This document deals only with tokens of appreciation and incentives related to teaching and awards. Please refer to Guidelines for Administration of PTH 992 Major Project Funds for information regarding tokens of appreciation and incentives related to research projects (PTH 992 and Faculty Research).
Individuals assisting in the instruction of a class are normally paid an hourly rate and hired either as a casual employee (used for multiple payments) or paid by a Service Income Requisition (used for one time only payments). There may be incidences whereby an individual helping with a class, does not wish to be paid, but the School would like to give a small token of appreciation for services. Cases may also arise whereby the School wishes to acknowledge the work of an unpaid committee member. In these cases, the following choices are available:
1.1 Monetary Gift
A small cash token of appreciation, no greater than $20.00, may be given. The money will be obtained through the Executive Assistant (normally, advance notice of at least a week will be required so the Executive Assistant can ensure that sufficient funds are on hand). When the course coordinator is given the funds to distribute to individuals, they will also be given a form to fill out called the “Appreciation Receipt Form”. The information required on this form is governed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Data needed are: the recipient's name, address, SIN numbers, the amount of the gift, whether the recipient is a current U of S employee, date of the payment, and the recipient's signature. It is the responsibility of the course coordinator to ensure that all the information required on the Appreciation Receipt Form is obtained before distributing the cash appreciation gift. Once the form is complete, it must be returned to the Executive Assistant, no later than the day following payment.
NOTE: In the case of an incomplete or missing Appreciation Receipt Form, the course coordinator will be responsible for obtaining missing information or reimbursing the petty cash fund.
1.2 Non-monetary Gift
1.2.1 A non-monetary gift, no greater than $20.00 in value (before taxes), may be given as a token of appreciation. A course coordinator or committee chair may purchase a gift(s) and be reimbursed by the Executive Assistant via petty cash or cheque. An itemized receipt showing what has been purchased must be submitted to the Executive Assistant in order to receive reimbursement. Failure to submit an itemized receipt will result in the course coordinator or committee chair not being reimbursed.
1.2.2 The course coordinator or committee chair can use a CFOAPAL (university fund) when purchasing a gift from the U of S Bookstore. The CFOAPAL can be obtained from the EA.
1.3 Gift Cards
1.3.1 The course coordinator or committee chair may purchase gift card(s), no greater than $20.00 (except for the Awards Committee which may purchase gift cards at a higher dollar value), out of their own pocket and be reimbursed for their purchase. When the course coordinator or committee chair distributes the gift cards to individuals, they will need to complete the “Appreciation Receipt Form”. The information required on this form is governed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Data needed are: the recipient's name, address, SIN numbers, the amount of the gift, whether the recipient is a current U of S employee, date of the payment, and the recipient's signature. It is the responsibility of the course coordinator or committee chair to ensure that all the information required on the Appreciation Receipt Form is obtained before distributing the gift cards. A complete Appreciation Receipt Form and itemized receipt showing what has been purchased must be provided to the Executive Assistant, within a month of the purchase, in order to be reimbursed.
NOTE: In the case of an incomplete or missing Appreciation Receipt Form, the course coordinator or committee chair will be responsible for obtaining missing information or reimbursing the petty cash fund.
1.3.2 The course coordinator or committee chair can use a CFOAPAL (university fund) when purchasing a gift card from the U of S Bookstore. The CFOAPAL can be obtained from the Executive Assistant. See Section 1.3.1 for the requirements as to the completion of the Appreciation Receipt Form. Copies of the itemized receipt must be submitted to the Executive Assistant by the 15th of the month following the purchase, e.g. item purchased January 3rd submit by February 15th.
1.4 Parking Expenses
Parking expenses do not fall under tokens of appreciation and incentives. There are separate guidelines for parking. See the Executive Assistant for the guidelines.
Please see the Guidelines for Administration of PTH 992 Major Project Funds.