Admissions News and Announcements
The University of Saskatchewan's (USask) College of Medicine recognizes the need for greater diversity within the medical profession to address healthcare disparities and better serve diverse patient populations. To actively promote health equity, the college will be introducing an optional Black Student Admissions Pathway (BSAP) designed to increase representation of Black students within our medical school.
The BSAP pathway will be introduced in the 2025 application cycle (for entry in 2026). More information regarding the BSAP pathway will be made available ahead of the 2025 application cycle.
Indigenous Studies prerequisite: By the application deadline, applicants will be required to have successfully completed an approved Indigenous Studies prerequisite course. For the course to be considered towards meeting this requirement, the course must be listed on our approved list of courses. As courses are reviewed and approved, they will be added to the list. Applicants that have not taken a 3 credit unit (or equivalent) course from the approved list, a certificate of successful completion from the Indigenous Canada course from University of Alberta via Coursera or Building an Awareness of Cultural Humility course offered by the University of Saskatchewan will fulfill the requirement for the 2025 application cycle.
For a course to be considered towards meeting this requirement, the course must be listed on our approved list of courses. It is imperative that applicants review the list of approved courses to ensure that they have met the requirement. Note: As courses are reviewed and approved, they will be added to this list. If an applicant has completed already or has plans to take a course that is not on the list, they need to email clearly outlining course details (institution, course number, course description, start date, and a link to the course syllabus) prior to the application deadline to ensure approval of the course.
For applicants that have completed their undergraduate degree and are enrolled in a graduate program or are not attending a post-secondary institution, a certificate of successful completion from the Indigenous Canada course offered by the University of Alberta OR Building an Awareness of Cultural Humility course offered by the University of Saskatchewan will meet the prerequisite requirement for the 2024 application cycle. Please note that the above-mentioned courses may have limited start dates and a formal certificate confirming successful completion will be required.
UAA: For the 2024-2025 application cycle, applicants will no longer receive the removal of approximately 10% of their lowest course grades when the UAA is calculated at the time of application. The UAA will be calculated as outlined in the Applicant Information Document, however all grades within the credit units used for the calculation (90-120 CU) will be considered. Please review the Applicant Information Document for more information.
Graduate degrees: Applicants who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or have completed a graduate program, will have graduate grades included if they fall within the most recent 120 CU used for the UAA calculation. If the graduate grades are included in the UAA calculation, applicants will receive a percentage grade augmentation depending on the status and level (Masters or PhD) of their graduate degree at application. Applicants must be currently enrolled in the graduate program or have completed the graduate degree to get the augmentation of their percentage. Applicants who have completed multiple graduate programs will have the augmentation applied at the highest rate applicable but will not receive more than one augmentation to their UAA. The augmentation will be completed during file review at the time of application.
The augmentation of the percentage will be applied as outlined below:
- Currently enrolled in a graduate program with a minimum of 6 CU completed – 2% augmentation
- Completed Masters program – 3% augmentation
- Completed PhD program – 4% augmentation
Online/Distance Education: A maximum of 60 CU of distance education (online courses) will be allowed in the UAA calculation. Undergraduate degrees obtained by taking entirely distance education classes will not be accepted. Graduate degrees obtained by taking entirely distance education classes will be accepted only if the applicant has a completed undergraduate degree that meets our minimum UAA requirement.
Applicant Information Document
The Unofficial Guide to Canadian Medical School is general advice for applicants about the medical admissions process.
The application window for the 2024 Application Cycle (for 2025 entry) is now closed. The application will open for the 2025 Application Cycle (for 2026 entry) in August 2025.
For students interested in applying, it is highly recommended that you read the full Applicant Information Document linked below prior to submitting an application to the College. This document is updated on July 1, to reflect any changes for the upcoming application cycle.
About The UGME Program
The undergraduate medical education (UGME) program is a fully accredited four-year program leading to the Medical Doctor (MD) degree. The USask College of Medicine benefits from over 40 small and large learning sites across the province. Students can study at the major campuses in Saskatoon and Regina for Pre-Clerkship (Year 1 and 2) medical students. Regional learning opportunities are available to Clerkship (Year 3 and 4) medical students in Prince Albert and other learning sites through the Saskatchewan Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (SLIC) program.
Visit the Undergraduate Medical Education program page or our Regina Campus page for more information.
Program Summary
The Undergraduate Medical Education program is composed of four overarching content areas.
