Procedures and Guidelines

Immunization and Serology Requirements for Medical Students

Categories: Immunizations faculty Admission Forms UGME

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General information

  • University of Saskatchewan Health Sciences students are required to provide proof of immunizations, as part of our Clinical Placement Agreement. The University of Saskatchewan requires that all students attending a Health Science College provide documented proof of immunization
  • Completion of immunizations is required for Clinical Placements. Students who do not complete recommended immunization(s) must meet with the Associate Dean (or designate), sign a waiver and may be excluded from some clinical areas and out of province electives during clerkship or Pre-Clerkship clinical experiences. Please see the  SHA immunization waiver and the Clinical Placement Agreement – Schedule E for more details.  For certain vaccinations, exemption from immunization is only allowed for students with approved accommodations through Access and Equity Services.
  • Completion of the immunization requirements is the responsibility of the student as well as any associated costs. Most immunizations are covered by your Provincial Health card.
  • CONSENT: Immunization records and/or serology results will be shared with your college and clinical placements throughout your studies as required – this is to ensure your safety and the safety of your patients. You are required to sign an immunization consent form to authorize sharing of this information.

Immunization instructions for students entering Year 1

  1. Review the Specific Immunization Requirements (see below). The requirements align with the requirements you will have when you participate in clinical electives through the AFMC Student Portal.
  2. Locate your childhood and adult immunization records. If you do not have these records, contact your Public Health Unit or Family Doctor.
  3. Set up an appointment with Student Wellness — Locate your childhood and adult immunization records. If you do not have these records, contact your Public Health Unit or Family Doctor. Students are required to and submit immunization records and signed immunization consent form to prior to their first appointment. Note that Student Wellness can provide remote appointments. 

Student Wellness Place Riel Student Centre, 4th Floor University of Saskatchewan 1 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A3

For appointments or immunization review inquiries: (306) 966-5768.

For any questions regarding immunizations records please contact

Student Wellness Centre is in Saskatoon and will begin to work virtually with students starting their program in Regina and early in term one the team will travel  to Regina for final reviews of immunization records and perform the necessary serology testing

You may choose to see your Family Physician to begin and/or complete your immunization review, but you are still required to have an appointment with Student Health Services to ensure all requirements have been met

  1. You will have your Two Step Tuberculin skin test (TST) at your first visit at Student Health. The TST is completed over 4 visits.
  2. Sign the consent and bring it with you to your first appointment
  3. The deadline for completion of immunizations is September 28th, 2024. The Wellness Centre will provide you with a completed immunization record. You must submit your record to the UGME:
  4. Completion of immunizations is an expectation under the Clinical Placement Agreement between the University of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA). Any student who is not able to complete recommended and required immunizations, or chooses not to receive those immunizations, should contact the Associate Dean, UGME to discuss, and must complete, sign and submit the SHA Immunization Waiver to the Associate Dean UGME after that discussion.

Specific immunization requirements

Recommended Immunizations:


  • Immunization for COVID-19 is strongly recommended due to MD program learning activities resulting in a potentially elevated risk of COVID-19 transmission.
  • For certain clinical learning activities and clerkship electives, students who do not have COVID-19 vaccination may not be able to participate.


  • Influenza immunization is strongly recommended.
  • Clinical clerks are offered influenza immunization through the SHA, as part of employee campaigns. The UGME offices in Saskatoon and Regina contact students with respect to these clinics, which are organized by Occupational Health and Safety units at both the Royal University Hospital (Saskatoon) and Regina General Hospital (Regina).
  • In the event of influenza or other outbreak, any unvaccinated or non-immune student will be excluded from the outbreak area and will not be allowed to return until the SHA has determined it is safe to do so.

Required Vaccinations:

Measles, mumps, rubella

  • Documented proof of vaccination with 2 doses of measles, mumps and rubella


  • Primary series and Tdap or Tdap – Pertussis booster given at 18 years or older.


  • Primary series, booster if travelling in endemic areas

Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td)

  • Primary series of 3-5 doses, then a booster every 10 years

Serology Testing:

Hepatitis B

  • Immunizations: documentation of a Hepatitis B immunizations series is required for all students
  • Serology: both anti-HBs (hepatitis B surface antibody) and HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen) are required. Hep B serology is tested annually unless they have been confirmed immune to HBV or unless required to be done earlier pursuant to a blood or body fluid exposure protocol
  • For any students not confirmed immune to Hepatitis B, annual serology will be required

Hepatitis C

  • HCV serology (Hep C Ab) is required for all students (Documentation of serology is required within 1st year and again end of 3rd year)


  • HIV serology is required for all students (Documentation of serology is required within 1st year and again end of 3rd year)

Tuberculin skin test (TST)

  • A Two Step Tuberculin skin test is required in your first year of study, a follow up TST may be required depending on medical elective requirements and/or clinical exposure
  • If there is a history of a positive Tuberculin skin test, a Chest XR is required

Varicella (Chickenpox)

  • Serological evidence of immunity (please attach) OR proof of two doses of varicella vaccination