Activity-based Teaching Payments
This form of teaching payment is generally for Medical Faculty who practice on a fee-for-service basis. There are two categories of Activity-based teaching:
1. Event-based teaching is defined as teaching that is scheduled as part of the undergraduate (UG) or postgraduate (PG) curricula and is performed using time dedicated solely to teaching, with no concurrent patient care duties. Medical faculty are not being paid to see patients while performing event-based teaching.
2. Clinical teaching is defined as teaching that is performed concurrently with patient care. Usually this means that faculty involved in clinical teaching are being paid to see patients while they perform their teaching duties.
Please contact for activity-based teaching questions.
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- If you have a Medical Professional Corporation: please download and complete the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Application for Vendors form and attach a copy of your void cheque.
MPC- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
- If you do NOT have a Medical Professional Corporation: please download and complete the Service Provider Direct Deposit form and attach a copy of your void cheque.
Submit the form that applies to you with a copy of your void cheque to; and as soon as possible to avoid any payment delays. If you have additional questions or require additional support to set up your direct deposit or EFT, please call ConnectionPoint at (306) 966-2000.
Please note: The University of Saskatchewan has instructed that any individuals or corporations who are currently being paid via cheque should submit banking information, as described above, to set up directed deposit or electronic fund transfers. To avoid payment delay please complete the appropriate forms and send your banking information directly to as soon as possible.
Leadership Contracts
Medical Faculty may be contracted to perform academic leadership roles. Examples include UGME and PGME directors, coordinators, site leads or module leads. These positions may be college-wide or departmental and are advertised.
Academic Clinical Funding Plan
An Academic Clinical Funding Plan (ACFP) is a provincial standardized contract between a physician, the College of Medicine (CoM) and the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA). The ACFP is inclusive of all academic and clinical services provided by the physician, and outlines clear deliverables in each domain. Academic services may include teaching, research and administration. A physician’s billing number is inactive during the life of the contract.
The ACFP is a three-year contract with an Individual Service Agreement (ISA) appended. The ISA outlines detailed academic and clinical deliverables and is reviewed annually. Key aspects of the ACFP model include:
- Protected time for academic work
- Benchmarked/ standardized rates
- Consistent compensation rate for academic and clinical work
Academic Clinical Funding Plan |
Academic Clinical Funding Plan Office |
Canadian Resident Matching Service |
Continuing Medical Education |
CoM |
College of Medicine |
Electronic Medical Records |
Finance and Administration Manager |
Fee for Service |
Full-time Equivalency |
Goods and Services Tax |
Individual Services Agreement |
Medical Services Branch |
MF |
Medical Faculty |
MoH |
Ministry of Health |
Objective Structured Clinical Exams |
Physicians’ Billing Office |
Postgraduate Medical Education |
PH |
Provincial Head |
Practitioner Staff Affairs |
Saskatchewan Health Authority |
Saskatchewan Medical Association |
Undergraduate Medical Education |
Workers’ Compensation Board |
1. What should I do if I am interested in obtaining an ACFP contract?
Please contact your Provincial Head (PH) to express interest. The PH will work with the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) and the College of Medicine (CoM) to determine if an ACFP and associated funding is available. If approved for development, the PH will work with you and the Academic Clinical Funding Plan Office (ACFP-O) to develop an ACFP contract.
2. What certifications do I need in order to obtain a specialist ACFP contract?
Physicians on an ACFP are expected to be entitled to shadow bill specialist codes for their specialty in order to achieve the service deliverables outlined on the Individual Service Agreement (ISA). This entitlement is evaluated and granted by CPSS as part of the licensure process.
3. Can I change my ACFP from a personal contract to professional corporation contract?
Yes. Once you have a professional corporation in place, please notify the Finance and Administration Manager (FAM) for your department who will facilitate the required changes. You will need to complete new banking forms and initial the changes in your contract.
4. Does the ACFP allow for work to be completed outside of the province of Saskatchewan?
Clinical services can only be paid for when completed for residents/beneficiaries of Saskatchewan within the meaning of The Saskatchewan Medical Care Insurance Act. Academic services may at times be provided outside the province if it has been clearly identified within the ACFP deliverables and is for activities that are deemed to produce results that are of primary benefit to the CoM and/or the university (e.g., member of multi-province task force). It does not cover volunteer work. All out-of-province work must be approved by the PH in advance of the work being completed. A copy of this approval must accompany the monthly invoice or the associated hours will not be paid.