Medical school is an intense and complex journey with many challenging transitions throughout. Many students have expressed the need to have specific supports in place to help manage the transition into medical school and the medical profession in general. The purpose of this course is to provide students with information, experiences, and tools that will help them to be successful in all aspects of medical school from a personal, academic, and professional perspective. By having dedicated space in the curriculum for Success in Medicine, we can provide these elements in a developmental and timely fashion. Topics and experiences include: basic orientation to the MD program, wellness, career advising and mentoring, professionalism, and shadowing.
Completion of this course will contribute to attaining elements of the overall undergraduate program objectives (Program Learning Objectives).
This course, Introduction to Patients, Health, and Medicine, is the first of four courses in the Medicine and Society series (followed by Population Health and Preventative Medicine; Meeting Patient Needs through the Health Care System; and Physician Roles and Leadership). In this course, students explore concepts of the biopsychosocial model, health and illness, patient- and family-centered care (PFCC), Indigenous health and healing, culture, life course, resilience, physician roles and ethics.
Completion of this course will contribute to attaining elements of the overall undergraduate program objectives (Program Learning Objectives).
Learning in Clinical Skills I is designed to assist the student in developing fundamental clinical skills upon which they will build throughout their professional lives. Interviewing, communication skills, basic physical examination skills, and foundations of clinical reasoning are the focus of the course. The development of effective and caring relationships with patients is fundamental to success in this course and all future clinical experiences. In addition, concepts around interprofessional collaboration and procedural skills are also introduced in this course.
Completion of this course will contribute to attaining elements of the overall undergraduate program objectives (Program Learning Objectives).
Foundations of Clinical Medicine is a series of four courses that allow medical students to learn and apply knowledge towards the care of people with common and/or urgent medical conditions. Each of the Foundations of Clinical Medicine courses include curricular components surrounding different systems in the body (e.g. Hematology/Oncology, Endocrine/Metabolism, Gastrointestinal, Respiratory, Cardiovascular, etc.).
Completion of this course will help you attain elements of your overall undergraduate program objectives (Program Learning Objectives).
MD Program Admission Requirements
Admission to the USask College of Medicine's MD program requires a mixture of academic and non-academic requirements with considerations given to DSAAP and Saskatchewan Connectedness Index scores. Below is a summary of the criteria that is required for admission to the MD program, however, applicants must review the Applicant Information Document for a complete understanding of how these requirements are looked at during their application. The Applicant Information Document is the official source of admission requirements, policies and procedures.
Applicants must review the Applicant Information Document for a complete understanding of how these requirements are looked at during their application. The Applicant Information Document is the official source of admission requirements, policies and procedures.
MCAT: All applicants must complete the MCAT to apply for admission to the MD program. To prepare for the MCAT and to ensure readiness for the concepts covered in the first two years of the undergraduate medical curriculum, applicants are strongly encouraged to complete equivalent/similar courses in the following: Introductory level biochemistry, chemistry, biology, physics, statistics, sociology, and psychology.
Four-Year Bachelor’s Degree or Professional Program Degree: Applicants must complete (or have previously been awarded) a four-year bachelor’s degree (in any subject area) or a professional program degree (non-direct entry) prior to entry into Medicine (all degree requirements must be completed by April 30th of the year of entry).
Undergraduate Academic Average (UAA): Applicants must have a minimum University Academic Average (UAA) of 80% to apply.
Indigenous Studies prerequisite: By the application deadline, applicants will be required to have successfully completed an approved Indigenous Studies prerequisite course. For the course to be considered towards meeting this requirement, the course must be listed on our approved list of courses.
Applicants must review the Applicant Information Document for a complete understanding of how these requirements are looked at during their application. The Applicant Information Document is the official source of admission requirements, policies and procedures.
Casper: All applicants must complete an online assessment, Casper, to be eligible for admission. Casper is an online situational judgment test that assesses numerous personal and professional characteristics.
Written Personal Statements: All applicants are required to submit written personal statements. The instructions and questions will be available as a supplemental item ONLY once an application is submitted.
Applicants must review the Applicant Information Document for a complete understanding of how these requirements are looked at during their application. The Applicant Information Document is the official source of admission requirements, policies and procedures.
Virtual MMI and panel interview/conversation circle: The Casper score, MCAT score (including section scores), UAA, written submissions, DSAAP index, and Saskatchewan connectedness index could be used to determine if applicants will receive an MMI offer.
The panel interview/conversation circle process will be conducted following the MMI, with the goal of getting to know our applicants better and to further assess communication and emotional intelligence competencies. The performance on the MMI will determine who will be invited to the panel interview/conversation circle.
