From left, Drs. Patrice Pollock and Matt Schubert in 1986 and present day. (Submitted photos)

Matches Made in Medicine: Drs. Patrice Pollock and Matt Schubert

Matches Made in Medicine is a four-part series highlighting College of Medicine alumni couples, who found love at medical school. Each week in February, a new alumni couple will be showcased.


This week's alumni couple is Drs. Patrice Pollock (MD'89) and Matt Schubert (MD'89).

Do you remember the first time you met?

Our first conservation happened during the first week of first year at a local student pub called MUMPS (Medically United Meeting Place for Students). 

What were your early impressions of each other?

I (Patrice) thought Matt was unusual and that it was unlikely we would become friends. Matt was glad to meet another classmate. I was our class social rep on the Student Medical Society of Saskatchewan (SMSS) and he found my regular announcements before class quite irritating.

How and when did your relationship start?

We did, in fact, become friends but romance bloomed the summer after our second year.

Do you have any fond memories and/or funny stories of being in medical school together?

Our classmates did not believe we were dating each other when we told them we were.

Did you graduate in the same year from the College of Medicine?

We were in the same class – the Class of 1989!

Where did you complete your residencies?

We completed our residencies at the University of Saskatchewan after internships at Saskatoon City Hospital. Matt did obstetrics and gynecology, and I (Patrice) pursued internal medicine followed by rheumatology.

What was the key to your relationship surviving medical school and subsequent residency?

The key to our success was being friends first, our many shared experiences and making each other laugh!

Did you marry? If so, what year?

We married after Matt completed his residency and I (Patrice) was starting my rheumatology fellowship in 1993.

What has been the secret to your relationship success?

We still make each other laugh!

How has being physicians positively impacted your relationship?

We practice in the same office despite our divergent fields. Matt says this makes it very easy for me (Patrice) to give him advice.

Do you have any advice for medical students that may follow down the same path?

Choose wisely!