5. Can I provide part time services outside the ACFP contract (e.g., operate an outpatient clinic or have other contracts with outside organizations)?
The ACFP is a whole time contract inclusive of all insured services, whether it is a full time or part time contract. Some uninsured third party services may be performed outside the stipulated weeks in your contract, as per the Payments/Third Party Policy for Uninsured Services. The incorporation of other applicable agreements may be discussed with your PH when developing your ACFP.
A physician with significant third party contracts may request an ACFP contract at less than a full time FTE. A request to work a reduced FTE must be pre-approved in writing by the PH, the CoM and the SHA. Also see Change Process questions.
As an independent contractor, you are responsible to declare all services and income.
6. Do I get vacation time?
As an independent contractor paid vacation does not apply. ACFP contracts cover 44 weeks annually, leaving eight weeks of uncontracted time per year for the contractor to use as they deem appropriate (e.g., personal time, CME, holiday).
7. Do I get benefits?
As an independent contractor, employee benefits do not apply. You may wish to make your own arrangements or contact the SMA to discuss benefit options they arrange for Saskatchewan physicians.
8. What is included in onsite overhead?
The principle with regards to general overhead charges is, it is a contractor’s contributing share of a collection of business costs related to both the department that the contractor performs their work in and the greater college that houses said department.
More specifically, general office expenses are purchased as a package and the standard amount of $8000 is charged to cover a multitude of expenses. Such expenses include, but are not limited to: desk phones, faxes, printers, postage, couriers, paper, other sundry office expenses and non-directed administrative support work. This rate was deemed reasonable when averaging expenses of this nature and is intended to reduce the amount of administrative minutia that could come from highly individualized overhead. Outside of the general overhead charges discussed above, your practice may incur additional expenses that are not covered by this standard overhead, including but not limited to: SHA and/or offsite lease agreements, USask or non-USask clinical clerical support, and EMR services.
Note: the amount of general overhead charges may vary from department to department
9. What is the process with respect to overhead invoicing and payment?
There are numerous ways to handle overhead invoicing and payments. You will receive an invoice directly from your department for the overhead costs. The frequency of this invoice can be determined between yourself and the FAM or department contact. Invoices can be sent and paid no more frequently than monthly and no less frequently than quarterly. Check with your FAM as to the frequency of invoicing and the method used in your department. You can pay the overhead invoice either by cheque or credit card.
10. If I am on an ACFP contract am I required to fully participate in on-call?
Physicians on an ACFP are required to fully participate in providing on-call service ensuring the collective Division members cover the 52 week calendar year in accordance with the call rotation(s) of the department as determined by the PH. The scheduling of call coverage responsibilities is arranged equitably and collaboratively among the medical faculty in the department and the PH.
ACFP payment rates are set based on full on-call participation. In special circumstances the PH may agree to waive the on call requirement and the ACFP rate would be reduced to reflect this decreased level of service. Please note stipends for on call service are in addition to the ACFP contract and are paid quarterly by the SHA.
11. How are the ACFP benchmarks rates determined?
The ACFP benchmarks represent the 60th percentiles of either the Saskatchewan Fee-For-Service for that specialty or the compensation rates of the western provinces (British Columbia across Ontario), whichever of the two is higher. ACFP rates are subject to provincially negotiated fee adjustments.
12. If I am involved in the SMA Clinical Quality Improvement Program (CQIP) is the work eligible as part of my ACFP contract? Involvement types include: physician participants enrolled in CQIP; physician faculty members; physician coaches.
No, CQIP involvement is not eligible as part of your ACFP contracted time. This time would be outside the ACFP and is not permitted to overlap. Physicians receive remuneration for their time spent on CQIP from the SMA.
13. Why is my ACFP contract for three years and my ISA only for one year?
ACFPs are three-year contracts whereas the ISAs outline annual deliverables within the context of that contract. This provides the flexibility to adjust the deliverables of the contract annually to meet fluctuating needs while providing the security of a three-year contract.
14. Are research deliverables also evaluated annually?
Progress on research deliverables should be discussed annually but it is recognized that research productivity cannot necessarily be assessed in a yearly cycle. Therefore, research contributions will be considered over the 3-year period of the contract.
15. Why is billing data used to set and monitor deliverables?
Shadow billing is intended to provide an overall picture of a physician’s practice and workload. It is not intended to promote high volume based services, but is a metric to evaluate changes in the types and levels of services being provided. Shadow billing data provides a basis for discussion with the Provincial Heads during annual review meetings.
Clinical deliverables within individual service agreements are set through analysis of existing in-province FFS billings for that particular specialty. Through this analysis, adjustments may be made for local practice differences, sub-specialized or practice focus, complexity of patients, etc. Billing analysis includes billings from outpatient/clinic, inpatient, and on-call services. These billings are used to form the basis of the ISA deliverables, and are adjusted and refined in collaboration with the PH. Where there is a lack of billings to analyze in a particular specialty or sub-specialty, the SHA works with the PH and division to help set appropriate deliverables.
16. What do I do if I think available FFS data used to set clinical deliverables is not reflective of my work?
ISAs are developed based on current FFS billing practices for each specialty and subspecialty group. Shadow billing within an ACFP contract utilizes the same codes as a FFS physician in that specialty or subspecialty. An example of a specialty is “General Neurology” and subspecialty is “Stroke Neurology” which may yield a unique set of clinical deliverables (FFS billings).
If the PH and physician determine that the billing targets set out in the physician’s ISA do not reflect the work being provided or required by the department, a discussion with the ACFP office around possible adjustments can be initiated by the PH.
If there are specific fee codes you feel do not reflect your work and wish to present additional codes for consideration, this can be brought forward as an application to the SMA’s Tariff Committee.
17. What happens if the SHA is not able to provide funded outpatient/clinical space to service my practise within its facilities?
The ACFP contract deliverables are independent from any shared or leased clinical/administrative space. As independent contractors, physicians may choose to utilize off-site workspaces to meet contracted deliverables.
18. Are no-shows or last minute cancellations accounted for within my clinical service numbers?
ISA clinical targets are developed based on billed patient services that have been provided by each specialty group historically, and therefore patient cancellations are accounted for in the ISA deliverables.
19. Why are codes from the Virtual Care Pilot Payment Schedule for Virtual Care Services Provided by a Physician (virtual care service codes) not permitted to be included in an ISA?
Virtual care service codes are currently a pilot and are contained in a separate schedule, Virtual Care Pilot Payment Schedule for Virtual Care Services Provided by a Physician. The pilot program for virtual care service codes was negotiated as part of the last ratified agreement between the Ministry and the Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA). A review of the pilot program is currently underway.
Physician contractors on ACFPs are able to shadow bill these virtual care service codes in relation to the in-person permanent codes already contained within the Payment Schedule for Insured Services Provided by a Physician with no penalty to their ISA deliverables (e.g. 7P follow-up assessment can also be shadow billed as 807P – virtual follow up assessment when a virtual follow-up visit is medically required and clinically appropriate). The expectation is that the physician will meet the billing criteria outlined in the Virtual Care Pilot Payment Schedule for Virtual Care Services Provided by a Physician for any virtual service codes shadow billed.
All billed codes will appear on reports pulled for department evaluations from the Medical Services Branch of the Ministry of Health.
The expectation is that virtual care is a tool to support the delivery of medically necessary physician services when it is safe and appropriate and it should not completely replace in-person patient care nor should it compromise the standard of care.
20. What is the process to end or renew contracts?
Termination and renewal of contracts will be handled as per the terms outlined in Section 5 of the ACFP contract.
Midway through the final year of the contract, the physician and PH will discuss whether there is interest to renew or let the contract end. This will provide adequate time for renewal or transition discussions to occur before the contract expires.
21. How do I request a change to my ACFP contract?
It is expected that, whenever possible, 90 days’ notice will be provided when requesting a change to your contract. All changes must be approved in advance of the commencement of those changes (not retroactively). All changes must be approved by the PH, and changes to academic or clinical FTEs must also be approved by the funders.
