From Disadvantage to Innovation: A Health Impact Evaluation of the Benefits of a Free Rural Transportation Service in Northern Saskatchewan

Kenzie Halter

Social factors such as transportation are strong determinants of health. The Kikinahk Friendship Center free bus service in La Ronge is an interesting example of the positive effects transportation can have on one’s health; especially for those living rurally. We interviewed 16 bus riders and 6 bus drivers to learn more about the bus’s functioning, its overall impact on health, and the state of transportation in northern Saskatchewan without the bus. Data analysis thus far has revealed that the bus service had a positive impact on spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental health. Bus users used the bus for various reasons, including but not limited to, attending medical appointments and visiting family. It has provided an alternative to hitchhiking and allowed community members to save money and gain independence. Our data suggests that free transportation in a powerful vehicle for ensuring access to care, improving social participation, and supporting the mobility rights of those rendered the most vulnerable. This is important in the context of policymaking and infrastructure planning, as it has strong potential to prevent illness and disease and keep Saskatchewan’s population healthy.