Procedures and Guidelines

Writing Prescriptions

Categories: supervision PGME


Medical Residents must be aware of the minimum standards for issuing prescriptions. 

Scope of this Policy

This policy applies to all Residents enrolled in residency training programs at the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.

The policy relies on the minimum standards for written and verbal medication prescriptions issued by physicians as outlined in The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan Regulatory Bylaws pursuant to The Medical Profession Act 1981.


Residents must know and follow minimum standards for writing narcotic/controlled substance prescriptions. This information should be taught in the context of the educational program. If not, Residents must familiarize themselves with the requirements before issuing any prescriptions.

In addition to standards, required documentation on each narcotic prescription must include:

a)      Resident’s legibly printed name and training level, along with the signature on all narcotic prescriptions.

b)      Name of the faculty on whose behalf the prescription is written (fully registered physician who is their supervisor in respect to that specific physician/patient interaction).

Appropriate documentation must be placed in the patient’s file. This must include the drug, dose and amount of drug prescribed. This may be done by placing a photocopy of the prescription in the patient’s file, or by transcribing the information into the file.

Appropriate documentation must be provided to the attending physician. This may be done by providing a photocopy or written transcription of the information.

Residents must be aware of any departmental/training program policies pertaining to their program and when working as off-service rotations, any policies governing host department/program.

Residents shall not write narcotic prescriptions for any relative, friend or individual with whom they have a non-patient/physician relationship.


Instances or concerns of non-compliance with this policy should be brought to the attention of the Associate Dean, PGME.

In case of non-compliance, Resident may be subject to procedures pursuant to The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan Regulatory Bylaws, and/or PGME procedures for unethical and unprofessional behavior.


Coordinator, Academic and Non-academic Processes, PGME Office  

Phone: 306-966-6145