Welcome to the School of Rehabilitation Science
A lot has changed in the 50 years since the first class of physical therapists graduated from the University of Saskatchewan back in 1967, with another major change coming in the spring.
By University CommunicationsA lot has changed in the 50 years since the first class of physical therapists graduated from the University of Saskatchewan back in 1967, with another major change coming in the spring.
On May 1, 2018, the School of Physical Therapy in the College of Medicine will be renamed the School of Rehabilitation Science, reflecting research and program advancements in the rapidly growing health-care field.
“Our faculty and students already represent a range of rehabilitation science researchers and scholars, so in one sense the name change is representing what we are doing currently,” said Liz Harrison, associate dean of the school.
“Although U of S physical therapy education and research are absolutely on the map, this name change aligns us with other universities across Canada and the globe, with faculties, school, colleges with the range of rehabilitation science. It opens lots of new doors and opportunities for our faculty, students and community partnerships.”
The name change was approved on May 5 by the school’s faculty council and approved by University Council on Oct. 19, after receiving broad support across campus. The change has also been well received in the provincial health sector, supported by the likes of the Saskatoon Health Region and the Saskatchewan Society of Occupational Therapists, as well as from other U15 institutions including the University of Alberta and McMaster.
To read the full artcile, visit the University of Saskatchewan newsroom.