College of Medicine

Rheumatology Faculty

Rheumatology - Saskatoon

Picture of Dr. Keltie Anderson

Dr. Keltie Anderson MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Regan Arendse

Dr. Regan Arendse MB-ChB, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Adult Rheumatology

Dr. Ambreen Khan MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Latha Naik

Dr. Latha Naik MBBS, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Adult Rheumatology

Clinical Assistant Professor

Picture of Dr. Sarah Oberholtzer

Dr. Sarah Oberholtzer MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Wojciech Olszynski

Dr. Wojciech Olszynski MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Adult Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Patrice Pollock

Dr. Patrice Pollock MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor Adult Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Jodie Reis

Dr. Jodie Reis MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Adult Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Vanessa Rininsland

Dr. Vanessa Rininsland MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Margaret Truchan

Dr. Margaret Truchan MD, FRCPC, EEFMG, LMCC
Clinical Associate Professor Adult Rheumatology

Rheumatology - Regina

Picture of Dr. Nicole Fahlman

Dr. Nicole Fahlman MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Cairistin McDougall MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Dr. Robert S. McDougall MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor Rheumatology

Picture of Dr. Ardyth Milne

Dr. Ardyth Milne MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology, Division Head - Rheumatology - Regina

Dr. Zachary Wolfmueller MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor Rheumatology

Rheumatology-Moose Jaw