Procedures and Guidelines

Clinical Re-orientation Course

Categories: clinical re-orientation ugme

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XMED 003 Clinical Re-orientation is a non-mandatory course which will allow students who have had an extended time away from the Undergraduate Medical Education Program for academic, educational or medical reasons an opportunity to participate in clinical sessions in order to refresh clinical skills and re­orient to clinical environments prior to returning to the program. Participation in this course will be part of the students’ return to study Learning Plan, which will be developed in association with the Office of Student Affairs. The students will work directly with faculty preceptors and will be supervised at all times. They will participate in interviewing, physical examinations and potentially management discussions (appropriate to their level of training). The expectation is that the faculty preceptors will provide verbal feedback and brief written feedback to the student and UGME Program to help the student improve their skills. This course has no associated academic credit, and completion of the course will not appear on the student’s transcript.

Consent for Participation

Students and preceptors participating in this course will be required to complete a consent form, which should be forwarded to Sherry Pederson (


In order to provide feedback to the student regarding their performance and to identify strengths and weaknesses, Formative Assessment Forms will be completed after clinical sessions. Formative ITER Forms will be completed at a minimum at the end of the course. The Formative ITER Form(s) will be important to inform the student and the UGME Program of areas where the student may have difficulty and allow for further support following return to the Program. Preceptors will complete a daily Formative Assessment Form. For those students who will participate in only a few sessions an end of course Formative ITER Form will be completed. For those students who have a longer period of preceptor involvement, a weekly Formative ITER Form and an end of course Formative ITER Form will be completed. All assessment forms should be sent to Administrative staff at home site and will be shared with appropriate Year Chair/Site Coordinator In a timely fashion.

Students who participate in this course are expected to adhere to professionalism guidelines as delineated in the Procedures for Concerns with Medical Student Professional Behaviors. It is anticipated that lapses in professional behavior will be reported to the Year Chair.

Students who experience concerns when working with their preceptor are encouraged to please contact the Office of Student Affairs, the Associate Dean Undergraduate Medical Education or the Academic Director.


Students will pay part time student fees, on campus for Saskatoon based students and off campus for all others.

  • On campus fees: Spring and Summer are a $73.92/term and regular term are $195.90.
  • Off campus fees: Spring and Summer are $14.65/term and regular term are $29.30.

Health and Dental Plans Fees

Students participating in XMED 003 are considered part-time students and as such are not automatically enrolled in the USSU Health and Dental Plan. Students can access this plan through self-enrollment. Please consult the University of Saskatchewan Students' Union website for further information and enrollment deadlines.


Email with dates and she will work with SESD to ensure students are registered in appropriate terms.