Joint Degree Programs
The Edwards School of Business and the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan have implemented a five-year program of study whereby an individual accepted into Medicine may also undertake a one-year MBA program. Up to two students a year, who are accepted to do both degrees, will be allowed a one year deferral to Medicine to complete the coursework for the MBA. Financial supports may be available to complete the MBA portion of this dual degree program.
You must first be accepted into Medicine before you will be considered for admittance into the MD/MBA dual degree program.
Admissions Information Session
The MD program admissions presentation will allow you to learn about changes to the admissions process from members of the UGME office and medical students. This session provides admissions information for entry in fall 2025.
Admissions Statistics
The College of Medicine is pleased to share Admissions Statistics for the Class of 2028! This document provides a snapshot of each stage of the admissions process: from applicant cohort at the time of application, to the final accepted class with separate breakdowns of each key learning site.
PrairieMD Program
Starting in fall 2024, the USask College of Medicine is introducing a new high school outreach program called PrairieMD!
PrairieMD is a student-driven presentation that will allow high school students to hear a medical student’s journey into the MD program, the process of applying to medical school, and learn about career opportunities working in medicine. Current USask medical students and high school teachers/counsellors are encouraged to complete their respective registration forms below to begin the planning process for their PrairieMD presentation.
If you have questions about the PrairieMD program or would like clarification on elements of the registration forms, please email the USask College of Medicine's Recruitment Coordinator,
NOTE: The PrairieMD program is only available for high schools in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity
Through the pathway, Métis, Inuit, and First Nations people can apply for admission to the Medical Doctor (MD) program of study. Up to twenty seats in the MD degree program each year are specifically designated for Métis, Inuit and First Nations people.
The University of Saskatchewan's (USask) College of Medicine recognizes the need for greater diversity within the medical profession to address healthcare disparities and better serve diverse patient populations. To actively promote health equity, the college will be introducing an optional Black Student Admissions Pathway (BSAP) designed to increase representation of Black students within our medical school.
The BSAP pathway will be introduced in the 2025 application cycle (for entry in 2026). More information regarding the BSAP pathway will be made available ahead of the 2025 application cycle.
All assessors/interviewers that participate in the MMI or panel interview/conversation circle processes undergo training for Unconscious Bias in Interviews. Further to this, panel interview/conversation circle interviewers undergo training for the development of Conversational Interview skills.
Student Supports
Below are some of the awards and programs available to support students interested in applying to the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan.
These awards are open to continuing (beyond first year of a degree program) Indigenous students registered in a minimum of 24 credit units (September-April) working towards a bachelor’s degree in a bona fide four-year bachelor’s degree program OR are enrolled in a full-time graduate program at an accredited Saskatchewan degree granting institution.
The Price of a Dream (POD) program was developed by the National POD Team alongside the AFMC and participating universities to address the personal and systemic financial barriers individuals face when applying to medical school. The $150 application fee and the $75 interview fee associated with a medical school application are waived through the POD program for successful applicants for the upcoming application cycle to the USask College of Medicine!
The application portal is now closed. Please watch for communications regarding the portal's opening for the 2025/2026 application cycle.
The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the Association of Faculties of Medicine in Canada (AFMC) provide a fee assistance program for Canadian examinees who register for the MCAT during the 2024 testing year. Canadian examinees who are eligible and qualify, will receive reduced scheduling, rescheduling, and cancellation rates.
Admissions Decision Appeal
Applicants will have five business days from the date a negative application decision is emailed to launch an appeal of that decision.
The Admissions Appeal Committee will review and decide upon applicant appeals of decisions made by the Admissions Committee. If you appeal, your appeal must include the completed and signed Admissions Decision Appeal Form. This form and any supporting documentation must be submitted to the Chair of the Admissions Appeal Committee by email to on or before the 5-business day deadline.
Can I book an appointment to meet with an advisor? No, we do not take appointments nor do we offer advising. All communication with the Admissions Office must be done via email.
What is the application deadline? October 1, 2025.
When does the application open? The online application opens in early August.
Are non-academic activities considered? No, a record of volunteer activities is not considered. However, a supervisor from a volunteer experience can be used as one of your references.
Do you accept International students? No, applicants must have lived in Canada for at least three years prior to August 1 of the year in which admission is being sought and must be a Canadian citizen or have Permanent Resident status by the application deadline.
