Dr. Paul Lee BSc, MSc, PhD, BE
Assistant Professor Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology- Address
- Office: 4D01.3 HLTH
Research Area(s)
- Gene Therapy for Long Term Myocardial Protection
- Hypertension
- Atherosclerosis
- Oxidative stress
- Hyperhomoysteinemia
University of Saskatchewan
- B.E. Chemical Engineering
- B.Sc. Physiology
- M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering
- Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering
Teaching Interests
- General Physiology and Cardiovascular Physiology
Current and Active Research Funding
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Saskatchewan – Hyperhomocysteinemia & Hypertension
Selected Publications
Refereed Papers
- Tiwari S, Mishra M, Jadhav A, Gerger C, Lee P, Weber L, Ndisang JF. 2013. The risk of heart failure and cardiometabolic complications in obesity may be masked by an apparent healthy status of normal blood glucose. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2013:253657
- Jadhav A, Tiwari S, Lee P, Ndisang JF. 2013. The heme oxygenase system selectively enhances the anti-inflammatory macrophage-M2 phenotype, reduces pericardial adiposity, and ameliorated cardiac injury in diabetic cardiomyopathy in Zucker diabetic fatty rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 345(2):239-49.
- Senanayake GV, Banigesh A, Wu L, Lee P, Juurlink BH. The dietary phase 2 protein inducer sulforaphane can normalize the kidney epigenome and improve blood pressure in hypertensive rats. Am J Hypertens. 25(2):229-35.
- Prasad K, Lee P. 2007. Suppression of hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis by pentoxifylline and its mechanism. Atherosclerosis. 2007 Jun;192(2):313-22. Epub 2006 Sep 11.
- Lee P and Prasad K. 2003. Suppression of oxidative stress as a reduction of hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis by cyclooxygenase inhibitor. Int J Angiol 12:13-23.
- Lee P and Prasad K. 2003. Effects of flaxseed oil on serum lipids and atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic rabbits. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Therapeut 8:227-235.
- Prasad K and Lee P. 2003. Suppression of oxidative stress as a mechanism of reduction of hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis by aspirin. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Therapeut 8:61-69.
- Prasad K and Lee P. 2002. Role of oxyradicals in the pathophysiology of hemorrhagic shock. Int J Angiol 11:113-128.
- Lee P and Prasad K. 2002. Hyperhomocysteinemia and venous thrombosis. Int J Lower Extremity Wounds 1:4-12.
Book Chapters
- Lee P, Qureshi M and Prasad K. Cardiovascular dysfunction and cellular injury: Role of Antioxidants. In: Antioxidants and Cardiovascular Disease. Khullar M, Nath R and Singal PK, (Eds.). Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India. 2004: pp 143-149.
- Lee P and Prasad K. Oxyradicals and hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis. In: Atherosclerosis, Hypertension and Diabetes. Pierce GN, Nagano M, Zahradka P and Dhalla NS, (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA. 2003: pp 63-69.
- Lee P and Prasad K. Antioxidants in the prevention of hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis. In: Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the New Millenium. Gupta SK, (Ed.). Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 2001: pp 272-276.