Complete the ACFP Change Request Form and provide it to your PH. The PH will discuss the request with you and other impacted parties. If the requested change is supported, both you and the PH will sign the form and return it to the ACFP Office. The ACFP-O will facilitate the necessary approvals and documentation of the required contract/ISA and/or funding agreement changes.
22. Can I be absent from my contract for a period of time?
A 1.0 FTE ACFP contract covers 44 weeks (220 days) of service that is provided over the 52 weeks available each contract year. It is expected that short periods of time away will be handled as part of the eight weeks of uncontracted time. Extended time away (greater than 60 consecutive days) from contracted service deliverables, may require resignation of the current contract if not pre-approved by the PH (see below).
23. If I am planning a long-term absence from the ACFP, what do I need to do to assist with coverage?
If you are planning a long term absence (> 60 consecutive days), please discuss well in advance with the PH.
The process to take an absence from the contract begins with an ACFP Change Request Form submitted to the department for written approval. Once the form and time period impacted is submitted, further discussions may take place. While every effort will be made to accommodate these requests, the service needs of the SHA and CoM will factor into these decisions. This is a joint process with advance notification required and with formal coverage arrangements made outside of the ACFP by the stakeholders. With the change form and the time period confirmed, the department may make a request to SHA’s Practitioner Staff Affairs (PSA) and the CoM to assist with coverage and contractual arrangements. The replacement physician who provides clinical and/or academic services would not assume your contract.
24. Can I change my contracted FTE during the contract year?
See Change Process questions. Because your request involves a change to your ISA deliverables, you will need to complete an ACFP Change Request Form in consultation with the PH.
25. I need to adjust my deliverables and/or FTE, can this be done retroactively?
Retroactive requests will only be accepted for further approvals/processing if it is received within the same month of the effective date. Future dated changes will always be accepted for further approvals and processing. Retroactive changes will not be accepted outside of the same 3 year ACFP.
26. What is a “half-day”? What is a “full day?”
Within the ACFP context, a half-day is defined as a five-hour period of work whereas a full day is defined as a 10-hour period of work. For a 1.0 FTE the ACFP contract year includes 440 half-days, equivalent to 220 full days, or 2,200 hours.
27. Is there a weekly maximum number of half-days I can invoice?
The ACFP whole-time contract (1.0 FTE) is based on a 10 hour day, with a maximum of 220 worked days per year. Generally the intent is to be full time M-F meaning that up to 10 half-days per week (5 working days, at 10 hours per day) may be invoiced. In situations where more than 10 half-days per week are invoiced, pre-approval by the Department/Provincial Head may be required. Please confirm with your Department leader if you intend to deviate from the standard ACFP work week. Note: on-call hours should not be included on your invoices, as those services are paid for through a separate stipend process and are considered outside the ACFP contracted hours.
28. What do I do if there is a discrepancy between the number of approved services provided by MSB and my EMR?
The number of approved services may not match the number of services showing in the physician’s EMR due to the application of the payment schedule assessment and billing rules to submitted claims. Services must be submitted as shadow billings and not as a Fee-for-service (FFS) submission. This will result in a rejection of submitted services.
As per the MSB Billing Agreement, it is the responsibility of the physician to reconcile any rejected or returned claims.
If there is a large discrepancy between the number of approved services provided by MSB compared to those in the physician’s EMR, please ensure that:
- All claims provided for the contract period have been submitted to MSB Claims. If you are aware that a number of your claims will be submitted late, please notify the ACFP-O to ensure that the MSB data request is sent once all the claims have been submitted and reviewed.
- All rejected and returned claims have been reconciled. Returned claims are those which have incorrect or missing information and require a second submission. Physicians are encouraged to have their billing clerk call MSB Claims if they are unable or unsure how to reconcile returned or rejected claims. Note: all submissions must be submitted to MSB Claims within 6 months of service or claims will be rejected.
- ACFP Office:
- MSB Claims: (306) 787-3454
29. Can I invoice for work or attendance at approved events if they occur on a weekend?
It is expected this would be a rare occurrence as most clinical and academic activity occurs Monday through Friday.