Can I transfer into the MD program from another medical school? The College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan does not accept students wishing to transfer from another medical school into our program.
A Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada currently enrolled in another medical school who wishes to attend the College of Medicine MUST apply through the regular admissions process. Our admissions requirements and policies can be found in the Applicant Information document.
In compliance with the university-level Articulation and Transfer Credit Policy, the College of Medicine reserves the right to approve or deny requests for transfer credit or advanced standing in the Undergraduate Medical Education program (see Requests for transfer credit or advanced standing will only be considered on a case-by-case basis post-admission to the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program at the University of Saskatchewan. The process to determine transfer credit(s) may result in a cost incurred by the student.
Which degree should I get to be eligible to apply for Medicine or which degree looks best on an application? Any four-year bachelor's degree from an accredited degree-granting institution will be accepted. No degree holds more weight than another.
How is a withdrawn course on my transcript treated? A withdrawn course noted on a transcript has no bearing on an application.
What prerequisite courses do I need to take? There are no high school prerequisite courses required for admission to the MD program. Beginning in the 2024 application cycle (for 2025 admission), applicants must have an Indigenous Studies prerequisite course completed.
How is a repeated course calculated? An initial course and a repeated course will both be counted if they fall within the courses used to calculate the UAA (see Applicant Information Document).
Are summer courses counted? It does not matter what time of year courses are taken as long as the degree is awarded in the required timeframe as outlined in the Applicant Information Document.
Do you accept online courses? A maximum of 60 CU of distance education (online courses) will be allowed in the UAA calculation. Undergraduate degrees obtained by taking entirely distance education classes will not be accepted. Graduate degrees obtained by taking entirely distance education classes will be accepted only if the applicant has a completed undergraduate degree that meets our minimum UAA requirement.
Will my UAA be rounded up? We round to two decimal places. (Example: 89.23795% will be rounded to 89.24%)
What if my school uses letter grading? Calculation of the university academic average (UAA) is done in percentages (%). Where transcripts have results other than %, conversion to % will be done. For more information go to our Conversion Scale.
Do I need to carry a full course load? Applicants are highly encouraged to take a full course load (30 CU) for at least one year within the last three years of study to demonstrate their ability to withstand the rigors of our medical program.
If I take extra classes to increase my average will they count towards my UAA? Courses taken after the awarding of a degree will not count towards your UAA unless they result in an additional degree being awarded prior to application.
Do you accept WES or IQAS evaluations? No.
Are Tempo Learning degrees accepted? Degrees obtained through Tempo Learning will not be considered.
Are pass/fail courses considered in the UAA calculation? Up to 60 credit units of pass/fail courses will be considered. See Applicant Information Document for more details.
Are graduate programs considered? Yes, applicants who are currently enrolled in a graduate program or have completed a graduate program, will have graduate grades included if they fall within the most recent 120 CU used for the UAA calculation. If the graduate grades are included in the UAA calculation, applicants will receive a percentage grade augmentation depending on the status and level (Master’s or PhD) of their graduate degree at application. Please see the Applicant Information Document for more details.
Will my foreign degree be acceptable? Any inquiry pertaining to the review and evaluation of a foreign transcript (not including American institutions) must be accompanied by a valid MCAT result (test written no earlier than January 2020). The review may take weeks to process so the transcripts must be received at least two months prior to the application deadline.
How will the new UAA be calculated? For the upcoming application cycle, 2024-2025, applicants will no longer receive the removal of approximately 10% of their lowest course grades when the UAA is calculated at the time of application. Please see the Applicant Information Document for a complete breakdown of how UAA will be calculated.
Can I apply if I am new to Canada or if I do not live in Canada? Applicants must have lived in Canada for at least three years prior to August 1 of the year in which admission is being sought. All applicants must be a Canadian citizen or have Permanent Resident status by the application deadline.
How long do I have to live in Saskatchewan to be considered a Saskatchewan resident? An applicant’s connection to Saskatchewan and rural communities will be assessed through a Saskatchewan connectedness index based on demographic factors linked to future Saskatchewan-based practice.
We welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds. In order to do this, we will request information from our applicants that allow us to learn more about how your lived experiences have impacted your ability to enter medical school. We believe in equity, diversity, and inclusivity and will strive to have a medical school class that is reflective of the socio-economic cultural diversity of the province.
No further information on the index will be given. Please see the Applicant Information document.
