Annette Pegg poses with Dean Preston Smith and Dallas Fiddler, the president of the Indigenous Student Council at the University of Saskatchewan

CoM students honoured during Aboriginal Achievement Week

Both Annette Pegg and Vincent Niccoli were honoured at the Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre

As part of Aboriginal Achievement week at the University of Saskatchewan, the university honoured a group of student at the Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre on March 2, 2017 - including the CoM's own Annette Pegg and Vincent Niccoli.


Annette Pegg
Award for Leadership
Kawacatoose First Nation

The first university graduate in her family, Annette Pegg received her degree in biochemistry from the University of Regina. She has received numerous scholarships including the FSIN Senator Hilliard McNab Memorial Scholarship and the Indspire Building Brighter Futures Scholarship. In 2016 she entered her first year in the College of Medicine with aspirations of becoming a rural physician.

Annette grew up on Kawacatoose First Nation before moving to Regina. Growing up in poverty, she developed a passion for volunteering and giving back to the community—a path that led her to medicine. Her community work includes coordinating for the North American Indigenous Games and alley clean-ups for the North Central Community Association of Regina for developing a safer community.

Annette currently serves as the Local Officer of Indigenous Health for the Canadian Federation of Medical Students and is a member of the Aboriginal, Rural and Remote Health Group.

Vincent Niccoli
Award for Leadership
Birch Hills

Vincent Niccoli was raised primarily in Birch Hills by his Métis mother. He was taught at an early age the importance of healthy lifestyle habits and their benefits. Throughout his life he has developed a strong interest in the optimization of people’s health and well-being. These values and interests influenced his decision to pursue a career as a medical professional. He obtained a degree in physiology and pharmacology with great distinction, and is now in his fourth year of the MD program.

During his clerkship electives in emergency medicine and family medicine in Prince Albert he developed a passion for serving patients in primary care settings. He hopes to practice as a family physician in rural Saskatchewan, serving a community and the surrounding First Nations.