On-call services are not an invoiced activity as they are paid for through a separate stipend process and are considered outside the ACFP contracted hours. However, if the work, as outlined in your ISA, is on an approved Clinical Teaching Unit or scheduled outpatient clinic, which requires that you are on-site for a minimum of a half day per weekend day (+5hours), you may invoice for a half day per weekend day.
You can invoice for academic activities that take place on a weekend (e.g., conference, CaRMS interviews) if those activities were pre-approved by the PH.
30. How do I invoice for a week that contains a statutory holiday?
Paid statutory holidays are an employment construct and do not apply to independent contractors. If you work onsite for a minimum of a half day (five hours) you should invoice for this half day. If you do not work, it would be considered one of the days not covered within the 44 weeks of the contract.
31. Do I need to charge GST on my invoice?
Clinical Service
The SHA has consulted with a professional accounting firm and they conclude that the separate supply of clinical services made by a licensed physician does qualify as a GST exempt supply. They also consulted with the MoH, which indicated clinical services within an ACFP are GST exempt, similar to FFS. Therefore, invoices issued by physicians for clinical services under the ACFP agreements should not include GST.
Non-clinical Service
Certain payments for non-clinical services may not be exempt from the GST. This may include, but is not limited to, administrative, advisory and teaching services provided as a result of contractual agreements or other payment arrangements with physicians, either directly with the physician or through a medical corporation. The CoM and the SHA have been advised that to charge or not charge GST is a matter between the business provider and the Canada Revenue Agency. As such, we are not able to provide specific direction to you on this matter and we strongly recommend that you consult with your tax advisor.
After receiving advice from your tax advisor should you determine that GST will be charged for the non-clinical services, your invoice is required to contain the following information:
a. Your GST number
b. Amount of the invoice subject to GST
c. Applicable GST
32. What is the expectation for oversight with respect to information provided on my invoices?
There is a requirement that the information provided is in sufficient detail and verifiable such that it would meet the expectations of our accreditors, auditors and other interested agencies (e.g. Canada Revenue Agency). Due to the nuances of each department’s services, the PH and the FAM will work together to develop practices that ensure the necessary degree of certainty is reached.
33. When can I invoice for time to attend a conference?
You may invoice for your time to present/ lecture on original research related to the deliverables within your ISA. You can also invoice for time spent preparing for your presentation/ lecture/ poster. Time for personal or professional development, networking or personal interest cannot be invoiced for. If you are unsure, prior to attendance please check with the FAM in your department who can facilitate, if necessary the PHs preapproval and obtain this in writing.
34. I plan to present a paper at several conferences throughout the year. Is there a limit to the number of times I can invoice for a presentation of the same paper?
There is no defined maximum number of times you may invoice for a presentation of the same paper. The number of times will be limited by the protected time available within your ACFP and the degree to which the presentation supports delivery of the research outcomes identified within your ISA. If you are unsure, prior to attendance please check with the FAM in your department for guidance. If necessary, they will elevate your request to the PH for pre-approval.
35. I am presenting a paper on one day of an upcoming three-day conference. The paper is based on my own research and part of the research deliverable that has been identified within my ISA. How much time do I invoice for this work?
There is no pre-defined number of days you may invoice. The total amount of supported time to present research must be seen to be reasonable when taking into account the portion of your FTE related to this work and the expected outcomes. If you are unsure, prior to attendance please check with the FAM in your department for guidance. If necessary, they will elevate your request to the PH for pre-approval.
36. Can I invoice for time and expenses when attending CME events as a participant?
CME is a requirement for MF to keep their clinical skills current, and therefore attendance at such an event is outside the contract and should not be invoiced for. This may be taken during the eight weeks of non-contracted time.
37. Do I need to invoice separately for prep and/or assessment time associated with each hour of didactic teaching I provide?
You do not need to invoice separately. Add prep time to your teaching time. You may invoice for up to a half hour of prep time for each hour of didactic teaching.
38. Do I invoice for bedside teaching?
No. Bedside teaching is important teaching that involves or is related to a specific patient and occurs in conjunction with clinical service. It is compensated for as part of the clinical service deliverables identified within your ISA.
39. Do I invoice for teaching related to medical student electives?
No. Elective teaching is important clinically based teaching for clerks (JURSIs) and residents and occurs in conjunction with clinical service. It is compensated for as part of the clinical service deliverables identified within your ISA.
