CPTE program director recognized as provincial leader in physiotherapy
Dr. Stacey Lovo Grona (PhD) was surprised when she learned she was being recognized for her work as program director for Continuing Physical Therapy Education (CPTE).
By Kristen McEwenShe was presented with the Joyce Manton Award for Leadership and Professional Involvement from the Saskatchewan Physiotherapy Association (SPA) during their annual awards ceremony on April 27.
The award recognizes an individual who has shown “outstanding dedication to the profession through their leadership and/or professional involvement.”
“It is the greatest possible professional honour for me,” said Lovo Grona. “To be recognized in Saskatchewan as a leader, among the incredible physical therapy leaders in our province … I was very overwhelmed to hear I had been chosen.”
Lovo Grona said she was with a trusted colleague when she found out she had been selected for the award.
“The award was presented among many of my peers who have mentored me — trusted and respected leaders who I value dearly for their incredible contributions to our profession and to health service in Saskatchewan,” she said.
Among Lovo Grona’s achievements is her key leadership role in helping to establish two online, self-directed Indigenous Wellness courses, one for health professionals and another for administrative staff. The course helps to create a culturally safe environment for Indigenous people in the health system.
Continuing Medical Education Associate Dean Dr. Jim Barton (MD) worked with Lovo Grona to establish the online course. He noted that she worked tirelessly “to keep relationships we have with the Indigenous scholars, individual contributors and Indigenous facilitators.”
“Many leaders forget that they are motivated by passion and the need to translate that passion into a vision and then execute that vision. Stacey does this extremely well,” Barton said.
Dr. Sarah Oosman (PhD), a colleague of Lovo Grona’s in the School of Rehabilitation Science, acknowledged that it was a “tremendous accomplishment, which says a remarkable amount about Stacey’s passion and commitment to supporting the creation of cultural safety in our health system.”
“We cannot emphasize enough how much time [relationship building and community engagement] must have taken, with moderate resources … and over a relatively short period of time,” Oosman said.
School of Rehabilitation Science Associate Dean Dr. Teresa Paslawski (PhD) also commended Lovo Grona on her accomplishment.
“Stacey is an integral member of our School. Her work, including her research and outreach activities, has had a significant positive impact on the community. This award is absolutely well-deserved,” Paslawski said.