Will I be considered a Saskatchewan resident if I went to high school in Saskatchewan, but left the province for university? An applicant’s connection to Saskatchewan and rural communities will be assessed through a Saskatchewan connectedness index based on demographic factors linked to future Saskatchewan-based practice. No further information on the index will be given. Please see the Applicant Information document.
What Indigenous Studies information am I required to provide on my application? Applicants will be required to enter the course information (institution, course number, course name, start date, and completion date) on their application.
When do I need to have my Indigenous Studies prerequisite completed by? As the successful completion of an approved course will be a condition of any offer of admission, applicants must have successfully completed the approved course by April 30, 2025. If the condition is not met, the offer of admission will be revoked.
How do I know if my Indigenous Studies course is valid? The course must be listed on our approved list of courses. If an applicant has already completed or has plans to take a course that is not on the list, they need to email clearly outlining course details (institution, course number, course description, start date, and a link to the course syllabus) prior to the application deadline to ensure approval of the course.
What do I do if I have already completed my degree? For applicants that have completed their undergraduate degree and are enrolled in a graduate program or are not attending a post-secondary institution, a certificate of successful completion from the Indigenous Canada course offered by the University of Alberta OR Building an Awareness of Cultural Humility course offered by the University of Saskatchewan will meet the prerequisite requirement for the 2024 application cycle. Please note that the above-mentioned courses may have limited start dates and a formal certificate confirming successful completion will be required.
What is the last MCAT testing date you will accept? The last available writing of the MCAT for application in 2025 for entry 2026 is August 29, 2025. An MCAT test taken after August 29, 2025 will not be considered. You must request that all of your MCAT results be released electronically, specifically to the University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine via the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) MCAT Test Site. MCAT scores must be released to the USask College of Medicine between August 1, 2025 and October 1, 2025. MCAT results released through the AAMC Test Site outside of the specified window will not be considered.
What is the earliest accepted MCAT test scores you will accept? The earliest accepted scores for application in 2025, for entry in 2026, are from January 2021.
What is the minimum MCAT score requirement? The following scoring requirements have come into effect for the upcoming application cycle (2025 application for 2026 admission to the USask MD Program).
- minimum required score will be a total score of 492 with minimum section scores of 123 in all sections, except one section may be 122
- earliest MCAT writing accepted is January 1, 2021
- latest MCAT writing accepted is August 29, 2025
- the best score at one sitting will be considered
If I have written more than one MCAT, which score is used? We will use the best score at one sitting
Do I have to take the Casper test? Yes, this is a requirement that all applicants must complete in order for their application to be considered.
How is the Casper score used in the application process? The score is used as one of the criteria to determine if an applicant will receive an interview offer.
What is the deadline to take the Casper test for application to the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine? Once the test dates and score distribution deadlines have been set for an application to the University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine, the information will be available on the website.
Will the office confirm with me when they have received my transcripts? No, you must upload a copy of your official transcript(s) to your application. You will be notified through your application when official transcripts are required to be sent.
Do I need to submit a transcript from a foreign school even if I only attended one semester there? Yes, you must upload a copy of your official transcript(s) from every institution you have ever attended to your application. You will be notified through your application when official transcripts are required to be sent.
If I received transfer credits on a transcript from another institution I attended, do I still need to submit the transcript for the institution I was granted transfer credit for? Yes.
Do applicants who re-apply need to submit transcripts again? Yes, all transcripts (other than USask transcripts) will need to be uploaded to the application system each new application cycle.
After I submit my application, can I log back in to make changes? No, once you have submitted the application you cannot log back in and make any changes. Any changes to the information you have provided in your application will need to be emailed to the Admissions Office at
How can I upload my documents? Once you have submitted your application and paid the application fee, you can then log back into your account to upload your required documents in the Supplemental Items section.
What do I do if I lost/forgot my password and am unable to log in to complete my application? Follow the prompts on the application site for login issues.
How will the Admissions Office communicate with me throughout the application cycle? All communication from the Admissions Office will be sent via email.
Do my referees need to submit a letter? No, we do not accept reference letters.
Will the Admissions Office approve my referees prior to submitting them? No, we will not confirm suitability of specific referees. It is up to the applicant to determine which referees would be most appropriate based on the criteria we have outlined in the Applicant Information Document.
When will my references be contacted? In February/March an email will be sent to referees to schedule a 10 minute phone call during the months of March/April.
Will all three of my references be called? The number of references contacted is at the discretion of the Admissions Office.
Contact Us
Box 17, Health Sciences Building
University of Saskatchewan
107 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon
SK, S7N 5E5