40. Do I invoice for Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCE)?
Yes. OSCEs are provided as part of the UGME and PGME academic teachings and should be identified on your monthly invoice.
41. Do I invoice for time taken to provide feedback to the residents?
No. Resident feedback is defined as specific feedback provided to residents for the purpose of supporting their development and success. It can happen formally and informally. If a resident is having difficulty and formal intervention is needed this is the role of the Program Director. Informal resident feedback happens on a daily basis and is expected to occur as a normal practice in conjunction with clinical service. It does not need to be invoiced for as it is compensated for as part of the clinical services identified within your ISA.
42. How do I invoice for PGME teaching when it is usually done on a rotation and hard to track?
All PGME rotational based teaching is compensated under the clinical portion of your ISA as part of your overall clinical duties.
You may invoice for time spent preparing and delivering formal presentations/ lectures to residents. You may invoice for up to a half hour of prep time for each hour of didactic teaching.
43. Can I supervise MSc and PhD students while on an ACFP contract?
Yes. The College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies oversees the provision for the supervision of MSc and PhD students. Your academic appointment with the university provides you the opportunity to become a member of the CGPS. For further details please refer to their website at .
This supervision would be invoiced under academic research.
44. Can I invoice for time to attend mandatory training such as iPBL, TEMES, orientation for Clinical Integration, etc.
Yes. Mandatory attendance at training is recognized as billable time. However, prior to attendance ensure that your PH is in agreement. The FAM in your department can facilitate, if necessary, acquiring your PH's written pre-approval.
45. Can I invoice for attendance at a workshop on teaching skills?
Professional development related to the improvement of teaching skills is something the CoM encourages. If you wish to invoice for this time, please obtain PH written agreement prior to attendance.
There are a number of factors the PH may consider when determining approval:
- physician’s years of experience
- Relevancy to expected deliverables
- Needs of the department
Leadership and Administration
46. When can I invoice for time taken to attend meetings?
Most ISAs have provided a standard 5% to attend clinical and academic meetings and it is expected you will invoice for related activities. If you are unsure, prior to attendance please check with the FAM in your department for guidance. If necessary, they will elevate your request to the PH for written pre-approval.
47. Can I invoice for participating in clinical and academic leadership activities?
Clinical and academic leadership activities must be related to deliverables identified within your ISA. Participation in leadership roles beyond those required by departmental mandate must be pre-approved by the PH if you are intending to invoice for the activity. It is expected that invoiced amounts will proportionally reflect the leadership activity undertaken.
48. Can I invoice for time spent participating in Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS) interviews?
49. Can I invoice for reimbursement of expenses associated with attending meetings or conferences?
Unless alternate arrangements have been made and approved in writing by the PH in advance, the physician is responsible for all expenses associated with the delivery of their contract.
50. Will CPP and income tax come off my pay automatically?
As an independent contractor, no deductions will be taken from your payment or remitted on your behalf.
51. When do I receive my stipend for call?
On call stipends are paid quarterly (March, June, September and December) by the SHA.
52. How long will it take for me to receive my monthly payment for academic services after submitting my invoice?
Invoice submissions will be processed each month with payment issued net 30 days from receipt of the invoice. Direct deposit timeframes may differ depending on the contractor’s financial institution.
53. How long will it take for me to receive my monthly payment for clinical services after submitting my invoice?
Automatic clinical payments are issued on the 15th of every month
54. How is my clinical payment amount determined?
Automatic monthly clinical payments will be equalized over the course of 11 months. The 12th month will be issued based on the actual invoice submitted and with consideration to the overall annual reconciliation of the contract and services provided for the 12-month period. However, if monthly invoice submissions are more than 60 days past due from the last day invoiced, automatic monthly clinical payments will cease.
55. Why is the payment issued now net 30 days from receipt of the invoice versus 10 business days?
Given that there are two different payments being issued, payment processing will now align with the university and the SHA’s payment policies.
University payment policy is that payment is issued net 30 days from receipt of invoice. This is a maximum timeframe for payment, and we will continue to process and issue payment as quickly as possible.
56. Why do I receive two payments?
The university issues payment for academic services and GST on academic deliverables. The SHA issues payment for clinical services.
