Health Outcomes in Young Children Born to Antenatal COVID-19 Positive Mothers

Mahrukh Masood

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has had a profound impact on global health, with emerging evidence suggesting negative effects on children born to mothers who contracted COVID-19 during pregnancy. This study investigates the health outcomes of these children by focusing on emergency room (ER) visits and hospitalizations as early indicators of potential long-term health challenges.Data from children under two years old were analyzed to assess ER visit frequency, hospitalization rates, and reasons for medical consultations.

Results indicated that 63% of children born to mothers infected in the third trimester visited the ER, compared to 36% from the first and second trimesters. Although not statistically significant, this trend suggests that maternal infection during the third trimester may have a more pronounced impact on children’s health, particularly with respiratory issues, which accounted for 71% of ER visits. Hospitalization rates were highest in children born to mothers infected in the third trimester, with average length of stay highest in the third trimester as well. These findings emphasize the importance of further research on trimester-specific impacts of maternal COVID-19 infection to guide healthcare strategies and interventions for affected children.