation?  Provide an objective description of the events.

Assessment— Tell us your take on this situation. What is the impact on your learning?

Recommendation—What would you recommend? What would you like to see continue? What can be improved for future situations of a similar nature?


Thank-you for your feedback!