College of Medicine

Otolaryngology Faculty

Dr. Tineyl Chikukwa MB-ChB, FCSSA
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Dr. Dieter Fritz MD, FRCPC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Picture of Dr. Paul Mick

Dr. Paul Mick MD, FRCSC, MPH
Associate Professor, Otolaryngology (Adult & Pediatric)

Picture of Dr. Russell Murphy

Dr. Russell Murphy BSc, MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Saskatoon) & Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Dr. Russell Murphy is the current Head of the Division of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery in the Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.

Dr. Lalenthra Naidoo MB-BCh, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology (Pediatric)

Dr. Mark Ogrady MD, FRCSC
Division Lead (Regina) & Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Dr. Lenny (Poogendren) Pillay MB-ChB
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology

Dr. Palak Suryavanshi MD, FRCSC
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology