B1.3: CT Scanner Proximity and Decision Times in Trauma + Time to Final Radiology Report: A comparison of RUH and JCPH
Megan Spafford, Analise Kudryk, N. Sothilingham
Decision making in a trauma patient often relies on the CT scan and the CT report. The CT scanner, which was previously located in RUH on a different floor, is now located in the trauma bay. This was a quantitative study looking at the time to decision for level 1 and 2 traumas after their CT scan has been performed, and the time it took to have a final report read by the radiologist. We looked at cases from October 2018 until March 2018 for RUH, and October 2019 until March 2020 for JPCH. The major difference being proximity to scan. Additionally, we are looking at how long it took for radiologists to read reports based on time of day on scan. This project is in progress - the data collection has been completed and the statistician will complete their evaluation this week.