Dr. Isaac Sobol BA, MD, CCFP, MHSc
Assistant Professor Division of Public Health and Preventive MedicineAbout
The focus of my career has been working in/with/for indigenous Canadian communities. I served for 7 years as the CMOH in Nunavut; am a founding and ongoing member of the Advisory Board of the National Collaborating Centre for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Health. Prior to that time, I was the Director of the Aboriginal Health Residency Program in the Department of Family Medicine in the UBC Faculty of Medicine.
I have supervised medical students and residents in prior employment.
Antioch College, BA (Biology); Queen's University at Kingston, MD 3 year Family Practice Residency, Queen's University; CCFP; UBC, MHSc., completion of Community Medicine residency.
Selected Publications and Presentations
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A) P479L prevalence in live newborns in Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
Collins SA, Sinclair G, McIntosh S, Bamforth F, Thompson R, Sobol I, Osborne G, Corriveau A, Santos M, Hanley B, Greenberg CR, Vallance HD, Arbour L. Mol Genet Metab 2010;101(2-3):200-204.
Food insecurity among Inuit preschoolers: Nunavut Inuit Child Health Survey, 2007-2008.
Egeland GM, Pacey A, Cao Z, Sobol I. CMAJ. 2010 Feb 23;182(3):243-8. Epub 2010 Jan 25.PMID: 20100848
Influenza vaccine use in Nunavut: a brief overview of the uptake rates across the regions.
Steenbeek AA, Sobol I, MacDonald NE. Can J Public Health. 2009 Sep-Oct;100(5):398. No abstract available. PMID: 19994748
Investigation of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a remote northern community, Nunavut, Canada.
Dalloo A, Sobol I, Palacios C, Mulvey M, Gravel D, Panaro L. Can Commun Dis Rep. 2008 May;34(5):1-7. English, French. No abstract available. PMID: 18802983
Initial management of an outbreak of the HTLV-1 virus in Nunavut, Canada.
Sobol I, Palacios C, Osborne G, Hildes J, MacDonald W, Harty A, Sanguya I, Gilbert M. Alaska Med. 2007;49(2 Suppl):204-6.PMID: 17929633
Reporting communicable diseases.
Sobol I. CMAJ. 2006 Feb 14;174(4):500. PMID: 16477069
Residency training: striking a healthy balance.
Sobol I. CMAJ. 1986 Jul 15;135(2):99. PMID: 3719504
Alcoholism in medical school curricula.
Sobol I. Can Med Assoc J. 1984 Feb 15;130(4):340. PMID: 6692220
“Tibetan secrets revealed”
The Medical Post, 19 January, 1999
“Reaching out…to Tibet”
BCMA News, August, 1998
“Who is Delgamuukw and what has he got to do with you?”
BC Medical Journal, Vol. 40, No. 4, April 1998
“The Student Health Service at The University of British Columbia - Current Evaluation and Recommendations for the Future”
April, 1998
“Effectiveness of Coronary Stents: Update”
Savoie I, Kazanjian A., Sobol, I. BC Office of Health Technology Assessment. 1998
Book review, “A Persistent Spirit: Towards Understanding Aboriginal Health in British Columbia”, in Canadian Ethnic Studies, University of Calgary, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, 1996
Aboriginal Public Health Roundtable
3 May, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario
Participant, by invitation of Minister of State for Public Health, Dr. Carolyn Bennett, P.C., M.P., M.D.
14th Annual Pacific Health Forum
Panellist in Opening Panel: “Tools for the New Trade: Planning, Designing, Constructing Health Care in the Future”
21 October, 1996
Richmond, BC
Action for Health, Working Together for Healthier Communities
Administered by the Public Health Association of BC
Keynote Speaker
8 November, 1997
Smithers, BC
National Aboriginal Health Organization Speakers’ Series
28 October, 2010
Ottawa, ON
Presented: “HPV Surveillance in Nunavut”
Enhancing HPV Prevention among Indigenous Populations:International Perspectives on Health and Well-Being Symposium
5 July, 2010
Montreal, Canada
Presented: “HPV Surveillance in Nunavut”
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference
21-23 March, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario
Presented: Collaborative Research for the Indigenous Peoples of the United States and Canada
Our Journey—Past Present and Future
Third Gathering for Aboriginal Health Conference
4-6 October, 2004
Calgary, Alberta
Presented: “University of British Columbia aboriginal health initiatives”
Presentation as private individual to Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care (the “Romanow Commission”)
12 March, 2002
Vancouver, BC
Community Health Sciences Colloquium and Grand Rounds
Faculty of Medicine
15 January, 1999
University of Manitoba
Presented: “Tibet—A ‘First Nation’ In China— Culture, Colonialism, and Medicine”
“Public Forum in Support of Medicare” organized by B.C. Health Coalition
15 October, 1998
Vancouver, BC
Speaker and Panelist