57. Why do I need to participate in an annual review?
Your ACFP contract stipulates that performance will, at a minimum, be evaluated annually. This formal review will occur each year during the anniversary period of your contract.
In addition to meeting the contractual requirements of the ACFP, the annual review is intended to enable two-way dialogue between the physician and the PH. With a focus on accountability, planning, and development, the review provides an opportunity to:
- review performance of deliverables
- discuss ISA adjustments, as needed
- highlight accomplishments in the previous year
- identify and address challenges and concerns
- identify goals and development opportunities
- discuss academic career development and progress toward promotion, if desired
- provide coaching, mentorship and career guidance
- provide department leadership with feedback
58. Are there other times that I will/should be reviewed?
To ensure that you are supported and on target to meet your academic and clinical deliverables, progress will be reported on and discussed as you and/or your PH deem necessary.
59. Who initiates the review meetings?
The department FAM will ensure the review meetings are scheduled.
60. What do I need to have prepared for my review meeting?
Check with your department FAM to confirm required preparation/ documentation.
61. What if my clinical or academic deliverables are split between more than one department?
If you have a reporting structure into two departments, the PH of each department will be asked to participate in your annual evaluation. If a primary PH has been identified, that individual may facilitate the processes and conversations pertaining to the annual review. Evaluations may include an assessment of deliverables from each department’s perspective.
62. Where can I get my clinical billing information?
You may review your clinical shadow billing data at any time through your billing clerk. The MoH provides quarterly shadow billing analysis reports which capture services provided by date of payment. The MoH also provides an annual shadow billing analysis report which captures services by service date to inform the clinical portion of the year-end evaluation process. The shadow billing reports capture the services by service date rather than date of payment.
63. What are the evaluation ratings based on?
The contract stipulates the ratings will be based on a four-point Likert Scale (under review) for clinical and combined academic deliverables as well as overall performance.
64. If, as a result of my review, I need to adjust my deliverables and/or FTE, how do I do that?
See Change Process questions.
65. When is my ACFP contract renewed?
Discussions to renew your contract will happen in the final year of your contract.
66. What if I don’t agree with the outcome of my annual review?
If agreement cannot be reached on the outcome of your annual review, the matter may be handled as outlined in your ACFP Contract, Section 9 – Dispute Resolution.
67. As an independent contractor do I have academic freedom?
Yes. Academic freedom is provided under The University of Saskatchewan Act and granted for any related academic duties as part of an individual's appointment with the university, regardless of compensation model.
68. Will the university support Medical Faculty if they are named in legal action such as a human rights complaint that is centered on academic decisions?
Any MD formally engaged with the CoM, will have general liability protection and will be supported by the university through any potential claims centered on academic decisions.
69. Can the college/university logo be used in conjunction with clinic and other logos on business cards, fax sheets, letterhead and other relevant materials?
Yes. We encourage all medical faculty to include the college/university logo in their materials.
Logos and usage guidelines are available at
70. If I sign an ACFP contract, would all of my research funding (i.e. public funding such as SHRF and CIHR funds, and industry funding from clinical trials) need to flow through the College of Medicine?
If a physician receives protected research time through an ACFP contract, and he/she applies for (and is awarded) funding from an external agency through their CoM appointment, then these funds must be administrated through the university, unless specifically not allowed by the funder.
Under review: Clinical trials are not recognized as research within the ACFP model, and as such, protected time is not provided within the ACFP contract. If the physician wishes to complete clinical trials outside his/her ACFP protected time, he/she may do so, but all expenses and revenues associated with this research including any administration is the sole responsibility of the physician researcher.
71. Many funding agencies require the Principal Investigator to have a university appointment, how is this handled for medical faculty on an ACFP contract?
Medical faculty engaged with the CoM have an academic appointment that represents their ongoing relationship with the university. This appointment is separate and distinct from the various forms in which medical faculty are remunerated. Physicians engaged with the CoM will receive a university appointment letter from the Provost’s office that will provide them the ability to apply for and hold research funds. Granting of research funds is subject to the relevant terms and conditions of the granting agency.
Contact Information
If you did not find the information you are looking for here, or you have additional questions or concerns about ACFP contracts, please email