Graduate Studies


Office of the Vice-Dean Research

Dr. Marek Radomski

The Vice-Dean, Research is the senior leader in the College for all research-related matters and provides vision and leadership for the development and implementation of a comprehensive, integrated research plan for the College of Medicine.

Dr. Erique Lukong

The Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies is responsible for the strategic and academic leadership of learning, teaching and the graduate student experience in the College of Medicine.

Ally Wiegers

The Graduate Program Coordinator supports the Assistant Dean Graduate Studies in setting the strategic direction of the graduate programs and developing and facilitating the funding initiatives related to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the College of Medicine.

College of Medicine Departments

Anatomy, Physiology, & Pharmacology

Interim Department Head: Dr. Thomas Fisher

Grad Co-Chairs: Dr. Brian Eames and Dr. Scott Widenmaier

Grad Administrator: Melissa Teed

Grad Chair Anatomy and Cell Biology (Legacy Program): Dr. Brian Eames

Grad Chair Physiology (Legacy Program): Dr. Scott Widenmaier

Grad Chair Pharmacology (Legacy Program): Dr. Kaushik Desai

Biochemistry, Microbiology, & Immunology

Department Head: Dr. Linda Chelico

Grad Co-Chairs: Dr. Scot Stone

Grad Administrator: Barb Stuckless

Community Health & Epidemiology

Department Head: Dr. Sylvia Abonyi

Grad Chair: Dr. Nazeem Muhajarine

Grad Administrator: Stephanie Kehrig